Hi Tom,
I have sql statement with pdf book url attribute. I need virtual column till me the url is valid or not found. So I need page http status code either java function in oracle apex, or sql query.
select title_no, title_name, pub_date, '
https://library.iugaza.edu.ps/thesis/'||a.TITLE_NO||'.pdf' as pdf_url
from lib_master.
The result as follow:
-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------
55171 measurement of radon and ils daughter's concentrations in indoor and outdoor throughout gaza strip 2003
https://library.iugaza.edu.ps/thesis/55171.pdf 55172 ance system" in the gaza strip using geographical information system and decision support system 2003
https://library.iugaza.edu.ps/thesis/55172.pdf 55234 study of the onset of the earth magnetosphere under the influence of the solar wind 2003
https://library.iugaza.edu.ps/thesis/55234.pdf 55335 study of the measurement of labor productivity in the palestinian construcrtion industry 2003
https://library.iugaza.edu.ps/thesis/55335.pdf I need display attribute return url status code, i.e. 200, 404, etc.
Thank you.
Something like this might help
SQL> create or replace
2 function get_status(p_url varchar2) return number is
3 l_http_request utl_http.req;
4 l_http_response utl_http.resp;
5 l_status int;
6 begin
7 l_http_request := utl_http.begin_request(p_url);
8 l_http_response := utl_http.get_response(l_http_request);
10 l_status := l_http_response.status_code;
11 utl_http.end_response(l_http_response);
12 return l_status;
13 exception
14 when others then
15 utl_http.end_response(l_http_response);
16 return -1;
17 end;
18 /
Function created.
SQL> select get_status('https://www.oracle.com') from dual;
SQL> select get_status('https://www.oracle123.com') from dual;
You'll need to ensure the appropriate network ACL's etc are setup