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Question and Answer

Sergiusz Wolicki

Thanks for the question, Paul.

Asked: August 17, 2017 - 9:22 am UTC

Last updated: August 21, 2017 - 3:52 am UTC

Version: 5.0.3

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I have made an APEX application; the objects are in a separate schema. No grants have been issued to any user.
Nevertheless, APEX (running as user APEX_PUBLIC_USER) can access the objects.
My question is: how?

I do not see any system privileges (like execute any procedure) that enable this.

Some sources (including AskTom questionId 1325202421535) mention that dbms_sys_sql is used to parse statements as another user, but this package is not granted to anybody.

and Connor said...

APEX_PUBLIC_USER is simply your means to get a connected session onto the database.

However, it will do almost all of its work via calls to the routines in the APEX owning schema, eg APEX_050100. Now *that* user has a whole different set of privs :-)

SQL> select * from dba_sys_privs
  2  where grantee = 'APEX_050100';

GRANTEE     PRIVILEGE                                ADM COM INH
----------- ---------------------------------------- --- --- ---
APEX_050100 INHERIT ANY PRIVILEGES                   NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE JOB                               YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE TABLE                             YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 UNLIMITED TABLESPACE                     NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 DROP TABLESPACE                          NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 ALTER SESSION                            NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY                  NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE OPERATOR                          YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE VIEW                              YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE TYPE                              YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE ROLE                              NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE SYNONYM                           YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 ALTER USER                               NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE CLUSTER                           YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE DIMENSION                         YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE TABLESPACE                        NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE TRIGGER                           YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 ALTER DATABASE                           NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM                    NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE USER                              NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE SESSION                           YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE INDEXTYPE                         YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE PROCEDURE                         YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 CREATE SEQUENCE                          YES NO  NO
APEX_050100 DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM                      NO  NO  NO
APEX_050100 DROP USER                                NO  NO  NO

If we throw a trace on a typical APEX session, you can see how this pans out. In my AskTOM session, I see some calls like this:

PARSING IN CURSOR #2365700804328 len=460 dep=1 uid=111 oct=3 lid=111 tim=94078296179 hv=2948261869 ad='7ffd94698958' sqlid='f85v6nurvptzd'

and when I look in DBA_USERS, I'll see that user 111 (uid=111) is APEX_050100. Later in the trace file I'll see things like:

PARSING IN CURSOR #2365700447264 len=79 dep=1 uid=131 oct=47 lid=131 tim=94078425268 hv=30811219 ad='7ffd73aec580' sqlid='d8661xh0xc92m'
begin wwv_flow.g_boolean := not page_brch.question_valid(:P11_QUESTION_ID);

and when I look in DBA_USERS, I'll see that user 131 is ASKTOM (the schema that is registered with this workspace)

By the way, this is a good model for your *own* applications. Have an account that connects to the database, but that account can only access API's published by a more powerfull account that owns the source code, or owns the tables and the source code. That way, no-one *ever* has to login to the database as the schema that owns your tables, and hence reduces risk of error and/or data breaches.


  (2 ratings)

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A reader, August 18, 2017 - 5:13 am UTC

So is it similar to an external connex using say wallet ?
Connor McDonald
August 18, 2017 - 12:53 pm UTC

no. This not about authentication, it is about privileges (ie authorization)

follow up

Paul, August 18, 2017 - 6:44 am UTC

Hi Connor,
thanks for your reply; but it is still not clear to me - which of APEX_050100 privileges allows it to access my schema's objects?
Sergiusz Wolicki
August 21, 2017 - 3:52 am UTC

It is done via a wrapper wwv_dbms_sql, owned by SYS but created by ApEx. ApEx owner has EXECUTE privilege on this package.

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