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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Rukshan.

Asked: June 17, 2002 - 7:00 am UTC

Last updated: April 21, 2010 - 9:14 am UTC

Version: 8.1.7

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked


I not using MTS but when I run the following query why do I get such a high value for UGA mem. max usage ?

select name, sum(value/1024) "Value - KB"
from v$statname n,
v$session s,
v$sesstat t
where s.sid=t.sid
and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
and s.type = 'USER'
and s.username is not NULL
and in ('session pga memory', 'session pga memory max'
'session uga memory', 'session uga memory max')
group by name

NAME Value - KB
------------------------------ ----------
session pga memory 265824.676
session pga memory max 266809.711
session uga memory 2823.03125
session uga memory max 254586.848

and Tom said...

We use UGA memory in dedicated server mode. It is just where is the UGA located -- in dedicated server mode, it's in the PGA. In shared server mode, it's in the SGA.

If you have my book -- i describe these structures in some detail, here is a short extract:


As stated earlier, the PGA is a process piece of memory. This is memory specific to a single operating system process or thread. This memory is not accessible by any other process/thread in the system. It is typically allocated via the C run-time call malloc(), and may grow (and shrink even) at run-time. The PGA is never allocated out of Oracle's SGA – it is always allocated locally by the process or thread.

The UGA is in effect, your session's state. It is memory that your session must always be able to get to. The location of the UGA is wholly dependent on how Oracle has been configured to accept connections. If you have configured MTS, then the UGA must be stored in a memory structure that everyone has access to – and that would be the SGA. In this way, your session can use any one of the shared servers, since any one of them can read and write your sessions data. On the other hand, if you are using a dedicated server connection, this need for universal access to your session state goes away, and the UGA becomes virtually synonymous with the PGA – it will in fact be contained in the PGA. In fact, when you look at the system statistics, you'll find the UGA reported in the PGA in dedicated server mode (the PGA will be greater then or equal to the UGA memory used, the PGA memory size will include the UGA size as well).



  (115 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


chao_ping, August 02, 2002 - 4:10 am UTC

  1  select name, sum(value/1024) "Value - KB"
  2   from v$statname n,
  3   v$session s,
  4   v$sesstat t
  5   where s.sid=t.sid
  6   and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
  7   and s.type = 'USER'
  8   and s.username is not NULL
  9   and in ('session pga memory', 'session pga memory max',
 10   'session uga memory', 'session uga memory max')
 11*  group by name
SQL> /

NAME                                                             Value - KB
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
session pga memory                                               24606.8555
session pga memory max                                           368674.586
session uga memory                                               2417.37891
session uga memory max                                           445290.664
why in my case, uga max is larger than pga max?

Tom Kyte
August 05, 2002 - 11:07 am UTC

you are using MTS (shared server connections)

The UGA is in the SGA with that. In dedicated server connections, the UGA is in the PGA.

PGA / UGE Memory

rukshan soza, January 06, 2003 - 10:23 am UTC

When does the PGA memory gets deallocated?. Is it possible to deallocate PGA memory without disconnecting from the session?. Is there an Oracle Note which describes PGA/UGA memory allocation/deallocation?

Thanks & Rgds


Tom Kyte
January 06, 2003 - 10:48 am UTC

Well, there is my book "expert one on one oracle"

basically -- pga memory is malloc()'ed in a processes memory space. You can shrink it but it is just a waste of your time. see dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory.

Why is it a waste? Becuase memory is malloc'ed in a heap and really cannot be shrunk back down unless the LAST byte of malloc'ed memory isn't used. So, say you have a heap o memory like this:

lo address
high address

and xxxx = used stuff, fff = free stuff. You call free_unused_user_memory and we'll tell you that you are using less PGA however the OS will beg to differ as the process heap cannot be reduced until that xx stuff at the high address isn't being used anymore.

The reason it is a waste of your time also is because on all modern operating systems -- the fffff stuff, if needed by another process will be used. It'll page that stuff you are not using out.

So, do not be overly concerned by large PGA's -- look at the resident set size of the process, that's what counts.


Rukshan, January 06, 2003 - 11:13 am UTC

Hi Tom
I have your book and its brilliant.
However, when we run a stored proc thro' a loop after a few iterations we get ORA-4030. I was wondering of a way of avoiding this.
for i in 1..100 loop
end loop;
fails after about 60 iterations.


Tom Kyte
January 06, 2003 - 11:16 am UTC

so, care to share what is in the procedure? I've been known to do loops 100,000 or more times -- there is nothing "wrong" -- but perhaps you are doing something in there like filling a global plsql table up and just quite simply "exhausting memory". That is you programmed a memory leak.

So, give us the test case.

Stored Proc

Rukshan, January 06, 2003 - 11:56 am UTC

Unfortunately its a Java program. The Oracle stored procedure calls this Java program. But, its not possible to run standalone. Needs apps server etc.

Tom Kyte
January 06, 2003 - 12:23 pm UTC

try to reproduce with as few moving pieces as possible then -- that is what I do when I hit a problem. By removing bits and pieces, you'll find the cause, and can then zero in on a solution.

Take it apart -- find the THING that is causing the issue. Make it small (like I do)

Java Program

Rukshan, January 06, 2003 - 12:04 pm UTC

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure MatchcodeLookup(whereIn IN VARCHAR2) AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME ' (java.lang.String)';

Java Program:
import capscan.client.McConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

public class MatchcodeLookup
// Mode values
private final static int MODE_INTERACTIVE = 0;
private final static int MODE_BATCH = 1;
private static int prevMode = -1;

// Private static attributes
private static boolean alreadySetup = false;
private static boolean inDebug = false;
private static int pfSelFields; // pre fixed selected fields number

// select & where vectors
private static Vector select = null;
private static Vector where = null;

// default connection parameters
private static int mcType = McConnection.SEARCH;
private static String mcHost = "localhost";
private static String mcPool = "PAF";
private static String mcName = "conntest";

// matchcode tables
private static String confTable = "MATCHCODE_CONFIG";
private static String resTable = "MATCHCODE_TEMP";
private static String errTable = "MATCHCODE_ERROR";

* This is the actual code run as a Java Stored Proceedure, parameters can
* be set up by changing the values set up in the matchcode_config table.
* Results will be written to the matchcode_temp table. Exceptions will be
* written to the matchcode_error table.
public static void run(String query)
performSearch(query, MODE_INTERACTIVE);

* This method is used when wanting to verify a single address. It is for
* using when performing batch processing, to avoid looping through
* ambiguity lists.
public static void verifyAddress(String query)
performSearch(query, MODE_BATCH);

private static void performSearch(String query, int mode)
Connection cn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
Statement s = null;
McConnection mcConn = null;

// First time stored procedure is run - get setup configuration
if (!alreadySetup || mode != prevMode)
// Set as already if setup completed succesfully
alreadySetup = setup(cn, mode);

// If still setup wasn't made, exit run
if (!alreadySetup)

prevMode = mode;

// Use parameter as ADDR criteria
Vector data = new Vector();

// Get DB connection if not yet done (in setup)
if (cn == null)
cn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
s = cn.createStatement();

// Prepare statement for inserting results to temporary table
StringBuffer statement =
new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO " + resTable + " VALUES(");
for(int i = 0; i < select.size() - pfSelFields - 1; i++)
statement.append("?, ");
statement.append("? )");
ps = cn.prepareStatement(statement.toString());

// Connect to matchcode server and preform search
mcConn = new McConnection(mcHost, mcPool, mcName,
String result[];
// In batch mode, use only crossmatch
if (mode == MODE_BATCH)
result =,
select, where, data, 30);
result =, select, where, data, 30);

// Check for ambiguity - interactive mode only
int ambigCount = 0;
ambigCount = Integer.parseInt(result[0]);
catch(Exception excParse) {}

// In case of ambiguity, analyze ambig list field. In batch mode,
// ambigCount will be set to 0 and so this will be false.
if (ambigCount > 0)
String ambigList = result[1];

// Break ambiguity list to address tokens
StringTokenizer ambigST = new StringTokenizer(ambigList, "@");
int noTokens = ambigST.countTokens();
if (noTokens > 1)
// Build new where and data vectors
Vector where2 = new Vector();
Vector data2;
String results2[];

// Loop through address records
String addrToken, postcode;
StringTokenizer addrST;
while (ambigST.hasMoreTokens())
addrToken = ambigST.nextToken();
addrST = new StringTokenizer(addrToken, ";");

// First token is full address, second is full postcode
postcode = addrST.nextToken();

// Update criteria with current postcode and search
data2 = new Vector();
results2 =,
select, where2, data2, 5);

// Insert each row to temp results table
insertRow(ps, results2);
// Batch mode, or alternatively interactive more with no ambiguity,
// insert single address to temp results table
insertRow(ps, result);

// Debug message
if (inDebug)
System.out.println("MatchcodeLookup results written");
catch (Exception excSearch)
"INSERT INTO " + errTable + " VALUES('" + new Date() + " " +
excSearch.getMessage().replace('\'','\"') + "')");
catch (Exception excSQL)
System.err.println("MatchcodeLookup error " + new Date() + "\n"
+ excSearch.getMessage() + "\n" + excSQL.getMessage());
catch (Exception excClose)
System.err.println("MatchcodeLookup error disconnecting " +
new Date() + "\n" + excClose.getMessage());

private static boolean setup(Connection cn, int mode)
PreparedStatement ps = null;
Statement s = null;
boolean rc = true;

cn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
ps = cn.prepareStatement(
"SELECT ConfigVal from " + confTable + " where ConfigKey = ?");

s = cn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = null;

// Get selected field list
ps.setString(1, "SELECT");
rs = ps.executeQuery();

select = new Vector();

// For interactive mode, always select ambiglist
pfSelFields = 2;
pfSelFields = 0;

while (

// Get where field list (should be only ADDR)
ps.setString(1, "WHERE");
rs = ps.executeQuery();

where = new Vector();
while (

// Get host name, pool name, application name and query type
mcHost = getSetupData(ps, "MCHOST");
mcPool = getSetupData(ps, "MCPOOL");
mcName = getSetupData(ps, "MCNAME");
mcType = Integer.parseInt(getSetupData(ps, "MCTYPE"));

// Get debug mode, if exists
ps.setString(1, "DEBUG");
rs = ps.executeQuery();
if ( && rs.getString(1).toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'Y')
inDebug = true;

// Debug message
if (inDebug)
System.out.println("MatchcodeLookup setup completed");
// "Host: " + mcHost + "\n" +
// "Pool: " + mcPool + "\n" +
// "Name: " + mcName + "\n" +
// "Type: " + mcType);
catch (Exception excSetup)
rc = false;
"INSERT INTO " + errTable + " VALUES('Setup: " + new Date() +
" " + excSetup.getMessage().replace('\'','\"') + "')");
catch (Exception excSSQL)
System.err.println("MatchcodeLookup setup error " + new Date()
+ "\n" + excSetup.getMessage() + "\n" + excSSQL.getMessage());
// do not close db connection
// cn.close();
catch (Exception excSClose)
rc = false;
System.err.println("MatchcodeLookup setup error2 " +
new Date() + "\n" + excSClose.getMessage());
return rc;

private static void insertRow(PreparedStatement ps, String[] result)
throws SQLException
for (int i = pfSelFields; i < result.length; i++)
ps.setString(i - pfSelFields + 1, result[i]);

private static String getSetupData(PreparedStatement ps, String str)
throws SQLException
String result = null;
ResultSet rs;
ps.setString(1, str);
rs = ps.executeQuery();;
result = rs.getString(1);

return result;

UGA larger than pga in dedicated server mode

Rob, April 14, 2003 - 3:55 pm UTC


I am running on Tru64 unix. My understanding from reading this and other postings is that when using dedicated server connections the uga is contained in the pga. Can you explain why the uga session max is so much higher than pga session max in the following:

SQL> select sid,username,server,status from v$session
  2  where sid=34;

       SID USERNAME                       SERVER    STATUS
---------- ------------------------------ --------- --------
        34 DW                             DEDICATED ACTIVE

SQL> select name, sum(value/1024) "Value - KB"
  2   from v$statname n,
  3   v$session s,
  4   v$sesstat t
  5   where s.sid=t.sid
  6   and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
  7   and s.type = 'USER'
  8   and s.username is not NULL
  9   and s.sid=34
 10   and in ('session pga memory', 'session pga memory max', 'session uga memory', 'session uga memory max')
 11   group by name
SQL> /

NAME                                                             Value - KB
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
session pga memory                                               1343.60938
session pga memory max                                           1343.60938
session uga memory                                               130.742188
session uga memory max                                           1573063.65


Thanks as always,


Tom Kyte
April 14, 2003 - 4:49 pm UTC

curious -- why are you summing?

lets just see this output:

select name, value
from v$statname n, v$sesstat t
where n.statistic# = t.statistic#
and t.sid = ( select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1 )
and in ( 'session pga memory', 'session pga memory max',
'session uga memory', 'session uga memory max')

no group by, no sum, no v$session - just the stats.

More info

Rob, April 15, 2003 - 4:39 pm UTC


The session is running an export. Here is the query. I changed it a little since v$mystat is info on the current session and the session in question is not my current session. 

SQL> select name, value                                                         
from v$statname n, v$sesstat t                                                  
where n.statistic# = t.statistic#                                               
and t.sid = 28                                                                  
and in ( 'session pga memory', 'session pga memory max',                 
                'session uga memory', 'session uga memory max')                 

NAME                                   VALUE     
session uga memory                    146512     
session uga memory max            1260850632     
session pga memory                   1535936     
session pga memory max            -721944024     

Tom Kyte
April 16, 2003 - 9:24 am UTC

see the pga is negative, it rolled over. (overflowed the number they used)

the pga is really big.

A reader, September 16, 2003 - 3:01 pm UTC


this is my pga info
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
session uga memory 207980
session uga memory max 207980
session pga memory 312152
session pga memory max 66101520

When i execute this query i get this error
ORA-4030 Out of process memory
Called heap temporary memory



Tom Kyte
September 16, 2003 - 6:15 pm UTC

that is not your pga info.

that shows how much pga you are using

not how much you are capable of using.

perhaps your sort/hash area size is unrealistic
perhaps your pga_aggregate_target is (no versions, have to guess what parameters might apply)

A reader, September 16, 2003 - 6:23 pm UTC

Sorry tom, my db version is 817

Tom Kyte
September 16, 2003 - 8:18 pm UTC

so, what is your sort/hash area sizes

is the machine memory starved

whats the os

A reader, September 17, 2003 - 10:32 am UTC


Operating System is HP-UX 11.0

No, the machine is not memory starved, but the Sys Admin has set user process to 64Mb.


Tom Kyte
September 17, 2003 - 4:23 pm UTC

that will do it, why would they do that?

ask sys admin to remove all restrictions on database server processes.

A reader, September 17, 2003 - 6:02 pm UTC

The limitation was taken off but i am still getting the same error, or can you please comment on the query.


Tom Kyte
September 17, 2003 - 6:24 pm UTC

the query lines up very nicely.

now, can you analyze your pga usage (v$ tables) and monitor the process (dedicated server) memory usage at the OS level? tell us what you see there.

clarification on pga memory max

reader, January 04, 2004 - 1:37 pm UTC

Please see below. How do I interpret the result from the query? This a new session and I have not done any query that needs sort space. I was wondering why there is a difference between uga memory and uga memory max. Also, what is the meaning of pga memory max? Is pga memory max 417068 bytes already allocated for the process in its pga? Thanks.

SQL> select b.sid,, b.value
  2  from v$statname a, v$mystat b
  3  where a.statistic#= b.statistic# and like '%ga %';

       SID NAME                           VALUE
---------- ------------------------- ----------
        12 session uga memory             76960
        12 session uga memory max        273352
        12 session pga memory            220460
        12 session pga memory max        417068

SQL> show parameter sort

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
nls_sort                             string
sort_area_retained_size              integer     0
sort_area_size                       integer     524288 

Tom Kyte
January 04, 2004 - 3:02 pm UTC

uga memory is "user global area" memory -- session specific stuff. If you are running shared server, this amount of memory is in the SGA. If you are running dedicated server, this memory is in the PGA (hence, it would be "double counted", the pga HAS the uga inside of it).

The PGA memory is the process global memory -- the memory specific to a process (shared or dedicated server). It consists of many things -- not just sort areas (and probably contains your UGA in most cases).

What you see there, assuming dedicated server, is that your dedicated server at one point, for whatever reason (open cursors, plsql variables, whatever) had 417,068 bytes of memory allocated and used. Currently, it has 220,460 allocated and used.

If you are using shared server, what you are seeing is that in the SGA, you have 76,960 bytes allocated -- at one point you had 273,352. The shared server you are attached to, had 417,068 bytes of memory allocated and used at some point. Currently, it has 220,460 allocated and used.

Allocation of PGA

Jayesh, April 16, 2004 - 12:08 am UTC

When I configure my database "auto start" with Windows Is there PGA allocated for any process? Is it using any sort of authentication to startup? Password file/OS

Tom Kyte
April 16, 2004 - 7:19 am UTC

pga = process global area

all processes (threads) in oracle have a pga. pmon is a process. pmon has a pga.

So, yes, there are pga's allocated for each process/thread as needed.

in order to startup the database, the 'starter' has been authenticated, yes. It could be OS (normal) or password file over the network.

PGA Size for Web Application

MEHMOOD, May 25, 2004 - 3:24 pm UTC

Dear Tom:
We are using web application. We are using WebSphere as an Application Server and oracle 9i (9202) is being used as a Database. There are normally 40 connected sessions from the App Server. I wanted to ask what should be the PGA size? and should it be MTS or Dedicated Server Configuration. And can you advice about the shared pool, db cache size, log buffer, pga aggregate size, sort area size etc??

