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  • Oracle bulk collect/ forall for dynamic usage


Question and Answer

Connor McDonald

Thanks for the question, Prashanth.

Asked: October 05, 2016 - 5:35 pm UTC

Last updated: October 08, 2016 - 1:05 am UTC

Version: Oracle 12c

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Hi Tom,

Thanks to all the great comments provided in the below link :

I am currently looking for a solution to a problem in similar lines. Instead of fixed table , i need to be able to use the same procedure for multiple tables.
In the below example, if instead of TEMP_TABLE3 , i have to dynamically insert into TEMP_TABLE5 with all the column lists derived in PL/SQL variable , will it be possible to use forall statement ?

  type l_array is table of TEMP_TABLE3%rowtype;
       l_rec_data l_array;
       l_sql      VARCHAR2(200);
       l_start    NUMBER:=1;
       j NUMBER;
        l_sql := 'select COL1,COL2,COL3,COL4,COL5 FROM TEMP_TABLE1';
        execute immediate l_sql bulk collect into l_rec_data;
          forall i in l_start .. l_rec_data.count 
          insert into TEMP_TABLE3 (COL1,COL2,COL3,COL4,COL5) values ( l_rec_data(i).COL1,l_rec_data(i).COL2,l_rec_data(i).COL3,l_rec_data(i).COL4,l_rec_data(i).COL5); 
            when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN
            dbms_output.put_line( 'DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX row index = ' || (l_start+sql%rowcount) ||  ' ' || sqlerrm ); 
            UPDATE TEMP_TABLE3 SET COL2=l_rec_data(j).COL2, COL3=l_rec_data(j).COL3, COL4=l_rec_data(j).COL4, COL5=l_rec_data(j).COL5 WHERE COL1=l_rec_data(j).COL1;
            l_start := l_start + 1; 
            when others then 
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Bad row index = ' || (l_start+sql%rowcount) ||  ' ' || sqlerrm ); 
            l_start := l_start + sql%rowcount + 1; 
         end loop; 

and Connor said...

Well...first of all, time moves on and features change

Check out this link

DML error logging might make this a whole lot easier for you.

But if you want to stay with PLSQL, then dynamic SQL is support within forall, eg

SQL> create or replace
  2  procedure blah(p_tname varchar2, p_col1 varchar2, p_col2 varchar2) is
  3    type str_list is table of varchar2(10) index by pls_integer;
  4    l_c1 str_list;
  5    l_c2 str_list;
  6  begin
  7    l_c1(1) := 'A';
  8    l_c1(2) := 'B';
  9    l_c1(3) := 'C';
 12    l_c2(1) := 'X';
 13    l_c2(2) := 'Y';
 14    l_c2(3) := 'Z';
 16    forall i in 1 .. 3
 17      execute immediate 'insert into '||p_tname||'('||p_col1||','||p_col2||') values (:1, :2)'
 18      using l_c1(i), l_c2(i);
 19  end;
 20  /

Procedure created.

SQL> drop table t1 purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> drop table t2 purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table t1(x1 varchar2(10), x2 varchar2(10));

Table created.

SQL> create table t2(y1 varchar2(10), y2 varchar2(10));

Table created.

SQL> exec blah('t1','x1','x2');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec blah('t2','y1','y2');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from t1;

X1         X2
---------- ----------
A          X
B          Y
C          Z

SQL> select * from t2;

Y1         Y2
---------- ----------
A          X
B          Y
C          Z


  (2 ratings)

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forall execute immediate using bind

Prashanth, October 06, 2016 - 7:42 am UTC

Hi Connor,

Thanks for your reply. Furthermore, if i have the binds in a variable , how can i execute immediate :
   lv_using_clause:='l_c1(i), l_c2(i)';
   forall i in 1 .. 3
     execute immediate 'insert into '||p_tname||'('||p_col1||','||p_col2||') values (:1, :2)'
     using 'lv_using_clause';

I get the below error if tried like above :

PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL

Thanks for your assistance.

Connor McDonald
October 06, 2016 - 1:48 pm UTC

If you have an *unknown* number of binds, then you are into dbms_sql territory.

If you have "known unknown" number of binds, ie, it is (say) between 1 and 10, you could code accordingly, ie

if bind_count = 1 then
     execute immediate '..' using :1
elsif bind_count = 1 then
     execute immediate '..' using :1, :2

etc etc

Prashanth, October 07, 2016 - 9:39 am UTC

Hi Connor,

I tried to use DBMS_SQL to try binding variables like below :

execute immediate l_sql bulk collect into l_rec_data ;

bulk_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(bulk_cursor, 'begin' || chr(10) ||
        'begin  '|| chr(10) ||
        'loop '|| chr(10) ||
         'begin '|| chr(10) ||
          'forall i in :l_start .. :l_rec_data.count' || chr(10) ||
          'execute immediate :lv_insert_sql using :lv_temp_col_name;'|| chr(10) ||
          'EXIT; '|| chr(10) ||
          'exception '|| chr(10) ||
            'when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN '|| chr(10) ||
            'dbms_output.put_line( ''DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX row index = '' || (l_start+sql%rowcount) ||  '' '' || sqlerrm );' || chr(10) ||

            'j:=l_start+sql%rowcount;' || chr(10) ||
            'execute immediate :lv_update_sql USING j; '|| chr(10) ||
            'l_start := l_start + 1; '|| chr(10) ||
            'when others then '|| chr(10) ||
            'dbms_output.put_line( ''Bad row index = '' || (l_start+sql%rowcount) ||  '' '' || sqlerrm );' || chr(10) ||
            'l_start := l_start + sql%rowcount + 1;' || chr(10) ||
          'end; '|| chr(10) ||
         'end loop; '|| chr(10) ||
         'end; '|| chr(10) ||
'END; ', dbms_sql.native);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(bulk_cursor, ':l_start', l_start);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(bulk_cursor, ':l_rec_data.count', l_rec_data.count);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(bulk_cursor, ':lv_insert_sql', lv_insert_sql);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(bulk_cursor, ':lv_temp_col_name', lv_temp_col_name);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(bulk_cursor, ':lv_update_sql', lv_update_sql);
dummy := dbms_sql.execute(bulk_cursor);

However , i still get the error .. DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL

Please help.
Connor McDonald
October 08, 2016 - 1:05 am UTC

"DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL"

Put aside the dynamic SQL part for a sec, this is just a normal error for FORLAL

forall i in 1 .. 10
insert into t values ( 10 );


forall i in 1 .. 10
insert into t values ( l_variable );

would not work because nothing in the insert is being bulk-bound. You need to be bulk-binding *something* , ie

forall i in 1 .. 10
insert into t values ( l_my_array(i) );

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