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  • will delete reclaim disk space for the database?


Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, David .

Asked: January 26, 2001 - 10:36 am UTC

Last updated: November 21, 2011 - 2:31 pm UTC

Version: 7.3.4

Viewed 100K+ times! This question is

You Asked

Dear Tom,

I deleted millions of rows in my database. In somewhere, I read that delete will not release data block space, that is, the deleted data are still occupying the data block. We have to use export/import to relcaim the space. It that true?

If we want to purge data older than certain date, sucha as 6 months, periodically, what is the best strategy to do it?

Thanks a lot for your earlier and this help!

and Tom said...

When an extent is allocated to a table (or index, etc) it belongs to that table until you

o drop the table
o truncate the table

When you delete the data from the table -- the blocks will go onto the freelist for that table (assuming the amount of space on a block that was freed fell below the pctused). These blocks will be used for subsequent inserts and updates into this table.

When you delete data from the index -- if the block the index entry was on is now "empty" -- that block will go back onto the freelist to be used anywhere in the index struct. Else that block stays where it is and data that would naturally go onto that block (because of where it is in the b*tree) will go there.

Space is effectively reused when you delete. Your database will not show any new free space in dba_free_space -- it will have more blocks on freelists and more empty holes in index structures.

Now, as for the purge issues -- the best strategy really lies in Oracle8i with partitions. Doing a rolling window is trivial using partitions and aging old data out is a simple DDL operation that takes seconds to perform.


  (44 ratings)

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will delete reclaim database free space ?

Raj, March 11, 2001 - 11:15 pm UTC

I was currently at the verge of running a report to see how much space I have I one of my databases. My colleague complained that he deleted about 1 - 2 gig of data and the free space report is still showing the same count. He was wondering how. The answer for the question helped me to explain the situation to him. Very helpful. Thanks.

A reader, September 04, 2002 - 11:56 am UTC

Is there anyway to reclaim the space(ie. reset the HWM) after a large delete?

I have inherited a database that had massive deletes. These tables are going to be static now. How can I reclaim some of the space allocated to this database to make room for another. My 'alter database datafile resize' returns data above size error. Is it not due to the HWM still high? Please advice. Thanks.

Tom Kyte
September 04, 2002 - 3:19 pm UTC

alter table T move;
(and then rebuild the indices on that table)

I would:

o create a new locally managed tablespace with autoextend datafiles (so the files will grow just as big as needed)
o alter table T move tablespace that_new_one
o alter index I rebuild tablespace that_new_one
o drop tablespace that_old_one;

A reader, September 09, 2002 - 11:58 am UTC

I moved the tables and was able to reset the HWM. However, I am still not able to resize the datafiles. Please see the following:

  1  select file_name, bytes/1024/1024 file_size, fs.free_spc,
  2  ((bytes/1024/1024-fs.free_spc)) diff
  3    from dba_data_files df, ( select file_id, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free_spc
  4   from dba_free_space group by file_id ) fs
  5   where df.file_id=fs.file_id
  6   and df.tablespace_name='MOBIUS'
  7* order by df.tablespace_name, 1
SQL> /

FILE_NAME                                      FILE_SIZE   FREE_SPC       DIFF
--------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
/u13/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius01.dbf                    2000 1966.40234 33.5976563
/u14/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius02.dbf                    2000 1949.11719 50.8828125
/u14/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius10.dbf                    1024 989.328125  34.671875
/u15/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius03.dbf                    2000 1626.30469 373.695313
/u16/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius04.dbf                    2000 1766.30469 233.695313
/u16/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius05.dbf                    1200 1160.34766 39.6523438
/u17/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius06.dbf                    1200 1160.35156 39.6484375
/u17/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius08.dbf                    1024 991.355469 32.6445313
/u18/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius07.dbf                    1100 1080.34766 19.6523438
/u18/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius09.dbf                    1024  995.34375   28.65625

10 rows selected.

SQL> alter database datafile '/u13/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius01.dbf' resize 200M;
alter database datafile '/u13/oradata/PPIIMG/mobius01.dbf' resize 200M
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

Why can't I resize this datafile to 200M when the only 33 meg of it is used? (as per dba_free_space). What is the mistake I am making? Thanks. 

Tom Kyte
September 09, 2002 - 12:32 pm UTC

search this site for


I have a script that'll generate an alter statement that'll make the files as small as they can go.

You would want to move the files to another tablespace. The high water mark of the files is still "high". You might have 170meg of free space followed by 30meg of used space (and hence the file cannot be shrunk AT ALL).

Moving a table within the same tablespace to reclaim free space

reader, September 09, 2002 - 2:11 pm UTC


Instead of moving the table to a new tablespace,
can I move the table to the tablespace that it currently
belongs, ie. doing nothing but just moving it to itself for reclaiming the free space, is it possible ?

Tom Kyte
September 09, 2002 - 7:43 pm UTC

maybe, maybe not.

If it is an LMT (locally managed tablespace), we tend to move the data to the "front" of the file (meaning, yes, it would work as you intended, allowing you to shrink the file)

If it is a DMT (dictionary m.t.), we tend to move it where ever fet$ (a database table that returns rows in random order) says to go. It could actually end up moving FURTHER out in the file or nearer to the front, it is not possible to say.

After deleting rows, the space still has not been reused

slmak, May 05, 2003 - 3:00 am UTC

I use 8.0.4 database. After deleting a large amount of rows, I suppose that the tablespace will not grow for a period of time, as the space of the deleted rows should be filled by the new inserted rows. But the truth is that the tablespace keeps growing large, and run out of space.

This happens to both the data and index tablespaces. Should I move the table to a new tablespace and also rebuild the index to a new tablespace, so as to reclaim space?


