IT Consultant
A reader, August 14, 2001 - 4:37 am UTC
Very useful Tom. I like the way you are thinking and solving problems.
Innovative work
Amod, September 03, 2001 - 1:04 am UTC
A really nifty and innovative work to reset sequences. But then wouldn't it be more efficient to drop and recreate the sequence?
Just wondering...
September 07, 2001 - 12:40 pm UTC
It is better to reset then drop/create.
The major #1 reason is that dependent objects will NOT go invalid during a reset, they will during a drop/create cycle. If you have stored procedures/triggers dependent on this sequence -- dropping would be bad. Consider:
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create or replace procedure p
2 as
3 l_number number;
4 begin
5 select my_seq.nextval into l_number from dual;
6 end;
7 /
Procedure created.
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select object_type, object_name, status
2 from user_objects
3 where status = 'INVALID'
4 order by object_type, object_name
5 /
no rows selected
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> drop sequence my_seq;
Sequence dropped.
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create sequence my_seq;
Sequence created.
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select object_type, object_name, status
2 from user_objects
3 where status = 'INVALID'
4 order by object_type, object_name
5 /
------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
<b>the very next time the procedure is run, it'll be implicitly compiled. This adds overhead -- especially if you have LOTS of dependent objects</b>
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> begin
2 for i in 1 .. 100
3 loop
4 p;
5 end loop;
6 end;
7 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
<b>so the procedure is valid again -- now, we'll "reset it"</b>
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select my_seq.nextval from dual;
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> exec reset_seq( 'my_seq' )
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select my_seq.nextval from dual;
ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select object_type, object_name, status
2 from user_objects
3 where status = 'INVALID'
4 order by object_type, object_name
5 /
no rows selected
<b>and this time the procedure is NOT invalid -- thats better. </b>
Very detailed
CL, September 07, 2001 - 1:55 pm UTC
This is cool and informative.
More Sequences
Vinnie, January 28, 2004 - 1:18 pm UTC
We are using ORACLE Sequences for our PK. They are generated by a JAVA app call "select hs_seq.nextval from dual"
The problem is, we call this many, many times & notice we are taking a hit waiting for SQL*NET messaging.
We would like to have the app call a function/proc to get the next seq number & increment it by 5000 & let the app handle the PK's. My question is, what would the best way to accomplish this, keeping in mind, there may be more than one session calling this?
January 28, 2004 - 2:38 pm UTC
hmm, or, you could -- just perhaps -- put the seq.nextval into the SQL insert itself and avoid the call alltogether.
insert into t (a,b,c,d) values ( seq.nextval, ?, ?, ? )
returning a into ?;
if you need to get the value back. much better than get sequence, send sequence back.
Vinnie, January 28, 2004 - 4:49 pm UTC
I only wish it was that easy!
The application has a convaluted way of using these unique keys generated by a sequence. They build up all the inserts required & send them all together in 1 big batch. They require the sequence numbers when they are building the statements.
Don't ask why! This is why I would like to pull in perhaps 5k at a time. Perhaps using:
Getting the nextval
then incrementing the SEQ by 5000.
What do you think?
January 29, 2004 - 7:43 am UTC
you can
create sequence S increment by 5000;
Using "returning into ?" clause with JDBC
Amol, March 25, 2004 - 10:45 am UTC
firstly thanks for such an informative discussion!
I have a question about the suggestion to use "..returning into ?" clause to retrieve the sequence value just used in an insert statement. I know that you can set values in a java PreparedStatement by using setInt(..) etc. But how do we retrieve an int value from a PreparedStatement execution? (the returned value being the parameter to the "..returning into" clause).
Thanks and Regards,
~ amol
March 25, 2004 - 9:04 pm UTC
Callable statement:
"begin insert into t values ( x.nextval ) returning id into ?; end;"
bind the OUT ? parameter...
reset_seq does not support "particular" sequence
Sandro, November 08, 2007 - 12:03 pm UTC
Hi Tom,
I have a sequence like this:
create sequence s
minvalue 2007000000000 maxvalue 2007999999999
increment by 1 start with 2007000000000
cache 10 order nocycle;
Sequence created
select to_char(s.nextval) from dual;
but after execution of your reset_seq procedure I have nextval=1
exec reset_seq('S');
select to_char(s.nextval) from dual;
How you can see, nextval after reset_seq, differ from nextval after sequence creation.
