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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, kajool.

Asked: February 05, 2001 - 5:35 pm UTC

Last updated: November 30, 2005 - 10:49 am UTC

Version: 8.1.5

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

hi tom
my ever first question for u;
tell me am I right or wrong;
1.when we create dimensions with different levels the aggreate data is stored in this levels.
we create a dimension time with four levels;
now when data is inserted into tables they are also inserted and aggregated into dimensions and when a query
e,g ; a query wanna see data of 2nd quarter so it is read from the quarter dimension instead on the table,causing a rewrite?right or not?
2.what are temporary lobs and why we use them
thanks in advance

and Tom said...

1) a dimension stores meta data about how columns/tables relate to each other. A dimension creates no physical data itself.

A dimension can be used to tell the system that a "date" rolls up to a "month" rolls up to a "quarter" rolls up to a "year". If I create a materialized view that aggregates data by MONTH and I perform a query by QUARTER, the optimizer understands that MONTHS can be aggregated to QUARTERS (because of the dimension) and will therefore use the materialize view I created -- because the dimension said it could. Without the dimension, the optimizer would have no idea that months can be rolled up to quarters and would not be able to use this materialized view but rather would have to go after the base tables themselves.

2) temporary lobs are lobs that do not exist in a table. You would use them whenever you needed to have a variable that is more then 32k in size. For example, the existing UTL_HTTP.REQUEST_PIECES api will return a web page as a series of 2000 byte rows in a plsql table. You could take that table and write all of the lines into a temporary lob. Now you could easily DBMS_LOB.INSTR() for example on the temporary lob -- something you cannot do on a plsql table.


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Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment


A reader, September 01, 2002 - 1:59 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

Could you please,please explian DIMENSION with simple words by giving Simple example.

When even I see Fine grain topic(FGAC) OR dimension, I get confued.

I know dimension is used with materialized view.

I will appreciate your response.


Tom Kyte
September 01, 2002 - 2:30 pm UTC

well, I was about to answer with

"search for create dimension on this site" but -- that brought me RIGHT BACK TO THIS ANSWER!!!!

So, the simple words are right above. A simple example is:

</code> <code>

also, my book "Expert one on one Oracle" has what I believe to be a pretty readable/understandle example case study in the chapter on MV's involving dimensions.

querying wuth time intervals

A reader, November 25, 2002 - 4:23 am UTC


I was wondering if we could dividde a resultset into time intervals without using dimensions

For example my emp table with hiredate and I want to find out how many employees I hired per week and month in last year how could we do it without using dimensions in a SQL query (not using PL/SQL)?

normally I would do
select count(*) from emp where hiredate between x and y

in my case x and y would be dynamic (from day 1 to day 365 in a year)


Tom Kyte
November 25, 2002 - 7:32 am UTC

sure. first, you could run two queries

select trunc(hiredate,'mm'), count(*) from emp group by trunc(hiredate,'mm');

would give you counts by month. change 'mm' to 'w' and you have by week.

In 8iR2 and up, you can use group by cube to get the same in a single result:

scott@ORA920.US.ORACLE.COM> select trunc(hiredate,'mm') month, trunc(hiredate,'w') week, count(*)
2 from emp
3 group by cube(trunc(hiredate,'mm'), trunc(hiredate,'w'))
4 having (grouping( trunc(hiredate,'mm') ) = 1 and grouping( trunc(hiredate,'w') ) = 0) OR
5 (grouping( trunc(hiredate,'mm') ) = 0 and grouping( trunc(hiredate,'w') ) = 1)
6 /

--------- --------- ----------
15-DEC-80 1
15-FEB-81 1
22-FEB-81 1
01-APR-81 1
01-MAY-81 1
08-JUN-81 1
08-SEP-81 1
22-SEP-81 1
15-NOV-81 1
01-DEC-81 2
22-JAN-82 1
15-APR-87 1
22-MAY-87 1
01-DEC-80 1
01-FEB-81 2
01-APR-81 1
01-MAY-81 1
01-JUN-81 1
01-SEP-81 2
01-NOV-81 1
01-DEC-81 2
01-JAN-82 1
01-APR-87 1
01-MAY-87 1

24 rows selected.

And in 9iR1 and up, you can use grouping sets to get the same but more efficiently (it doesn't build the entire CUBE and then just select the rows you want as above -- rather it only builds the two combinations we are interested in)

scott@ORA920.US.ORACLE.COM> select trunc(hiredate,'mm') month, trunc(hiredate,'w') week, count(*)
2 from emp
3 group by grouping sets(trunc(hiredate,'mm'), trunc(hiredate,'w'))
4 /

--------- --------- ----------
01-DEC-80 1
01-FEB-81 2
01-APR-81 1
01-MAY-81 1
01-JUN-81 1
01-SEP-81 2
01-NOV-81 1
01-DEC-81 2
01-JAN-82 1
01-APR-87 1
01-MAY-87 1
15-DEC-80 1
15-FEB-81 1
22-FEB-81 1
01-APR-81 1
01-MAY-81 1
08-JUN-81 1
08-SEP-81 1
22-SEP-81 1
15-NOV-81 1
01-DEC-81 2
22-JAN-82 1
15-APR-87 1
22-MAY-87 1

24 rows selected.