Tom Kyte
May 25, 2004 - 3:57 pm UTC

websphere is probably going to have a connection pool, and that would mean you want to use dedicated server.

impossible to size ram for a system one knows nothing about at all.

User Session Data

Anto P John, September 13, 2004 - 7:39 am UTC

I confused with session data! My understanding is session data contains table data. But in the discussion session data contains pl/sql variables, cursors etc...
Please give me a clear meaning of session data.

Tom Kyte
September 13, 2004 - 8:45 am UTC

session data -- any and all data relating to a session?

not really sure what you are looking for here, session data is the session state. I might have an established session that never actually runs a single QUERY. "table data" isn't really relevant.

oracle memory consumption

ana, November 02, 2004 - 1:39 pm UTC

sample output of a top command :

5379 oracle 1 59 0 161M 139M sleep 0:00 0.16% oracle
5364 oracle 11 55 0 162M 140M sleep 0:00 0.15% oracle
5560 oracle 1 58 0 161M 139M sleep 0:00 0.11% oracle
5555 oracle 1 59 0 161M 142M sleep 0:00 0.09% oracle

The SGA for the oracle instance is 126M. So is it right if I say that each user connection approximately takes up 161-126=35M. Besides the PGA (the UGA being part of it in this dedicated server example), the rest of the 35M is the memory required to run the Oracle executable?


Tom Kyte
November 03, 2004 - 6:24 am UTC

use OS tools to investigate what is there -- MOST of that you will find is shared text.

pmap on solaris for example shows the breakdown of how the memory is used.


Danny Chen, January 10, 2005 - 7:53 pm UTC


How about in the RAC environment, the uga is in the pga area or in the sga area?

Tom Kyte
January 10, 2005 - 8:20 pm UTC

depends on the connection type once again.

dedicated vs shared.

rac doesn't change that.

Just curiuos

Flado, January 11, 2005 - 3:52 am UTC

The shared server you are attached to, had 417,068 bytes of memory allocated and used at some point. Currently, it has 220,460 allocated and used.

Does that mean that, in shared server mode, if I repeatedly look at the 'session pga memory max' statistic in a single session, it might change (and in fact even decrease) just because I get a different shared server that happened to have been using less PGA in its lifetime as the one I got the last time? Hmmm...

Tom Kyte
January 11, 2005 - 9:10 am UTC

pga is process based - yes. it is PROCESS memory, in the heap of the shared server itself.


James, February 09, 2005 - 12:50 pm UTC

Hello Tom,
When I execute some procedures I get the error
"Buffer Over flow".What can be the reason behind this?
The System also hangs forever.I am not able to proceed further.
Is there any way that enables us to flush the PGA?

Tom Kyte
February 09, 2005 - 3:02 pm UTC

the system is not "hanging forever" from a "serveroutput buffer overflow" (something else might be happening, but it isn't that)

SQL> set serveroutput on size 1000000


A reader, February 14, 2005 - 5:10 pm UTC

I need to have a formula for calculating the PGA/UGA
in MTS and dedicated server mode.

What about if the client uses dedicated connection even though the server is configured in MTS


Tom Kyte
February 14, 2005 - 6:10 pm UTC

how about "42"

that is a formula.... not sure what you mean by "i need to have a formula for ..."

you can monitor your actual UGA and PGA usage, but how much of each you need is very unique to you, your system and what you do on it.

A reader, June 24, 2005 - 7:41 pm UTC

still confusing

Vadim, February 12, 2006 - 2:18 pm UTC


you are saying:
PGA is a process piece of memory, it is per process
UGA is a session state, it is per session

I understand that. These notions are from different worlds - PGA is process memory, an OS notion if you will, UGA is per session so it is an Oracle notion. Then how can they be used in the same context like e.g. (Metalink Note):

- Dedicated Server Configuration.
The sort area is allocated in the Program Global Area (PGA)
- Multi-threaded Server Configuration.
The sort area is allocated in the User Global Area (UGA)

This is very confusing. According to you sort areas are always in UGA whether or not UGA itself is in PGA. To add to the confusion:
"session pga memory" statistic is per session. How can PGA be measured per session if it is strictly a per process notion? How do I calculate total PGA size (total for Oracle instance) and total UGA size and UGA's breakdown (what's in PGA and what's in SGA) assuming we have a mix of shared server and dedicated connections at the same time? we are using Oracle 8i

Thank you

Tom Kyte
February 12, 2006 - 5:31 pm UTC

And actually - that quote is not 100% technically accurate either :)

The sort area size and sort area retained size come into play as well....

do you have access to my first book "Expert one on one Oracle" - you might find the section on memory management in Oracle useful.

In dedicated server, the UGA is entirely contained in the PGA (and it can get even more complex since a single PROCESS may have many SESSIONS in it - therefore MANY UGA's).

So, the sort area size will be entirely in the PGA when and if allocated.

In shared server, Oracle will allocate upto sort_area_retained_size in the UGA which is in the SGA. Then anything above and beyond the sort_area_retained_size would be allocated in the PGA of the process doing the sort (since that will spill out to temp after the sort completes, before the client gets data back...)

Vadim, February 12, 2006 - 5:53 pm UTC

Tom, thank you for prompt answer

what about the second part of my question? in the meanwhile I was doing some research on Metalink about "session pga memory" statistics...please confirm my worst suspicion :-) There is no way to get an approximation of the total PGA size for an instance out of Oracle data dictionary? (for 8i that is)

Thank you

Tom Kyte
February 13, 2006 - 8:04 am UTC

well, first, this is a "review followup area", there really isn't anything such as " a second question " :) technically... but anyway.

In 8i, it can be a tangle to get it out - but v$sesstat is good enough an approxmiation - and it'll always be approximate since things come and things go - eg: anything you do would be a point in time, as of "right then and there"

But in 8i, you in general control the size of your pga allocatins via the various _size parameters. That is your "potential" use.

Thanks for the question regarding PGA/UGA Memory

Ashish Mrig, March 02, 2006 - 1:56 pm UTC

Thanks Tom for your insight about PGA & UGA, it's very helpful. However I getting the dreaded 403-Out of process memory error when I run this query below.

SELECT OACCT.ACCOUNT_ID ACCOUNTID, TRIM(OACCT.ACCOUNT_SHORT_NM) ACCOUNTNAME FROM ODR_VW_ACCOUNTS OACCT WHERE ORACLE_ID = 'SNARAYAN' AND OACCT.ACCOUNT_ID NOT IN ('0002272','0002609','0007655','0007661','0007665','011007164100','012100001343','012100001445','012100002655','012100002656','012100002906','012100003138','012100004057','012101262707','012101430135','012101431003','012101431211','012101431222','012101431223','012105012808','012105015208','012105027302','012105089600','012105094300','012105153709','012105165607','012105166009','012105198500','012105217703','012105218301','012105249108','012105292408','012105308008','012105338805','012105374908','012105381801','012105394405','012105399302','012105402904','012105403002','012105403208','012105424203','012105439803','012105439901','012105460306','012105518200','012105632602','012105664104','012105671506','012105875500','012105906102','012105917500','012105931806','012108730448','012108730575','012108731239','012108731544','012108731637','012110000271','012110000352','012110000405','012110000518','012110000522','012110000524','012110000525','012110000526','012110001076','012110001077','012110001078','012110001155','012110001424','012110001516','012110001522','012110001541','012110001855','012110001858','012110001859','012110001874','012110001922','012110001974','012110002015','012110002085','012110002086','012110002293','012110002344','012110002345','012110002412','012110002414','012110002427','012110002428','012110002505','012110002523','012110002565','012110002654','012110002831','012110002848','012110002900','012110002901','012110003084','012110003149','012110003321','012110003322','012110003800','012110003959','012110004072','012110004109','012110004139','012110004175','012110004176','012110004192','012110004224','012110004277','012110004278','01211000430','012110004342','012110004461','012110004783','012110004825','012110004848','012110004980','012110005209','012110005213','012110005257','012110005258','012110005372','012110005373','012110005376','012110005416','012110005421','012110005583','012110005630','012110005723','012110005852','012110005853','012110005875','012110005876','012110144354','012110144362','012110145160','012110145215','012110146103','012110146105','012110146170','012110146216','012110146236','012110146245','012110146255','012110146277','012110146280','012110146284','012110146293','012110146295','012110146301','012110146338','012110146339','012110146344','012110146354','012110146355','012110146364','012110146380','012110146384','012110146386','012110146390','012110146391','012110146399','012110146404','012110146406','012110146407','012110146411','012110146414','012110146415','012110146416','012110146422','012110146423','012110146430','012110146432','012110146438','012110146442','012110146443','012110146444','012110146449','012110146450','012110146452','012110146453','012110146459','012110146463','012110146466','012110146467','012110146468','012110146469','012110146481','012110403521','012110406407','012110406486','012110486209','012110486375','012110486405','012110486428','012110616219','012110616227','012110616251','012110616294','012110616298','012110616309','012110616310','012110616328','012110616332','012110616333','012110616358','012110616359','012110616363','012110616369','012110616378','012110616379','012110616389','012110616394','012110616396','012110616403','012110616424','012110616425','012110616436','012110616439','012110616454','012110616465','012110616470','012110616471','012110616473','012110616476','012110616477','012110616478','012110616483','012110616484','012110616485','012110616508','012110876106','012110876246','012110876272','012110876273','012110876317','012110876385','012110876456','012110876457','012110876458','012110876462','012111262604','012111262622','012111262623','012111430609','012111430616','012111430617','012111430655','012111430656','012111430665','012111430687','012111430692','012111430694','012111430708','012111430709','012111430730','012111430733','012111430818','012111430914','012119000226','012119000227','012119000228','012119000229','012119000230','012119000231','012119000232','012119000233','012119000235','012119000236','012119000238','012119000239','012119000240','012119000241','012119000242','012119000243','012119000244','012119000245','012119000246','012119000247','012119000248','012119000250','012119000251','012119000253','012119000254','012119000255','012119000257','012119000258','012119000259','012119000260','012119000261','012119000262','012119000264','012119000265','012119000266','012119000267','012119000268','012119000270','012119000271','012119000273','012119000274','012119000275','012119000276','012119000277','012119000278','012119000280','012119000281','012119000282','012119000283','012119000284','012119000285','012119000286','012119000287','012119000288','012119000289','012119000290','012119000291','012119000292','012119000293','012119000294','012119000295','012119000297','012119000298','012119000299','012119000300','012119000301','012119000302','012119000303','012119000304','012119000305','012119000306','012119000307','012119000311',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AND ROWNUM < 2001 ORDER BY 1

The parameters pga_aggregate_target = 1555165824
shared_pool = 419430400

59 session uga memory 341224
59 session uga memory max 1126120
59 session pga memory 1250232
59 session pga memory max 118878752

Can you pl. help me out here ?

Tom Kyte
March 02, 2006 - 2:28 pm UTC

I would suggest not building such large inlists in the first place (lack of binds!)

insert those values (using binds) into a global temporary table
select * from t where x not in ( select * from gtt ) - make sure gtt column is NOT NULL and use the cbo!!

you do know that

where rownum < 2001 order by 1

gets a random 2000 rows, then sorts them???

it does not get the first 2000 rows after sorting.

What if?

Neeraj Nagpal, March 02, 2006 - 7:17 pm UTC


I can see that your suggestion is perfectly valid for something like IN LIST, that is too long, in a where clause. But, what if, one has a very long SELECT LIST. Say -- I have a very large query, which has a number of computed fields in it with different partitions, groups and such (in analytical functions.) In that case, do you have any suggestions – how to tackle a large query?? Also, is there a hard limit on the size of the SQL QUERY?


Tom Kyte
March 03, 2006 - 7:59 am UTC

I don't know what problem you are trying to solve.

if you have to select lots of stuff, go ahead, you sort of have to type that in, we cannot guess that.


Ravi, March 12, 2006 - 10:37 am UTC

Hi Tom,

1)Are the memory parameters sort_area_size and sort_area_retained_size derived
from pga_aggregate_target??

2)Are sort_area_size and sort_area_retained_size
mutually exclusive??

3)Is sort_area_retained_size applicable only
for shared server configuration??

Please do reply.

Tom Kyte
March 12, 2006 - 11:58 pm UTC

1) nope, set entirely independently.

2) nope, they work together, sort area retained is less than or equal to sort area size, defaults to sort area size (you cannot retain in memory after the sort is complete more than the sort area size)

3) nope, not at all. sort area size = 5m, sort area retained size = 1m (for example). In any configuration using manual memory management, Oracle would be allowed to allocate upto 5m of ram for a given sort. After the sort is complete but before the first row is returned - Oracle would shrink (if necessary) that allocated memory down to 1m - placing anything above 1m onto temp disk.

Swap usage, PGA, UGA, etc

VA, April 04, 2006 - 9:30 am UTC

Oracle, all sessions running in dedicated server mode on a Solaris 8 box with 8GB RAM. Only 1 Oracle instance on the box, nothing else.

Here are the memory related init.ora parameters

# Cache
db_block_size = 8192
db_cache_size = 2000M
db_32k_cache_size = 200M
db_keep_cache_size = 200M
db_recycle_cache_size = 100M

# Shared pool
shared_pool_size = 500M

# Log buffer
log_buffer = 5242880

pga_aggregate_target = 3G
workarea_size_policy = AUTO
sort_area_size = 31457280
hash_area_size = 31457280

Still, at peak usage, I see the following using the 'top' utility

Memory: 8.0G real, 2.3G free, 6.7G swap in use, 535M swap free

and the machine is really struggling, everything is slow.

Can you please help me understand how the memory I have allocated is used?

The SGA would be 2000+200+200+100+500=3GB, right?
The PGA agg target is set to 3GB

So, at any time, no more than 6GB of real memory should be used, right? Well within the 8GB RAM the system has. So why is the system struggling so much?


Tom Kyte
April 04, 2006 - 7:20 pm UTC

is the machine struggling due to memory - this is the question (i doubt it)

show sga would be useful - since we round things up.

why do you BELIEVE the system is struggling due to a ram shortage? It would not appear to be - you've got plenty of free memory out there.

When will PGA size cause an ORA-4030 Out of process memory running a query

Peter, June 05, 2006 - 12:22 am UTC

Hi Tom,

This is the first time I'm writing to you but I always find your articles very useful and interesting.

I like to know when PGA size can cause the ORA-4030 error when running a query. As far as I know, when there is not enough memory for sorting. The default temp tablespace will be used. I understand that performance will suffer but an error shouldn't be raised. What kind of operations during the execution of a SQL statement will cause this sort of area?

Further there was another problem I came across with ORA-4030. It was in our application when we were extending a PL/SQL tables (I absolutely understand that it's not appropriate to use a PL/SQL table to store so much data) and our developer rewrote the procedure such that it broke the job into smaller jobs. The problem is now resolved. However, I would really want to know how big can the PL/SQL table grow and therefore we can design our application accordingly (of course, we should avoid using PL/SQL table to store a lot of data). Our application are mainly running on Oracle 9206 and Windows Server 2003. The problem can be model easily:

to another table in your database, ex, USER_TABLES
l_cvl_rs t_ntr_cvl;
l_cvl_rs := t_ntr_cvl();
for i in 1..150000 loop --increase the upper limit to find your PGA max size
end loop;

The PGA always reaches the same size when the the block returns the ORA-4030. The MAX PGA can be different on different servers. Do you have any idea what oracle parameters, OS hardware and hardware config can have effect on the PGA we can use. I want to be able to estimate this values. We managed to increase the MAX PGA slightly by decreasing db_block_buffer and increasing PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. One thing I like to point out is that our statement fail before reach PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is reached.

Many Thanks,
Peter Man

Tom Kyte
June 05, 2006 - 7:43 am UTC

If you allow Oracle to use say 100mb of memory to sort (by setting the appropriate sort area/pga aggregate target parameters)


allocating 100mb of memory would "fail" (you don't have 100mb left to allocate!), then you'll get the ora-4030.

If you allow Oracle to use 100mb and your sort needed 500mb - we'll use temp, ASSUMING the allocation of the 100mb you told us to use in RAM can be had.

when you ask Oracle to allocate many megabytes of ram to hold plsql variables, we have no choice but to do so. Your last example there is PGA memory we cannot control - only YOU can control. pga_aggregate_target/sort_area_size - none of those come into consideration with your example - that is memory outside of our direct control, we just respond to what you ASKED us to do.

If you have access to my book Expert Oracle Database Architecture, I discuss this in much more detail (using an example very much similar to yours)

The max pga size varies by OS and OS setting. On 32 windows it will be some number very much less than 2gig typically.

Hung end-user

Anil, June 05, 2006 - 7:51 am UTC

Hi Tom,
Very first time I am asking.
How can we determine the cause of hung end-user sessions within Oracle.
Please help me.

Tom Kyte
June 05, 2006 - 7:54 am UTC

query v$ tables to see what it is doing.

v$session to see if it is active (client could be hung up without any help from the database)

v$session to v$sql to see what sql it is currently executing

v$session_event, v$session_wait to see what it has/is waiting on.

Long-Running Queries

Anil Chaturvedi, June 05, 2006 - 8:07 am UTC

Very very thanks TOM,
I have one mor question.
How can we track the Long-Running Queries ?

Should I use v$session_longops ?

Tom Kyte
June 05, 2006 - 9:34 am UTC

v$session_longops is useful for long running operations - but a query is not a single operation - it is MANY operations.


the "long running" operations there are the TWO full scans - not the query.

And what about this query:

select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ * from t1, t2 where t1.key = t2.key;

it would likely have a plan like:

nested loops
full scan t1
index scan t2_idx
table access by index rowid

Now, that query might take 5 hours to complete - but the session running it would be doing millions or billions of tiny calls (fetching a few rows at a time). Looking at the database, this would be hard to see as a "long running query" the session would never be active for really long periods of time.