This is my workaround
l_seqname user_sequences.sequence_name%type := 'MIRDCONT_SEQ' ;
l_val number;
l_minvalue user_sequences.min_value%type;
l_maxvalue user_sequences.max_value%type;
l_exec varchar2(1000);
select t.min_value
into l_minvalue
from user_sequences t
where sequence_name = l_seqname;
dbms_output.put_line('l_minvalue = '||l_minvalue);
dbms_output.put_line('l_maxvalue = '||l_maxvalue);
l_exec := 'select ' || l_seqname || '.nextval from dual';
execute immediate l_exec into l_val;
l_exec := 'alter sequence ' || l_seqname || ' increment by -' || l_val || ' minvalue -99999999999999999999 '||' maxvalue 99999999999999999999';
dbms_output.put_line('EXEC: '||l_exec);
execute immediate l_exec;
l_exec := 'select ' || l_seqname || '.nextval from dual';
execute immediate l_exec into l_val;
dbms_output.put_line('ESEGUITO: '||l_exec||'='||l_val);
l_exec := 'alter sequence ' || l_seqname || ' increment by 1';
execute immediate l_exec;
dbms_output.put_line('ESEGUITO: '||l_exec);
l_exec := 'alter sequence ' || l_seqname || ' increment by '||l_minvalue;
execute immediate l_exec;
dbms_output.put_line('EXECUTED: '||l_exec);
l_exec := 'select ' || l_seqname || '.nextval from dual';
execute immediate l_exec into l_val;
dbms_output.put_line('EXECUTED: '||l_exec||'='||l_val);
l_exec := 'alter sequence ' || l_seqname || ' increment by 1';
execute immediate l_exec;
dbms_output.put_line('EXECUTED: '||l_exec);
l_exec := 'select ' || l_seqname || '.nextval from dual';
execute immediate l_exec into l_val;
dbms_output.put_line('EXECUTED: '||l_exec||'='||l_val);
l_exec := 'alter sequence ' || l_seqname || ' minvalue '||l_minvalue;
dbms_output.put_line('EXEC: '||l_exec);
execute immediate l_exec;
l_exec := 'alter sequence ' || l_seqname || ' maxvalue '||l_maxvalue;
dbms_output.put_line('EXEC: '||l_exec);
execute immediate l_exec;
Con you "optimize" my implementation?
Thanks in advance.
November 09, 2007 - 11:51 am UTC
drop and recreate it.
I prefer do not drop
sandro, November 12, 2007 - 10:38 am UTC
ok Tom,
but I prefer don't drop and recreate because it invalidate my objects
To SANDRO... try this code...
A reader, January 25, 2008 - 11:32 am UTC
I've modified Tom's procedure....
create or replace procedure reset_seq( p_seq_name in varchar2 ) is
l_val number;
l_minvalue user_sequences.min_value%type;
select t.min_value
into l_minvalue
from user_sequences t
where sequence_name = p_seq_name;
execute immediate
'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
l_val := l_val - l_minvalue;
execute immediate
'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by -' || l_val ||
execute immediate
'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
execute immediate
'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by 1 minvalue '||l_minvalue;
A reader, January 25, 2008 - 11:38 am UTC
Sorry, please ignore previous code as there are compilation errors...I hope this is complete script.
create or replace procedure reset_seq( p_seq_name in varchar2) is
l_val number;
l_minvalue user_sequences.min_value%type;
select min_value
into l_minvalue
from user_sequences
where sequence_name = p_seq_name;
execute immediate
'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
l_val := l_val - l_minvalue;
execute immediate
'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by -' || l_val ||
' minvalue '||l_minvalue;
execute immediate
'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
execute immediate
'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by 1 minvalue '||l_minvalue;
Hitesh D R, May 05, 2011 - 5:26 am UTC
Thank you so much for this help..
I need one more help.
When i am executing this SP as a command , its working fine.
Command is : exec SP_reset_sequence('SOL_SRNO');
But if i am going to call it from another SP then it gives an Error
The SP is:
execute immediate 'exec SP_reset_sequence(''SOL_SRNO'')';
-- Some other text
If i comment the execute immidiate syntax then this sp works fine. but as i uncomment it, it complied properly but on execution time it gives following error
ORA-20001: An error was encountered - -900 -ERROR- ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
ORA-06512: at line 2
can you please help me for the same.
Thank you
May 06, 2011 - 9:39 am UTC
you really need to read the PL/SQL guide to learn about the stored procedure language itself.
for a procedure to call another procedure, you simply call it.
-- Some other text
execute immediate would only be used to do dynamic sql, you do not need or want to do that here.
exec is short for execute and is a SQL plus command only - it is not PL/SQL. All exec does is this:
if you:
SQL> exec p('inputs')
it is as if you typed:
SQL> begin
2 p;
3 end;
4 /
in sqlplus
Set of stored procs for managing large number of sequences
Andy Mattice, August 29, 2011 - 4:39 pm UTC
Pass in the seed value as a parameter. Why? I like to call the thing resetting the sequence back to the max ID used in some table. I end up calling this proc from another script which executes multiple calls for a whole bunch of sequences, resetting nextval back down to some level which is high enough to not cause primary key violations where I'm using the sequence's value for a unique identifier.