Tom Kyte
May 05, 2003 - 7:42 am UTC

tell us how you "fill" the table. insufficient data to say anything about anything.

RE:After deleting rows, the space still has not been reused

slmak, May 05, 2003 - 9:02 pm UTC

We use Oracle Application. We followed the instructions from Oracle to archive and purge the old data of our inventory system. After purging, we expect this will free enough space for new data. But our inventory tablespace continues to run out of space. I don't know whether the new data use those free space or not.

Thanks in advance.

Tom Kyte
May 05, 2003 - 9:19 pm UTC

you must contact support for assistance with this. moving applications tables and reorging will need their approval.

if the rows were deleted and the blocks the rows were on caused the row to fall below the pctused setting -- they would be on the freelist and available for reuse.

'delete' and reclaiming of space released - Ver

Deepak Bhaskaran, May 06, 2003 - 6:28 pm UTC


I appreciate your contribution to the Oracle community which has helped us
get a better understanding of the Oracle database.

reading this thread, i believe i have a similar issue wherein i couldn't see the data blocks being reused,
despite a 'delete' following an 'insert' of 1 rec.
After using block# 48072, it goes on to use block # 48073 and so on.....
If the rows are being deleted immediately, shouldn't block#48072 be the only block
that takes inserts?

show_space does show 3 blocks on the free-list.

Could it be that i'm missing something here?

Loop (for each ee being processed)
insert 1 rec in table <dpk_tmp1>;
process <......>;
delete from table <dpk_tmp1>;
End loop;

-- here is the table definition

employee_number VARCHAR2(10),
count NUMBER,
jn_date DATE
NEXT 40960

Here is the plsql code that I used for the test:

v_blk_no number;
v_row_no number;

dbms_output.put_line('Calling show_space BEFORE');

for i in 1..4000 loop

insert into dpk_tmp1 (employee_number, count, jn_date) values ('Emp '||i, i, sysdate);

select dbms_rowid.ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER(rowid),
into v_blk_no, v_row_no
from dpk_tmp1
where employee_number = 'Emp '||i;

-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Dump the block# and row# before the delete
-- -----------------------------------------------
insert into dpk_tmp_tab1 (block_no, row_no, employee_number)
values (v_blk_no, v_row_no, 'Emp '||i);

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Now, lets delete the inserted rec from dpk_tmp1
-- --------------------------------------------------------
delete from dpk_tmp1;
end loop;

dbms_output.put_line('Calling show_space AFTER');


when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Error : '||sqlerrm);

And here is the result from running the above plsql code:

MYDB> @1
"truncate table dpk_tmp1

Table truncated.

truncate table dpk_tmp_tab1

Table truncated.

select count(*) from dpk_tmp1


select block_no, count(*) from dpk_tmp_tab1 group by block_no

no rows selected

Running the plsql code
Calling show_space BEFORE
Free Blocks.............................0
Total Blocks............................5
Total Bytes.............................40960
Unused Blocks...........................4
Unused Bytes............................32768
Last Used Ext FileId....................10
Last Used Ext BlockId...................48071
Last Used Block.........................1
Calling show_space AFTER
Free Blocks.............................3
Total Blocks............................5
Total Bytes.............................40960
Unused Blocks...........................1
Unused Bytes............................8192
Last Used Ext FileId....................10
Last Used Ext BlockId...................48071
Last Used Block.........................4

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

"select block_no, count(*) from dpk_tmp_tab1 group by block_no;"
---------- ----------
48072 1817
48073 1817
48074 366

select * from dpk_tmp_tab1 where (block_no, row_no) in
(select block_no, max(row_no) row_no from dpk_tmp_tab1 group by block_no);

----------- ---------- ----------
48072 Emp 1817 1816
48073 Emp 3634 1816
48074 Emp 4000 365


Tom Kyte
May 06, 2003 - 6:44 pm UTC

throw a couple of commits in there and see what happens. you have an "atypical" case.

Inventory Tablespace growing even after purge

Logan Palanisamy, May 07, 2003 - 10:19 am UTC

slmak from Hong Kong,

You are saying the Inventory tablespace is growing even after running the purge routines. There could be other tables in the inventory tablespace that are growing contributing to the out of tablespace condition! Are you sure the purged tables are the ones that are growing?

Check the dba_segments and dba_extents tables for the purged table to see whether they are still growing or reusing the deleted space.

'delete' and reclaiming of space

Deepak Bhaskaran, May 07, 2003 - 7:33 pm UTC

thanks works when i issue a commit.

then again, it appears to be a function of the commit-size.

( I hope i have presented sufficient information for your analysis).

With a commit-size of 1 (ie., if i issue a commit after each delete),
the number of blocks on the freelist stays at 1 (and all records are inserted in block # 48072)

With a commit-size of 1500 and above, however, the number of blocks on the
freelist increases with each subsequent run (and the records are inserted
in multiple blocks.....9 blocks, to be precise)

For each commit-size, this is how i ran the test:
after choosing a commit-size (say, 2000) , i would run the 1st test with the
"truncate table" in place, and all subsequent runs for the same commit-size will not do the truncate table.

The number of blocks on the freelist stays at 1 upto a commit-size of 1000.

