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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Duke.

Asked: February 13, 2006 - 12:23 pm UTC

Last updated: April 13, 2007 - 7:04 pm UTC

Version: 9.2.0

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

I'm just enthralled by this name: "Pickler fetch" in the explain plans for collections. I found your advice on the CARDINALITY and 'ROWNUM > 0' / MATERIALIZE hints at:
and Steve Adams' brief reference to pickling
which lead to <code>
and the notion of serialization.

It's not immediately obvious to me why a collection needs to be serialized for "iterative navigation" as Steve phrases it. Is it just that that the collection needs to be 'serializable' so it could be pushed to disk if the collection is too large to keep in memory?

and Tom said...

well, basically it is just the name we gave to the ability to pretend the collection is actually a physical disk based structure.

You are taking a memory variable (it is already in memory, in a data structure) and needs to be materialized as a rowsource, row sources are normally "tables on disk", but now can be external tables, pipelined functions - and even collections - arrays in program memory.

So the pickler collection iteration fetch and the like are just fancy names for "we are fetching from a program variable and pretending it is actually a table".


  (3 ratings)

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A reader, February 13, 2006 - 6:11 pm UTC

Simple and complete explanation

A tipping point...

AB, April 13, 2007 - 12:00 pm UTC

Anything we can do about the performance of the pickler fetch? I've always had pretty impressive performance from pipelined functions, but I've just seen a performance degradation from turning a row-by-row write into a bulk insert from a pipelined function (the real business code has loads of calculations hence the function).

See the following testcase. First I have a small procedure to dynamically create a view of a variable number of columns. This helps me to test different "row widths".

create procedure prc ( p in number ) authid current_user as
   s varchar2(32767);
   s := 'create view v as select ';
   for i in 1 .. p loop
      s := s || '''XXXXXXXXX'' as c' || i || ',';
   end loop;
   s := rtrim(s,',') || ' from dual connect by rownum <= 10000';
   execute immediate s;

After executing this procedure, I then create a GTT to be the target of my inserts.

create global temporary table gtt
   on commit preserve rows
   as select * from v where rownum < 1;

Now I have a pipelined function to select from v and pipe it out. I've used bulk collect etc (this is 9i BTW but the same results are observable on 10.1 with plsql_optimize_level=0).

create package pkg as
   type ntt is table of gtt%rowtype;
   function pfx (p in sys_refcursor) return ntt pipelined;
end pkg;

create package body pkg as
   function pfx (p in sys_refcursor) return ntt pipelined is
      nt ntt;
         fetch p bulk collect into nt limit 100;
         exit when nt.count = 0;
         for i in 1 .. nt.count loop
            pipe row (nt(i));
         end loop;
      end loop;
      close p;
   end pfx;
end pkg;

And this is my test harness to run at different column numbers...

exec runstats_pkg.rs_start;

   for r in (select * from v) loop
      insert into gtt values r;
   end loop;

exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle;

insert into gtt
select * from table(pkg.pfx(cursor(select * from v)));

exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(1000);

Timing results:
Columns      Run1      Run2     %diff
=======   =======   =======   =======
     30       560       212       264
     50       345       363        95
    100       555       945        59
    150       764      1787        43

The stats outputs are as you'd expect from bulk over row-by-row. Here's the 30 output and 150 output for the extremes.

30 cols...
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(1000);
Run1 ran in 560 hsecs
Run2 ran in 212 hsecs
Run1 ran in 264.15% of the time