In general, v$session - last_call_et. Look for active sessions (status = active) that has large last_call_et's, those are sessions that have been doing something for a long time without taking a breath.

Re: When will PGA size cause an ORA-4030 Out of process memory running a query

Peter Man, June 06, 2006 - 3:16 am UTC

Hi Tom,

First, thank you very much for the prompt reply! I really appreciate it.

I've accessed to all the books, in fact I bought them all (Expert Oracle SIGNATURE EDITION, Effective Oracle by Design plus the latest one) and will check it out shortly. I'm preparing for Oracle 10G OCP exam (with around 1 year Oracle experience) and recall something I read from

Oracle® Database
10g OCP Certification
All-in-One Exam Guide
By John Watson

"If a session needs more PGA than it currently has, the total allocation is already
at the target, and no session has unused PGA that can be reassigned, there are two
possibilities. If the memory requirement is invariable, as for example when a session
requires stack space, then Oracle will allocate it and break the target. This should be
avoided at all costs; it implies that the target is far too low. If the requirement is not
absolute, then Oracle will refuse to allocate more memory, and the session will make
use of temporary space in the session’s temporary tablespace instead. This impacts on
performance, through the extra disk I/O, and should be avoided if possible."

So I guess my PL/SQL table is in the stackspace and therefore it can go over the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. When I did another test again yesterday on my new 10G database on WIN XP, PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is 10M and my MAX PGA grows slightly over 1000M. If this is OS and hardware dependent, does it mean that if I change the boot.ini file to allow process to use 3GB of memory. I can possibly increase the max PGA (will try shortly but the most important thing is I can explain to my boss what is really going out and can stop trying different oracle parameter setting) ... ...

Regarding to

"If you allow Oracle to use say 100mb of memory to sort (by setting the
appropriate sort area/pga aggregate target parameters)


allocating 100mb of memory would "fail" (you don't have 100mb left to
allocate!), then you'll get the ora-4030.

Does it mean that the error only occur when the server is memory exhausted (running out of physical memory + virtual memory) when PGA has not reached its target.

What if my PGA reaches the target (still memory available from the OS)and there is no free resources in the PGA. Will a new session be able to connect because the memory requirement "is invariable"/will it fail to connect and return the out of process memory error?

Many Thanks,
Peter Man

Tom Kyte
June 06, 2006 - 8:34 am UTC

the limit of PGA memory is truly set by the OS, yes, if you throw the 3gig switch in windows, you may be able to go a bit higher.

the 4030 occurs anytime Oracle makes a request to the OS for more memory and that request fails. One of the causes would be you telling Oracle "use 100mb of memory to sort" and Oracle discovering that the OS does not have 100mb of memory to give it.

The 4030 is returned because the OS failed to give us memory.

UGA/PGA Memory Usage

Peter Barnett, June 06, 2006 - 11:52 am UTC

Very helpful thread. Clarified a lot of questions that I had accumulated over the years.

Re: When will PGA size cause an ORA-4030 Out of process memory running a query

Peter Man, June 07, 2006 - 2:37 am UTC

Thanks Tom,

I just want to clarity one thing with you:

l_cvl_rs t_ntr_cvl;
l_cvl_rs := t_ntr_cvl();
for i in 1..9999 loop --increase the upper limit to find your PGA max size
end loop;

this script actually returned ORA-06500: PL/SQL: storage error.

If I modified it slightly,

l_cvl_rs t_ntr_cvl;
l_cvl_rs2 t_ntr_cvl;
l_cvl_rs := t_ntr_cvl();
for i in 1..9999 loop --increase the upper limit to find your PGA max size
end loop;
l_cvl_rs2 := l_cvl_rs;

I changed the upperbound of the loop and made the block failed at statement
l_cvl_rs2 := l_cvl_rs;

then I received error:
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to
allocate 16396 bytes (koh-kghu call ,pl/sql vc2)

I just want to clarify whether the storage error is also resulting from the OS not able to allocate more memory to Oracle when Oracle request it.

Many Thanks,

Tom Kyte
June 07, 2006 - 6:59 am UTC

[tkyte@dellpe ~]$ oerr ora 6500
06500, 00000, "PL/SQL: storage error"
// *Cause: PL/SQL was unable to allocate additional storage. This message
// normally appears with an ORA-4030 or ORA-4031 error which gives
// additional information. Sometimes this error can be caused by
// runaway programs.

// *Action: 1) Ensure there are no issues or bugs in your PL/SQL program which
// are causing excessive amounts of memory to be used.
// 2) Programmatically cause unused objects to be freed (e.g. by
// setting them to NULL).
// 3) Increase the amount of shared or process memory (as appropriate)
// available to you.
[tkyte@dellpe ~]$

I think you truncated the error stack.

How can I convert row to column

ABC, June 15, 2006 - 8:37 am UTC

Thanks Tom
Please guide me
How can I convert row to column

Tom Kyte
June 15, 2006 - 8:49 am UTC


David Aldridge, June 15, 2006 - 5:12 pm UTC

>> How can I convert row to column

Turn your head sideways.

RE: Turning your head

Mark A. Williams, June 15, 2006 - 5:18 pm UTC

> Turn your head sideways.

Do you have to take into account character set semantics to determine if you turn to the left or the right?

- Mark

Tom Kyte
June 16, 2006 - 6:54 pm UTC

depends on the language settings probably - hebrew, one way - english the other way.

Turning your head

A reader, June 16, 2006 - 12:23 am UTC

Wouldn't be more like a 90 degree head tilt rather than a turn? But yes, I think NLS settings would dictate left or right.

David Aldridge, June 17, 2006 - 10:54 pm UTC

Language settings aside, it's a totally robust method known to work on all versions of Oracle, DB2, SQL Server etc..

Migrating SQL database to Oracle

Anil Chaturvedi, June 22, 2006 - 7:51 am UTC

Hi Tom,
I am agin with my query.
I need your help urgently.
We are going to work on a project migrating SQL database to Oracle

Please guide me how can install the Migration Assistant.
and send me some usefull links for migrating SQL database to Oracle

Tom Kyte
June 22, 2006 - 12:33 pm UTC

Oracle is a SQL database.

SQL does not "belong" to any one company.

So, I guess you mean "sqlserver" - the database sold by microsoft?

See, you can download the migration toolkit from that site. It can help automate that.

Migration from sql server ot oracle

Anil, June 23, 2006 - 2:04 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Please guide me which toolkit, I should download
and send me some usefull links for migrating SQL server database to Oracle

Tom Kyte
June 23, 2006 - 10:14 am UTC

well, if you goto and

a) search for migration
b) click on "downloads"

you'll find it pretty readily.

downloads for example has an entire migration section on it...


chd, June 26, 2006 - 1:22 am UTC

Hi Tom,

I creating a sequence with following commandL-
CREATE SEQUENCE supplier_seq
Now I want to add one paramemter "ORDER YES" THEN PLEASE guide me ?

Tom Kyte
June 26, 2006 - 7:35 am UTC

"order yes" is not a 'parameter'

"order" is an attribute you may specificy, and to do so, you would add the word "order" to the create command.

I would not recommend using this, sequences should be used to generate surrogate keys - nothing more, nothing less.

SQLs embeded in Java codes ( Urgent)

ABC, June 27, 2006 - 1:01 am UTC

Hi Tom,
Thanks for the updates.

I am again with one question.

Please explain me "SQLs embeded in Java codes".

Is it SQLJ ?

We are migration a application ( from microsoft sql server
to oracle )
where we have to rewrite SQLs embeded in Java codes.
Please send me some helpful links for this.

This is very urgent.
Please help me ?
Thanks !

Tom Kyte
June 27, 2006 - 7:32 am UTC

I would seriously ask the person that framed the requirement.

Yes, there is "embedded SQL in Java" like there is "embedded SQL in Pro*C". In Java it would be SQLJ.

.xls file to upload oracle table

Reader, June 30, 2006 - 4:57 am UTC

Hi Tom,
Thanks very much.

I have a.xls file and this file contain 3 columns
like col1, col2,col3
And there are 2500 rows in this file.

Now I want to upload this data to a table "TechSub".
TechSub table has three columns.

Now please explain me how can I upload data to this table.

Thanks in advance.

This is really urgent, please explain me with details steps.

Tom Kyte
June 30, 2006 - 7:30 am UTC

you can save it as a csv file and load it.

you can write an odbc program that queries the spreadsheet and inserts it into oracle.

there are two ideas.

Why the recent questions that are off topic?

A reader, June 30, 2006 - 10:56 am UTC

Come on guys! Stay on topic.

Off topic!

A reader, June 30, 2006 - 12:46 pm UTC

May be Tom should stop entertaining questions which are not relevant to the thread he is too humble to point it out i guess.


Developer 9i suite

reader, July 12, 2006 - 7:15 am UTC

How can I donwload the oracle developer 9i suite

Tom Kyte
July 12, 2006 - 4:41 pm UTC

old stuff is not necessarily available. You would get it via your normal support contacts assuming you have licensed it.

Arindam Mukherjee, July 23, 2006 - 5:58 am UTC

Respected Mr. Tom,

In Oracle9i - Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference Release 2 (9.2), I have got two following points. It’s my humble request to you please to clarify me.

Page no. 19-2
“A session can be prevented from migrating to another shared server while parallel execution is active.”

My question - During parallel execution, are sessions migratory? Why do the sessions migrate? In addition, you have told to this site “The UGA normally comes from the SGA to allow migration of sessions across processes. If session migration is disabled, UGA memory will be allocated from the PGA.” I am sorry I could not understand migration of session and also the reason of making disable of migration. I request you earnestly to take your time and write it out clearly as smooth as silk.

Same page
A session can remain nonmigratable even after a request from the client has been processed, because not all the user information has been stored in the UGA. If a server were to process the request from the client, then the part of the user state that was not stored in the UGA would be inaccessible. To avoid this, individual shared servers often need to remain bound to a user session.

My question –

1> User state or session state (UGA) is in SGA in Shared server. So it is accessible. Why does it consider UGA? May be I am wrong in getting this. Please narrate it.

2> How does it make happen – “individual shared servers often need to remain bound to a user session.”? Again the same confusion – users session is in SGA for shared server. So why bound and how to bound.

It’s my fervent belief, on reading my questions you can easily understand I lack some basic concepts. Please, please, please hit those points and make me lucky.

Arindam Mukherjee

Tom Kyte
July 23, 2006 - 9:34 am UTC

session migration is something that happens with SHARED SERVER (previously known as multi-threaded server, MTS).

With shared server - each call to the server might use a different "server process", the session is said to migrate from server process to server process.

Do you have access to any of my books? I cover the server architecture in all of them - including "shared server"

Database Link Concentration

Arindam Mukherjee, July 24, 2006 - 10:46 am UTC

Respected Mr. Tom,

Thanks for your caring response. On having your reply, today again I have opened your book - “Effective Oracle by Design”, chapter -3 (Architectural Decision). In that chapter you have described clearly how share servers perform each call to the database – i.e., one SQL (parse, fetch first row, second row and close the result set etc.) undergoes different shared servers during processing. I had confused with the word “migration of session” when I asked you last question. Now the word “migration” is clear to me what Oracle document uses but you did not use. I am grateful to you.
In that chapter, you have written one point as disadvantage of using dedicated server connection – “database link concentration”.
Would you really mind if I ask you again one more silly question what the meaning of “concentration” is in this regard.

Arindam Mukherjee

Tom Kyte
July 24, 2006 - 11:02 am UTC

database link concentration is when many sessions use a single physical database connection (they are "concentrated" into that single link) - instead of each having their own connection.

flushing memory out of shared pool

Peter Man, July 31, 2006 - 11:40 am UTC

Hi Tom,

I found a very detail, excellent explanation of how SHARED_POOL is managed when a contiguous memory is not available in SHARED_POOL (metalink, Note:146599.1). There is one point which is confusing me though.
It said:


When any attempt to allocate a large piece of contiguous memory in the shared pool fails Oracle first flushes all objects that are not currently in use from the pool and the resulting free memory chunks are merged. If there is still not a single chunk large enough to satisfy the request the ORA-04031 error is returned. NOTE: These errors can occur on an ASM instance as well. The default shared_pool_size should be sufficient in most environments, but can be increased if you are experiencing ORA-04031 errors.

Then it said:

Shared Pool Fragmentation:

Every time a SQL or PL/SQL statement needs to be executed the parse representation is loaded in the library cache requiring a specific amount of free contiguous space. The first resource where the database scans is the free memory available in the shared pool. Once the free memory is exhausted, the database looks for reusing an already allocated piece not in use. If a chunk with the exact size is not available, the scan continues looking for space based on the following criteria:
- The chunk size is larger than the required size
- The space is contiguous
- The chunk is available (not in use)
Then that chunk is split and the remaining free space is added to the appropriate free space list. When the database is operating in this way for a certain period of time the shared pool structure will be fragmented.

In A, it said it would flush out all the unused objects? Does it mean that it will effectively do a "alter system flush shared pool", which i'm not sure if it's good or bad. Good when it's badly designed system exhausting the memory with queries without bind variable, flushing them is better than managed them with LRU list. Bad when the shared_pool is slightly undersized, flushing the system resulting in lot of hard parsed.

My understanding for B is that the process will traverse some kind of memory structure and attempt to free just enough memory for the contiguous memory wanted, rather than just FLUSHING EVERY UNUSED OBJECTS (as mentioned in A, are they contradicting?)! Also, this question lead me to think how the LRU list(s) is effectively used for SHARED_POOL when memory allocation can be different in size? How are the FREELIST(s) and LRU list(s) structured for SHARED_POOL managment to maximize management efficency? Are there different freelist(s) for memory in different sizes? I recog it could be complicated but can you briefly explain it? When "FLUSH SHARED POOL" is executed, will it free and then merge into them into memory chunk? or the process need contiguous memory merge the memory on demand? Also as describe in 'B', when the process is traverse the list, will it try to merge memory into larger chunk even though the combined chunk cannot meet the required size?

I also read from another ASKTOM post saying that large contiguous memory is no longer needed from Oracle 8i and onward as PL/SQL block can now be allocated into multiple chunks of memory and as a result PINNING objects are also not necessary.

Sorry for asking so many questions. Many Thanks in Advance!!!


Tom Kyte
July 31, 2006 - 12:30 pm UTC

It is an "aggresive" approach, yes. It is roughly equivalent to a mini-flush.

A and B do not contradict, A happens when B fails.

sql query

Reader, August 04, 2006 - 2:55 am UTC

Hi Tom,
Thanks in advance.
Please provide me solution for following query.

We are migrating SQL server to Oracle
When I run the folllowing query then I getting
ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery
Could you please guide me where I am wrong ?

select et.unit_mark,
(substr(rtrim('00000' || et.unit_mark_no), (length(rtrim('00000' || et.unit_mark_no)) - 5))) ,
et.unit_ck_digit, ttec.equip_cat_cd,
NVL(etec.equip_cat_cd, bec.equip_cat_cd), epc.equip_cat_product_code_cd,
cra.tp_reporting_area_cd, ch.contract_cd, ch.revision_no, ch.contract_type_name,
cst.tp_cd, cst.tp_name, ch.contract_rsp_cd, ch.contract_rsp_desc, ch.contract_rsp_deductible_amt,
-- ch.contract_rsp_term_of_lease_days,
ch.rsp_vendor_tp_cd, es.mr_est_ref_no,
es.revision_no, et.et_incident_dt, et.et_dt, dp.tp_cd, dra.tp_reporting_area_cd,
Lp.pickup_dt, Ld.dropoff_dt, Ld.off_hire_dt, crnc.currency_cd,
case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH'
--then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0)
then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0)
else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.hours + dtl.matl_cost as totL,
(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then
else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.cust_hours_x100 + dtl.cust_matl_cost_x100) / 100 as bfeL,
dtl.matl_cost - (dtl.RSP_matl_cost + (dtl.cust_matl_cost_x100 / 100))
+ (case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then
else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.hours)
- ((case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then
else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.RSP_hours)
+ (case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then
else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.cust_hours_x100 / 100)) as wndL,
case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then
else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.RSP_hours + dtl.RSP_matl_cost as rspL,

--(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'tkch' then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
--* dtl.hours + dtl.matl_cost) * isnull(exc.exchange_rate,0) as tot$,
* dtl.hours + dtl.matl_cost) * nvl(exc.exchange_rate,0) as tot$,
--(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'tkch' then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
--* dtl.cust_hours_x100 + dtl.cust_matl_cost_x100) * isnull(exc.exchange_rate,0) / 100 as bfe$,
* dtl.cust_hours_x100 + dtl.cust_matl_cost_x100) * nvl(exc.exchange_rate,0) / 100 as bfe$,
(dtl.matl_cost - (dtl.RSP_matl_cost + (dtl.cust_matl_cost_x100 / 100))
--+ (case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'tkch' then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
+ (case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.hours)
-- - ((case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'tkch' then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
- ((case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
* dtl.RSP_hours)
-- + (case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'tkch' then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
+ (case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
--* dtl.cust_hours_x100 / 100))) * isnull(exc.exchange_rate,0) as wnd$,
* dtl.cust_hours_x100 / 100))) * nvl(exc.exchange_rate,0) as wnd$,
--(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'tkch' then isnull(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end
(case ttec.equip_cat_cd when 'TKCH' then nvl(chassis_labor_rate,0) else tank_labor_rate end

--* dtl.RSP_hours + dtl.RSP_matl_cost) * isnull(exc.exchange_rate,0) as rsp$,
* dtl.RSP_hours + dtl.RSP_matl_cost) * nvl(exc.exchange_rate,0) as rsp$,