Here's what i mean:

when COMMIT SIZE = 1000

at the end of the 4th pass (ie., 4000 * 4 = 16000 records inserted/deleted)
Calling show_space BEFORE
Free Blocks.............................1
Total Blocks............................5
Total Bytes.............................40960
Unused Blocks...........................3
Unused Bytes............................24576
Last Used Ext FileId....................10
Last Used Ext BlockId...................48071
Last Used Block.........................2

COMMITing, i = 1000
COMMITing, i = 2000
COMMITing, i = 3000
COMMITing, i = 4000

Calling show_space AFTER
Free Blocks.............................1
Total Blocks............................5
Total Bytes.............................40960
Unused Blocks...........................3
Unused Bytes............................24576
Last Used Ext FileId....................10
Last Used Ext BlockId...................48071
Last Used Block.........................2

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

"select block_no, count(*) from dpk_tmp_tab1 group by block_no;"

---------- ----------
48072 16000

when COMMIT SIZE = 2000

at the end of the 4th pass (ie., 4000 * 4 = 16000 records inserted/deleted)

Running the plsql code
Calling show_space BEFORE
Free Blocks.............................19
Total Blocks............................20
Total Bytes.............................163840
Unused Blocks...........................0
Unused Bytes............................0
Last Used Ext FileId....................8
Last Used Ext BlockId...................69064
Last Used Block.........................10

COMMITing, i = 2000
COMMITing, i = 4000

Calling show_space AFTER
Free Blocks.............................29
Total Blocks............................35
Total Bytes.............................286720
Unused Blocks...........................5
Unused Bytes............................40960
Last Used Ext FileId....................10
Last Used Ext BlockId...................74645
Last Used Block.........................10

(Tom: does this mean the HWM is at block 30 ? )

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

"select block_no, count(*) from dpk_tmp_tab1 group by block_no;"

---------- ----------
48072 1817
48073 2000
48074 2000
48075 2000
69064 2000
69069 2000
74645 2000
74650 183
178361 2000

(ie., the 16K records are spread across multiple blocks)

************** USER_EXTENTS ************
select extent_id, bytes, blocks
from user_extents where segment_name = upper('dpk_tmp1') order by extent_id

---------- ---------- ----------
0 40960 5
1 40960 5
2 81920 10
3 122880 15

************** USER_EXTENTS ************


Partial Delete of a Very Large Table

John Gilmore, November 24, 2003 - 5:17 am UTC

Hi Tom,

We have a table with about 26 million rows and have decided to archive everything older than three months. This means deleting about 21 million rows.

I would expect that a straight "delete" statement would take a considerable amount of time and, as mentioned above, would still not automatically release the disk space allocated to this table.

My current plan is to create a copy of the table in a new tablespace, truncate the old table and then populate it from the copy as required. The new table, together with its tablespace, can then be dropped.

Any thoughts on this approach?

Thanks for your assistance.

Tom Kyte
November 24, 2003 - 8:20 am UTC

why not:

a) create table NEW as select rows to keep, index it, grant it
b) drop table old
c) rename new to old

and then look at partitioning to permit you to roll data off using DDL in the future.

Null blobs

A reader, October 21, 2004 - 12:25 pm UTC

Hi Tom,

I have a table with a blob column with 10 million rows. I want to set all the blobs to null. This is a permanent update. How do I reclaim the space occupied by the blob column after updating it to null?


Tom Kyte
October 21, 2004 - 3:00 pm UTC

you would be done, it is "reclaimed", when you start putting blobs back in -- it'll reuse them.

else you can "create table New as select ..."
index it
grant it
whatever it
drop table old;
rename table new to old;

else you can alter table move and move the table/lob after the update to "release" the space for reuse by any other object.

partitioning question

Jerry, November 02, 2004 - 11:54 am UTC

Hi Tom,

You said: "Doing a rolling window is trivial using partitions and aging old data out is a simple DDL operation that takes seconds to perform."

Would it be possible to give an example of how this would be done? I have a large table (> 1Tb) with a LAST_UPDATED column that I'd like to move to a read only tablespace if it is old.


Tom Kyte
November 03, 2004 - 5:35 am UTC

search for

"rolling window"

on this site.

Is it SQL*Net message from client or db file seq read issue

Moo, May 13, 2005 - 6:43 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Need your advice. WHat is the bottlenect from the following statistics. The query is making use of index for most of the join. Thanks

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 2 1.20 1.19 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 857 4029.16 4250.58 29940 10368552 0 12830
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 860 4030.36 4251.78 29940 10368552 0 12830

Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited
---------------------------------------- Waited ---------- ------------
SQL*Net message to client 858 0.00 0.00
SQL*Net message from client 858 4065.70 4100.49
db file sequential read 29919 0.11 291.78
db file scattered read 5 0.01 0.05
latch free 13 0.00 0.00
SQL*Net more data to client 799 0.00 0.02

Tom Kyte
May 13, 2005 - 10:31 am UTC

neither. It is the massive nested loops join we cannot see because the plan is not here.

looks alot like this example:
</code> <code>

reclaim physical space -- oracle

Baqir Hussain, May 18, 2005 - 1:09 pm UTC

As you said
"When you delete the data from the table -- the blocks will go onto the freelist
for that table (assuming the amount of space on a block that was freed fell
below the pctused). These blocks will be used for subsequent inserts and
updates into this table."

For example, before the delete on PRIMARY a datafile had 1G. And after the delete, PRIMARY will have the same physical size, as you explained above. Question is

1. After the delete in primary database, is it possible to rclaim physical space on the other instance using RMAN to clone a database?


Tom Kyte
May 18, 2005 - 1:17 pm UTC

1) no, rman will do a bit for bit, byte for byte copy of the database -- whitespace and all

you have to "reorg" or rebuild this structure. in 10g, if you are using ASSM (automatic segment space management) you can "shrink" the table.

Reclaim space after Delete

denni50, May 18, 2005 - 4:00 pm UTC


maybe I'm looking at this to simplistically,,,however if I want to delete
a million rows from table A to reclaim blocks and reset HWM can I not simply

(assuming a delete cascade was used for any child records, disable/enable constraints)

1) delete million rows from table A

2) create table B as select * from table A

3) truncate table A

4) insert into table A select * from table B

5) drop table B

6) rebuild indexes


Tom Kyte
May 18, 2005 - 4:53 pm UTC

that is called a "reorg" where I come from.

you take the data out, you put it back in. reorg.

