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  • Create Random Sets Based on Criteria


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Ryan.

Asked: February 02, 2017 - 8:26 pm UTC

Last updated: February 02, 2017 - 9:14 pm UTC

Version: 11g

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I have a table with about 2000 records of males and females of different races. I would like to create 10 random sets of 50 people using the following criteria

50% of 50 (so 25) females (can be part of non-white)
30% of 50 (so 15) non-white of either gender
20% of 50 (so 10) white males

The columns are basically: PERSON_ID_NUM, GENDER (M or F), and RACE (B=Black,W=White,H=Hispanic)

Again I would like to create 10 separate data sets of 50 patients that are made up of that breakdown. Is there a good way to use SQL to do this? I can't seem to find anything that works out. It is a very small data sample so I can do it by hand but I thought the challenge was interesting. Thanks for any help/information

and Connor said...

I'm assuming the criteria means "at least", because (for example) the first 2 criteria means you could have up to 80% females in a given group.

You could do something like the following - to get the total population sample needed in random order, and then carve them into groups. I'll make no claim that this is particularly scalable :-)

SQL> create table t (
  2    id int,
  3    gender varchar2(1),
  4    race  varchar2(1)
  5    );

Table created.

SQL> exec dbms_random.seed(0); -- just to make it repeatable

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

-- 10,000 random patients

SQL> insert into t
  2  select
  3    rownum,
  4    case when dbms_random.value > 0.6 then 'M' else 'F' end,
  5    case when dbms_random.value > 0.7 then 'A'
  6         when dbms_random.value > 0.4 then 'B'
  7       else 'C' end
  8  from
  9    dual
 10    connect by level <= 100000;

100000 rows created.

SQL> drop table results purge;

Table dropped.

-- get 250 females, 150 non race a, and 100 males race a at random

SQL> create table results as
  2  with
  3    females as
  4      ( select * from
  5          ( select * from t where gender = 'F' order by dbms_random.value )
  6       where rownum <= 250 ),
  7    race_non_a as
  8      ( select * from
  9        ( select * from t where race != 'A'
 10            and id not in ( select id from females ) order by dbms_random.value )
 11       where rownum <= 150 ),
 12    males_race_a as
 13      ( select * from
 14        ( select * from t where gender = 'M' and race = 'A'
 15            and id not in ( select id from females )
 16            and id not in ( select id from race_non_a ) order by dbms_random.value )
 17       where rownum <= 100 )
 18   select mod(rownum,10) grp, f.*
 19   from females f
 20   union all
 21   select mod(rownum,10) grp, r.*
 22   from race_non_a r
 23   union all
 24   select mod(rownum,10) grp, m.*
 25   from males_race_a m
 26  order by 1, 2;

Table created.

SQL> select
  2    grp,
  3    count(case when gender = 'F' then 1 end)/ count(*) females,
  4    count(case when gender = 'M' and race = 'A' then 1 end)/ count(*) males_race_a,
  5    count(case when race != 'A' then 1 end)/ count(*) race_non_a
  6  from results
  7  group by grp
  8  order by 1;

---------- ---------- ------------ ----------
         0        .68           .2        .64
         1        .68           .2        .64
         2        .74           .2        .62
         3        .68           .2        .62
         4        .66           .2        .64
         5        .68           .2         .6
         6        .68           .2        .66
         7        .64           .2        .66
         8         .7           .2        .68
         9        .64           .2         .7

10 rows selected.


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