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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Mo.

Asked: August 27, 2002 - 9:58 pm UTC

Last updated: September 12, 2007 - 10:16 am UTC

Version: 8.1.7

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked


1. When you are converting informix procedures that have SQL statements using temp tables, you can convert those into oracle using temporary tables or ref cursors? Is there really a need to create and drop those temporary tables since you can get the result set using a ref cursor?

2. Would temporary tables create a problem when you are using a web application when several users run the same procedure with different parameters that will create different result sets but same temporary table name? since we are using one DAD login to database?

3. In ref cursor when you define a query can u use IN parameters in the query like

open cursor for 'select * from table where state=:p_state'

p_state is an IN parameter to the stored procedure

and Tom said...

why in the year 2002 would you be converting from one obsolete database to an obsolete version of another???? 9iR2 is what you SHOULD be converting to. Anyway.

1) temporary tables are crutches that other databases that couldn't handle more then 2 or 3 tables at a time needed to use.

We grudgingly added them in 8i. I've used them in exactly one application -- a palm sync module I wrote for our web calendar. The palm conduit stuffs the change records from the palm into a pre-defined global temporary table and then calls a stored procedure to process the data. I've never found a use for them in reporting personally. Inline views, select (select), analytic functions -- they all obviate the need for them.

Just do it in a single query. check out

</code> <code>

for a complex example.

2) temporary tables are always session specific, there are no concurrency, no "opps I see your data" type of issues across sessions (and you'll have a session per page so no worries)

3) yes, it would look like:

procedure p( p_state in varchar2, p_cursor in out ref_cursor_type )
open p_cursor for select * from table where state = P_STATE;

would be the way to do that (don't use dynamic sql unless you HAVE to use dynamic sql. If you have to, it would have been:

open p_cursor for 'select * from table where state = :x' using p_state;


  (31 ratings)

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temp tables

mo, August 30, 2002 - 10:46 pm UTC


if you have the following informix code:

If type = 'A' then

insert into #temp1 (query 1=select from two tables);
insert into #temp2 (query 2);
insert into #temp1 (query 1);
insert into #temp2 (query 2);

select sum(col1- col2) into late_days from temp1;
select count(*) into cnt_temp1 from temp1;
select count(*) into cnt_temp2 from temp2;
select count(*) into cnt_noship from temp2 where ....;


to convert this into oracle:
1. do you need to use temp tables. my guess is not.
2. would you use implicit cursor or ref cursor for this.
3. I was thinking of doing for each query that inserts into temp table:

FOR x in (query 1)

would you do this ot can you use cursor%rowcount.

4. Actually do I really need to use a cursor at all?

can i just do:

select count(*) into cnt_temp1 from table1,table2 where (query1);
select count(*) into cnt_temp1 from table1, table2
where (query2)

5. If I want to outpu the cnt_temp1 and others do I declare them as OUT parameters in the header.

6. can i pass those output counts into other procedure or bascially I call this procedure in the other one and I can use the output parameters there.

THank you

Tom Kyte
August 31, 2002 - 10:25 am UTC

Now -- I don't see the difference between when type = 'A' and when it doesn't?

Lets assume they are different query 1 and query 2's so the code is really:

if ( type = 'A' ) then
insert into #temp1 QueryA;
insert into #temp2 QueryB;
insert into #temp1 QueryC;
insert into #temp2 QueryD;
end if;

I would code in Oracle then:

if ( p_Type = 'A' )
select sum(col1-col2),
decode(count(*),0,to_number(null),sum(col1-col2)/count(*) )
into last_days, cnt_temp1, late_ship
from ( QueryA );

Select count(*), sum( case (when <condition> then 1 else 0 end ) )
into cnt_temp2, cnt_noship
from ( QueryB );
... same block of code, differen queries in the FROM clause ...
end if;

In general -- where ever you have #tempN in a query -- replace it with the query you used to insert into #tempN in the first place. Also use techniques like I did above with decode and or CASE to remove the need to query a table 2, 3, 4 times.