Getting an accurate table size after delete

ht, August 23, 2005 - 3:18 pm UTC

How would I get an accurate representation of the size of each table if deleting/truncating the table isn't reflected in dba_extents? I don't have privs to drop the table or move it to another tablespace.


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Aug 23 12:02:48 2005

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

conn scott

create table test_emp as select * from emp;

Table created.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

delete test_emp;

14 rows deleted.


Commit complete.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

drop table test_emp;

Table dropped.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

Tom Kyte
August 24, 2005 - 8:43 am UTC

trunating is (if you truncate and release storage)

and I would argue "so is delete", when you delete, the table stays the same size, period. Unless you are in 10g and the tablespace is ASSM and you shrink the table afterwards that is.

delete releases space back to the TABLE itself, it doesn't shrink the table.

truncating a table and deallocating storage doesn't seem to affect size

ht, August 24, 2005 - 12:22 pm UTC

I've modified by test script to truncate the table then deallocate. Is this what you were referring to? The table size still doesn't seem to be accurately reflected.

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 24 09:06:55 2005

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

conn scott

create table test_emp as select * from emp;

Table created.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

truncate table test_emp;

Table truncated.

alter table test_emp deallocate unused;

Table altered.

DOC>delete test_emp;
select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

alter table test_emp deallocate unused keep 0k;

Table altered.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

drop table test_emp;

Table dropped.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from user_extents where segment_name='TEST_EMP';


1 row selected.

Tom Kyte
August 24, 2005 - 6:29 pm UTC

a segment, as this table is, always has AT LEAST one extent, permanent segments do not have "0 extents".

this is very accurate.

9i and assm not reusing space efficiently

A reader, October 19, 2005 - 4:15 am UTC

you said

"When you delete the data from the table -- the blocks will go onto the freelist"

that is true however I am not sure how does Oracle managed pctused and freelists in assm, we have some event tables which holds maximum 300000 rows and deleted everyday using DELETE statement, these tables has however huge sizes, most of them 2GB.

Why in ASSM Oracle cant reuse the spaces efficiently? My only workaround is going back to pctused and freelists?

Tom Kyte
October 19, 2005 - 7:10 am UTC

ASSM is optimized to provide for high concurrency, at the cost of less efficient use of space than if you micromanage space yourself.

Why are you not truncating?

9i and assm not reusing space efficiently

A reader, October 19, 2005 - 9:33 am UTC

That is the questions I asked the developers. Why not truncate the tables

They say they dont delete 100% of data based some conditions because the tables are constantly inserted by Tibco Middleware 24x7 so if they truncate the table they might lose data.

I suggested them to use manual segment manegement and setting 1 pctfree and 98 pctused since the tables suffers constantly inserts and deletes to use the space efficiently.

Tom Kyte
October 19, 2005 - 9:50 am UTC

or use partitioning and truncate yesterdays partition.

another shrink question

Simon, November 04, 2005 - 8:02 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Useful article. I have a tablespace that contained tables owned by users which I have dropped (with cascade so the tables, etc. were removed). I ran your maxshrink script but, alas, the HWM is too high for me to resize and shrink the tablespace and so realise the free space.

There are a few hundred tables and indexes left in this tablespace - is the best method really to move each of the tables and rebuild each of the indexes?

Is there a tablespace-level action that I can take instead?



Tom Kyte
November 04, 2005 - 8:53 am UTC

you can query dba_extents to see what segment is "furthest out", move that (it'll go nearer to the front of the file - definitely releasing last extent) in the same tablespace - shrink - repeat (but you might repeat a lot)


Si, November 04, 2005 - 1:05 pm UTC

Thanks for that.

The dba_segments table was difficult to understand even after recourse to the oracle documentation.

I went for moving the tables and indexes to a new tablespace in the end.

However this left me with problems as there are LOBS and LOB indexes.

In particular I could move the table:

but not rebuild the index:

ALTER INDEX SYS_IL0000042332C00002$$ REBUILD TABLESPACE <new_tablespace>
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02327: cannot create index on expression with datatype LOB

Metalink Note:130814.1 tells me to use

ALTER TABLE create$java$lob$table MOVE LOB(lob) STORE AS lobsegment (TABLESPACE jpit_users2_ts);

but how does one choose "lobsegment"??



Tom Kyte
November 04, 2005 - 5:34 pm UTC

(dba_EXTENTS - not segments, you wanted to find the last extent in the file... but anyway)

what do you mean "how does one choose lobsegement"??

Si, November 07, 2005 - 11:20 am UTC

lobsegment: in the ALTER TABLE statement, the entry after "STORE TABLE" requires I name the segment to which I move the lob. I'm not sure how I would choose this, or is it just a case of naming?

Tom Kyte
November 08, 2005 - 9:19 pm UTC

did not follow you. "store table"?

You do not "name the segment to which I move the lob".

can you give an example?

Faced same problem

VaibhavKumar, March 06, 2006 - 5:58 am UTC

Tom Thanx a lot for u'r artical and argument

I had the same problem having 40 million records in the table I wanted to delete the data for every 45days

This article sown me good way with reason


Chan Y L, March 24, 2006 - 1:49 am UTC

Dear Tom,

It is really a great post. Thank you very much.
I have one more question want to ask you.

After truncating a table, the extents and blocks of that table will be released, that mean, dba_free_space will show new free space. Then, how about its indexes? if I truncate a table, should I also concern its indexes? Say, do I need to rebuild the indexes of that table so as to release more free space from the indexes?


