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  • memory_target, max_memory_target and SGA/ PGA size


Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, Pierre.

Asked: November 09, 2009 - 12:57 pm UTC

Last updated: May 22, 2013 - 12:49 pm UTC


Viewed 10K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Hi Tom,

When setting MEMORY_TARGET and MAX_MEMORY_TARGET in 11.1 and leaving SGA_TARGET, SGA_MAX_SIZE, PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to 0, what is the right way to get current SGA and current PGA size ? There are many views available to get SGA size and it it somewhat confusing.

Is this correct:

To check SGA currenly allocated I would use:

select sum(value) from v$sga;


select sga_size from v$sga_target_advice where sga_size_factor=1;

To check PGA currently allocated I would use:

select value from v$pgastat where name like 'total%alloc%';


and Tom said...

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> with data
  2  as
  3  (
  4  select decode( grouping( pool ), 1, 'total:', pool ) "Pool",
  5         sum(bytes) bytes
  6    from (select nvl(pool,'*'||name) pool, bytes from v$sgastat )
  7   group by rollup (pool)
  8  )
  9  select "Pool", bytes, round(bytes/1024/1024) mbytes
 10    from data
 11   union all
 12  select 'PGA target', v-bytes, round((v-bytes)/1024/1024)
 13    from data, (select to_number(value) v
 14                  from v$parameter
 15                             where name = 'memory_target')
 16   where "Pool" = 'total:'
 17  /

Pool                             BYTES     MBYTES
--------------------------- ---------- ----------
*buffer_cache                205520896        196
*fixed_sga                     1339740          1
*log_buffer                    5160960          5
java pool                      4194304          4
large pool                     4194304          4
shared pool                  322966100        308
total:                       543376304        518
PGA target                   295484496        282

8 rows selected.

would give you a more specific sort of breakdown.


  (3 ratings)

Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


Alexander, January 14, 2013 - 1:09 pm UTC


I have two memory related questions;

1) How does Oracle decide which is the more "important" cache if say something like an sql statement (shared pool) and a block or set of blocks (buffer cache) are equally used? There is an LRU algorithm to determine within the appropriate cache to age things out, but what about across them?

2) I saw you make brief comments somewhere about how the new max memory parameters are only really fit for smaller systems. I have seen some rather anecdotal, difficult to prove memory related issues, so I'm suspicious of it (like not using pga and spilling to disk when it shouldn't...). So I was hoping you could go into as much detail on this subject as you can to either explain or refute what I think I read. Thanks.
Tom Kyte
January 15, 2013 - 10:27 am UTC

1) it is using its advisors - the same thing that you might use to decide to change the cache sizes.

database is running, it looks at the advisor and says "hey, if i were to increase the shared pool by X - we'd benefit from that and it says over here if I decrease the buffer pool by X - we wouldn't have a serious increase in physical IO's - therefore, I think it would be good to move X from the buffer cache to the shared pool"

2) are only really fit for smaller systems. by smaller I mean in importance, in monitoring, in how it is used.

If you have a mission critical system that is used constantly by a large group of people and you have a DBA staff charged with monitoring that system and ensuring it is always going - you probably don't want to use full automatic memory management (sort of like a race car driver would not use a fully automatic transmission). You don't want your SGA to resize itself or the PGA to resize itself at 3pm on a busy friday. What you want to do is take the information from the advisors - make a balanced decision (maybe even after testing with real application testing for example) on how to resize things and WHEN to resize them (probably not at peak usage).

if you have a 'small' system that you don't monitor all of the time, used by a smaller audience of people perhaps, not running thousands of transactions per second - fully automatic memory management could definitely be the way to do - perhaps with minimum reasonable sizes set on each of the areas - allowing the database to move around the remaining bits of memory.

Alexander, May 21, 2013 - 5:22 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Can you have a look at this please:

  1  select pool, name, bytes/1024/1024
  2  from gv$sgastat
  3* where name = 'KGH: NO ACCESS'
SQL> /

POOL         NAME                       BYTES/1024/1024
------------ -------------------------- ---------------
shared pool  KGH: NO ACCESS                  3765.83868
shared pool  KGH: NO ACCESS                  6243.47711
streams pool KGH: NO ACCESS                   63.992218

We are using MAX_MEMORY,(not sure if that has anything to do with this) are we are hitting a bug (lost track of the # at the moment) that is causing that KGH thing to grow unexpectedly high. This causes a lot of problems, it can cause the entire instance to crash with a ORA-4041, it can cause everything to hang waiting on latches querying X$KSMSP. We wanted to get ahead of this until we have a real fix, so we tried flushing the shared pool but it did not release anything. Do yo know why? Do you know what we can do, is there anything else we can run? Thank you.

Tom Kyte
May 22, 2013 - 12:49 pm UTC

please work this via support - I don't know your system, your conditions, your OS, your version, etc... (please don't post it here, I don't really do support issues like this...)


Arvind Mishra, May 07, 2014 - 11:29 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

We are using 11gR2. Our DBA says we are not using memory_target and max_memory_target because there are many Oracle bugs related to these parameters. I do not believe it but just wanted to confirm it from you. Is it true?