--dv.equip_division_cd, isnull((datediff(day, Lp.pickup_dt, Ld.dropoff_dt) + 1),0),
dv.equip_division_cd, nvl((datediff(day, Lp.pickup_dt, Ld.dropoff_dt) + 1),0),
bc.bc_id, bc.bc_begin_dt, bc.bc_end_dt, ch.rsp_vendor_tp_name, et.et_id,
--1, getdate(), null, object_name(@@procid), user_name(), getdate(),
1, sysdate, null, 'P_RPT_085_RSP_CLAIMS', USER, SYSDATE,
null, null, null
--from dbo.billing_cycle bc,
from billing_cycle bc,
--dbo.equip_tracking et
equip_tracking et
left join equip_category_level eqt
on eqt.equip_cat_level_name = 'EQUIPMENT TYPE'
left join equip_category etec -- present if base equip cat is a subtype
on etec.equip_cat_id in
(select etecc.chain_equip_cat_id
from base_equip_category_chain etecc
where etecc.base_equip_cat_id = et.base_equip_cat_id)
and etec.equip_cat_level_id = eqt.equip_cat_level_id,
(select mr_est_id, sum(material_cost) as matl_cost, sum(rsp_ind * material_cost) as RSP_matl_cost,
sum(cust_alloc_pct * material_cost) as cust_matl_cost_x100, sum(hours) as hours,
sum(rsp_ind * hours) as RSP_hours, sum(cust_alloc_pct * hours) as cust_hours_x100
from mr_estimate_dtl d
group by mr_est_id) dtl,
equip_tracking_type ett,
equip_tracking_type ett,
equip_category bec, -- for base eqType (usually also equip type)
equip_category_product_code epc,
base_equip_category_chain ttecc, -- for tank type
equip_category ttec,
equip_category_level ttecl,
equip e,
equip_division dv,
mr_estimate esc, -- estimate at time of cust auth
mr_estimate es -- current estimate revision
left join lease Ld -- lease at time of drop-off
on Ld.equip_id = es.equip_id
and Ld.clearance_id = es.clearance_id
left join lease Lp -- lease at time of pickup (usually same as drop-off)
on Lp.equip_id = es.equip_id
and Lp.booking_id = Ld.booking_id
and Lp.pickup_dt is not null
left join trading_partner dp -- depot(or manuf) - always present
on dp.tp_id = es.depot_tp_id
left join currency u$
on u$.currency_cd = 'USD'
left join currency crnc
--on crnc.currency_id = isnull(dp.tp_currency_id, u$.currency_id)
on crnc.currency_id = NVL(dp.tp_currency_id, u$.currency_id)
left join currency_exchange_rate exc
on exc.from_currency_id = crnc.currency_id
and exc.to_currency_id = u$.currency_id
and exc.effect_dt =
( --select top 1 exx.effect_dt
select exx.effect_dt
from currency_exchange_rate exx
where exx.from_currency_id = crnc.currency_id
and exx.to_currency_id = u$.currency_id
and exx.effect_dt <= es.cust_auth_dt
and rownum=1 -- I add this for similar to top 1
--order by exx.effect_dt desc Anil
) ,
contract_alt_index ai,
contract_history ch,
trading_partner cst,
trading_partner_reporting_area cra,
depot_profile dpp,
trading_partner_reporting_area dra
--where bc.bc_id = @bc
where bc.bc_id = bc
and ett.et_type_cd = 'es_ecustauth'
and et.et_type_id = ett.et_type_id
--and convert(char(8), et.et_dt, 112) between bc.bc_begin_dt and bc.bc_end_dt
and TO_CHAR(et.et_dt) between bc.bc_begin_dt and bc.bc_end_dt
and bec.equip_cat_id = et.base_equip_cat_id
and ttecl.equip_cat_level_name = 'TANK TYPE'
and ttecc.base_equip_cat_id = et.base_equip_cat_id
and ttec.equip_cat_id = ttecc.chain_equip_cat_id
and ttec.equip_cat_level_id = ttecl.equip_cat_level_id
and epc.equip_cat_product_code_id = bec.equip_cat_product_code_id
and e.equip_id = et.equip_id
and dv.equip_division_id = e.equip_division_id
and cst.tp_id = et.last_pos_tp_id
and cra.tp_reporting_area_id = cst.tp_reporting_area_id
and dpp.tp_id = et.cur_pos_tp_id
and dra.tp_reporting_area_id = dp.tp_reporting_area_id
and esc.mr_est_id = et.et_ref_id
and es.mr_est_ref_no = esc.mr_est_ref_no
and es.revision_no =
(select max(esz.revision_no)
from mr_estimate esz
where esz.mr_est_ref_no = esc.mr_est_ref_no)
and dtl.mr_est_id = es.mr_est_id
and ai.contract_alt_index_id = es.contract_alt_index_id
and ch.contract_cd = ai.contract_cd
and ch.revision_no =
--(select isnull(max(chx.revision_no),1)
(select nvl(max(chx.revision_no),1)
from contract_history chx
where chx.contract_cd = ai.contract_cd
--and convert(char(8), chx.cntrl_create_dt, 112) <= convert(char(8), et.et_dt, 112) )
and to_char( chx.cntrl_create_dt) <= to_char( et.et_dt)
and ch.contract_rsp_cd is not null ) ;

Tom Kyte
August 04, 2006 - 7:56 am UTC

hahahah, laughing out loud.

If you trim the example down to something that isn't 15 pages long - maybe we could look at it.

tell you what, rip out all of the extraneous stuff - get it down to a simple small concise, yet 100% complete (eg; create tables and all) example that demonstrates the crux of the issue.

Wonder if anyone that owns this query can even tell what it is doing anymore

Can you clarify your response to a reviewer

A reader, August 04, 2006 - 9:10 am UTC


This is with reference to your response on "Database Link Concentration July 24, 2006" to "Reviewer: Arindam Mukherjee from Kolkata, India".

You told link concentration is due to too many sessions using the same link, I am not sure how we can distribute links across sessions. of course we can create links for users but how to assign a link on session basis? Can you please show us an example?


Tom Kyte
August 04, 2006 - 11:53 am UTC

database link concentration is not "due to" anything, it is a feature you can use to reduce the number of physical connections from one database to another.

Instead of each session that uses a database link having a physical connection - EACH having their own physical connection, they can be concentrated into a smaller set of connections. Just like a connection pool.

The set up for this is documented in the network guides, you do not "distribute" anything really.

User Session PGA

V, August 09, 2006 - 12:01 pm UTC

SQL> l
  1  SELECT name, AVG(value) FROM v$session se, v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
  2  WHERE ss.sid=se.sid AND sn.statistic# = ss.statistic#
  3  AND = 'session pga memory'
  4* AND username like '<username>' GROUP BY name
SQL> 4 AND username like 'CF%' group by name
SQL> /

NAME                                                             AVG(VALUE)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
session pga memory                                               232359.176

I currently have around 36 users of CF% connected to the database.  Would this mean I would be using approx. 36*232359=8,364,924 of the SGA?

And if I had 500 users trying to connect it would possibly cause a ORA-4031 error if my Shared pool was on 30M?

Tom Kyte
August 09, 2006 - 1:06 pm UTC

you are measuring pga, pga memory is explicly NOT sga memory. pga memory is process memory.

pga is never in the sga.

but you could get ora-4030's if you exceed the memory available on your machine outside of the already allocated sga.


10485760, August 09, 2006 - 1:25 pm UTC

But if the instance was using PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET set to 10485760, wouldn't it prevent that from happening and auto-allocation all the private process memory?

Tom Kyte
August 09, 2006 - 4:47 pm UTC

pga_aggregate_target is a soft limit on DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED process memory.

it is NOT pre-allocated
it is not part of the sga

so I don't understand this comment in the context of "preventing something from happening"?


A reader, August 09, 2006 - 3:54 pm UTC

Related to the Above, if the system memory was reached, wouldn't I also get 4030's on other instances also. There is a total of 9 databases on that server.

8G Ram
Shared Pool Large Pool Java Pool Buffer TOTAL
67,108,864 8,388,608 13,695,224 89,192,696
134,217,728 16,777,216 33,554,432 118,552,784 303,102,160
100,663,296 16,777,216 33,554,432 118,552,724 269,547,668
92,274,688 8,388,608 33,554,432 13,695,504 147,913,232
100,663,296 16,777,216 33,554,432 68,221,016 219,215,960
83,886,080 16,777,216 33554432 202,176,800 336,394,528
268,435,456 16,777,216 16,777,216 17,889,488 319,879,376
71,303,168 4,194,304 12,582,912 17,889,608 105,969,992
67,108,864 16,777,216 33,554,432 17,889,308 135,329,820
918,552,576 121,634,816 230,686,720 588,562,456 1,926,545,432

Tom Kyte
August 09, 2006 - 5:10 pm UTC

9 instances - good gosh. what a waste.

You may or may not get 4030's on any or all of them.

Depends on who asks for what and when they ask for it.

the answer is therefore: it depends.

but pga memory is DYNAMICALLY allocated as needed and freed after being "done with". It comes, it goes. It is not pre-allocated, it is not in the SGA.

A reader, August 09, 2006 - 7:41 pm UTC

9 instances...What is the dba smoking?


A reader, August 10, 2006 - 8:31 am UTC

Is any part of the SGA used to keep track of the dedicated server sessions? In other words...if I have 500 dedicated server processes, does that effect shared memory at all?

Tom Kyte
August 10, 2006 - 9:32 am UTC

your processes init.ora parameter affects that mostly.

but yes, each dedicated server (process actually) is going to consume a bit of SGA

What a Waste?

A reader, August 10, 2006 - 8:43 am UTC

Why do you say what a waste? The box has 4 CPU's and 8G of RAM.

Tom Kyte
August 10, 2006 - 9:36 am UTC

anything more than 1 instance is a waste of resources

You can do so much more on this one box if you had 1 instance with 9 schemas

Let's say this box is "maxed out" with your 9 instances.

If you consolidated down to one, you could likely add 2 or 3 more applications because of all of the resources you just gained back.

That and right now, if instance 1 decides "I will consume all memory", there is nothing instances 2-9 can do about it (consume all <any resource here> in fact). You have no way to do resource management across these instances. if it were a single instance, you would.

SGA ???

V, August 10, 2006 - 1:20 pm UTC

I have the following:

SQL> show parameter pool

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
buffer_pool_keep                     string
buffer_pool_recycle                  string
global_context_pool_size             string
java_pool_size                       big integer 0
large_pool_size                      big integer 8388608
olap_page_pool_size                  integer     33554432
shared_pool_reserved_size            big integer 1677721
shared_pool_size                     big integer 33554432
SQL> select pool,sum(bytes) from v$sgastat
  2  group by pool;

----------- ----------
large pool     8388608

shared pool   67108864


SQL> select 33554432*2 from dual;


Is this just a coincidence that the shared pool = parameter shared_pool_size?  What else could cause this? 

Tom Kyte
August 10, 2006 - 11:18 pm UTC

you ask a question that doesn't match the provided data?

did you mean "not equal"?

9i and before, the init.ora shared pool parameter was the STARTING point for the size of the shared pool (we added more to it, the shared pool would be larger than the init.ora setting)

in 10g, the shared pool size init.ora (if a multiple of the granule size) would be the size of the shared pool - we would take from that what we need leaving the rest for the rest of the shared pool stuff.


67108864, August 11, 2006 - 8:02 am UTC

What I mean is, my init.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 33554432
As validated by:
SQL> show parameter pool

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
buffer_pool_keep                     string
buffer_pool_recycle                  string
global_context_pool_size             string
java_pool_size                       big integer 0
large_pool_size                      big integer 8388608
olap_page_pool_size                  integer     33554432
shared_pool_reserved_size            big integer 1677721
shared_pool_size                     big integer 33554432

And if I run:
SQL> select pool,sum(bytes) from v$sgastat
  2  group by pool;

----------- ----------
large pool     8388608

shared pool   67108864


I see my shared pool in the SGA is 67108864

Isn't it odd the the SGA shared pool is exactly twice the size of my SHARED_POOL_SIZE init.ora parameter setting?


Tom Kyte
August 11, 2006 - 11:09 am UTC

no, not really - and you didn't mention the version, I don't know what OS, I don't know your granule size.

Things are nowadays allocated in GRANULES. You asked for 32m of shared pool, you have 64m.

perhaps your granule size is 16m
you asked for 32m of shared pool
we needed to have 17m of extra shared pool for our use
that got rounded up to 32m
so you get 64

<quote src=expert oracle database architecture>
Regardless of whether you are using automatic or manual memory management, you will find that memory is allocated to the various pools in units called granules. A single granule is an area of memory either 4MB, 8MB or 16MB in size. The granule is the smallest unit of allocation, so if you ask for a Java pool of 5MB and your granule size is 4MB, Oracle will actually allocate 8MB to the Java pool (8 being the smallest number greater than or equal to 5 that is a multiple of the granule size of 4). The size of a granule is determined by the size of your SGA (this sounds recursive to a degree, as the size of the SGA is dependent on the granule size). You can view the granule sizes used for each pool by querying V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS. In fact, we can use this view to see how the total SGA size might affect the size of the granules:
sys@ORA10G> show parameter sga_target

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sga_target big integer 576M

sys@ORA10G> select component, granule_size from v$sga_dynamic_components;

------------------------- ------------
shared pool 4194304
large pool 4194304
java pool 4194304
streams pool 4194304
DEFAULT buffer cache 4194304
KEEP buffer cache 4194304
RECYCLE buffer cache 4194304
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 4194304
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 4194304
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 4194304
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 4194304
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 4194304
OSM Buffer Cache 4194304

13 rows selected.

os server memory consumption

A reader, August 11, 2006 - 4:31 pm UTC


I just want to contribute that you cannot rely on v$sesstat to estimate memory requirements for PGA.

v$sesstat reports much less memory, the server process actually consumes much more memory at OS level.

In HP-UX for example any new dedicated connection would use around 3MB in Oracle NEW conection i.e just connected. If you query v$sesstat it only reports 0.25MB roughly which is not the real amount of memory used at OS level.

So be careful when estimate memory requirements for a new server!


UGA is bigger than SGA, how comes?

sfshen, August 14, 2006 - 8:45 pm UTC

Some background info: Last week we run some export of some partions in a very big partitioned tables (~ 65 GB) in batches (2- 6 GB each.)

We're using shared server configuration. So I think that UGA is supposed to reside in SGA. The SGA size was set to 2 GB. I run the following query in our DB and get the following result (partial):

select value,, s.statistic# , sid
from v$sesstat s , v$statname n
where s.statistic# = n.statistic#
and like '%ga memory%'
order by value;

28380872 session pga memory max 26 654
60771460 session pga memory 25 656
60902532 session pga memory max 26 656
4294414756 session uga memory 20 665

By the way, SID corresponds to the pmon.

Now we're getting OS monitoring alerts regarding memory usage because Oracle has used too much memory (>60%).

My questions are:

1. Why is UGA for this session (SID=20) using about 4GB memory which is even bigger than SGA?

2. Is there a way to shrink it?


Tom Kyte
August 15, 2006 - 7:36 am UTC

the sga is a fixed size component (unless you dynamically resize it), so the memory usage alert - doubt that is coming from sga usage (it is "fixed size" after all, not dynamic)

that number doesn't look right, not for an export anyway. suggest you utilize support for this one.

estimate pga_aggregate_target for 4000 users

A reader, August 16, 2006 - 9:19 am UTC


I have to estimate pga_aggregate_target size for 4000 concurrent users (only 100 will be active at same time).

I wonder what is the minimum size a single user needs?

From v$sesstat it shows a user uses 0.35MB PGA where 0.14MB is UGA. Does it mean I need at least 4000 * 0.35 for my pga_aggregate_target? Or 4000 * (0.35 - 0.14)?

Is there any v$ view which shows pga free space?


Tom Kyte
August 16, 2006 - 10:18 am UTC

perhaps you would be using a connection pool? (or shared server)

estimate pga_aggregate_target for 4000 users

A reader, August 16, 2006 - 12:52 pm UTC


Unfortunately we were recommended by Oracle Support to drop Shared Server due to performance reasons. We have used Shared Server for two years then after the recommendation we spent 3 months to move to non Shared Server.

Since we moved from Shared Server to dedicated we didnt use pga_aggregate_target before and that is why I am struggling estimating the size for our system.

I have looked several websites such as metalink and otn looking for some sort of generic formula however there is one, stated by metalink, use 20% of system memory, wouldnt be realistic in our system since we have 48GB physical memory.

I have also looked pmap details of a single server process (just idle connections), with pga_aggregate_target set, it shows 0.5mb mmap-file more usage. i.e if previously a single process uses 3mb with sort_area_size now it uses 3.5mb. As far as I know mmap-file is shared memory so I am pretty sure it is getting the extra 0.5mb from pga. If I do this calculation then I would need 2GB pga_aggregate_target just to accomodate 4000 users connections!

Finally since I cant find to a sensible way to perform the estimation that is why I have come here :-(


Tom Kyte
August 16, 2006 - 3:49 pm UTC

with N,000 users and 100 active - I'm not sure I would concurr.

Have you experienced "massively improved performance"?

estimate pga_aggregate_target for 4000 users

A reader, August 16, 2006 - 4:50 pm UTC


According to our production DBAs the performance got better with dedicated connection. There isnt anything I can blame them....


Tom Kyte
August 16, 2006 - 5:32 pm UTC

well, your pga aggregate target would be the the sum of the pga requirements in general for all of your sessions. A very "personal" sort of thing. For 4000 users, it could be 2/3 meg (or more or less - 2/3 being a "guess") per connection

can they quantify "better"? Seems the overhead of the os managing 4000 plus processes would be "large".