If you wanted to have the called have access to the cnt_temp1, etc variables -- yes, you would have formal out parameters:

procedure p( p_cnt_temp1 out number, p_cnt_temp2 out number, ..... )

Yes, you can do that with parameters (#6). PLSQL is very much like any other 3gl language you have programmed with and has most all of the same constructs.

temporary tables

mo, August 31, 2002 - 3:53 pm UTC


Thanks for your great answer. I hope you run for president one day as you are the only one I vote for.

As a followup,

1. Did you use decode statement to avoid division by a 0 in case the count was null or for other purpose.

2. Why do you say " to avoid querying table 2,3 , or 4 times. How can i query tabe several time wiht one SQL statement.

3. Are you showing the use of the CASE statement as an alternative to use decode. Does this exist in 8i though?

4. You always use cursors when you need to access values in individual rows?Correct.
For frouop functions like here you do need any cursor.

5. Why does informix encourage the use of temp tables. It seems all their procedures have that feature.

Thank you,

Tom Kyte
August 31, 2002 - 4:31 pm UTC

I'd make a terrible president. I'm not very political.

1) to avoid divide by zero.

2) I took your 2 INSERTS and 4 queries:

insert into temp1 select queryA
insert into temp2 select queryB

select sum(col1- col2) into late_days from temp1;
select count(*) into cnt_temp1 from temp1;
select count(*) into cnt_temp2 from temp2;
select count(*) into cnt_noship from temp2 where ....;

and turned them into 2 queries -- period. Instead of scanning temp1 two times -- for the two selects, (to get sum(col1-col2) and count(*)) -- I did it in a single query (full scan ONCE, not TWICE). I used CASE for temp2 so I could do the two queries in one statement.

3) yes it does. In order to use it in plsql however you must use dynamic sql

execute immediate 'select case when 1=1 then 1 else 0 end from dual' INTO host_variable;

4) I only use cursors when I cannot possibly do it in a single statement. Cursors imply procedural processing which will be slower then a single statement.

EG: Never code
for x in (select ... )
insert into t values ( x.c1, x.c2, .. );
end loop;

always code

insert into t select ....;

5) because it cannot do what we can I suppose. With inline views, select (select), analytic functions, etc etc etc -- I've never actually USED a temp table except to stage data to be processed.

temporary tables

mo, August 31, 2002 - 4:08 pm UTC


I forgot about this:

1. You say if I want to have access to the cnt_temp1 I would use an OUT parameter.

DO i assign the value of my out parameter to the variables as


2. or do i just forget about variables and use write directly to parameters. can i do that? as:

select sum(col) into p_cnt_temp1 from table;

Tom Kyte
August 31, 2002 - 4:34 pm UTC

1) just select into it. Just use p_cnt_temp1, you don't need cnt_temp1;

2) correct.

temprary tables

mo, August 31, 2002 - 6:10 pm UTC


1. Are you saying that
SELECT count(*),sum(col1-col2) from (select * from table where state='CA')

will scan table only once?

2. Why do not I just do this rather than inline views.

select count(*),sum(col1_col2) from table
where state='CA'

3. Let us say I want to find a count and a sum for records for two states. Is there a way to do it in one table scan, or you have to do two select statements (two full scans).

4. Are you using inline views because it is faster rather than joining tables. My assuption is that when you join oracle does a full table scan of both tables and then does filter.

With inline views you filter on each table first and then you do the join on each query result set which makes a lot of difference in speed.

5. you say you only use temp tables when you want to stage data. What do you mean by that? to create other sub tables for production. I thought temp tables get cleaned after session ends?

AM I correct?

Tom Kyte
August 31, 2002 - 7:12 pm UTC

1) yes.

