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  • Compound Principle Amount and Profit Calculation


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Tanveer.

Asked: January 16, 2017 - 7:54 am UTC

Last updated: January 19, 2017 - 1:10 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

Hi Tom,
Hope you are at the best of you health.

I have following table structure with sample data.

CREATE TABLE investments
investment_date DATE,
registration_no VARCHAR2(100),
amount NUMBER,
profit_rate NUMBER,
maturity_rate NUMBER
maturity_date DATE,
institute_name VARCHAR2(100) )

and sample data is following.

INSERT INTO investments
VALUES ('25-MAR-2013', 'L-851845', 1900000, 9.7, 10.3, '25-MAR-2016', 'National Saving Centre' );

I need to construct a SQL in order to generate a group of rows with profit calculation like following:-

Period Start Profit_Rate Amount No of profit Period Ending Profit (6 Monthly)
============ =========== ========== ============ ============= ==================
25/03/2013 9.7 1,900,000 1 25/09/2013 92,150
26/09/2013 9.7 1,992,150 2 25/03/2014 96,619
26/03/2014 9.7 2,088,769 3 25/09/2014 101,305
26/09/2014 9.7 2,190,075 4 25/03/2015 106,219
26/03/2015 9.7 2,296,293 5 25/09/2015 111,370
26/09/2016 10.3 2,407,663 6 25/03/2016 123,995

column maturity_rate will be used for calculation of profit at maturity otherwise use column profit_rate.

The formula we are using to calculate half yearly profit is (amount * (profit_rate/100) * .5)

and Chris said...

You can use a couple of tricks to do this:

- Use a row generator to create the rows for each month
- Take advantage of the fact that:

product ( 1 .. n ) ~ exp ( sum ( ln ( 1 .. n ) ) )

Combine these and you can get results like those you want:

CREATE TABLE investments (
investment_date DATE,
registration_no VARCHAR2(100),
amount NUMBER,
profit_rate NUMBER,
maturity_rate NUMBER,
maturity_date DATE,
institute_name VARCHAR2(100) 

INSERT INTO investments 
VALUES ('25-MAR-2013', 'L-851845', 1900000, 9.7, 10.3, '25-MAR-2016', 'National Saving Centre' );

with dates as (
  select add_months(date'2013-03-25', (level-1)*6) dt, i.*,
         1 + (profit_rate / 100 * 0.5) return_rate
  from   investments i
  connect by level <= months_between(maturity_date, investment_date)/6
), totals as (
  select d.dt, return_rate, amount, 
         add_months(investment_date, (rownum-1)*6)+decode(rownum, 1, 0, 1) pstart,
         add_months(investment_date, (rownum)*6) pend,
         nvl(round(amount * exp(sum(ln( return_rate )) over 
           (order by dt rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding))), amount) amt
  from   dates d
  select pstart, pend, amt, lead(amt) over (order by dt) - amt profit_6_mth
  from totals t;

PSTART                PEND                  AMT        PROFIT_6_MTH  
25-MAR-2013 00:00:00  25-SEP-2013 00:00:00  1,900,000  92,150        
26-SEP-2013 00:00:00  25-MAR-2014 00:00:00  1,992,150  96,619        
26-MAR-2014 00:00:00  25-SEP-2014 00:00:00  2,088,769  101,306       
26-SEP-2014 00:00:00  25-MAR-2015 00:00:00  2,190,075  106,218       
26-MAR-2015 00:00:00  25-SEP-2015 00:00:00  2,296,293  111,370       
26-SEP-2015 00:00:00  25-MAR-2016 00:00:00  2,407,663 

Note the exp/ln trick isn't exact, so you may have rounding errors...

You can read more about row generators at:

And the exp/ln trick at:


  (2 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


10g MODEL Clause

Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, January 18, 2017 - 12:45 pm UTC

Since this question came up from Oracle 10g database, I would pick the advantage of SQL Model clause to answer this.
demo@ORA11G> select new_period_start,new_profit_rate,new_amt,no_of_profits,new_period_end,new_profit
  2  from investments
  3  model
  4    dimension by (0 x)
  5    measures( investment_date, amount, profit_rate, maturity_rate, maturity_date ,
  6            cast(null as date) as new_period_start,
  7            0 as new_profit_rate,
  8            0 as new_amt,
  9            0 as no_of_profits,
 10            cast(null as date) as new_period_end,
 11            0 as new_profit )
 12    rules iterate(1000) until( add_months( investment_date[0], 6*(iteration_number+1) ) >= maturity_date[0] )
 13        (     new_period_end[iteration_number] = case when cv(x)=0 then
 14                                        add_months( investment_date[cv(x)],6  )
 15                                        else add_months( new_period_end[cv(x)-1],6 ) end ,
 16              new_period_start[iteration_number] = case when cv(x)=0
 17                                    then investment_date[cv()]
 18                                    else new_period_end[cv()-1]+1 end ,
 19              new_profit_rate[iteration_number] = case when cv(x)=0
 20                                    then profit_rate[cv()]
 21                                    when add_months( investment_date[0], 6*(iteration_number+1) ) >= maturity_date[0]
 22                                    then maturity_rate[0]
 23                                    else new_profit_rate[cv()-1] end ,
 24              new_amt[iteration_number] = case when cv(x)=0
 25                                    then amount[cv()]
 26                                    else new_amt[cv()-1] + new_profit[cv()-1] end ,
 27              no_of_profits[iteration_number] = iteration_number+1,
 28              new_profit[iteration_number] = case when add_months( investment_date[0], 6*(iteration_number+1) ) >= maturity_date[0]
 29                                      then round(new_amt[cv(x)] * ( maturity_rate[0]/100 ) * 0.5)
 30                                    else round(new_amt[cv(x)] * ( new_profit_rate[cv(x)]/100 ) * 0.5) end )
 31  order by new_period_start ;

----------- --------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------
25-MAR-2013             9.7    1900000             1 25-SEP-2013      92150
26-SEP-2013             9.7    1992150             2 25-MAR-2014      96619
26-MAR-2014             9.7    2088769             3 25-SEP-2014     101305
26-SEP-2014             9.7    2190074             4 25-MAR-2015     106219
26-MAR-2015             9.7    2296293             5 25-SEP-2015     111370
26-SEP-2015            10.3    2407663             6 25-MAR-2016     123995

6 rows selected.


Chris Saxon
January 18, 2017 - 2:59 pm UTC

Yes, you could use model too.

Tanveer, January 18, 2017 - 3:25 pm UTC

Thank you.
Connor McDonald
January 19, 2017 - 1:10 am UTC

glad we could help

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