UNIX "top" command result and actual memory usage.

a reader, August 16, 2006 - 10:13 pm UTC

The "top" command indicates a couple of Oracle processes are using about 10% of memory for each process, see below:


26578 oracle 16 0 2152m 1.9g 1.9g S 0.0 12.1 33:54.54 oracle

9798 oracle 16 0 2145m 1.9g 1.9g S 0.0 12.1 32:39.81 oracle

26580 oracle 16 0 2145m 1.9g 1.8g S 0.0 11.9 12:27.87 oracle

26533 oracle 16 0 2204m 1.8g 1.8g S 0.3 11.7 63:33.44 oracle

26582 oracle 16 0 2145m 1.7g 1.7g S 0.0 10.8 3:38.35 oracle

26539 oracle 16 0 2145m 1.4g 1.4g S 0.0 8.9 6:09.20 oracle

This database is pretty quiet now, even though I have run a couple of big exports (about 40 GB)last week. In addition, all of these processes are Oracle background processes. So my questions are:

1. Why are Oracle processes are using so much memory even though the database is almost idle? Does these memories indicate the actual memory usage.

2. Is there a way to release those memories?

By the way, we're using RMAN 3 channels to backup database. Does each channel represent one session or process? Will the 3 channels use 1 UGA or 3 UGAs?

Tom Kyte
August 17, 2006 - 8:36 am UTC

1) they are not, that is the sga they have attached.
2) there is not, because there is not a problem.

you'll have separate threads/processes for each channel yes.

DB compare

reader, September 05, 2006 - 6:19 am UTC

Thanks Tom,
Could you send me the script that do the compare the database ?

I want to compare the two DB with query.
Please send me script.

Tom Kyte
September 05, 2006 - 5:04 pm UTC

sure, I'll get right on that.

not. It is slightly larger than a breadbox you see.

And not even really "very well defined". I don't know what you mean by "compare two databases"

Real Scenario

Star Nirav, December 09, 2006 - 6:05 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Pls. see the output of my DB (92070) RAC with 2 node. 

SQL> select * from v$sga;

NAME                      VALUE
-------------------- ----------
Fixed Size               753216
Variable Size        3707764736
Database Buffers     4294967296
Redo Buffers            2371584

SQL> show parameter buffer
db_block_buffers          integer   0
log_buffer                integer   2097152
use_indirect_data_buffers boolean   FALSE

SQL> show parameter PGS
pga_aggregate_target    big integer 2684354560

SQL> show parameter hash
hash_area_size          integer     131072
hash_join_enabled       boolean     TRUE

I am using Dedicated connection. 
See the output of PGA and UGA...
First I will show you the list of the inactive users.

SQL> select s.sid,s.serial#, s.username, s.machine,, s.lockwait,s.server
from v$session s, v$process p
where s.status='INACTIVE'
and s.paddr = p.addr;  2    3    4

20           3 SYS        18           DEDICATED
106       1061 MULDMS     20           DEDICATED
1642       803 NOCL2      22           DEDICATED
2325      1550 SYS        23           DEDICATED
3737      2809 NOCL2      27           DEDICATED
1074      4131 SYS        30           DEDICATED
2895      2595 SYS        31           DEDICATED
2469      2969 SYS        33           DEDICATED
1744      1821 MULDMS     37           DEDICATED
2860       952 SYS        56           DEDICATED

31 rows selected.

See the PGA and UGA status.
session pga memory       86.96
session pga memory max  243.44
session uga memory       46.36
session uga memory max  160.67

*** Now I will connect with perfstat user in another console. 
04:09:04 SQL> conn perfstat
Enter password:
04:09:13 SQL>

See now perfstat user is visible in the inactive list...

04:09:48 SQL> select s.sid,s.serial#, s.username, s.machine,, s.lockwait,s.server
from v$session s, v$process p
where s.status='INACTIVE'
and s.paddr = p.addr;04:09:50   2  04:09:50   3  04:09:50   4

20           3 SYS        18           DEDICATED
106       1061 MULDMS     20           DEDICATED
1642       803 NOCL2      22           DEDICATED
2325      1550 SYS        23           DEDICATED
3190      2968 PERFSTAT   26           DEDICATED
3737      2809 NOCL2      27           DEDICATED
1074      4131 SYS        30           DEDICATED
2895      2595 SYS        31           DEDICATED
2469      2969 SYS        33           DEDICATED
1744      1821 MULDMS     37           DEDICATED
2860       952 SYS        56           DEDICATED

32 rows selected.

04:09:54 SQL>

SEE again the PGA and UGA status after connecting with PERFSTAT USER...

SQL> select S.SID, name, ROUND(sum(value/1024/1024),2) "Value - MB"
 from v$statname n,
 v$session s,
 v$sesstat t
 where s.sid=t.sid
 and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
 and s.type = 'USER'
 and s.username is not NULL
 and in ('session pga memory', 'session uga memory')
 and s.username='PERFSTAT'
 group by name
 , s.sid;

SID        NAME             Value - MB
3190 session pga memory        .33
3190 session uga memory        .07


NAME                       IN MB
session pga memory          87.39
session pga memory max     243.87
session uga memory          46.43
session uga memory max     160.80

------------ ------------- ---------------- -----------
      271798        401166            65536      401166

04:10:55 SQL>

---- pid is 26 for perfstat user --- 
Now, i will kill the PERFSTAT session.

04:24:24 SQL> ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '3190,2968';

System altered.

04:26:50 SQL>

04:27:03 SQL> SELECT * FROM TAB;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00028: your session has been killed

04:27:07 SQL> /

NAME                 Value - MB
session pga memory        90.8
session pga memory ma    243.47
session uga memory        49.55
session uga memory max   160.67

Now, my questions 
1) why this MAX value changes once I connect with that user or kill that user... ? 
2) How do we kill that user from OS level also, from the above query... ? 
3) I am seeing so many entries like below. 
----  -------  ------  -------------------  ---  ---------
1737     1902  MULDMS  220  DEDICATED


Tom, I tried to give complete output but if you still want any clarifications, I would be glad to give. Pls. clear my doubt here. Customer is complaining that there are so many inactive sessions found in auditing.


Tom Kyte
December 09, 2006 - 6:57 pm UTC

did not really read all of this - wasn't sure what the point of all of the stuff was...

but let's get to the meat:

"...Customer is complaining that
there are so many inactive sessions found in auditing..."


why do they care?
and why don't they just have them log out?

inactive is not "bad", it is just "not doing anything"


Star Nirav, December 09, 2006 - 8:05 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the prompt response...

Inactive sessions are idle. Correct !!! But sir, those sessions will occupy the PGA / UGA. So my memory will be not utilized for any other thing. Customer is bother because in the OS (AIX topas utility) shows the 100 % HDISK busy and memory also reached to thresh-hold. (In our server we are having 64G and currently consumed 58G (you said that 2-3M per session and we are having 4000 sessions, with dedicated connection plus Shared pool 10G and other memory parameters configured with 5G).

Also explain me that if we kill session from oracle, will it free that from OS also or we need to kill explicitly..?

Star Nirav

Tom Kyte
December 09, 2006 - 8:26 pm UTC

so? memory is paged out by the OS when not used, it is what OS's do for you.

if top did not report near 100% memory usage, then I would be surprised (OS's use memory for everything, including the UFS cache).

Along with that.....

Star Nirav, December 09, 2006 - 8:09 pm UTC


Dear Tom,

Along with that, users are just clicking on the cross button (Top right) rather than doing log-off... they are connecting via JDBC and if it is (form) idle then it disconnects but we have observed that since a long time, users are keep this forms open and those sessions are marked as inactive for 2-3 days. Pls. suggest the best practice...

Thanks a lot..
Star Nirav

Tom Kyte
December 09, 2006 - 8:26 pm UTC

perhaps you have a bug in your application that needs fixing?

Clarifications from your response.

Star Nirav, December 12, 2006 - 9:18 am UTC

Hi tom,

--- extract ---
so? memory is paged out by the OS when not used, it is what OS's do for you.

if top did not report near 100% memory usage, then I would be surprised (OS's
use memory for everything, including the UFS cache).

--- end of extract ---

tom, we are having AIX 5.3 ML5 so top command is not there, we are using topas command which gives utilization and all the other required information.

As of now, our HDISKs and CPUs are used completely so I just want to have a look on wait event / queue.

want to calculate PGA/UGA for each session (Active or inactive) so I can check that how much memory is not utilizing or consumed un-necessary.


Tom Kyte
December 12, 2006 - 9:46 pm UTC

v$sysstat/v$sesstat has that information.

OS is not paging out the memory hold by Oracle Inactive sessions.

Star Nirav, December 23, 2006 - 3:06 pm UTC

Hey Tom,

Here, OS is AIX 5.2 with ML5 and as per my OS admin, they are complaining that the memory is not getting released which are holding by inactive sessions (Oracle).

They are saying that in oracle, you need to tune some parameters.

They are using topas command and nmon (IBM utility) to verify the memory part.

Can you help me please...?

i DID this whole exercise just to tell you that i need to kill the session manually to release the memory.

Hope, you will understand my scenario and throw some more light which can help me to fix the problem... ?

Regards/Star Nirav
Tom Kyte
December 24, 2006 - 9:16 am UTC

umm, if the OS is not paging out memory that is not being used - then OS by definition is "broken"

So, I doubt the accuracy of their statements.

their utility likely shows the SGA attached to the processes - every 'top' variant I've ever seen does - making it virtually "not useful" when looking at things that use large shared memory segments.

Bug in the application ???

Star Nirav, February 04, 2007 - 2:02 pm UTC

In the response of 9th Dec, you have said that there seems to be have bug in the application.

I just would like to say here that my application is in Java servelets and we are having log-off button. But users are normally click on the cross button to close the screen hence, it is not getting released from Database.

Can you confirm me that If the users are clicking on close button of the application then it should log-out from the system and release the session from the DB... Right ?

We are using dedicated server connection, so it will help us a lot if we configure close button with logout feature.

Star Nirav
Tom Kyte
February 05, 2007 - 7:33 am UTC

... But users are normally click ...

I can confirm that if you expect end users to do anything, you will be mistaken :)

I can neither confirm nor deny anything that will happen when they do click on this button. I have no clue what your code does, only you do.

However if you are using a connection pool, I would certainly HOPE the session DOES NOT go away - the goal of a connection pool is to keep them OPEN.

Sylvain, May 04, 2007 - 5:09 pm UTC


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise. I am learning a lot thru your books and this site.

We are using Oracle 10g release on AIX 5.3 in dedicated server mode.

I have a few questions in regards to the previous post:

basically -- pga memory is malloc()'ed in a processes memory space. You can shrink it but it is
just a waste of your time. see dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory.

Why is it a waste? Becuase memory is malloc'ed in a heap and really cannot be shrunk back down
unless the LAST byte of malloc'ed memory isn't used. So, say you have a heap o memory like this:

lo address
high address

and xxxx = used stuff, fff = free stuff. You call free_unused_user_memory and we'll tell you
that you are using less PGA however the OS will beg to differ as the process heap cannot be
reduced until that xx stuff at the high address isn't being used anymore.

The reason it is a waste of your time also is because on all modern operating systems -- the fffff
stuff, if needed by another process will be used. It'll page that stuff you are not using out.

So, do not be overly concerned by large PGA's -- look at the resident set size of the process,
that's what counts.

I have ran a small test case using a global collection and monitoring the UGA.

2 IS
3 statname VARCHAR2(50);
4 kbytes NUMBER;
6 SELECT stat_name, sst.value/1024 as kbytes
7 INTO statname, kbytes
8 FROM v$statname stn,
9 v$sesstat sst
10 WHERE stn.statistic# = sst.statistic#
11 AND sst.sid = sys_context('USERENV','SID')
12 AND LIKE 'session uga memory';
14 dbms_output.put_line('');
15 dbms_output.put_line(statname||': '||kbytes||' kb');
16 END;
17 /

Procedure created.

2 IS
3 TYPE nt_array_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(2000);
4 g_array nt_array_type := nt_array_type();
5 END;
6 /

Package created.

SQL> EXEC show_uga;
session uga memory: 474.0234375 kb
SQL> -- Fill up array with strings of 2000 characters
2 FOR I IN 1..4000
4 global_pkg.g_array.EXTEND;
5 global_pkg.g_array(I) := RPAD('a',2000,'a');
7 show_uga;
8 END;
9 /
session uga memory: 12674.1484375 kb
SQL> -- Delete cells
2 global_pkg.g_array.DELETE;
3 show_uga;
4 END;
5 /
session uga memory: 12674.1484375 kb
SQL> -- Call to dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory
2 dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory;
3 show_uga;
4 END;
5 /
session uga memory: 601.7734375 kb

When does UGA memory is freed when using global collections? is it freed when we issue a .DELETE even thought it is not showing when monitoring the UGA?

Or is it freed when we issue the dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory?

Should we bother using dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory or should we expect that the OS will reuse the memory as soon as we issue a .DELETE (even thought it is not showing when monitoring the UGA)

If so how can we monitor that at the OS level.

Our application is running batches in parrallel sessions. The programs are using lots of global collections. We want to make sure we free UGA memory effectively in order for the parrallel programs to reuse that memory thus preventing out of memory errors.

Thank you
Tom Kyte
May 08, 2007 - 9:57 am UTC

the UGA is in the PGA in dedicated server, it follows the rules of the PGA.

I would not recommend calling dbms_session free unused user memory, it just isn't necessary. If you are using memory, it is paged in, if you are not touching it, not using it, the OS pages it out.


A reader, May 21, 2007 - 11:58 am UTC

We have 10g release2 and using dedicated server.Why uga max is showing up greater then pga max?

SQL> select name,value from v$sysstat
2 where name like '%ga%';

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
session uga memory 8637694472
session uga memory max 1268774488
session pga memory 101341008
session pga memory max 430824592
calls to kcmgas 526709

SQL> select distinct server from v$session;


When request goes to temp instead of PGA

Keyur, July 06, 2007 - 4:03 pm UTC

Hey Tom, thanks for your explaining about PGA/UGA.

I am not clear about some point of PGA/UGA. Would you please help me to clarify those.

1. While reading this thread, I was curious when Oracle will refuse to allocate memory in PGA and divert it to Temp tablespace. Which requirement is not an absolute requirement ?

"If a session needs more PGA than it currently has, the total allocation is already at the target, and no session has unused PGA that can be reassigned, there are two
possibilities. If the memory requirement is invariable, as for example when a session requires stack space, then Oracle will allocate it and break the target. This should be
avoided at all costs; it implies that the target is far too low. If the requirement is not absolute, then Oracle will refuse to allocate more memory, and the session will make
use of temporary space in the session’s temporary tablespace instead. This impacts on performance, through the extra disk I/O, and should be avoided if possible."

2. I am trying to understand how Query with Order by clause process, so it reuire PGA ? I am thinking like User execute a query with Order by clause, so First of all Oracle evalute it and then try to look into memory for that data, if it's not then it fetch data from disk and put into buffer cache. I am not able to link between that point to "return data to user". What it does after it putting data into buffer cache. How it use sort_area_size/UGA ?

Would you please explain about it or point any document ?


Tom Kyte
July 07, 2007 - 10:47 am UTC

1) basically the concept is:

when we run out of real memory to use, we swap.

that is it, that is what it says, it is just like all things you are used to - operating systems do it, we do it.

2) it depends. do we need to order (sort) 10 records, or a million, or ten thousand. How much memory do we have to do it in? 64k or 64mb or 6gb. Do we have an index to read the data sorted and hence no in memory sorting takes place?

it depends.

When request goes to temp instead of PGA

Keyur, July 08, 2007 - 12:20 am UTC

Let's say it require 1gb of data needs to be sort and we have only 600 mb of UGA available and colun in orader by clause has unique index on it. What happened once 1gb of data is loaded into Buffer Cache ? How Oracle manuplate data from Buffer Cache and then use UGA (Sort Area, which is 600 mb) to sort data ? Does Oracle transfer all data from Buffer Cache to Sort Area ? Does Oracle just sort based on index and use that result while transfering data to user ?


Tom Kyte
July 08, 2007 - 9:29 am UTC

UGA is not PGA.

see the concepts guide or if you have access to my book Expert Oracle Database Architecture, I go through many concepts like this in detail.

1gb of data would likely not be loaded into the buffer cache all at once.

sort areas would be allocated in the PGA (not UGA, UGA might be used a bit if you are using shared server, but we are getting really detailed at that point) in general.

the sort area would be used if the optimizer decided to sort the data (not use the index to read the data sorted) as it might if the table itself was 1gb (if you are going to read the entire table, it will not use an index to do so unless you use a first rows optimization technique)

and the sort area, which you have limited to 600mb for this 'analogy', would fill up and then we'd spill to disk

just like operating systems page.

the answer is always going to be "it depends"

10gR2 ORA-4030

Ernest Yao, July 29, 2007 - 11:47 pm UTC

Hello, Tom
We're using 10gR2( in Dedicated mode on a PC Server with Windows 2003 Std(3.5G Mem). I didn't turn on the 3G option. So both sga_max_size and sga_target are 700M-900M(at first 900 and then we decreased it) and pga_aggregate_target 500M. But when the burden gets heavey, we get something like

Fri Jul 27 14:58:25 2007
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\gsc\bdump\gsc_smon_7520.trc:
ORA-04030: ¿¿¿¿¿ 123404 ¿¿ (QERHJ hash-joi,kllcqas:kllsltba) ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

Fri Jul 27 14:58:25 2007
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\gsc\bdump\gsc_smon_7520.trc:
ORA-04030: ¿¿¿¿¿ 123404 ¿¿ (QERHJ hash-joi,kllcqas:kllsltba) ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

(Sorry, the DB is configured to Chinese Charset)

In the Windows Process Manager, oracle.exe takes up to 1.4G. It's still less than 1.7G.
In gsc_smon_7520.trc we get
Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:1783M/3583M, Ph+PgF:5226M/7012M, VA:47M/2047M
I am wondering why memory is not available. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance.
Tom Kyte
July 30, 2007 - 5:25 pm UTC

because Oracle grew and grew - due to your request to do something (remember, the pga aggregate target is just that - a target, it can and will be exceeded - especially if you have more than one session).

