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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, joyan.

Asked: May 04, 2017 - 8:37 am UTC

Last updated: May 08, 2017 - 9:26 am UTC

Version: 11.0.2

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Hi Team,

I have a requirement to generate audit report on a parent-child table.
We are capturing changes to the tables using trigger. But when I am using the audit tables to reconstruct the history I am getting phantom rows which never existed in history.

Below is a sample use-case.

N.B. - Both parent and child table are candidates for insert, update, delete.

drop table products;
create table products (prod_id number, product_category varchar2(20), product_desc varchar2(20), price number);
drop table AUDIT_PRODUCTS;
create table AUDIT_PRODUCTS (prod_id number, product_category varchar2(20), product_desc varchar2(20), price number, aud_who varchar2(100), aud_when date, aud_operation varchar2(20), aud_module varchar2(20));
drop table transactions;
create table transactions (txn_id number, prod_id number, qty number, txn_date date);
drop table AUDIT_transactions;
create table AUDIT_transactions (txn_id number, prod_id number, qty number, txn_date date, aud_who varchar2(100), aud_when date, aud_operation varchar2(20), aud_module varchar2(20));

create or replace trigger TRG_AUDIT_PRODUCTS
for insert or update or delete on PRODUCTS compound trigger

    type t_row_list is table of AUDIT_PRODUCTS%rowtype index by pls_integer;
    l_audit_rows      t_row_list;
    l_operation varchar2(1) :=
        case when updating then 'U'
             when deleting then 'D'
             else 'I' end;

    procedure insert_logged_so_far is
      forall i in 1 .. l_audit_rows.count
         insert into AUDIT_PRODUCTS
         values l_audit_rows(i);

  before statement is
  end before statement;

  after each row is
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count+1).aud_who     := sys_context('USERENV','SESSION_USER');
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).aud_when      := sysdate;
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).aud_operation := l_operation;
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).aud_module    := sys_context('USERENV','MODULE');

    if updating or inserting then
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).prod_id          := :new.prod_id;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).product_category := :new.product_category;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).product_desc     := :new.product_desc;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).price            := :new.price;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).prod_id          := :old.prod_id;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).product_category := :old.product_category;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).product_desc     := :old.product_desc;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).price            := :old.price;
    end if;

    if l_audit_rows.count > 1000 then
    end if;
  end after each row;

  after statement is
    if l_audit_rows.count > 0 then
    end if;
  end after statement;

create or replace trigger TRG_AUDIT_TRANSACTIONS
for insert or update or delete on PRODUCTS compound trigger

    type t_row_list is table of AUDIT_TRANSACTIONS%rowtype index by pls_integer;
    l_audit_rows      t_row_list;
    l_operation varchar2(1) :=
        case when updating then 'U'
             when deleting then 'D'
             else 'I' end;

    procedure insert_logged_so_far is
      forall i in 1 .. l_audit_rows.count
         insert into AUDIT_TRANSACTIONS
         values l_audit_rows(i);

  before statement is
  end before statement;

  after each row is
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count+1).aud_who     := sys_context('USERENV','SESSION_USER');
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).aud_when      := sysdate;
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).aud_operation := l_operation;
    l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).aud_module    := sys_context('USERENV','MODULE');

    if updating or inserting then
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).txn_id    := :new.txn_id;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).prod_id   := :new.prod_id;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).qty       := :new.qty;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).txn_date  := :new.txn_date;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).txn_id    := :old.txn_id;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).prod_id   := :old.prod_id;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).qty       := :old.qty;
        l_audit_rows(l_audit_rows.count).txn_date  := :old.txn_date;
    end if;

    if l_audit_rows.count > 1000 then
    end if;
  end after each row;

  after statement is
    if l_audit_rows.count > 0 then
    end if;
  end after statement;


insert into products (prod_id, product_category, product_desc, price)
values (1, 'GROCERY', 'RICE', 10);

insert into products (prod_id, product_category, product_desc, price)
values (2, 'GROCERY', 'PULSE', 20);

insert into products (prod_id, product_category, product_desc, price)
values (3, 'STATIONERY', 'BOOKS', 30);

insert into products (prod_id, product_category, product_desc, price)
values (4, 'SPORTS', 'BALL', 5);

insert into transactions (txn_id, prod_id, qty, txn_date)
values (1, 1, 3, SYSDATE);

insert into transactions (txn_id, prod_id, qty, txn_date)
values (1, 2, 4, SYSDATE);

insert into transactions (txn_id, prod_id, qty, txn_date)
values (1, 4, 5, SYSDATE);

I am using the below query to generate a audit report which will give the historical view.

select a.product_desc, a.product_category, a.price, b.qty, (a.price * b.qty) total_amt, b.txn_date
from audit_products a, audit_transactions b
where a.prod_id = b.prod_id;

update products
set price = 11 where product_id=1;

Now if I use the same query I am getting rows which never existed at any point of time due to cartesian join.

select a.product_desc, a.product_category, a.price, b.qty, (a.price * b.qty) total_amt, b.txn_date
from audit_products a, audit_transactions b
where a.prod_id = b.prod_id;

Now both the tables can be candidates for update. In which case we are generating phantom rows which is not the true history.
Please suggest design changes to generate correct audit report.


with LiveSQL Test Case:

and Chris said...

I'm not really sure what you're expecting to happen here. There's nothing to link a particular insert or update with an audit row for a product. So you're always going to have your phantom rows.

If you want to be able to join the audit tables, you need to store the transaction id in audit_products too. Then you'll have a 1:1 mapping between the audit records of these tables.

But you'll have to insert a transaction row for every ins/upd/del on products.

Or look into using Flashback Data Archive which can handle your audit for you :)


  (1 rating)

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joyan sil, May 05, 2017 - 11:31 am UTC

I need to create audit report that shows the history that truly existed at any point in past. Do I need to do a design change?

I cannot choose flashback in my current release. I am trying to consider that in next release. Any workaround till then would be very helpful.
Chris Saxon
May 08, 2017 - 9:26 am UTC

Upgrading and using Flashback Data Archive may well be easier and quicker than fixing your current design! ;)

Yes, I'd change your design. Transactions should be immutable. i.e. you can only insert them, no updates or deletes. This is because they are the record about what happened at that time. This allows you to "replay" your changes should you need to. Then the audit tables link to the relevant transaction.

I'm not sure why you have quantity on transactions. This looks like you're mixing the concepts of orders and transactions.

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