Tom Kyte
March 24, 2006 - 9:43 am UTC

the truncate of a table (which can keep the storage as well as release it) will truncate the indexes for you as well.

ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> create table t
  2  as
  3  select * from all_objects;
Table created.
ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> create index t_idx on t(object_name,owner,object_type);
Index created.
ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> select segment_name, blocks
  2    from user_segments
  3   where segment_name in ('T','T_IDX')
  4  /
SEGMENT_NAME                       BLOCKS
------------------------------ ----------
T                                     768
T_IDX                                 384
ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> truncate table t reuse storage;
Table truncated.
ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> select segment_name, blocks
  2    from user_segments
  3   where segment_name in ('T','T_IDX')
  4  /
SEGMENT_NAME                       BLOCKS
------------------------------ ----------
T                                     768
T_IDX                                 384
ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> truncate table t drop storage;
Table truncated.
ops$tkyte@ORA10GR2> select segment_name, blocks
  2    from user_segments
  3   where segment_name in ('T','T_IDX')
  4  /
SEGMENT_NAME                       BLOCKS
------------------------------ ----------
T                                       8
T_IDX                                   8

Truncating a table

Vikram Romeo, May 31, 2006 - 4:55 pm UTC

Hi Tom,


create table t (i int);

13:44:50 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> insert into t select object_id from all_objects;

23455 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:52.03
13:45:57 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> insert into t select * from t;

23455 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
13:46:00 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> /

46910 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
13:46:01 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> /

93820 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
13:46:02 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> /

187640 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:02.00
13:46:05 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> commit;

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
13:46:06 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> select segment_name, blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name='T';

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
T 640

Elapsed: 00:00:02.08
13:46:17 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> delete t;

375280 rows deleted.

Elapsed: 00:00:15.00
13:46:41 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> commit;

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
13:46:46 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> select segment_name, blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name='T';

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
T 640

Elapsed: 00:00:02.06
13:46:50 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> truncate table t;

Table truncated.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
13:46:57 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> select segment_name, blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name='T';

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
T 640

Elapsed: 00:00:02.06
13:47:08 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> truncate table t drop storage;

Table truncated.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
13:47:12 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> select segment_name, blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name='T';

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
T 640

Elapsed: 00:00:02.05
13:47:16 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> alter table t move;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
13:47:22 vasuv00@GRUMPY.WORLD> select segment_name, blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name='T';

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
T 128

Now the question: Why is it that only the alter table move reduced the number of blocks and bytes. Why didnt the truncate table drop storage achieve that?

Thanks for your time in advance ..

Vikram Romeo

Tom Kyte
June 01, 2006 - 9:19 am UTC

insufficient data - it would be all about the tablespace.

Perhaps you are using dictionary managed, or locally managed with system allocated extent sizes.

but, until you tell us all about the tablespace....

(you should look to see how many EXTENTS you had - might have been "one" right...)


Vikram Romeo, June 01, 2006 - 12:32 pm UTC

Thanks Tom,

But I guess as of now, I am not even equipped to answer your question. Can you please direct me to the right resource/link from where I could get to know about this?

Does your latest book on Expert one-one-one oracle cover this aspect?

Thanks for your help again ...


Tom Kyte
June 01, 2006 - 1:13 pm UTC

"Expert One on One Oracle" is my first book (2001).

Effective Oracle by Design is the only book that really touches on tablespaces in this manner.

You could just "ask your DBA" about the tablespace.

Thanks Tom

Vikram Romeo, June 01, 2006 - 5:38 pm UTC

Thanks Tom,

But I have already ordered your book "Expert Oracle Database Architecture: 9i and 10g Programming Techniques and Solutions" .. will this book cover this topic?

It is still shipping .. on its way :-)

Would feel happy if it does cover this topic ..

Yes , Asking the DBA is there .. but I would also like to learn some of these myself ... so that I dont need to bug the DBA everytime ... Do you feel a developer should know these things? is it absolutely necessary?

Vikram Romeo

Tom Kyte
June 01, 2006 - 6:22 pm UTC

I cover tablespaces in that book - yes.

Developer should have a good understanding of these things - yes. The book you have ordered is "my version of the concepts guide" - you might read the "real thing" as well (online at - the server concepts guide)

Truncate drop storage did not release the space allocated

A reader, August 20, 2006 - 11:09 am UTC

Hi Tom,

I have a partitioned table that I am purging using truncate with the drop storage clause to purge the table and reclaim the space free up by the truncate to the tablespace. The problem is that the truncate drop storage is not returning the free space to the tablespace. Do you know why this is happening?
The tablespace is a locally managed with system allocated extent sizes.
MAX_EXTENTS : 2147483645
MIN_EXTLEN : 65536
Could you please tell me what I can do to allow the truncate drop storage to return the freed space to the tablespace again.

Thanks for any help on this.

Tom Kyte
August 20, 2006 - 12:04 pm UTC

"show me"

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> CREATE TABLE t
  2  (
  3    dt  date,
  4    x   int,
  5    y   char(200)
  6  )
  8  (
  9    PARTITION part1 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('13-mar-2003','dd-mon-yyyy')) ,
 10    PARTITION part2 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('14-mar-2003','dd-mon-yyyy')) ,
 12  )
 13  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select partition_name, extents
  2    from user_segments
  3   where segment_name = 'T';

PARTITION_NAME                    EXTENTS
------------------------------ ----------
PART1                                   1
PART2                                   1
JUNK                                    1

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t
  2  select to_date( '12-mar-2003', 'dd-mon-yyyy' )+mod(rownum,3), rownum, rownum
  3    from all_objects;

50064 rows created.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select partition_name, extents
  2    from user_segments
  3   where segment_name = 'T';

PARTITION_NAME                    EXTENTS
------------------------------ ----------
PART1                                   8
PART2                                   8
JUNK                                    8

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> truncate table t;

Table truncated.