2) sure. not a problem -- it wasn't the question but yes, not a problem (they are in fact 100% the same)

3) look at the decode/case examples !!!!

select sum(decode(state,'CA',1,0)) ca_cnt, sum(decode(state,'VA',1,0)) va_cnt
from t;

4) No, I'm using them because the generic nature of the question dictated that I must. I don't know what queryA, queryB, queryC, queryD involved -- you might be able to merge them directly into the query, you might have to use an inline view.

YOU however can code it in whatever style works ;)

5) There is one time in my entire career I've used a temporary table. That was during the coding of a Palm sync application. I had the palm conduit on the PC insert the changed records from the palm into a global temporary table on the server (staged the data) -- ran a stored procedure to do the sync -- read the change recs back from the temp table and applied them on the palm. I do a commit and wah-lah -- the staged data disappears just like I wanted it to.

temporary tables

mo, September 03, 2002 - 1:13 pm UTC


When I try to write to OUT parameter and test with SQL PLUS I got the following example:

             p_two     OUT integer)

 p_two   := 0;
    select '5' into p_two from dual;


SQL> execute test('A',c);
BEGIN test('A',c); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 16:
PLS-00201: identifier 'C' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

Do you know why?

Tom Kyte
September 03, 2002 - 2:28 pm UTC

yah, what is C?  You just made it up, it doesn't exist.

SQL> variable c number
SQL> exec test( 'A', :c );
SQL> print c


temporary tables

mo, September 03, 2002 - 2:40 pm UTC


1. Well C is the name of the variable that I am passing to write the value of p_two. Do you always have to use ":C" when substituting an OUT parameter in calling a procedure?

2. The procedure I have have 5 OUT parameters I am wiring to. I am trying to check the answer in SQL*PLUS. I am running it as above using

Am i not supposed to see the output of the procedure which is the values of those OUT parameters?

3. Do I have to do what you did using print to see the results? Can I use it for several parameters?

Thank you,

Tom Kyte
September 03, 2002 - 3:18 pm UTC

1) and where did you define this C? You didn't.

You could:

c int;
test( 'A', c );

or you can use a sqlplus bind variable with :c like I did. Upto you -- either way, you've gotta define it.

2) I showed you how.

variable a number
variable b number
exec test( 'A', :a, :b, :c, .. )
print a
print b

(or set autoprint on and a, b, c, ... will just be printed for you)

3) set autoprint on

out parameter

mo, September 03, 2002 - 4:07 pm UTC


Great answer.

WHen I did

d int;
e int;

I had to use dbms_output.put_line(d);
to see the values. Correct?

2. So everytime you want to check values of OUT parameter you have to define a variable type for the passed parameter like you did?

Thank you,

Tom Kyte
September 03, 2002 - 6:48 pm UTC

1) yup

2) yup

informix c

ko, September 07, 2002 - 5:58 pm UTC


1. Can you do multiple sums in one scan of a table for different criteria like

select sum(total) from table where state='CA';
select sum(total) from table where state='CA' and city='San Diego';

2. If the informix database uses some C proecdures do you recomend converting those into PL/SQL or just call those from pl/sql and what do you do to execute them?

Thank you,

Tom Kyte
September 07, 2002 - 7:05 pm UTC

1) absolutely:

select sum(total),
sum(case when city = 'San Diego' then total else 0 end)
from table
where state = 'CA'

</code> <code>
before trying to use CASE in sql in plsql in Oracle8i -- but don't do anything special in 9i and up)

or you can

select sum(total), sum( decode( city, 'San Diego', total, 0 ) )
from table
where state = 'CA'

in all versions with no worries.

2) You can do either. We support the concept of external procedures. See the application developers guide for details on that.


ko, September 08, 2002 - 12:38 pm UTC


This is great:

select sum(total), sum( decode( city, 'San Diego', total, 0 ) )
from table
where state = 'CA'

However let us say i want to compute total sum for records in "CA" and total sum of records in "Boston". Would replaceing "San Diego" with "Boston" work. My guess is that it would not becayse you are filtering on state="CA"? DO you have to do multiple selects (scans) in this case?

