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Question and Answer

Chris Saxon

Thanks for the question, Ambrose.

Asked: August 17, 2016 - 6:52 pm UTC

Last updated: September 07, 2016 - 2:29 am UTC

Version: EnterpriseEdition

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

On a database housing an Oracle Text index there is a user LOADMSST who runs an application that executes ctx_ddl.sync_index, there is another user EDMAPPS who is used by applications that pose Text queries.
The table column on which the Oracle Text index is built is a clob.
The Oracle Text index has an indextype of ctxsys.context.

user LOADMSST has the database default temporary tablespace S_SORT as his temporary tablespace
user CTXSYS also has the database default temporary tablespace S_SORT as his temporary tablespace
user EDMAPPS has a different temporary tablespace of S_USERSORT

When the sync runs, I can see the S_SORT space being used by LOADMSST, as expected, in v$sort_usage.
When a user issues a query through EDMAPPS that involves a "contains" clause, the EDMAPPS user is shown accessing S_SORT rather than S_USERSORT in v$sort_usage.

Is there some functionality involving the Oracle Text index or the "contains" clause or the clob data that causes the Oracle database to force usage of the database default temporary tablespace S_SORT for EDMAPPS queries rather than the S_USERSORT temporary tablespace assigned to EDMAPPS?

and Connor said...

I tried to replicate this but could not. Here's my test case

SQL> create user LOADMSST identified by LOADMSST quota unlimited on users;

User created.

SQL> grant create session, create table to LOADMSST;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> create user EDMAPPS identified by EDMAPPS temporary tablespace TEMP_OTHER quota unlimited on users;

User created.

SQL> grant create session, create table, select any table  to EDMAPPS;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant alter session, select any dictionary to EDMAPPS;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> drop table LOADMSST.t purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table LOADMSST.t ( x int, y clob , z char(200));

Table created.

SQL> select username, temporary_tablespace
  2  from dba_users
  3  where username in ('CTXSYS','LOADMSST','EDMAPPS');

-------------------- ------------------------------
CTXSYS               TEMP
LOADMSST             TEMP

SQL> declare
  2    c clob;
  3    b bfile := bfilename('TEMP','asktom.demo');
  4  begin
  6    dbms_lob.fileopen( b );
  8    for i in 1 .. 20000 loop
  9      insert into LOADMSST.t values (i,empty_clob(),  dbms_lob.substr(b,100,1))
 10      returning y into c;
 11      dbms_lob.loadfromfile( c, b, dbms_lob.getlength(b));
 13      if mod(i,100) = 0 then commit; end if;
 14    end loop;
 15    dbms_lob.fileclose( b );
 16  end;
 17  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> create index LOADMSST.t_ix on LOADMSST.t(y) indextype is ctxsys.context;

Index created.


SQL> @smallsort
kilobytes 256
Setting to     262144

Session altered.

Session altered.

SQL> set autotrace traceonly stat
SQL> SELECT SCORE(1), x , y, z
  2  from LOADMSST.t
  3  WHERE CONTAINS(y, 'java', 1) > 0
  4  ORDER BY 1,4,2;

20000 rows selected.

      20698  recursive calls
         44  db block gets
      42728  consistent gets
      41438  physical reads
       3836  redo size
   12250783  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    5360552  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
      40002  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
         39  sorts (memory)
          1  sorts (disk)
      20000  rows processed

and whilst the above query was running, I ran this in another session

SQL> select username, tablespace, blocks from v$sort_usage where username is not null;

USERNAME             TABLESPACE                         BLOCKS
-------------------- ------------------------------ ----------
EDMAPPS              TEMP_OTHER                           1024

So it seems to do what it's meant to be doing. Can you try the test case above on your db ?


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Ambrose Oberdorf, September 06, 2016 - 5:51 pm UTC

Thank you, the test case ran as described.
The results showed the alternate sort area being used.
Digging into the code I discovered that the query used a packaged procedure owned by third user whose temporary tablespace was the original temporary tablespace.
v$sort_usage showed a username of EDMAPPS for the LOB segments which were actually being accessed through the procedure which was owned by the third user.
Chris Saxon
September 07, 2016 - 2:29 am UTC

Nice detective work. Glad you got to the bottom of it

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