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select partition_name, extents
  2    from user_segments
  3   where segment_name = 'T';

PARTITION_NAME                    EXTENTS
------------------------------ ----------
PART1                                   1
PART2                                   1
JUNK                                    1

Truncate drop storage did not release the space allocated

A reader, August 21, 2006 - 11:28 am UTC

SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE       Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

  2      ( dt  date,
  3        x   int,
  4        y   char(200)
  5      )
  6      PARTITION BY RANGE (dt)
  7      (
  8       PARTITION part1 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('13-mar-2003','dd-mon-yyyy')) ,
  9       PARTITION part2 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('14-mar-2003','dd-mon-yyyy')) ,
 11     )
 12  /

Table created.

SQL> select partition_name, extents
  2        from user_segments
  3       where segment_name = 'T';

PARTITION_NAME                    EXTENTS
------------------------------ ----------
PART1                                   1
PART2                                   1
JUNK                                    1

SQL> insert into t
  2      select to_date( '12-mar-2003', 'dd-mon-yyyy' )+mod(rownum,3), rownum, rownum
  3     from all_objects;

31010 rows created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select partition_name, extents
  2        from user_segments
  3       where segment_name = 'T';

PARTITION_NAME                    EXTENTS
------------------------------ ----------
PART1                                  18
PART2                                  18
JUNK                                   18

SQL> truncate table t;

Table truncated.

SQL> select partition_name, extents
  2        from user_segments
  3       where segment_name = 'T';

PARTITION_NAME                    EXTENTS
------------------------------ ----------
PART1                                  18
PART2                                  18
JUNK                                   18

SQL> exec print_table('select * from dba_segments where segment_name=''T'' ');
OWNER                         : SCOTT
SEGMENT_NAME                  : T
PARTITION_NAME                : PART1
HEADER_FILE                   : 26
HEADER_BLOCK                  : 43059
BYTES                         : 3145728
BLOCKS                        : 384
EXTENTS                       : 18
INITIAL_EXTENT                : 65536
NEXT_EXTENT                   :
MIN_EXTENTS                   : 1
MAX_EXTENTS                   : 2147483645
PCT_INCREASE                  :
FREELISTS                     :
FREELIST_GROUPS               :
RELATIVE_FNO                  : 26
BUFFER_POOL                   : DEFAULT
OWNER                         : SCOTT
SEGMENT_NAME                  : T
PARTITION_NAME                : PART2
HEADER_FILE                   : 26
HEADER_BLOCK                  : 43067
BYTES                         : 3145728
BLOCKS                        : 384
EXTENTS                       : 18
INITIAL_EXTENT                : 65536
NEXT_EXTENT                   :
MIN_EXTENTS                   : 1
MAX_EXTENTS                   : 2147483645
PCT_INCREASE                  :
FREELISTS                     :
FREELIST_GROUPS               :
RELATIVE_FNO                  : 26
BUFFER_POOL                   : DEFAULT
OWNER                         : SCOTT
SEGMENT_NAME                  : T
PARTITION_NAME                : JUNK
HEADER_FILE                   : 26
HEADER_BLOCK                  : 43075
BYTES                         : 3145728
BLOCKS                        : 384
EXTENTS                       : 18
INITIAL_EXTENT                : 65536
NEXT_EXTENT                   :
MIN_EXTENTS                   : 1
MAX_EXTENTS                   : 2147483645
PCT_INCREASE                  :
FREELISTS                     :
FREELIST_GROUPS               :
RELATIVE_FNO                  : 26
BUFFER_POOL                   : DEFAULT

SQL> exec print_table('select * from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name=''APP_INDEX'' ');
BLOCK_SIZE                    : 8192
INITIAL_EXTENT                : 65536
NEXT_EXTENT                   :
MIN_EXTENTS                   : 1
MAX_EXTENTS                   : 2147483645
PCT_INCREASE                  :
MIN_EXTLEN                    : 65536
STATUS                        : ONLINE
CONTENTS                      : PERMANENT
LOGGING                       : LOGGING
FORCE_LOGGING                 : NO
PLUGGED_IN                    : NO

Thanks for any help you can give on this. 

RE: Truncate and extents

Mark A. Williams, August 21, 2006 - 7:35 pm UTC

This sounds similar to bug 4142932 - if you have MetaLink, you might want to check that as a possibility.

- Mark


Mark A. Williams, August 21, 2006 - 7:38 pm UTC

Also, perhaps having a look at user_extents in addition to user_segments might help verify if the two views "match"...

- Mark


ARU, February 14, 2007 - 9:44 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
I am trying to understand the difference between deallocate unused and effect of 'alter table move' in respect to freeing up deleted space.
Please can you explain.
Tom Kyte
February 15, 2007 - 11:38 am UTC

one releases free space above the hwm water mark that has never been used (deallocate unused)

the other rebuilds (and typically compacts) the entire segment - used space and all.

create table t ( x char(2000) );
insert into t select 'x' from all_objects;

you now have about 50,000*2000 bytes of used storage.

delete from t;

you will have that much used storage
deallocate unused would not touch the used storage
alter table t move would (upon finding no data) not allocate that storage - the table from alter move would likely be smaller than the deallocate unused.

Move table.

RD, February 14, 2007 - 11:29 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
Earlier in the thread you said
'you can query dba_extents to see what segment is "furthest out", move that(it'll go nearer to the
front of the file - definitely releasing last extent) in the same tablespace - shrink - repeat (but
you might repeat a lot)'

For moving the table to front of file do need to go and move it to different tablespace and then back or is there a way to move the table within the same tablespace?