It grew, and then that session bombed - due to lack of memory (single process, all of the SGA plus all of the pga's plus stack, other heap memory has to fit in 1.7ish gig)

by the time you got to look, the offending session disconnected, released memory, no longer at the limit.


Keyur, July 30, 2007 - 4:00 pm UTC

If Oracle is not able to find a memory then it goes to temp tablespace. If temp tablespace has a space but still you get ora-04030 error. If we increase the temp tablespace, do you think It helps to resolve an issue of ora-04030. Why Oracle give this error even you have space in temp tablespace ?


Tom Kyte
July 30, 2007 - 5:54 pm UTC

not true - there are times we really need memory and if we cannot get it - we fail.

an ora-4030 will not cause us to go to temp. We go to temp when we exceed our work area sizes.

PGA/UGA and RSS component in a server memory

Krish, October 24, 2007 - 10:57 pm UTC

Dear Tom,
We are using Oracle 10g on HP Unix in dedicated server mode and notice memory utilization reaching 99-100% many times.I could even see activation/deactivation,paging swapping occuring.
Physical RAM is 12 GB
My queries are

1)SGA is set to 1500M,PGA to 1200MB.Is it possible that the number of processes(Oracle Sessions) use memory more than total PGA_Aggregate_target memory.If not then how come the memory utilization is reaching 100%.There are other processes running on this server but we dont think they consume that much of memory.
2)In init.ora processes parameter is set to 1500 but in actual,it never exceeds 500 so is it possible that the Oracle instance preallocates memory for 1500 processes at the startup ?

Thank You
Tom Kyte
October 25, 2007 - 5:58 pm UTC

you do understand that almost every OS today uses any free memory to cache OS files right? Pretty much every respectable OS will say "we are using it all, good for us eh?"

paging - paging is 100% normal, unavoidable in fact. As a program is started, only the bit that is needed is loaded - as other bits get used they get loaded.

I doubt you are seeing swapping, that is rather disastrous, you system would appear almost frozen at that point.

1) yes, it is easy to blow past the pga_aggregate_target.

2) anything in the init.ora that causes memory to be preallocated is preallocated out of the SGA really - so, setting processes to 1500 will set up a data structure in the SGA capable of managing 1500 processes - it will not be outside of the SGA. So, the SGA already has that stuff.

So no, setting processes high is not pre-allocating pga memory.

UGA memory contents

Krish, October 25, 2007 - 9:17 pm UTC

Thanks Tom,
I could even see lot of open cursors(should be a part of UGA,I guess) for every Oracle session.There are around 450 concurrrent sessions (Active & Inactive).Each Session holds UGA memory anywhere between 3mb to 7mb depending upon the number of open cursors, it holds.
1)Is there anyway to find the non active open cursors.
I use the following statement to find the active ones
select * from v$sesstat where statistic#=3
Could we clean the non active open cursors.?
2)Could you please ellaborate on the contents of open cursor and what is the difference between open cursor and work area.Does open cursor contain the result set of the sql statement ,I mean the records which are fetched ?

3)Please correct me if I am wrong.
For every SQL statement,Oracle opens up a cursor in UGA of the process and once the sql statement is done,closes it back but the explicit cursors which are opened by the application ,if not closed, remains opens in UGA.This memory is not released until the session is closed.

Thank You
Tom Kyte
October 29, 2007 - 10:29 am UTC

1) define "non active"

You do NOT want to "clean up" open cursors, well not unless you want to absolutely kill your runtime performance.

Programs control the opening and closing of cursors, you cannot do anything from "another session"

2) a work area is used for sorting, for hashing results. It contains "result set data, or intermediate forms of it"

a cursor area is the state of a cursor itself, where you are in the execution plan and the current bind variable values and such.

Workarea memory is controlled by the database, how much you get is up to the database software.

Cursor memory is not controllable in that sense, it is "what it is", if you ask to open a cursor - then it will be opened and all memory needed will be allocated OR it will fail due to lack of memory.

3) cursors remain open until you close them - yes. And you should not be in any big rush to close them, you want to use and reuse them over and over.

Get used to thinking of a sql statement like a subroutine. Would you recompile your code everytime you ran it? No, so - please do not do that to SQL.

PGA presistant area,run time area

Amir Riaz, October 29, 2007 - 11:51 am UTC

Hi Tom

1, is explict cursor is only kept in PGA 's presistant area or implict cursor and explict cursors both are kept in Presistant area.

2, is PGA's run time area is where cursor is run or resultset 's pointers are cache in run time area and is deallocated after cursor is closed.

3, does plsql stored procedure run in run time area. if not where they run.

Amir Riaz

Tom Kyte
October 30, 2007 - 1:06 pm UTC

1) implicit and explicit are programming syntactic sugar things, they are not server concepts at all.

an implicit cursor means the client code hides 90% of the complexity - to the server, there isn't much difference.

implicit: select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a;

that will in general
o open a cursor
o bind inputs
o bind outputs
o execute the cursor
o fetch a row and make sure it came back
o fetch a row and make sure it didn't return anything
o close cursor

parse select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a;
bind all inputs
bind all outputs
open cursor
fetch a row, raise error if nothing found
fetch a row, raise error if something found
close cursor

that will do the same thing, but you write all of the code.

2) the pga in general contains the uga, so it is hard to answer this. There is the cursor area, the "setup" if you will. that is in the UGA, it is part of the user global area which is usually in the pga (not with shared server)

in general, the pga can be thought of to contain the uga (session state, cursor areas, plsql variable values) and work areas (temp space for sorts in memory, hashes and the like)

3) I don't know what you mean by that. a stored procedure's code is cached in the shared pool, the client will have a virtual machine running that code - that resides in your memory space and includes things like the instruction pointer, data segment for your variables and the like.

Difference between cursors/work area

Krish, October 30, 2007 - 6:21 pm UTC

Dear Tom,
I got your point that the work area is used for sort,hash in memory and that is a part of PGA,outside UGA.

1) What happens when the sort is completed,I mean where is the resultset(fetched rows) kept before sending it to the user process.According to me ,it is in UGA.

2)Is it possible that if you open a cursor explictly in an application(like using cursor c1 is select * from EMP order by ename),the resultset(fetched rows) of the sort or any sql statement with in that cursor definition is stored in the UGA permanently even after the resultset(fetched rows) are sent to the user process until the cursor is closed by the application

Please let me know if I am wrong for the following
3)Cursor is a memory area which is allocated to keep the fetched rows(resultset of the query) before sending to user process.So if we have 50 open cursors per session than 50 memory allocations will be done in UGA to store the fetched rows of 50 different queries.

4)Session Cache Cursors
These cursors are different than that of open cursors.?Session cache cursors refer to the memory area allocation done to keep SQL Query plans and not the fetched rows?

So Session Cache cursors are used before parsing and open cursors are used after fetching ?

As always,Thanks.
Tom Kyte
November 01, 2007 - 3:49 pm UTC

1) the sort workarea is kept in whole or part (the rest goes to TEMP on disk). The rows come from this 'retained' size.

In manual memory management, you used to set

a) sort_area_size
b) sort_area_RETAINED_size

the amount of memory upto (a) would be allocated during the sort and upon completion - right before returning the data, the workarea would be shrunk down to (b) with any excess being written to disk. So, you could set (a) to 10mb and (b) to 1mb - we'd use 10mb to sort the data, shrink the workarea does to 1mb and use that as a buffer to return the data to the client through.

In automatic memory management, the server sets (a) and (b) as it likes.

2) the retained sort area is kept until the cursor is closed.

3) cursor is not a memory area to keep the fetched rows.

the cursor area is a "set of state" about the cursor itself.

4) no, session_cached_cursors is a performance tuning init/session variable. search for it on this site to read more about it.

Answers to Krish

Roderick, October 31, 2007 - 2:54 am UTC

1. If the sorted data can fit in the sort workarea (possibly still influenced by sort_area_retain_size), then the result set can be kept there (assuming a sort was the final step of an execution plan). Otherwise it spills into the temporary tablespace until fetched (and/or the cursor is closed).
2. In general, if using just SQL, no. One way to store results in the UGA would be to declare a PL/SQL array in a package and store the results into that array (e.g. a BULK COLLECT).
Keep in mind that 11g introduces the concept of a results cache. A server side results cache can be stored in the SGA (not UGA) so separate sessions executing the same SQL statement can see the same query results. But I'll leave to others to elaborate on that feature.
3. No. The "cursor" in the UGA keeps track of the state of the cursor for that particular session. It knows what bind values were passed in, the number of rows fetched already, pointer to where to fetch the next row from (for example from sort area (for a sort) or next set of data blocks (for a select * from fullscanned_table)).
4.Actually cached cursors are open cursors that just look closed as far as the client application is concerned. When the client reopens / reparses the cursor, it is already open on the server side and pointing to the shared cursor where the execution plan is held (amongst other things like the description of columns that will appear in result set).
Corrections by Tom welcome of course.

Tom Kyte
November 01, 2007 - 3:59 pm UTC

I should have read ahead :) we are in agreement...

implicity cursor,explicit cursor and pga

Amir Riaz, November 01, 2007 - 6:10 am UTC

Hi Tom

thanks for quick response

what i want to say that open_cursor represents total number of the explicit cursor we can open in a certain session. implicit cursors are not stored in the presistent area and i think presistent area is number of open_cursors. because in sqlplus when i execute a statement i get a soft parse for each execution. now remember sqlplus is just a front end environment which displays the resultset and if it has to execute the query a cursor must be created. so even at sqlplus cursor is created but is not kept in presistent area. on the other hand a explicit cursor is kept in the presistent area. I hope my obervations are right.

Amir Riaz
Tom Kyte
November 02, 2007 - 12:02 pm UTC


they are the same
exactly the same

sqlplus is a client program, there is no such thing as "implicit and explicit" cursors in sqlplus - sqlplus is a PROGRAM.

programming languages like Pro*C and PLSQL offer implicit and explicit cursors as part of their language implementation.

sqlplus is a simply client program that has this psuedo code:

read input
while (input <> exit)
   open cursor
   parse input
   bind input
   execute input
   close input
   read input
end loop

it was programmed that way - that is why you see a soft parse, the programmer wrote it that way. It has nothing to do with implicit or explicit cursors - that concept ONLY exists in SOME programming languages

An implicit cursor results in "less code you write to manage the cursor, we do it under the covers"

An explicit cursor results in "maximum code written since you control all bits of the cursor operation - open, closing, etc"

But they BOTH do the same thing - the server doesn't know, care, or do anything different between the two (because there is no difference)


A reader, January 07, 2008 - 12:38 pm UTC

The result from the new 10.2 view v$process_memory

---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- -------------
46 6 SQL 995248 701256 6317712
46 6 PL/SQL 119192 60588 123344
46 6 Other 382472349 389887781
46 6 PL/SQL 119192 66540 123344
46 6 SQL 972996 682680 6317712
46 6 Other 382494601 389887781
46 6 SQL 995256 701264 6317712
46 6 PL/SQL 119192 60588 123344
46 6 Other 382472341 389887781
46 18 SQL 48432 12496 310628
46 18 PL/SQL 65412 18600 65412
46 18 Other 1032913 1032913
46 18 PL/SQL 65412 18600 65412
46 18 SQL 48432 12496 310628
46 18 Other 1032913 1032913
46 18 SQL 48432 12496 310628
46 18 PL/SQL 65412 18600 65412
46 18 Other 1032913 1032913

what does the catogary "other" comprises. This catagory takes an enormous amount of memory
Tom Kyte
January 07, 2008 - 12:59 pm UTC

It'll be "heap" space. Like for program variables and other dynamically allocated structures

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> create or replace package my_pkg
  2  as
  3      type array is table of all_objects%rowtype;
  4      g_data array;
  5  end;
  6  /

Package created.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> connect /
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select *
  2    from v$process_memory
  3   where  pid = (select pid
  4                   from v$process
  5                  where addr = (select paddr
  6                                  from v$session
  7                                 where sid = (select sid
  8                                                from v$mystat where rownum=1)));

---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- -------------
        16         15 SQL                   6096       1908        262128
        16         15 PL/SQL               26828      21460         26828
        16         15 Other              1199697                  1199697

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> begin
  2      select * bulk collect into my_pkg.g_data from all_objects;
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select *
  2    from v$process_memory
  3   where  pid = (select pid
  4                   from v$process
  5                  where addr = (select paddr
  6                                  from v$session
  7                                 where sid = (select sid
  8                                                from v$mystat where rownum=1)));

---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- -------------
        16         15 SQL                  16212       5264       1346928
        16         15 PL/SQL               35040      21600        257556
        16         15 Freeable           1179648          0
        16         15 Other             27395769                 27395769

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> begin
  2      select * bulk collect into my_pkg.g_data
  3        from (select * from all_objects union all select * from all_objects );
  4  end;
  5  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select *
  2    from v$process_memory
  3   where  pid = (select pid
  4                   from v$process
  5                  where addr = (select paddr
  6                                  from v$session
  7                                 where sid = (select sid
  8                                                from v$mystat where rownum=1)));

---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- -------------
        16         15 SQL                  16212       5264       1524372
        16         15 PL/SQL               35040      21620        257556
        16         15 Freeable           1114112          0
        16         15 Other             57804473                 57804473

global cache convert

Sharon, January 31, 2008 - 7:10 am UTC

What is global cache convert,global cache request time and how we can check it these values other than statspack?
Tom Kyte
February 04, 2008 - 3:08 pm UTC

pga_aggregate_target and workarea size

A reader, January 26, 2009 - 8:02 am UTC


The manual says:

"any given time, the total amount of PGA memory available to active work areas on the instance is automatically derived from the parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET."

So from where a) Cursors and SQL Areas and b) Session Memory , get their share of memory?

Does the follwoing line ( from the manual) has got something to do with this:
"This amount is set to the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET minus the PGA memory allocated by other components of the system (for example, PGA memory allocated by sessions). "

Thanks and regards.
Tom Kyte
January 28, 2009 - 7:55 am UTC

they (a and b) eat into the same pga.

There is tunable and untunable pga memory. There is the pga we can control (sort areas, hash areas) - that is the tunable pga. There is the pga we cannot control (memory for your variables for example).

We *attempt* to keep the sum(pga memory) over all sessions to be less than pga_aggregate_target but since we have this untunable bit - we cannot ASSURE you the sum(page memory) will be less than that.


AB, March 04, 2009 - 11:34 pm UTC

What I understand is, when a session is created, one user process and one server process is created. A PGA is allocated to the server process.

1. But when I go to task manager->Process tab, I can see the number of process increased is only one.If two process are created (one user process and one server process) then the process count should have been increased by two. Could you please tell me why this is happening?

2.Now I am executing the following queries more that one time from the same user.
The queries returns different values.
I am not executing any other SQL statement or PL/SQL blocks from this session, so there is no question of assigning more or less PGA to the server process.
Could you please tell me why these quries are giving me different values?

SQL> SELECT st.VALUE , USERENV ('SESSIONID'),nm.statistic#,se.SID,se.audsid
  2          FROM SYS.v_$session se, SYS.v_$sesstat st, SYS.v_$statname nm
  3          WHERE se.audsid = USERENV ('SESSIONID')
  4          AND st.statistic# = nm.statistic#
  5          AND se.SID = st.SID
  6          AND nm.NAME = 'session pga memory';

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   2892488              9634103         20        185    9634103

SQL> /

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   2892488              9634103         20        185    9634103

SQL> select VALUE from sys.v_$sesstat where SID = 185 and statistic# = 20;


SQL> /


SQL> SELECT st.VALUE , USERENV ('SESSIONID'),nm.statistic#,se.SID,se.audsid
  2          FROM SYS.v_$session se, SYS.v_$sesstat st, SYS.v_$statname nm
  3          WHERE se.audsid = USERENV ('SESSIONID')
  4          AND st.statistic# = nm.statistic#
  5          AND se.SID = st.SID
  6          AND nm.NAME = 'session pga memory';

---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
   2892488              9634103         20        185    9634103


Tom Kyte
March 05, 2009 - 1:44 pm UTC

What I understand is, when a session is created, one user process and one
server process is created. A PGA is allocated to the server process.


There is a many to many relationship between sessions and processes.

A single session may migrate from process to process (shared server, your session does not have a dedicated server process - it migrates from server process to server process, just like a connection pool).

A single process may be used by many sessions - either in shared server OR by a single client using dedicated server. A single client can open many sessions at the same time. You can see this in sqlplus easily using autotrace statistics, autotrace opens a new session (in the same dedicated server process) to "watch" your original session:

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select sid, serial#, paddr from v$session where username = user;

---------- ---------- --------
       288        105 3FF19E04

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> set autotrace on statistics;
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select sid, serial#, paddr from v$session where username = user;

---------- ---------- --------
       279        733 3FF19E04
       288        105 3FF19E04

          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
          0  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
        572  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        400  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          2  rows processed

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> set autotrace off
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select sid, serial#, paddr from v$session where username = user;

---------- ---------- --------
       288        105 3FF19E04

and now you introduce windows into the mix. In windows - your dedicated or shared server "process" is a THREAD in oracle.exe, windows uses threads - not processes. So, the only new process you would see would be for your client - you'd have to look into the threads in the running oracle.exe to see anything "new" - but, just use paddr in v$session like I did...

as for the last question - well, simple. You were doing different things that required differing amounts of pga memory? it will not remain constant - process memory changes over time (the amount you need)

I don't know how you came to this conclusion:

... so there is no question of assigning more or less PGA to the server process. ....

