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  • create SQL to fetch all records of table and chunk them to write in flat files.


Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Vrush.

Asked: February 15, 2017 - 6:37 am UTC

Last updated: February 15, 2017 - 1:58 pm UTC

Version: Oracle 11g

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


I want to create SQL to fetch all records of table and chunk them to write in flat files.
Suppose take an example,if table contents 2000 records then write sql to fetch all of records and write 1000 records in one flat file, other 1000 records in another flat file.

I am new to oracle. Appreciated if anybody help me out.

and Chris said...

If this is a one-off process to download the data to your machine, then I'd use SQL Developer or SQLcl.

This enables you to output the data in a given format (csv, json, xml, ...) by placing a comment in the SQL query. You can then spool the results 1000 rows at a time using Top-N queries:

exec :st := 1;
exec :en := 1000;
spool file_1.txt
select /*csv*/* from (
  select t.*, 
        row_number() over (order by ...) rn
 from t
where rn between :st and :en;
spool off

exec :st := 1001;
exec :en := 2000;
spool file_2.txt
select /*csv*/* from (
  select t.*, 
        row_number() over (order by ...) rn
 from t
where rn between :st and :en;
spool off

Obviously you could write a script calling the above passing parameters for the file name and start/end.

You can read more about formatting the output at:

And Top-N queries at:

Or on 12c, you can use the fetch first syntax:

If this will be a repeated process and/or you want to write the files to the DB server, I'd create a PL/SQL process that:

- bulk collects the data 1,000 rows at a time
- Uses utl_file to write it to a new file each time

For example:

  cursor cur is 
    select ...
    from   ...
    order  by ...;
  type tp is table of cur%rowtype index by binary_integer;
  arr  tp;
  open cur;
    fetch cur bulk collect into arr limit 1000;
    ... process to write file ...
    exit when arr.count = 0;
  close cur;

You can find an example of using UTL_file at:

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