2. Are you lcoated in Boston BTW.

Thank you

Tom Kyte
September 08, 2002 - 4:38 pm UTC

Simple continuation of the fundementals here.

Think about it -- see what I did for city? Just continue on:

select sum( decode( state, 'CA', total, 0 ) ) CA_total,
sum( decode( state, 'MA', decode( city, 'Boston', total, 0 ), 0 ) B_total
from table
where state in ( 'CA', 'MA' ) -- this is not necessary but may dramatically
-- affect performance for obvious reasons

Using case, it is easier I think:

select sum( case when state = 'CA' then total else 0 end ),
sum( case when state = 'MA' and city = 'Boston' then total else 0 end )
from table
where state in ( 'CA', 'MA' )

Now that you know of the existence of DECODE and CASE -- writing ANY query in this style should become second nature.

2) No, I'm in Leesburg VA working out of the Reston VA Oracle campus (or my personal Leesburg branch office ;)


mo, September 08, 2002 - 10:37 pm UTC


Yes this is great. I can apply this to any query rather than creating multiple queries. I guess basically any query can be done using on table scan rather than multiple selects which saves a lot of time when you have millions of records. WHen you index a column is there a way to see the data in the index (select from it)?

2. What was more shocking is that you are only a few miles away from me. I bet you work in ORACLE off Sunset Hills Drive. Please feel free to email me whenever you are free and I will invite you to lunch or dinner to your favorite restaurant in the area. I know you must be very busy man but I owe you a lot.

Tom Kyte
September 09, 2002 - 8:09 am UTC

If you create an index and your query can be answered solely from the index, the optimizer will choose an INDEX FAST FULL SCAN or INDEX FULL SCAN to answer it. It just happens.


mo, February 11, 2003 - 1:18 pm UTC


If a and b are arrays of type varchar2 how do you define in SQL*PLUS or pl/sql t osee the result of the our parameter.

variable a number
variable b number
exec test( 'A', :a, :b, :c, .. )
print a
print b

Tom Kyte
February 11, 2003 - 4:57 pm UTC

you don't

a <tabletype>;
b <tabletype>;
test ( 'A', a, b, :c, .... );

for i in 1 .. a.count loop dbms_output.put_line( a(i) ); end loop;
for i in 1 .. b.count loop dbms_output.put_line( b(i) ); end loop;
print c


mo, February 11, 2003 - 2:05 pm UTC


Do you know why I can not see the output.

TYPE tblname_out   IS  TABLE OF varchar(50) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
TYPE tbladdress1_out IS TABLE OF varchar2(50) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
TYPE tblcity_out   IS  TABLE OF varchar2(30) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
TYPE tblstate_out  IS  TABLE OF varchar2(15) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
TYPE tblzip_out    IS  TABLE OF varchar2(10) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
PROCEDURE EmployeeSearch
   (the_name IN VARCHAR2,
 name_out     OUT tblname_out,
 address1_out OUT tbladdress1_out,
 city_out     OUT tblcity_out,
 state_out    OUT tblstate_out,
 zip_out      OUT tblzip_out);
END Employee_Pkg;

PROCEDURE EmployeeSearch
   (the_name IN VARCHAR2,
 name_out     OUT tblname_out,
 address1_out OUT tbladdress1_out,
 city_out     OUT tblcity_out,
 state_out    OUT tblstate_out,
 zip_out      OUT tblzip_out)

CURSOR cur_employee (curName VARCHAR2) IS
select * from org where orgtype = curName;


      FOR curRecEmployee IN cur_employee(the_name) LOOP
         RecordCount:= RecordCount + 1;
 name_out(RecordCount)     :=;
 address1_out(RecordCount) := curRecEmployee.addr1;
 city_out(RecordCount)     :=;
 state_out(RecordCount)    := curRecEmployee.state;
 zip_out(RecordCount)      :=;

      END LOOP;
   END EmployeeSearch;
END Employee_Pkg;