You ran entirely different queries, the queries set up themselves and then ran (the setting up happening before the actual query of the v$ tables...). It would be very query plan dependent.

PGA allocation

A reader, March 19, 2009 - 4:29 am UTC

Hi Tom
Thanks for the response.
I have some doubts, that I am narrating bellow. Please clear my concept.

As far as dedicated server is concerned
there are 3 items

1. client
2. session
3. process

My perception is as following:-

when I open SQLplus then actually I am opening a client. A session is opened for this client and two new processes, one 'client' process & one 'server' process is created. A PGA is assigned to the server process.

If the same client opens another session (like your example: autotrace) the same two process (same client and server process) will work for this session too. No new processess will be created.

As you said in Windows, when a client is opened, only 'Client Process (in window it is thread) is created not the server thread. Then could you please tell me how a PGA corresponding to a new client is assigned in windows environment (As we know PGA is assigned to a Server process whenever a new server process is created for a new client)?

Please correcct me if my perceptions are wrong.

I am not clear about the following queries. In my perception these two queries are same and returns the amount of PGA free for the session where these queries are execuitng. If something else please tell me.

SELECT st.VALUE , USERENV ('SESSIONID'),nm.statistic#,se.SID,se.audsid
2 FROM SYS.v_$session se, SYS.v_$sesstat st, SYS.v_$statname nm
4 AND st.statistic# = nm.statistic#
5 AND se.SID = st.SID
6 AND nm.NAME = 'session pga memory';

select VALUE from sys.v_$sesstat where SID = 185 and statistic# = 20
Tom Kyte
March 19, 2009 - 10:43 am UTC

PGA is just memory allocated via a C malloc() call - regardless of a thread or process. The allocation is very much the same. The memory is 'private' to the process or the thread (it will not be shared across processes in unix, it will not be shared across threads in windows)

when you run sqlplus, you are starting a client program.
when you use sqlplus to create a session - ASSUMING DEDICATED SERVER - you will contact the database typically via the listener and ask the listener to create a process (or thread) for you. If you do not use sqlnet, then you will create the process directly in unix (fork/exec) or contact the server and ask for a thread directly.

I don't know what you mean by "A session is opened
for this client and two new processes, one 'client' process & one 'server'
process is created." You had already started the client - sqlplus, the creation of a session doesn't spawn a new client.

And when you say "A PGA is assigned to the server process." - that is not really how it works. A PGA is process (thread) memory dynamically allocated as it needs it over time. There is no pga to "assign", it comes into existence as soon at the process starts and it grows (and shrinks) as it sees fit, it is dynamic memory allocated over time, there isn't a 'pool' of pga memory to assign from.

as for number 2, are you familiar with the concept of the "Heisenberg uncertainty principle"

that the act of observing can modify the outcome of the thing you are observing. If you run a query in your session, that query will likely need PGA memory to process. Now, since v$ tables are not read consistent beast - they do not live on disk, they are in memory data structures - when you run a complex query (that requires more resources) against them, you'll see that reflected in the results (maybe, maybe not, it depends on how the query was processed). So, you run two v$ queries that are different in "scope", in "complexity" and these v$ queries are trying to measure the PGA memory used in the current session - but these queries themselves CONTRIBUTE TO THE PGA MEMORY USED IN THE SESSION.......

shared connections

Chinni, March 20, 2009 - 1:24 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
I believe we are not connecting via shared servers.

but statspack report

Instance Activity

Statistic Total per Second per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------

session pga memory 13,345,208 3,709.1 8.0
session pga memory max 155,392,480 43,188.6 93.4
session uga memory 133,145,006,384 37,005,282.5 79,993.2
session uga memory max 558,285,328 155,165.5 335.4

How is that uga is more that pga here . please correct me if i am wrong.

Thank You
Tom Kyte
March 24, 2009 - 10:41 am UTC

... I believe we are not connecting via shared servers....

why wouldn't you *verify* that? It is rather simple to check.... select server, count(*) from v$session group by server - if server is none or shared, then you are using shared server.

snowy, March 23, 2009 - 6:07 am UTC

Just at the moment when I finished reading the architecture chater of your book , this flood of questions on the PGA/UGA seesm to drawf my understanding of oracle back to square 1.Wish you would suggest some pointers on some really solid grounding principles in Oracle.

Tom Kyte
March 26, 2009 - 12:32 pm UTC

if you read the chapters in my book on memory management.... well, I sort of thought that was a really solid grounding on the principles of how Oracle works.

Scofield, April 14, 2009 - 3:34 am UTC

Hi tom 
Pga is not set in my database.Oracle 9iR2.
Is there any performace affect, if I set the pga?
Forexample sometimes. I hit unable to extent temp, or stuff like that,is there any impact on them?

SQL> show parameter pga

pga_aggregate_target big integer 0

SQL> select name,value,unit from v$pgastat where name like'total PGA%';


total PGA inuse 29602816

total PGA allocated 69943296

Tom Kyte
April 14, 2009 - 11:31 am UTC

you have disabled automatic pga memory management in 9i by using 0 - the database will be using sort_area_size, hash_area_size instead.

If you set workarea_size_policy to automatic and set the pga_aggregate_target, we'll start using automatic memory management - instead of sort/hash area size. You would want to read about it (if you have access to either of my last two books - I wrote about it, concepts guide/performance guide covers it as well) - understand how it works, how it is different from sort/hash area size - and set it "appropriately"

if you are using shared servers in 9i, automatic pga memory management is not implemented for those connections, they'll use sort/hash area size instead.

A reader, April 15, 2009 - 4:42 am UTC

thanks tom.
How can I obtain your book? I live in New Zealand.
One more thing? In your opinion,Is there any performace gain, if I set pga ?
Tom Kyte
April 15, 2009 - 9:44 am UTC

the books are in most technical bookstores world wide - or order online?

If you set the PGA you will change the way memory is managed. With sort_area_size - it is one size fits all. You would take your maximum number of concurrent "users of sort space" and figure out what you could support. Say you have 100 concurrent users - you want to limit the pga memory to about 1gb. So that means you want about 10mb per pga. Since users can have multiple queries going (and the hash area defaults to 2x the sort area...), maybe you decide the sort area size should be about 1mb.

Now, if you have 1 user, they'll use 1mb to sort. Even though there is a ton of memory available.

If you have 500 users - they'll use 1mb to sort - and if each has 3 queries open and are sorting - you might be using 1.5gb of memory all of a sudden.

So, with the fixed sort area "one size fits all", at times of low concurrency, you will not efficiently use the memory you have - at times of high concurrency you'll use more memory than you have physically available. Only when you are at your "sweet spot" (what you sized to), will you use it efficiently.

Enter pga automatic memory management. When you have a small number of users - their sort workareas will be large. When you ramp up the user count, the size of the sort workareas will decrease (to have them all fit in the amount of pga memory you have deemed reasonable). When you ramp down again - it'll increase.

The less users sorting - the larger the allocated workarea.
The more users sorting - the smaller the allocated workarea.
It attempts to efficiently utilize all available pga memory based on the current workload - without going over the pga target (causing excessive paging or even worse - swapping)

Scofield, April 16, 2009 - 4:39 am UTC

Respected Mr Tom;

When I install a database, whatever version it is (8i,9i), pga must be allocated.It cannnot be 0.
If I dont use automatic pga management (pga_aggregate_target=0), how can increase the total pga size?

Assume I dont use automatic pga management (pga_aggregate_target=0)
If my pga size is 1gb and sort_area_size is 1M.
If there is one user,the user will use 1M to sort.
If there are two users:
Does each of them use again 1M
0.5M each?

I mean Is the value in sort_area_size "per user" or "total value"?

Assume I use automatic pga management and my pga size is 1gb

If there is space available in pga, one user can may even use 900m to sort.

If thers are two users and if the available free space is 500M in pga.
Each uses 250M.

Is that correct Recpected Mr Tom?

The answers of the these questions will clear my doubts.I appreciate your enlightened answer..
Tom Kyte
April 16, 2009 - 9:51 am UTC

1) not following you. in 8i, the pga memory settings (pga_aggregate_target) did not even exist?

And it can certainly be 0 in 9i.

If you are not using automatic pga memory management, you would be using sort_area_size, hash_area_size and the like to control pga allocations manually.

2) you don't make sense.

You say "not using automatic pga management"
Then you say "if my pga size is 1gb"

I cannot rectify those two statements.

If you use manual memory management (sort_area_size), then you are telling us "whenever anyone does a sort, they may use up to X amount of memory"

So, if one use opens 10 queries and each query does a sort, they (assuming sort area of 1mb) - they will use UP TO 10mb of memory to sort in. If 10 users each open 1 query apiece that sort, the same will happen - 10mb.

the sort area size is per STATEMENT.

3) the pga is NOT preallocated, never. The pga is always (in auto and manual modes) dynamically allocated and de-allocated. The 1gb pga_aggregate_TARGET is a target amount of pga memory we will allocate and de-allocate as things need it.

So, there is no concept as "and if the available free space is 500m in pga", the pga is not a pool of memory that is shared, it is private memory that is allocated as needed and deallocated when not needed. The TARGET is a number we try to keep the sum of these allocated chunk under.

Scofield, April 17, 2009 - 7:07 am UTC

Respected Mr Tom,
Thanks for your enlightining answers.I am clear now.

Assume I am not using automatic pga management;
I set the sort_area_size to 100mb.
You mentioned that the sort area size is per STATEMENT.
so,if the user opens 10 queries 1gb of memory will be used.
as u said if 10 users open 1 query again 1gb memory is used.
What kind of error message is returned if there is insufficient memory?

Now I am using automatic pga management
and I set the pga_aggregate_target to 100M.

If a user opens 1 query it can use upto 100M of sort.
If a user open 2 query each uses 50M for sort.
If five user opens queries at the same time, each will use 20M for sort.

Is that correct Respected Mr Tom?
If this it is the case there is no benefit of using automatic pga management unless we size pga_aggregate_target properly.

Because according to my examples,
(pga_aggregate_target=100M) or (sort_area_size=100M)
if there are two users :
In automatic pga each will use 50M.
In manual pga,each will use 100Mb for sort which is better.

Am I wrong Respected Mr Tom?
Tom Kyte
April 17, 2009 - 10:03 am UTC

1) no, the memory is allocated UP TO 100mb per statement as needed.

If you open up ten queries with "select * from dual", you'll use up 0mb of sort area

If you open up ten queries with "select * from all_objects order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7", you'll probably use maybe around 100mb - since (in 11g) all_objects consumes about 9mb of storage (each query might therefore use 10mb of sort area, if it needs more, it would grow the sort area, it would grow it UP TO 100mb)

$ oerr ora 4030
04030, 00000, "out of process memory when trying to allocate %s bytes (%s,%s)"
// *Cause: Operating system process private memory was exhausted.
// *Action:

2) with pga aggregate target, the goal is to SHARE the memory between many concurrent processes - the more stuff going on - the smaller the allocations, the less going on - the larger the allocation.

If your target was 100mb, it would not be wise to give it ALL to the very first request. We parcel it out, you would never get the ENTIRE thing, you get a small percentage of that. If we allocated it all up front - for the first request, the second request that happened would really mess things up.

If you have access to my book Expert Oracle Database Architecture, I cover this in painstaking detail with examples.

Now, if your examples were correct (which they are not), I would take exception to this statement:

Because according to my examples,
(pga_aggregate_target=100M) or (sort_area_size=100M)
if there are two users :
In automatic pga each will use 50M.
In manual pga,each will use 100Mb for sort which is better.

If each use 100mb (using sort_area_size) but you ONLY HAVE 100MB to use for sorting altogether (that is the premise with automatic pga memory management, you TELL US HOW MUCH MEMORY YOU ACTUALLY HAVE to do things) - then manual memory management would "be very very bad". It would try to allocate more memory than you actually have for sorting - and therefore either raise an ora-4030 OR cause severely poor performance as the machine swaps like mad.

A reader, April 17, 2009 - 6:44 pm UTC

Thanks for your enlightening explanations Respected Mr Tom,
I will try to obtain your enlightining book as soon as possible,because I couldnt find any good resource in the internet.

A reader, April 17, 2009 - 6:47 pm UTC

Is there any relation with "unable to extent temp segment" error message with not sizing pga properly?
Tom Kyte
April 20, 2009 - 10:53 am UTC

probably not. If temp needed to be used and we needed SO MUCH that we couldn't allocate more, it is highly likely that it never would have fit in RAM either (we needed more disk than the DBA was willing to give us)

If you need to extend temp and cannot - either

a) get temp increased, add more space
b) look at the query and see if there isn't an index, materialized view, better way to write the query that would remove the need for so much temp

What if PGA_memory_target reached

Suresh, April 21, 2009 - 8:19 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Assume I had PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = 300m (dedicated servermode)

My Physical memory available at time of instance start is 500M.

But physical memory available When I started my DB and similar my session started spawning there only 100m (due to some other applications running) but sessions requires 200m.

As per my knowledge, pga dynamically allocates deallocates. Correct me if iam wrong.

In this case, can we encounter 4030 error and sessions disconnected due to lack of memory.

Tom Kyte
April 21, 2009 - 3:20 pm UTC

.. As per my knowledge, pga dynamically allocates deallocates....


.. In this case, can we encounter 4030 error and sessions disconnected due to lack
of memory.

of course, if you run out of memory that can be allocated and we try to allocate some memory - and the OS says "no, you cannot have any", we will return an ora-4030

session will not disconnect, session will get error.

Great tom,

Suresh, April 22, 2009 - 7:15 am UTC


Thanks tom,

Can you please explain what is the below suggests.

I know the below the process memory attached to each bg process. But what is the shmid that is associated with is it my sga that not fit the memory comes to /dev/shm. but my shared segment id does not match with it.


sureshp-> pmap `pgrep -f lgwr`
20000000 208896K rwxs- [ shmid=0xd18012 ]
b6f74000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7084000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7194000 1920K ----- /dev/zero
b7374000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7484000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7594000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b76a4000 832K ----- /dev/zero
b7774000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7884000 960K ----- /dev/zero
b7974000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7a84000 960K ----- /dev/zero
b7b74000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7c84000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7d94000 1088K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7ea4000 48K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7eb0000 64K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7ec0000 64K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7ed0000 64K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7ee0000 128K rwx-- /dev/zero
b7f00000 144K rwx-- /dev/zero
bfc0e000 84K rwx-- [ stack ]
total 317928K

sureshp-> ipcs -m

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0xbe3bb918 13729810 oracle 640 213909504 19

Tom Kyte
April 23, 2009 - 12:41 pm UTC

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR1> select to_char( 13729810, 'xxxxxxxxx' ) from dual;


they match, when you put them into the SAME BASE.

read and write shared memory hit rate

zc, April 23, 2009 - 12:12 am UTC

My recent projects, the need for statistical oracle database-related performance indicators, unable to determine the read and write
shared memory hit rate, please help.
Tom Kyte
April 27, 2009 - 10:15 am UTC

well, the builtin tools (Oracle Enterprise manager, AWR, statspack (which everyone has)) do that.

It is called the buffer cache hit ratio.

As a number by itself, not very useful - eg: if you have a 99.9% cache hit ratio, it could be because you have a really poorly performing query that reads millions of blocks out of the buffer cache - when it should only read a few thousand

this cache hit ratio will be useful only to tell you "something is different", that is, if it historically has been 97.6% during noon-3pm monday through friday and all of a sudden it is 99.5% - that means "something changed" and when things change one of three things is true

a) it was a good thing
b) it was neither good nor bad
c) it was a bad thing

The cache hit ratio is affected by more than one variable - so if it goes UP, it could go up because:

a) physical IO decreased, logical IO stayed the same (this is probably good)
b) logical IO increased, physical IO stayed the same (this is probably bad)
c) some variation on the above two (which could be good or bad, it depends)

Cursor state and state space

Vis, May 13, 2009 - 6:53 am UTC

In shared server config, where will the cursor state and state space be stored? In the shared pool along with user session or any other pool?

Tom Kyte
May 13, 2009 - 2:02 pm UTC

the CGA (cursor global area) is in the UGA (user global area) and in shared server that is in the large pool. You need to associate that with your session - regardless of the process servicing your session - hence it needs to be in the large pool (ok, shared pool if you let large pool be zero)

cursor state and stack space

Vis, May 13, 2009 - 6:59 am UTC

Sorry for my typo mistake in above ques. Please read my ques as follow:

In shred server, where are the cursor state and stack space stored? Are they in Shared pool along with session data or in Large pool?
I got following ans from my collegue.
User session data and cursor state are in Large pool and stack space is stored outside SGA.

Tom Kyte
May 13, 2009 - 2:09 pm UTC

the UGA (user global area) is stored in the SGA in the large pool if configured, the shared pool if no large pool exists.

"stack" space is a process thing, that is where local variables in a C subroutine would be allocated from. They are not in the SGA, they are temporary variables local to C subroutines in the oracle background process.

See above for my answer on the cursor stuff.

Scofield, June 20, 2009 - 4:57 am UTC

I have just read your enlightining examples about PGA and UGA in your book at chapter 4.
I dont understand one thing.Regarding the output of your watch_stat script.
It shows session pga memory and session pga memory max.
I dont understand why session pga memory doesnt show 0.
Since you mentioned that pga is not preallocated and allocated as "needed basis".
so,Why doesnt it show 0 in ur examples?

Tom Kyte
June 20, 2009 - 4:37 pm UTC

who is UR and how did they get examples into my book???

PGA memory will never be zero, your session uses a big of memory just to connect in the first place, it is your session state. It is zero at the precise moment you establish your dedicated server - but immediately allocates SOME memory to start managing your session.

