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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Richard.

Asked: October 05, 2016 - 3:33 pm UTC

Last updated: October 08, 2016 - 1:08 am UTC


Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


I am implementing a system for automated unit testing of our plsql, and would like include statistics on code coverage, especially to highlight where code has not been tested, e.g. "your tests only cover 75% of the code".

I have been looking at dbms_profiler, and while it's great for identifying performance/iteration issues, I am struggling to get an accurate percentage of code covered. On inspection, you can plainly see where code is not executed, but I want to get an automated report.

Since dbms_profiler does not seem to count variable declarations or comments, and only counts the first lines of selects or DML statements, the number of lines showing as executed is not fully accurate, which makes it difficult to determine the lines not executed.

For example,

delete from plsql_profiler_data where runid = (select p2.runid from plsql_profiler_runs p2 where p2.run_comment = 'PROFILETEST');

delete from plsql_profiler_units  where runid = (select p2.runid from plsql_profiler_runs p2 where p2.run_comment = 'PROFILETEST');

delete from plsql_profiler_runs where run_comment = 'PROFILETEST';
create table profiletemp
   text1   varchar2(1000),
   text2   varchar2(1000)
create or replace procedure profiletest as
-- Variables.
l1   varchar2(1000);
-- Cursors.
cursor c_select_data is
   select 'Line 1',
          'Line 2',
          'Line 3'
   from dual;
-- Comments.
   l1 := '?';
   if 1=1 then
      for c in c_select_data loop
         update profiletemp t
         set    t.text1 = '1',
                t.text2 = '2';
      end loop;
      l1 := '1';
      l1 := '1';
      l1 := '1';
      l1 := '1';
      l1 := '1';
   end if;
   dbms_profiler.start_profiler ('PROFILETEST');
select * from plsql_profiler_runs where run_comment = 'PROFILETEST';

select * from plsql_profiler_units where runid = (select p2.runid from plsql_profiler_runs p2 where p2.run_comment = 'PROFILETEST');

select * from plsql_profiler_data where runid = (select p2.runid from plsql_profiler_runs p2 where p2.run_comment = 'PROFILETEST') and unit_number = 2;

The profiletest procedure is 36 lines long. Of these, only the else section does not get executed, 6 lines of code. So (roughly) 83% of the code is executed (30 lines), 17% is not executed (6 lines).

However, the profile data only shows 8 lines as executed, which equates to about 22% of the code. (As mentioned, the discrepancy is made up of comments, and the extra lines in the select and update statements. This would flag about 78% of the code as not covered, which is inaccurate.

So, my questions:

* Is there a method to get a more complete executed/not executed line information from dbms_profiler?

* A colleague recently attended OpenWorld, and I have seen pdf of your presentation, so I know there is a new code coverage facility coming in 12c Release 2. Will this give me the information I need? (If so, any idea of when this will be available?)

Thanks in advance,


and Chris said...

Using lines of code executed is a fundamentally flawed way of measuring code coverage.

To see why, consider this:

We have a basic function that returns its argument and calls dbms_output.

The procedure makes multiple calls to it in a single if statement:

create or replace function f (p int)
  return int as 

  dbms_output.put_line('Executed: ' || p);
  return p;

create or replace procedure p is

  -- this is a comment 
  if f(1) = 1 or f(2) = 2 then
  end if;
end p;

Due to short-circuit evaluation, f(2) is never executed! You can see this from the output:
SQL> exec p;
Executed: 1

Anything working at the line level will incorrectly report this as fully covered.

Bearing this in mind, you can get around the whitespace/comment issue. Join to user_source, ignoring any lines that you don't want:

  l_result  binary_integer;
  l_result := dbms_profiler.start_profiler(run_comment => 'PROFILETEST');
  l_result := dbms_profiler.stop_profiler;

select trim(chr(10) from us.text) text,,
from   user_source us
join   plsql_profiler_units u
on     u.unit_name =
left   join plsql_profiler_data d 
on     u.runid = d.runid 
and    u.unit_number = d.unit_number
and    d.line# = us.line
and    d.total_occur > 0
where  u.runid in (
  select runid from plsql_profiler_runs 
  where run_comment = 'PROFILETEST'
and    u.unit_owner = user
and    not regexp_like (text, '^\s*$')
and    not regexp_like (text, '^\s*--')
order  by, us.line;

TEXT                                        NAME  LINE  TOTAL_TIME
function f (p int)                          F     1
  return int as                             F     2
begin                                       F     3
  dbms_output.put_line('Executed: ' || p);  F     5     37828
  return p;                                 F     7     4323
end;                                        F     8     3242
procedure p is                              P     1
begin                                       P     2
  if f(1) = 1 or f(2) = 2 then              P     6     2291313
    dbms_output.put_line('this');           P     7     3242
  else                                      P     8
    dbms_output.put_line('that');           P     9
  end if;                                   P     10
end p;                                      P     12    3242

Still not perfect, but getting closer. You could also try joining with the data you get from PL/Scope.

So as you've heard, to address these issues we've implemented code coverage in 12.2! :)

This reports at the "basic block" level. This is nothing to do with PL/SQL blocks. It refers to each separately executable section of code. So:

  if f(1) = 1 or f(2) = 2 then
  end if;

has four basic blocks. One for each call to f and the two calls to dbms_output.put_line.

Using it is easy. Just create coverage tables to store the details and call start/stop coverage before and after your tests:

exec dbms_plsql_code_coverage.create_coverage_tables;

  dbms_plsql_code_coverage.start_coverage(null, 'TEST');



select unit_owner, unit_name, unit_type, 
       round(blocks_covered/basic_block_count*100) pct_covered
from   dbmspcc_runs r 
join   dbmspcc_units u 
on     r.run_id = u.run_id
where  r.run_comment = 'TEST';

CHRIS       F          FUNCTION   100          
CHRIS       P          PROCEDURE  50 

When is it available?


You can use it in the 12.2 Exadata Express Cloud service:


  (2 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Richard Cahill, October 07, 2016 - 1:34 pm UTC


Many thanks for the thorough response. I fully agree that line coverage on its own is not ideal, and possibly a misleading measure of code coverage. As your example shows, it does not cater for "path coverage".

However, for us at least, it represents a significant step in the right direction!

The new code coverage utility definitely looks promising. Thanks for the clarification. I'm looking forward to giving it a go.


Cloud Trail - 12.2 Exadata Express Cloud service:

Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, October 07, 2016 - 1:45 pm UTC

Is that a cloud Trail available for "12.2 Exadata Express Cloud service: " ?

looked into this but dont find it, please help
Chris Saxon
October 08, 2016 - 1:08 am UTC

I dont know about trials, but at $175 for a month, that strikes me as synonymous

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