  1   declare
  2  a1  employee_pkg.tblname_out;
  3  a2  employee_pkg.tbladdress1_out;
  4  a3 employee_pkg.tblcity_out;
  5  a4  employee_pkg.tblstate_out;
  6  a5  employee_pkg.tblzip_out;
  7  begin
  8  employee_pkg.employeesearch('MSC',a1,a2,a3,a4,a5);
  9* end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print a1
SP2-0625: Error printing variable "a1"
SQL> print a2;
SP2-0625: Error printing variable "a2"

OUT parameter

mo, February 11, 2003 - 6:04 pm UTC


it works thanks, but:

1.test ( 'A', a, b, :c, .... );

what is :c. I have a and b as OUT parameters only.

Can you run it through SQL*PLUS or only pl/sql program?

2. One informix guy says that in informix they use temp tables because they save time on the query. He says that you create a temp table then you do all queries on it instead of creating the query everytime and join the tables. he says if the query takes 100 secs and insert takes 10 secs and sum/count takes 10 secs you always save the 100 secs each time you query. My thinking is that the join in oracle will not take any time and I think the insert is what is really time consuming? What do you think?

Thank you

Tom Kyte
February 12, 2003 - 8:15 am UTC

1) you have to answer "what is :c", you used it first:

If a and b are arrays of type varchar2 how do you define in SQL*PLUS or pl/sql t
osee the result of the our parameter.

variable a number
variable b number
exec test( 'A', :a, :b, :c, .. )
print a
print b

I just copied your example. my example was an anonymous block that could be submitted via sqlplus or any environment actually that can execute plsql.

2) That may well be why informix as an entity no longer exists ;)

I think I could not follow the "query takes 100 secs" "insert takes 10 secs" and "sum/count" takes 10 seco" you save 10 secs each time you query.

I would ask why they query more then once? That is the part I'm not getting -- show me an example

Please Do Not Take Back GTT, thanks

Robert, February 12, 2003 - 10:50 am UTC

>>...temporary tables are crutches....We grudgingly added them in 8i.

You really mean this, Tom ?
Gee, I hope you guys don't take it back.
I mean for "bad" data model GTT seems invaluable to me as a
session-owned temp holding place so one does not have to come up with a single complex SQL - assuming that's possible - that no one can understand 2 days after...

Tom Kyte
February 12, 2003 - 3:21 pm UTC

and undocumented complex code is any harder to understand then an elegant query?

give me a query anyday -- rather unravel that then scads of code to do the same ;)

Yes, they are are a crutch for things that shouldn't be (that's what crutches are for I guess)....

temp tables

mo, February 12, 2003 - 6:35 pm UTC


1. what I mean is that I ran the package/procedure using pl/sql like this and it worked. But how do you do it using sql*plus prompt. how do you declare a variable of type array t for output and then print it.

1 declare
2 t1 employee_pkg.tblname_out;
3 t2 employee_pkg.tbladdress1_out;
4 t3 employee_pkg.tblcity_out;
5 t4 employee_pkg.tblstate_out;
6 t5 employee_pkg.tblzip_out;
7 begin
8 employee_pkg.employeesearch('ABC',t1,t2,t3,t4,t5);
9 for i in 1..t1.count
10 loop
11 dbms_output.put_line(t1(i));
12 dbms_output.put_line(t2(i));
13 dbms_output.put_line(t3(i));
14 dbms_output.put_line(t4(i));
15 dbms_output.put_line(t5(i));
16 end loop;
17* end;

2. I do not have an example. But I conclude you are against using temp tables and using inline views and a query instead. Is there a benefit to this? Does it make the SQL more complex?
What the informix guy is saying: let us say you have one PL/SQL program where you have 5 queries on tables a , b ,c.
First query runs on tables and create a temp table. then queries 2-5 run on the temp table (result set). what he says is that if he runs the last 4 queries on the temp table he save time instead of running it on tables a , b anc c because he has to do a join every time.

I am not sure if this is correct but if I am correct the join is not time consuming as an insert (write data blocks)?