Scofield, June 21, 2009 - 2:43 am UTC

Thanks Sir.
Sir in your book you also mentioned that,manuel pga management may prefered for batch jobs.(when they are the only activities in the database).
Considering Automatic pga management;since they will be only activity in the database,
they will use majority of the pga_aggreagate_target, which is good.
So why should we choose manual pga managament for this issue?

Tom Kyte
June 21, 2009 - 2:13 pm UTC

the pga aggregate target, as stated in the book and elsewhere, is set up in anticipation of multiple users - if you are the ONLY user on the system, it (auto pga) will assume MORE ARE COMING - and will never give you the majority.

That is why I wrote what I wrote :) That manual might be right when you are the only game in town.

<quote src = expert oracle database architecture>

Are there times, however, when you won¿t want to use it?
Absolutely, and fortunately they seem to be the exception and not the rule. The automatic memory management was designed to be multiuser 'fair.' In anticipation of additional users joining the system, the automatic memory management will limit the amount of memory allocated as a percentage of the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. But what happens when you don¿t want to be fair, when you know that you should get all of the memory available? Well, that would be time to use the ALTER SESSION command to disable automatic memory management in your session (leaving it in place for all others) and to manually set your SORT|HASH_AREA_SIZE as needed. For example, that large batch process that takes place at 2:00 am and does tremendously large hash joins, some index builds, and the like? It should be permitted to use all of the resources on the machine. It does not want to be ¿fair¿ about memory use¿it wants it all, as it knows it is the only thing happening in the database right now. That batch job can certainly issue the ALTER SESSION commands and make use of all resources available.
So, in short, I prefer to use automatic PGA memory management for end user sessions¿for the applications that run day to day against my database. Manual memory management makes sense for large batch jobs that run during time periods when they are the only activities in the database.


A reader, June 29, 2009 - 4:15 am UTC

Hi Sir,
If we exceed the pga_aggregate_target limit, does the sort operations done on disk? or out of memory error message is returned?
Tom Kyte
July 06, 2009 - 6:11 pm UTC

the sort workareas allocated to a process would get smaller and smaller as we approach the pga aggregate target, they never become ZERO (you need SOME memory to use)

The smaller the workarea assigned, the higher the chance the sort will spill to disk, but that said a sort can go to disk even when the pga_aggregate_target has not been hit. A sort goes to disk when a sort cannot fit into the workarea allocated to the sort (the workarea is memory). The SIZE of this workarea is determined by the pga aggregate table AND the number of concurrent operations (the more concurrent operations, the smaller the sort workareas). The sort work area will never be zero, but it will vary in size based on how many users are currently requesting memory.

Could you get an ora-4030 unable to allocate X bytes of process memory? Sure, if you eventually have so many people doing sorts - even with really small sort areas - you could run out of physical machine memory. When using the pga aggregate target it is LESS LIKELY to happen (the ora-4030) then when using manual memory management (since we make the sort areas smaller over time, something the manual stuff does not, cannot do) but it is still possible of course

A reader, July 15, 2009 - 3:08 am UTC

Sir, considering auto pga,
If we are the only game in the town, how much workarea we can get from pga_aggregate_target?
Can you give any value such as %90 of the pga_aggregate_target, or whatever..
What is your estimation in this issue?
Tom Kyte
July 15, 2009 - 12:04 pm UTC

a small percentage - it'll never be 90%, it'll be much smaller.

Because it ANTICIPATES that more users will come in.

read the review two up - from June 21, 2009

PGA - Memory

A reader, August 14, 2009 - 4:30 am UTC

  2    PGA_USED_MEM,
  4    PGA_MAX_MEM
  9  /

------------------------ ------------ ------------- -----------
ORACLE.EXE (SHAD)         826449       1165933     1165933
So the PGA Memory allocated for my Server Process is 1165933 Bytes and Utilized memory is 826449 Bytes and Maximum Memory that can be Allocated is 1165933 Bytes.
Is that Correct Tom?
Tom Kyte
August 24, 2009 - 7:32 am UTC

You are on windows, you have a thread in a process - not a separate server process - but besides that, you only need read the documented column descriptions to verify what you are looking at in this case.

PGA_USED_MEM NUMBER PGA memory currently used by the process
PGA_ALLOC_MEM NUMBER PGA memory currently allocated by the process (including free PGA memory not yet released to the operating system by the server process)
PGA_FREEABLE_MEM NUMBER Allocated PGA memory which can be freed
PGA_MAX_MEM NUMBER Maximum PGA memory ever allocated by the process

so, no, it is not "max memory that CAN BE alllocated", but rather the maximum memory EVER allocated by your session.

regarding memory & CPU usage by group of people

Bhavani Sankar Vemula, August 26, 2009 - 4:06 am UTC

Dear Sir,
i'm using the following query to find out resource usage by a set of people

select * from (select,sum(a.value) val from
v$sesstat a,v$statname b,v$session c
where a.statistic#=b.statistic#
and in ('CPU used by this session','logons current','opened cursors current','parse time cpu','parse time elapsed',
'session pga memory','session pga memory max','session uga memory','session uga memory max','consistent gets','db block gets','physical reads')
and a.sid=c.sid
and username is not null and username <> 'TEST' and machine <> 'SP03CL21'
group by where val > 0

is my approch OK? Can you please guide me in this regard

thank you

Tom Kyte
August 26, 2009 - 7:12 pm UTC

umm, it gives what it gives, if your definition of "resource usages by a set of people" is limited to the statistics you list in your in list - then you have what you want.

otherwise you'll have to define what "resource usage" means.

Bhavani Sankar Vemula, August 27, 2009 - 1:37 am UTC


thank you for the reply.
i want to know is the memory usage ,cpu usage and IO usage by these users and what % they are using against the total memory and cpu and IO.

Tom Kyte
August 28, 2009 - 4:26 pm UTC

Ok, let me turn this around on you

you have the definitions of what these are:

('CPU used by this session','logons current','opened cursors current','parse time cpu','parse time elapsed',
'session pga memory','session pga memory max','session uga memory','session uga memory max','consistent gets','db block gets','physical reads')

do YOU have what YOU need?

If you just want memory, cpu, IO - you have lots more than what you asked for.

Do you use shared server? Do you use dedicated server - that would affect the answer greatly (in shared server, the UGA is separate from the PGA, in dedicated the UGA is a subset of a the PGA. In shared server - the pga is soley used by the process - not the session - a session borrows a process for a short bit of time - you would count it differently)

Implicit Explicit cursors

Bix, April 20, 2010 - 11:19 am UTC

Hi Tom,
In one of the above follow-ups , while explaining about the implicit and explicit cursors, you gave one example :
select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a
there is a slight difference between the two ways -
open,bind,execute and fetch for IMPLICIT
parse,bind,open and fetch for EXPLICIT -

Could you please explain why the order of the actions is different ?
Many thanks for your time .


Tom Kyte
April 20, 2010 - 12:06 pm UTC

I wrote:

implicit: select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a;

that will in general
o open a cursor
o bind inputs
o bind outputs
o execute the cursor
o fetch a row and make sure it came back
o fetch a row and make sure it didn't return anything
o close cursor

parse select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a;
bind all inputs
bind all outputs
open cursor
fetch a row, raise error if nothing found
fetch a row, raise error if something found
close cursor

that will do the same thing, but you write all of the code.

could have been written as

implicit: select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a;

that will in general
o parse select ...
o bind inputs
o bind outputs
o open/execute the cursor
o fetch a row and make sure it came back
o fetch a row and make sure it didn't return anything
o close cursor

parse select count(*) into :n from t where x = :a;
bind all inputs
bind all outputs
open/execute cursor
fetch a row, raise error if nothing found
fetch a row, raise error if something found
close cursor

Just showing they were for all intents a purposes "the same"

Implicit explicit

Bix, April 20, 2010 - 1:13 pm UTC

Many thanks Tom for your reply .I have few doubts about the 'cursor' ?

1. I understood that the 'cursor' is a 'pointer' at client side which points to the 'state/status' of the SQL statement being executed in the server process , Is it correct ? here the SQL statement can be issued by any client such as PL/SQL or SQLPlus. this cursor ( pointer at client side) will point to the UGA which contains some pointers to keep track of 'fetching' rows etc ..

2. Explict cursor is 'explicit' (we open/fecth/close explicitly in the program) - other than explicit cursor- every SQL statement issued by the client to server process is an 'implicit' cursor , the client can be PL/SQL or SQLplus . Is it correct ?

3.'Explict cursor'is a program feature of PL/SQL ONLY - is it correct ?

4. select * from emp -(issued from sqlplus ) this is also an 'implicit' cursor . - is it correct ?

So finally - Server process sees every SQL statement as a 'cursor' issued by any client - well - we can explicity define a cursor in PL/SQL only

Can you please correct if my understanding is wrong ?

Once again many thanks for your help


Tom Kyte
April 20, 2010 - 1:25 pm UTC

1) a cursor can be thought of that way, yes. It is needed for every statement you ever want to execute on a client. select, insert, create, whatever.

2) implicit cursors are a programming language feature. A 'language' feature like PRO*C can give you implicit cursors. PLSQL can. SQLJ in java (not using jdbc directly) can. An implicit cursor is just the LANGUAGE doing things for you.

If you have to open or close the cursor - it is explicit. You will open it, you will parse it, you will bind it, you will execute it, you will process the results from it, you will close it eventually.

With an implicit cursor, you pretty much just process the results from it - the language takes care of open, bind, parse, close, etc - they are all hidden from you - done implicitly.

The test: if you have to open it, it is explicit. If you don't, if it implicit.

3) you have that backwards, implicit is - and it is a feature of things other than plsql as stated above.

4) no, sqlplus is a program, it reads from standard input and gets a string of text from you. It then does all of the work. sqlplus is not a programming language, you are not declaring cursors, opening them, etc - you do not do implicit or explicit cursor processing, the program SQLPLUS does - and it uses explicit cursor processing under the covers because it is a C program written in OCI - not pro*c.

and finally - all programming APIs pretty much have the concept of a 'cursor'. You can explicitly do cursors in pretty much all of them.

implict explicit cursor

Bix, April 20, 2010 - 1:56 pm UTC

Many thanks Tom for the quick reply - thanks a million ..
the below statement clears most of my doubts
"An implicit cursor is just the LANGUAGE doing things for you"

Sorry to bother you , but i want to know what exactly happens when a statemnet such as 'select x into y from emp' in written in a pl/sql block ?

What PL/SQL engine will do ?
when SQL engine will come to picture ?
Is parsing/binding done by SQL engine or Pl/SQL engine ?
You mentioned that 'parse,binding etc' is done by the LANGUAGE internally FOR implicit curoser, Does it happen at 2 levels (language level and Database level for SQL )

Is it the below case:

select x into y from emp where z=:id

1.PL/SQL understands that it is something that needs to be sent to SQL Engine.
2.PL/SQL will parse it,bind it and send the SQL to SQL engine
3.SQL engine will again do it a hard parse / soft parse ..
as per the normal 'statement processsing ' process.

Whether it is implict curose /explict - the SQL engine will always receives a simple SQL statement - right ?
Server does not know whether it is 'implicit' or 'explicit' ?

Sorry for all my questions - but I want to know EXACTLY what happens ? i have read the concepts guide and also am very hardcode fan of your books (the way you explain the things is awesome) but did not get COMPLETE AND CLEAR concept how the things work ..

Once again many thanks

Tom Kyte
April 20, 2010 - 2:17 pm UTC

... i want to know what exactly happens when a statemnet
such as 'select x into y from emp' in written in a pl/sql block ?

plsql will

o open a cursor if need be (plsql caches cursors for us - it'll only open it when and IF it needs to)

o parse the sql, if need be

o bind the inputs
o bind the outputs

o open the cursor
o fetch and make sure we have a row
o fetch and make sure we don't have a 2nd row

o pretend to close the cursor, since it really caches it for us in the event we use it again.

PLSQL does all of that - sql only knows how to respond to "sql things", it has to be told to parse, to bind, to execute and so on.

To the sql engine, it is all explicit sql, implicit sql is a nice thing a language layer can provide to make programming easier, more efficient - but under the covers - it is all 'explicit sql'

implicit cursors are syntactic sugar - the icing on the cake, a feature of a good productive programming environment.

implict explicit cursor

Bix, April 20, 2010 - 2:57 pm UTC

Onace again thanks Tom, your help is much appreciated for explaining this . One final doubt mostly ,

you mentioned 5-6 steps (open cursor,parse,bind etc )

It means - PL/SQL will ask SQL engine to parse it - right ?
Here SQL engine will deicde whether it can be a 'soft parse' or 'hard parse' ?

We have a chapter in concepts guide -'Statement processing' - the SQL statements are processed by the SQL engine , all the steps mentioned in this chapter are done by SQL engine when asked by the PL/SQL engine - am i correct ?

Can I assume Server process/SQL engine - both do the work for PL/SQL ?

Sorry to bother you again and again ..

many thanks

Tom Kyte
April 20, 2010 - 3:03 pm UTC

plsql, if need be, will make parse call.

sql engine does the hard/soft parse workings.

think of plsql like java, or C, or VB. It does the same things java, or C or VB would do.

You could implement a plsql compiler yourself, it would have to do the same things plsql does - think of it that way. Plsql is not 'special' in that sense, it just makes calls to the sql engine like anything else.

SQL statement processing

Bix, April 21, 2010 - 9:00 am UTC

Hi Tom,

When a client application (let’ say -VB) makes a call to a pl/sql stored procedure which contains a statement like this:

select x into y from emp where z=:i

1. User process is created on client side (lets say both client/server on different m/cs)
2. Server process is created on Oracle server side (PGA/UGA)
3. Server process will copy the Pl/sql block from database to SGA (if it does not already exist in sga )
4. Server process will invoke Pl/sql engine
5. Plsql engine will implicitly open a cursor (pointer) for the above select statement (???- will the client application open cursor (or) will Pl/sql ??)
6. Pl/sql will store all the variables(such as y,z,i) in a private sql area (UGA) and send the above select statement to SQL engine and ask to parse the statement
7. SQL engine will parse the statement – as part of processing , it will put the above select statement in shared pool (if it is not already present )
8. SQL engine will bind the values in the select statement
9. then SQL engine will call CBO to get the optimized plan
10. once it gets the best plan from CBO- it will start executing the statement
11. If SQL engine does not find the DB blocks in SGA, it will ask Server process to get them from Database
12. ‘Locking’ /’redo/undo’ stuff goes here – statement is executed here
13. Cursor points to the row (result set) on the block to be fetched
14. ‘Fetch ‘ is a call made by the client to Server process – Server process will fetch the value (pointed by the cursor ) into the variable in UGA (I believe unless you make a ‘fetch’ call – the SQL will be executed actually – am I correct here ?)
15. Pl/sql will process the value in the variable
16. pl/sql will close the cursor (pretends as if closing but caches it )

Can you please correct wherever it is wrong in the above points?

I have some idea how Oracle database works and how PL/sql works – but not able to get clear idea how both work together (ex: Server process, SQL engine,User process,Pl/sql engine – how do all these work together which calls which one – what is the order of their calls etc )

B) Second doubt :

If I say
C is a cursor
Open C
Close C
No ‘fetch’ – will the sql in the cursor will be executed here ? of course we don’t make any physical/logical i/os as there is no ‘Fetch’

C) We don’t store the result set any where in the database/instance- we will directlt fetch the values from ‘DB Blocks’ to variable/array etc .. – right ?


Tom Kyte
April 21, 2010 - 9:14 am UTC

1) user process was already created on client side. it is the VB program in question

2) server process would have already be in existence, from the connect. It may or may not have been created (shared server versus dedicated server)

3) server process will hard or soft parse or no parse - depending on the client and what it has done already in the past. That may or may not include having to read anything from disk.

4 on) plsql is in control now. client made a call to plsql. normal processing (read the concepts guide, follow it, it tells all - i did not really read or validate this long list)

here is how it all works:

client calls database with statement.
database processes statement.

Sometimes the statement is a plsql statement.
In that case, plsql becomes a client all of a sudden (so just a tiny bit of recursion in your thought)

so a client might call a statement which is a plsql block which when it goes to execute a statement (a select for example), plsql will become a client and send the statement to the database which will parse/execute/etc it.

don't over thing this, just pretend for a minute that plsql is a language (hey, it is!) just like java or C. Pretend you had java calling c calling sql.

Now replace java with vb, c with plsql, and sql with sql.... same thing!

b) yes, update - no fetching. delete - no fetching. begin p; end - no fetching. Most sql statements you execute do not use fetch and all of them need a cursor area to be executed - even CREATE.

and of course there could be billions and billions of IO's of all types - since update, delete, merge, create, etc all are capable of doing IO.

Even select could do lots - what if you do select for update??

c) "it depends", what if you do:

select object_type, count(*) from all_objects group by object_type, order by object_type;

odds are we will run that query to completion to find the first row, storing the rest of the rows in temp.

what if you do:

select * from ten_billion_row_table;

odds are we will NOT run that query to completion to find the first row - we'll just read the first block - and then keep on processing blocks as you call fetch over and over.

You might want to borrow/get a copy of Efficient Oracle By Design - I cover how statements are processed, how sql is processed in great detail over the course of a few chapters in that book.

SQL statement processing

Bix, April 21, 2010 - 9:34 am UTC

Thanks a million Tom for your reply ,
yes, I had bought your book already - gone through the chapters about statement processing ,

I may wrong but what I understood is that you mentioned in your book that - 'Once a SQL statement is submitted to Oracle - what happens in the instance/database ? how it is processed / executed in side instance/database all the stuff ..' but along with this- i am interested to know how server process acts and responds to client with the result sets etc .. ?

I have read few chapters on concepts guide - I could see almost always - 'Oracle will do this, do that ...'
but i was intersted to know which part/component of Oracle will do this? Is it server process /SQL engine etc?? ...
that's why all my questions - thanks once again