Name                                                Run1            Run2            Diff
STAT..consistent changes                          11,921           2,718          -9,203
STAT..redo entries                                10,051             805          -9,246
LATCH.redo allocation                             10,273             805          -9,468
STAT..calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss           10,034              68          -9,966
STAT..execute count                               10,030              20         -10,010
LATCH.library cache                               20,601          10,492         -10,109
LATCH.shared pool                                 10,475             342         -10,133
LATCH.cache buffers lru chain                     12,220               0         -12,220
STAT..db block changes                            22,099           3,532         -18,567
STAT..recursive calls                             20,760             685         -20,075
LATCH.library cache pin                           20,307             229         -20,078
LATCH.checkpoint queue latch                      22,556             314         -22,242
LATCH.simulator hash latch                        43,038             156         -42,882
LATCH.row cache objects                              276          60,102          59,826
LATCH.row cache enqueue latch                        262          60,102          59,840
LATCH.undo global data                           136,599               1        -136,598
STAT..session logical reads                      693,804           2,983        -690,821
STAT..db block gets                              693,745           2,388        -691,357
STAT..session uga memory                          65,408       1,177,344       1,111,936
STAT..session pga memory                          65,536       1,179,648       1,114,112
STAT..redo size                                1,299,236         122,376      -1,176,860
LATCH.cache buffers chains                     1,438,611          11,983      -1,426,628

Run1 latches total versus run2 -- difference and pct
Run1            Run2            Diff        Pct
1,717,857         145,218      -1,572,639  1,182.95%

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

150 cols...
SQL> exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop(1000);
Run1 ran in 764 hsecs
Run2 ran in 1787 hsecs
Run1 ran in 42.75% of the time

Name                                                Run1            Run2            Diff
STAT..CPU used by this session                       767           1,784           1,017
STAT..CPU used when call started                     767           1,784           1,017
LATCH.checkpoint queue latch                       1,678           3,249           1,571
STAT..consistent gets                                 66           2,881           2,815
STAT..session logical reads                       19,335          15,957          -3,378
STAT..consistent changes                          21,019          15,004          -6,015
LATCH.redo allocation                             10,073           4,021          -6,052
STAT..redo entries                                10,057           4,000          -6,057
STAT..db block gets                               19,269          13,076          -6,193
STAT..calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss           10,036             192          -9,844
LATCH.library cache                               20,612          10,603         -10,009
STAT..execute count                               10,031              20         -10,011
LATCH.shared pool                                 10,815             556         -10,259
STAT..db block changes                            31,210          19,040         -12,170
LATCH.library cache pin                           20,317             306         -20,011
STAT..recursive calls                             20,885             685         -20,200
LATCH.cache buffers chains                        90,604          65,206         -25,398
LATCH.row cache objects                               76          60,126          60,050
LATCH.row cache enqueue latch                         62          60,126          60,064
STAT..redo size                                1,308,108         526,160        -781,948
STAT..session pga memory max                     378,504       3,735,552       3,357,048
STAT..session uga memory max                     588,672       4,186,112       3,597,440
STAT..session uga memory                         196,224       4,643,968       4,447,744
STAT..session pga memory                         196,608       4,653,056       4,456,448

Run1 latches total versus run2 -- difference and pct
Run1            Run2            Diff        Pct
158,483         208,263          49,780     76.10%

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Guess which end of the column-width spectrum I'm having to work on :(

If there's anything you can suggest...?
Tom Kyte
April 13, 2007 - 7:04 pm UTC

it does not appear to have anything to do with the bulk fetching -

   function pfx (p in sys_refcursor) return ntt pipelined is
      nt ntt;
      nt_one gtt%rowtype;
      fetch p into nt_one;
      for i in 1 .. 10000
        pipe row( nt_one );
      end loop;
      close p;

where I return the same record over and over - exhibits the same behavior. Sorry, I don't see any obvious magic for that.

AB, April 15, 2007 - 3:40 pm UTC


I assumed that it has something to do with the pickler fetch or whatever implements the pipe row syntax. Something is clearly struggling with pipelining not-very-wide-and-upwards records.

We try to do "the right thing" and turn the row-by-row insert PL/SQL routine into a single bulk insert from function. We even add some extra tuning by bulk fetching off the cursor. We can see lots of savings such as reduced redo, though we also see some extra latching. And finally we find it is much much slower... Better put my inserts back in the plsql :(

Thanks for taking a look BTW.