Tom Kyte
February 12, 2003 - 6:42 pm UTC

1) asked and answered:

If a and b are arrays of type varchar2 how do you define in SQL*PLUS or pl/sql t
osee the result of the our parameter.

variable a number
variable b number
exec test( 'A', :a, :b, :c, .. )
print a
print b

Followup from Tom:

you don't

a <tabletype>;

2) does it make the sql more complex? I don't know, is:

insert into t

select .... from ...., T where .......

more complex, easier, harder, the same as:

select .... from ...., (SELECT_QUERY_HERE) where .......


And again -- I sort of need the real world case where I need to:

a) create some result set
b) to run 2-5 other queries against it

If you have a verifiable valid case that this is "so", then yes, there can be an advantage to using a temporary *sometimes*. I myself might look at the processing that requires the same temp table to be used in 2-5 subsequent queries and see if I don't have that proverbial "single SQL statement" instead of 5....

I can show you joins that blow away inserts for speed
I can show you the converse
I can show you most any case -- since almost everything is possible.

There are no blacks, no whites, no absolutes here -- everything is shades of grey.

No, you cannot say "a join is faster then an insert" -- I'm not really even sure what that "means". it is comparing apples to toaster ovens.

Some more questions regarding temporary tables

Suwarna Patki, July 15, 2003 - 8:31 am UTC

Hi Tom,

I have some quick questions:

1. Can temporary tables be loaded using external tools like Informatica?
2. How are these tables referenced in stored procedures? Please give some examples.

Thanks in advance!!!


Tom Kyte
July 15, 2003 - 10:04 am UTC

1) question for informatica. I would guess "yes but so what". temporary tables disappear upon commit or session end so while informatica could load it -- so what, they'll disappear.

2) just like any other table -- not a single bit of difference.

temporary table for multiple selection

surya, September 19, 2003 - 5:57 am UTC

can temporary tables be used for multiple selection?
to elaborate,

say i have table tab1 with col1, col2, etc..
have index on col1

now, i need to display the data from tab1 based on value passed for col1.

if only single value is passed then my output refcursor would be

open o_ref_cur for select * from tab1 where col1 = i_col1;

i need to accept multiple values for col1 as well. so, decided pass comma seperated as "1,2,3,4,5"

then can i use a temporary table to parse this and populate it into a temporary table say "temp" and give the output
like below to make use of index on col1

open o_ref_cur for select * from tab1 where col1 in (select col1 from temp)?

is that good way? i never used temporary tables, please guide?

Tom Kyte
September 20, 2003 - 5:15 pm UTC

yes, you can use temp tables for this.

temporary table for multiple selection

surya, September 21, 2003 - 10:56 pm UTC works fine.

now, when i don't select anything, then i don't pass anything for col1. in that case "temp" temporary table doesn't have any rows. so my query

open o_ref_cur for select * from tab1 where col1 in (select col1 from temp)

doesn't return anything, but i need to return everything(i.e. all the rows from tab1). is that possible?


Tom Kyte
September 22, 2003 - 7:37 am UTC

if ( i_didnt_put_anything_in_temp )
open o_ref_cur for select * from tab1;
open o_ref_cur for select * from tab1 where col1 in ( select col1 from temp);
end if;

temporary table for multiple selection -- for multiple columns

surya, September 23, 2003 - 4:48 am UTC

yeah, i can give that if condition but there are lots of columns like col1. i.e. multiple selection is possible on more than one, it is becoming little difficult to give so many conditions. is there any work around to write in the single sql and at the same time utilize the indices on the columns

Tom Kyte
September 23, 2003 - 6:39 am UTC

not really

Tom for president ?

Neil, September 23, 2003 - 8:33 am UTC

"I'd make a terrible president. I'm not very political."

Exactly why you should get the job!


Kumar, May 25, 2005 - 1:14 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
i)Where can we use Temporary tables?
Can you tell some scenarios where
they are useful??

ii)In an Interview one guy asked me
"Have you created and used a one time procedure"??
What answer can be given for that?