Used this

A reader, November 25, 2002 - 12:04 pm UTC


I ended up using following query (groupping by to_char(f_apertura, 'IYYY')||to_char(f_apertura, 'IW')), thank you very much for the reply

select 'Semana entre '||primer_dia_semana||' y '||ultimo_dia_semana semana,
cola_ultima, num_dias_revisada,
count(dias_revisada) numero_casos
from (select f_apertura, COLA_ULTIMA, trunc(f_apertura, 'iw') primer_dia_semana,
trunc(f_apertura, 'iw')+6 ultimo_dia_semana,
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 20 then 'Mas de 20 dias'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 10 then 'Entre 10 dias y 20 dias'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 5 then 'Entre 5 dias y 10 dias'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 1 then 'Entre 1 dia y 5 dias'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 1/12 then 'Entre 2 horas y 24 horas'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 1/24 then 'Entre 1 hora y 2 horas'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA > 0 then 'Menos de 1 hora'
when F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA = 0 then 'En el momento'
else to_char(F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA)
end num_dias_revisada,
F_ULTIMA - F_APERTURA dias_revisada
group by cola_ultima, num_dias_revisada, to_char(f_apertura, 'IYYY')||to_char(f_apertura, 'IW'),
primer_dia_semana, ultimo_dia_semana
order by primer_dia_semana;

dimensions vs dimension tables

A reader, November 19, 2003 - 11:04 am UTC


We can do

create dimension in oracle to add a time dimension

we can also create a plain table for time dimension

Which is more flexible? Performance wise?

Also is Oracle dimensions same concept as Datawarehouse dimensions? (Star Model)

Tom please provide simple exmaple to understand concept of dimensions ( practical example)

Nonu, May 18, 2004 - 2:54 am UTC

Dear Tom

Can you please provide an example to exact use/concept of dimensions?

Tom Kyte
May 18, 2004 - 12:08 pm UTC

search for

'create dimension' materialized

on this site. or if you have "Expert One on One Oracle" -- i have the multi-page example in there as well.

Dimension changing in time.-

Mariano, May 16, 2005 - 2:46 pm UTC

Hi Tom.

I have a fact table where I collect the detail of some transactions by user.
I'm building a mv in order to retrieve faster the statistics of every user performance per day.
This mv, of course, will contain only aggregate information.
Because the information will be use to retrieve results aggregated by day, week or month I'm adding a time dimension in order to take advantage of query rewrite.
The doubt I have is the following:
Every user in this fact table has a supervisor and every supervisor has a manager. They asked me they want to have information not only by time interval but as "hierachical level" as well.
I'm thinking to use another dimension with the following relations: user rolls up to supervisor and supervisor rolls up to manager.
However these relations can change from now to then and not always an user will have the same supervisor.
In the table where I store this relations I have two date columns with the start date and end date of the relations. The thing here is that I don't know how to write the dimension for it to realize this changing relation and aggregate the info using the right level on behalf of the period is being query.
How can I achieve this?

As always, any advice is thankfully welcome.

Tom Kyte
May 16, 2005 - 4:59 pm UTC

so it is user+date rolls to super+date rolls to manager+date

when you sum up the details, you'll register this information as well.

easier than start/end dates wouldn't it be?

Dimension changing in time.-

Mariano, May 16, 2005 - 5:26 pm UTC

I was trying to avoid the need for updating extra columns with the relations just leaving the user_id value in the vm and getting the relations from the dimension table. Since someone can change a relation now that happened months ago I thought that being user_id the only value that will not change I can use dimensions to rollup aggregates with the rest of the employees.
Anyway, I have and additional date column that indicates when the modification was made so I guess I'll have to deal with it.

By the way, one of your coworkers in Oracle was writing a book on "Oracle Linux Administration", I saw it in Amazon but the book was not release on that time and I totally forgot his name (dificult surname, seems dutch to me) and cannot find it now. Any chance you know who I'm talking about?

Just can't wait to own and read Export 1 on 1 second edition.

dimension tables vs oracle dimensions

A reader, June 07, 2005 - 12:46 pm UTC


I would like to know what is better, Oracle Dimensions (create dimension) or a plain table with calendar dates? Considering I am not using Materialized Views.

Tom Kyte
June 07, 2005 - 1:17 pm UTC

well, you need a table to have an "oracle" dimension, they are not "replacements" for eachother.

An Oracle dimension is just more meta-data.

arent oracle dimension and dimension table the same?

A reader, June 07, 2005 - 2:34 pm UTC


arent oracle dimension and dimension table the same?

Tom Kyte
June 07, 2005 - 2:40 pm UTC

click on some of the links above and read about them.

Dimension's levels

Franco Perego, November 29, 2005 - 12:09 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

I would like to develop a Dimension based on a "tree" table,
I can query the table using the "connect by prior ... start with", which means that the level of aggregation can vary from 1 for a specific record to more than 10 for another. Is it possible to create a dimension for these data?

Thanks in advance,

Tom Kyte
November 30, 2005 - 10:49 am UTC

not that I am aware of, no. dimensions are sort of "flat" structures.

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