Using ALTER TABLE to reclaim LOB Space

Shark_7-11, August 13, 2007 - 8:25 am UTC

Good day Tom,

Is it possible that altering the table could reclaim some space?
ALTER TABLE [Table_Name] MOVE LOB([Column_Name]) Store
as (TABLESPACE [Table_Space]);

If so, is it possible to alter(move) it to the SAME Tablespace?

I'm new to Oracle so excuse my ingorance

Tom Kyte
August 15, 2007 - 11:02 am UTC

yes, you can obviously rebuild a table (that is what that does, moves the table and the lob) and you can do that into the same tablespace (you'll have two copies of the data for a bit) and then you have to rebuild all indexes on the table

very drastic approach.

Reclaiming the space after delting the rows

Santosh, November 24, 2008 - 4:45 am UTC

Hi Tom,
This is a best article.

I have a once concern regarding this.
I have deleted some millions of records from a table.
But still the table is showing the same space usage as it was before deleting the records.
Version is:
Please suggest me how do i reclaim the space.

Tom Kyte
November 24, 2008 - 6:03 pm UTC

read about

alter table t shrink space compact;
alter table t shrink space;

if you are not using ASSM (automatic segment space management) then read about

alter table t move;
alter index i rebuild -- for each index on t

or dbms_redefinition

and then read about partitioning so you never delete millions of rows again.

delete every 7 days

A reader, December 17, 2009 - 8:55 am UTC

Thanks for the above information about the delete. We have an application that have 5 months of data. It started to be filled up from scrach since 5 months.

We decided to delete 4 months of data as a one shot; and then we will delete so that there will be keeping only the last 7 days of data in this application.

What would you suggest for us to do after those delete in order to re-organize those tables and linked indexes?

1) alter table t shrink space compact?

Thanks a lot

Tom Kyte
December 17, 2009 - 10:44 am UTC

sure, that'll work.

anvesh, March 11, 2010 - 11:48 am UTC

Dear Tom,

I have tablespace with one datafile of size 10M and autoextend on.
I have a table created with the definition

create table test( blob_id number(19) not null, content blob not null)

I inserted a couple of blobs of size 10 MB each. The datafile size has grown to 38MB. I then deleted both the rows and inserted another blob of size 10MB. The size of the datafile now reads 54MB.

1) Why did the datafile almost grew twice the size of the data ?
2) Why has the additional blob that i inserted not use the free space in the datafile ?
Tom Kyte
March 12, 2010 - 2:26 pm UTC

1) read about pctversion and how lobs are retained. If you like the way I say it, Expert Oracle Database Architecture covers that - else

we retain lob data just like we retain undo data - or we use your setting of pctversion to retain data. In any case, recently deleted lob data is not available for reuse in general. It has to 'wait' a while.

2) see #1

A reader, April 28, 2010 - 2:37 am UTC

Dear Tom,

You said recently deleted lob data is not available for reuse, atleast for a while. I tried deleting 1GB blobs from my table and tried adding 1GB blobs after a couple of hours.
It still does not use the free space obtained on delete. It just extends the datafile even more.

If i have a bigfile tablespace whose maximum size is like
30000 GB, and pctversion for the blob table is default (10%). Do the blob versions consume 300GB of space at max ?. This is the tablespace and table that i have used for performing the delete.
Tom Kyte
April 28, 2010 - 8:00 am UTC

if you have pctversion 10%, then 10% of the segment will be reserved for 'undo' - the larger the segment gets, the larger this 10% is.

If your segment is 10gb (or more), and it is 'full' right now, and you remove 1gb - that 1gb is the 10% held in reserve.

You might consider using retention - instead of pctversion. retention is based on a time period - just like undo_retention. In fact, it is based on the same retention period.

A reader, April 29, 2010 - 6:46 am UTC

Thanks a lot for your replies Tom.


1) When i tried inserting blobs with pctversion 0, the datafile size was increasing exactly by the amount of the data inserted. However when the pctversion is set to default 10%, the datafile size was doubling. Doesnt it mean that the blob is already in reserve at the time of insert itself?. If i delete and insert, shouldnt it just use the free space ?. If the deleted blob is also held in reserve, that means that same version of the blob is being held in reserve twice, right ?.

2) If i dont use both pctversion and retention in my LOB column definition, the default is pctversion right ?. I think pctversion will work fine for me. Even if my datafile size has grown to 1000GB and 100GB is being retained because of pctversion. It will be okay, but only when the other 900GB is being used completely.

We already have a production installation where we have specified neither. And now we are receiving complaints of deleted space not being used for adding more data.

Thanks again for your help.

Tom Kyte
April 29, 2010 - 7:52 am UTC

we still have to version. it will not immediately reuse the space.

you don't use both, you either pctversion or you retention - but not both.

Blob Delete and Insert

A reader, May 07, 2010 - 8:06 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Iam really confused here.
As you said in your earlier replies, i was able to use the deleted space after some time (i tried it the next day). I was happy and tried the exercise again. Alas, iam now unable to use the deleted space at all.

Also, iam not sure whether this should go into some other thread. But, how will oracle scale with multiple users uploading blobs in the database simultaneously ?. If 50 users are uploading 10MB blobs into the database simultaneously, do you think it would have an adverse affect on the speeds. I got speeds that increase non-linearly with some quadratic factor also thrown in. Am I getting the wrong results ?
Tom Kyte
May 07, 2010 - 8:50 am UTC

if you have resources such that 50 concurrent users inserting is possible, it'll work just fine.

If you have a 2 cpu machine with a single disk - no, it isn't going to be very nice, but then again - nothing would give 50 concurrent users with big things to write.

If you have sufficient resources (hardware), no problem.