Tom Kyte
May 25, 2005 - 3:28 pm UTC

i) example was above in original answer. I tend to not use them myself.

ii) procedures? maybe for a data conversion of an inhouse application, but for one off things I tend to use anonymous blocks, not procedures.

CG, September 19, 2005 - 8:44 am UTC

So I see what you say what to use INSTEAD OF temp tables but no reasons as to why using them is bad?

I would have like to get an answer but your friend Jonathan Lewis got into a verbal brawl about my temp table question here:

Tom Kyte
September 19, 2005 - 11:54 am UTC

the reason it is bad to me? because 9999999 times out of 10000000, the use of the temp tables is because you are "porting" from sqlserver to Oracle. To take code that is optimized for sqlserver and plop it on Oracle (or vice versa) means you get a really, well, not optimal solution. To *need* a temp table in Oracle is infrequent. To *need* a temp table in sqlserver seems to be second nature.

I don't see him in a verbal brawl? I'm confused as to that point. he nailed the initial answer "temp tables don't have a tablespace" - if EM was showing you cwlite or something that is a bug in EM.

Thank you, and for the record.....

A reader, September 19, 2005 - 1:40 pm UTC

..... the use of temp tables is to hold data as it is brought in and sorted for a process of creating a new entry in our system.

I DID NOT design that. In fact Oracle consultants wrote that code about 4 years ago. TWO Oracle consultants did.
Unfortunately, this project was a FoxPro shop prior to Oracle being used.
So no one here knows anything about Oracle other then learning an Oracle DB build and some basic PL/SQL.

So needless to say Im frustrated beyond imagine at the statements my team lead ( yes a foxpro person ) makes that is unfounded. He loads 10,000 + rows of data with individual insert statements. 10 minutes to load vs less then a minute with external table.
( I spoke to you about that too as a thread here )

He called using external tables a "nice to have".

I could wine for ever but just pray for me to find another job. My career here will get no respect from any half way decent Oracle person.

global temp table vs user defined types for dyniamic lists

Swathi, December 15, 2005 - 4:25 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

In this thread, you are saying that "temporary tables are crutches that other databases that couldn't handle more then 2 or 3 tables at a time needed to use."

I am wondering if you recommend us to global temporary tables or user defined types to pass dynamic in lists to a query especially when we are sure that the dynamic in list will not have more than 10 values.

Example of a user defined type:

create or replace type test_table as table of number;
l_user_tbl test_table := test_table();

l_user_tbl(l_user_tbl.count) := 1;
l_user_tbl(l_user_tbl.count) := 2;
l_user_tbl(l_user_tbl.count) := 3;

FROM tab1, tab2
WHERE tabl1.col1 in ( SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(l_user_tbl AS test_table)))
AND tab1.header_id = tab2.header_id;

In these scenario, do you recommend global temporary table or user defined type like the above.

As always, I appreciate your help.


Tom Kyte
December 15, 2005 - 5:10 pm UTC

variable txt varchar2(25)
exec :txt := 'a,bb,ccc,d,e,f';

with data
select substr (txt,
instr (txt, ',', 1, level ) + 1,
instr (txt, ',', 1, level+1) - instr (txt, ',', 1, level) -1 )
as token
from (select ','||:txt||',' txt from dual)
connect by level <= length(:txt)-length(replace(:txt,',',''))+1
select * from data;

that works too ;)

I would prefer not to use a global temporary table if I didn't have to, for the simple reason that it makes it sort of a "two step" -- insert, then select.


Swathi's Friend, December 16, 2005 - 12:59 pm UTC

Following up with Swathi's question above, how do I benchmark the temporary table solution vs. "table casting" solution (or other solutions)? What system performance metrics would I be looking for? Can you produce a simple test case for us to see?