It also honors the previous minvalue. It may in fact push the next value ever higher if the desired p_val or existing minvalue are higher than the current or calculated next value.
Best of all, it can be called to reset to a specified value, and just wait until you see the wrapper "fix all my sequences" procedure at the end.
create or replace
procedure Reset_Sequence( p_seq_name in varchar2, p_val in number default 0)
l_current number := 0;
l_difference number := 0;
l_minvalue user_sequences.min_value%type := 0;
select min_value
into l_minvalue
from user_sequences
where sequence_name = p_seq_name;
execute immediate
'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_current;
if p_Val < l_minvalue then
l_difference := l_minvalue - l_current;
l_difference := p_Val - l_current;
end if;
if l_difference = 0 then
end if;
execute immediate
'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by ' || l_difference ||
' minvalue ' || l_minvalue;
execute immediate
'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_difference;
execute immediate
'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by 1 minvalue ' || l_minvalue;
end Reset_Sequence;
That procedure is useful all by itself, but now let's add another one which calls it and specifies everything programmatically with a sequence naming convention and looking for the maximum value used in an existing table/field...
create or replace
procedure Reset_Sequence_to_Data(
p_TableName varchar2,
p_FieldName varchar2
l_MaxUsed NUMBER;
execute immediate
'select coalesce(max(' || p_FieldName || '),0) from '|| p_TableName into l_MaxUsed;
Reset_Sequence( p_TableName || '_' || p_Fieldname || '_SEQ', l_MaxUsed );
END Reset_Sequence_to_Data;
Now we're cooking with gas!
The procedure above will check for a field's max value in a table, builds a sequence name from the table/field pair and invokes *"Reset_Sequence"* with that sensed max value.
The final piece in this puzzle and the icing on the cake comes next...
create or replace
procedure Reset_All_Sequences
Reset_Sequence_to_Data( 'ACTIVITYLOG', 'LOGID' );
Reset_Sequence_to_Data( 'JOBSTATE', 'JOBID' );
Reset_Sequence_to_Data( 'BATCH', 'BATCHID' );
END Reset_All_Sequences;
In my actual database there are around one hundred other sequences being reset through this mechanism, so there are 97 more calls to *Reset_Sequence_to_Data* in that procedure above.
Resett Sequence
wyllyam, May 15, 2012 - 3:49 am UTC
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Reset_Sequence.dbo
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "Usage: "`basename $0`" <Schema>.<Sequence> <Valeur>|\"Query\" "
echo "Usage: "`basename $0`" DBAPROD.CDE_SEQ 9999 "
echo "Usage: "`basename $0`" DBAPROD.CDE_SEQ \"select NVL(max(NU_CDE),0) + 1 from DBAPROD.COMMANDE where status = 0 \" "
exit 1
echo "Reset de la Sequence $1 a la valeur : $2 "
sqlplus -s / <<EOF
whenever sqlerror exit failure;
whenever oserror exit failure;
set serveroutput on
set feed off
valeur number;
cible number;
min_original number;
incr_original number;
if length('$2') > 10 then
execute immediate '$2' into cible;
cible := '$2';
end if;
select min_value,increment_by
into min_original,incr_original
from dba_sequences
where sequence_owner || '.' || sequence_name = upper('$1');
select $1.nextval into valeur from dual;
dbms_output.put_line('$1 : Valeur 1 : ' || to_char(valeur) );
valeur := ( valeur ) * (-1);
execute immediate 'Alter sequence $1 minvalue 0 increment by ' || valeur;
select $1.nextval into valeur from dual;
dbms_output.put_line('$1 : Valeur 2 : ' || to_char(valeur) );
execute immediate 'Alter sequence $1 minvalue 0 increment by ' || ( cible - incr_original);
select $1.nextval into valeur from dual;
dbms_output.put_line('$1 : Valeur 3 : ' || to_char(valeur) );
execute immediate 'Alter sequence $1 minvalue ' || min_original || ' increment by ' || incr_original;
dbms_output.put_line('$1 : Prochaine valeur : ' || (valeur + incr_original) );
exit $?
Second Alter statement reset the sequence
Sunil, May 21, 2021 - 4:28 am UTC
Hi Tom,
I am running similar logic as you in a unnamed PL/SQL block, but somehow the 2nd Alter statement (line 15,16) in your code reset the sequence back to original increment value. If i just do First Alter and Next Val then it works fine but then my increment value is not reset.
Do you know if there is any limitation in running 2 Alter statements in one PL/SQL block
May 21, 2021 - 12:19 pm UTC
You can run as many alter... (within separate execute immediate) in one block as you want.
Please share the exact code you're using.
Note that from 18c, you can reset a sequence with:
alter sequence s restart start with :val