... I got speeds that
increase non-linearly with some quadratic factor also thrown in. ...

sounds really fancy. Other than "non-linear", doesn't compute (just some quadratic factor?

If you just mean "it went up like a hockey stick - raised a bit for a while and then curved up really fast, in the shape of a hockey stick", then this is rather normal and to be expected *regardless* of what you are doing. It means you exhausted the capacity of the machine - and it was unable to respond in a reasonable amount of time.

Truncating ar.hz_param_tab table

Avnish, May 14, 2010 - 1:27 am UTC

Hi Tom,
       We have a oracle apps DB. The table ar.hz_parma_tab is gone to size of 66GB and its index ar.hz_param_tab_N1 is around 100GB. We raised SR with oracle support and they told us to truncate this table.

It took us more than 10 hours to truncate this table.
But when we do the following, this is done in less than 30 min:

SQL> truncate table ar.hz_param_tab reuse storage;

Table truncated.

Elapsed: 00:22:55.20

SQL> alter index ar.hz_param_tab_N1 rebuild;

Index altered.

Elapsed: 00:01:17.71

SQL> alter table ar.hz_param_tab move;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:49.66

While rebuilding of index and table the space is reclaimed very quickly but if we try truncating the table with 'drop storage' or 'deallocate storage' clause it takes lots of time  and space is released slowly? what is the reason for it? 
Does this means that rebuilding the index and the table after truncating using reuse storage the best way to truncate a huge table?

Deleted LOBs

Mike, June 07, 2010 - 2:13 pm UTC

For a table where the LOBs have been defined using RETENTION (default undo_retention of 900 seconds) is there a way to determine how much space is available for re-use after a delete has been run? DBMS_SPACE.SPACE_USAGE shows all of the blocks as being FULL, which I kind of expected, but I can't seem to determine how much space is consumed by LOBS that have been deleted and are 'expired', so to speak, and are therefore available for re-use.

Difference between Deallocating and shrinking

Praveen, January 28, 2011 - 9:54 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
In 10g and up we can shrunk the tablespace using "alter table tt shrink space" (there are restrictions though)
and we can deallocate unused space using "alter table deallocate unused"

how these both are different? Does the second statement have any restrictions such as can't use on the table which function based indexes or so?

Tom Kyte
February 01, 2011 - 3:39 pm UTC

shrink space will reorganize the table (moving rows to the "top" of the table) and then redraw the high water mark and then deallocate unused space above the high water mark.

deallocate unused just deallocates unused space above the high water mark.

Using ASM and truncate table to regain space

Carlos, November 21, 2011 - 9:41 am UTC

There is something I do not understand.

We have a similar situation as the one indicated in the message where the user has a 60 GB data nd 100GB index.

Question I have is how this behave when using ASM. It looks that we are not gaing the space from te truncation. Is this due to the usage of ASM that doesn't freed the space? Thank you for your help.
Tom Kyte
November 21, 2011 - 2:31 pm UTC

ASM doesn't affect this at all.

Tell me how you are measuring things - what are you measuring. Where are you expecting space to be returned?

The truncate - if you have it drop storage, the default - will return space to the freespace for the tablespace.

for example:

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select segment_name, segment_type, blocks 
  2  from dba_segments where owner = user and segment_name like 'BIG_TABLE%';

SEGMENT_NAME                   SEGMENT_TYPE           BLOCKS
------------------------------ ------------------ ----------
BIG_TABLE                      TABLE                   15360
BIG_TABLE_PK                   INDEX                    2176

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> @free 1

                                                                %                   MaxPoss    Max
Tablespace Name           KBytes         Used         Free   Used      Largest       Kbytes   Used
------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ ------
*a ASSM                    1,024           64          960    6.3          960   33,554,416     .0
*a EXAMPLE               320,512      310,976        9,536   97.0        8,192   33,554,416    1.0
*a SYSAUX                904,192      810,304       93,888   89.6       30,720   33,554,416    2.7
*a USERS               1,518,336      199,232    1,319,104   13.1    1,013,504   33,554,416    4.5
*m MANUAL                 10,240        1,024        9,216   10.0        9,216   33,554,416     .0
*m SYSTEM                887,808      878,080        9,728   98.9        9,216   33,554,416    2.6
*m TMP                   512,000      512,000            0  100.0            0   33,554,416    1.5
*m UNDOTBS             3,977,216       38,016    3,939,200    1.0    2,211,840   33,554,416   11.9
                    ------------ ------------ ------------
sum                    8,131,328    2,749,696    5,381,632

8 rows selected.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> truncate table big_table;

Table truncated.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> @free 1

                                                                %                   MaxPoss    Max
Tablespace Name           KBytes         Used         Free   Used      Largest       Kbytes   Used
------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------ ------------ ------------ ------
*a ASSM                    1,024           64          960    6.3          960   33,554,416     .0
*a EXAMPLE               320,512      310,976        9,536   97.0        8,192   33,554,416    1.0
*a SYSAUX                904,192      810,304       93,888   89.6       30,720   33,554,416    2.7
*a USERS               1,518,336       59,072    1,459,264    3.9    1,153,664   33,554,416    4.5
*m MANUAL                 10,240        1,024        9,216   10.0        9,216   33,554,416     .0
*m SYSTEM                887,808      878,080        9,728   98.9        9,216   33,554,416    2.6
*m TMP                   512,000      512,000            0  100.0            0   33,554,416    1.5
*m UNDOTBS             3,977,216       38,016    3,939,200    1.0    2,211,840   33,554,416   11.9
                    ------------ ------------ ------------
sum                    8,131,328    2,609,536    5,521,792

8 rows selected.

I can see my users tablespace has more free space after the truncate of the table and index...