With the "table casting" solution, how would Oracle Optimizer interpret how big the PLSQL table is going to be since it does not have any cost information? If we know that the dynamic in list (the PLSQL table in this case) cannot have more than 10 elements for example, can we safely use the LEADING hint to direct Oracle to start the access path from the PLSQL table?

Tom Kyte
December 16, 2005 - 1:14 pm UTC

see </code>
for runstats, a simple test harness.

"Query Plans with Temporary Tables"

and finally <code>for in memory collections


A reader, March 10, 2006 - 6:49 am UTC

Hello Tom,
Where temporary tables are created and stored??

Are they in the PGA??

Tom Kyte
March 10, 2006 - 12:26 pm UTC

their metadata is in the dictionary (the thing that describes them)

their data will be in your temporary space.

Internal view for temporary tables

A reader, April 05, 2006 - 11:03 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Can you tell me the name of the internal view/s where I can go and see all the information about the temporary tables? I need to re-build a couple of temporary tables in a different database where they currently are and I don't have the code that was used when they were first created, so I need to use the internal views to be able to re-write the code and rebuild the tables.

I would appreciate any help on this.

Tom Kyte
April 06, 2006 - 9:00 am UTC

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create global temporary table gtt
  2  ( x int primary key, y date, z varchar2(20) );

Table created.

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl( 'TABLE', 'GTT' ) from dual;


   (    "X" NUMBER(*,0),
        "Y" DATE,
        "Z" VARCHAR2(20),


Analyze on temporary table

joseph sat, April 25, 2006 - 11:59 am UTC


In your article </code> <code>
"Query Plans with Temporary Tables", u propose three solutions. All relate to statistics at runtime or hint. I was wondering whether i can daily run analyze on this GTT and will have the same effect?


Tom Kyte
April 25, 2006 - 2:27 pm UTC

"u" - why is this person getting all of the credit? "u" wrote nothing in that article!!!

and in reading that article I see I wrote:

So the three solutions available to you are

* Using dynamic sampling <<<=== runtime
* Using DBMS_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS <<<=== NOT runtime NOT a hint
* Using the CARDINALITY hint <<<=== a hint


Varray & Nested tables in Temporary Tables.

Jitin, July 06, 2006 - 4:36 am UTC

Hi Tom,
to achieve some functionality, i was using Varray in my permanent table.Now, to handle Multi-user/Multi-session environment, i need to convert that table into Temporary Table but my problem is Global Temporary Table don't support Varray/ Nested table.
What should I do?
Need your guidance to achieve my objective.

Please help.

Tom Kyte
July 08, 2006 - 9:37 am UTC

I'll bite.

Why do you believe you need a global temporary table here? Oracle is pretty good at multi-user/multi-session stuff as it is.

collection or GTT

Stewart W. Bryson, September 07, 2007 - 2:49 pm UTC

I agree with your assessment of GTT. I do recall one other place you've used one:

But your reasoning is the same... it wasn't a performance thing... it's for data staging.

Suppose I have a procedure--procedure_x--that loops through a series of records in the database to perform a particular action, let's call it Action X. Some time later, in the same session , I will call procedure_y to work on that same series of records to perform Action Y. However, procedure_x will change the database such that procedure_y would not pull the same series of records. So I need to store those results somewhere for safe keeping between calls to procedure_x and procedure_y.

The way I see, I can either insert the records in a GTT, or use a global variable to define a collection that will hold them.

Does this simply break down to preference, or are there real pros and cons to these two solutions?

Thanks as always.

Tom Kyte
September 12, 2007 - 10:16 am UTC

gtt (global temporary table) will use disk to store results as needed.

collection is entirely in memory.

if this is more than a tiny number of rows, you would be leaning towards a gtt for that reason (won't cause huge PGA requirements)

plus, you can use SQL more efficiently on gtt's


Stewart W. Bryson, September 12, 2007 - 10:30 am UTC

It's not a lot of records, so the memory requirements are negligible. However, I chose the GTT method ( I already wrote it, actually ) for the reason you specified... SQL. Just can't beat it!

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