Closing sessions
Mishka McCowan, December 08, 2002 - 10:23 am UTC
Great example, as always, but I'm curious about one thing. How would you close the session for those users that don't logout but simply close the browser or go to another site? Perhaps a batch job that periodically closes the session of users who haven't been active in x hours?
December 08, 2002 - 11:36 am UTC
just setup a job (dbms_job) to periodically clean up "expired" sessions (keeping a table of session ids in the database is useful for this -- just have a session state variable "expires" and close out any session that expired. Have the app of course update the "expires" state variable on each page access
Yves Bergeron, March 07, 2003 - 11:18 am UTC
After creating the "global" context and storing some variables in it, I would like to list all the variables stored in it.
I use the following code to do that:
set serveroutput on
list dbms_session.AppCtxTabTyp; -- type defined in dbms_session pkg
cnt number;
dbms_session.list_context (list, cnt);
dbms_output.put_line('Number of contexts: ' || cnt);
for i in 1..cnt loop
dbms_output.put_line( list(i).namespace || ' ' ||
list(i).attribute || ' = '|| list(i).value );
end loop;
If my context is created ACCESSED GLOBALLY, my PL/SQL block will show me nothing.
If my context is created without ACCESSED GLOBALLY, my PL/SQL block will show me the variables stored in my context.
I'm sure there is a reasonable reason for that. Can you explain that to me ?
March 07, 2003 - 1:21 pm UTC
cannot "explain it", but can show what to do about it.
use the views session_context and global_context. union all them together if you like.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> create or replace context App_Ctx using My_pkg
3 /
Context created.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> set echo off
Enter to continue
now we'll create the package to use it. This would have our
application logic to ensure we are who we say we are...
the session id could be anything your middle tier assigns to it.
the session id associated with your servlet instance for example.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> create or replace package my_pkg
2 as
3 procedure set_session_id( p_session_id in number );
5 procedure set_ctx( p_name in varchar2,
6 p_value in varchar2 );
8 procedure close_session( p_session_id in number );
9 end;
10 /
Package created.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> set echo off
Enter to continue
and now the package body. The set session id calls set_identifer,
set_ctx sets the context value *for our session id and user only*,
close session deallocates the context
ops$tkyte@ORA920> create or replace package body my_pkg
2 as
3 g_session_id number;
5 procedure set_session_id( p_session_id in number )
6 is
7 begin
8 g_session_id := p_session_id;
9 dbms_session.set_identifier( p_session_id );
10 end;
12 procedure set_ctx( p_name in varchar2,
13 p_value in varchar2 )
14 as
15 begin
16 dbms_session.set_context( 'App_Ctx', p_name, p_value, USER, g_session_id );
17 end;
19 procedure close_session( p_session_id in number )
20 is
21 begin
22 dbms_session.set_identifier( p_session_id );
23 dbms_session.clear_identifier;
24 end;
25 end;
26 /
Package body created.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> set echo off
Enter to continue
Now we'll test it out. We'll create a session 1234 and put some stuff
in it
ops$tkyte@ORA920> exec my_pkg.set_session_id( 1234 );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> exec my_pkg.set_ctx( 'Var1', 'Val1' );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> exec my_pkg.set_ctx( 'Var2', 'Val2' );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA920> select sys_context( 'app_ctx', 'var1' ) var1,
2 sys_context( 'app_ctx', 'var2' ) var2
3 from dual
4 /
---------- ----------
Val1 Val2
ops$tkyte@ORA920> select * from global_context;
------------------------------- -------------------------------
------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
ops$tkyte@ORA920> select * from session_context;
------------------------------ ------------------------------
ops$tkyte@ORA920> pause
9.2 App Contexts
Ray, April 07, 2003 - 5:39 pm UTC
If the context is set by ONEBIGUSER
How can a dbms_job get rid of the context entries, if no log out(Clear_identifier) occurs?
Does ORACLE automagically clean these out ever?
thanks for your help
April 07, 2003 - 6:32 pm UTC
by default a context is a "session thing". there is nothing to clear out.
Clearing down GACs
Martin, April 08, 2003 - 2:57 am UTC
Hi Tom,
this is something i've wondered about as well. How to "clear down" the values in a global app. context? This may be useful if you, say, reuse session_ids, and the data changes quickly enough to justify re-calculating the values at the beginning of a "session".
Thanks in advance.
April 08, 2003 - 7:49 am UTC
in the case of the data changing -- you would not be wanting to use a global application context then.
in the case of reuse, just clear the identifier.
Martin, April 08, 2003 - 3:08 am UTC
Hi Tom,
ignore my previous comment, just realised how to do it. DBMS_JOB which loops through the distinct "client_identifier" and issues a clear_identifier ? Is this the correct approach, if not, how would you do it?
Also, how often would you suggest the DBMS_JOB ran in order to clear them down?
Thanks in advance
April 08, 2003 - 7:50 am UTC
only you can answer the last question ;)
perhaps you have a table client_identifier, expire_time and your job just loops over that expiring sessions as they expire.
How much work is setting an application context
Tom, April 09, 2003 - 7:11 am UTC
If using an application context to do FGAC in a web environment, is the overhead in setting up the context itself [ie not any user defined select statements inside it] once per page significant, or will this not be a noticeable performance drain?
April 09, 2003 - 10:26 am UTC
setting a context takes virtually no time.
it is when the values you want to set in the context take a long time to gather that you want to consider the "global" context.
9.2 app context clear identifier
Ray, April 09, 2003 - 9:01 am UTC
in response to the followup "Context is a session thing"
Who can issue clear_identifier beyond the USER that set the context variables?
My understanding of the accessed globally was for web app connection pooled session to reaquire a session state. If 10 users create context vars for their client id sessions and never clear the identifier they created context vars for, what happens to them?
The DB probably doesnt assume they will not revisit within lets say one hour , and try to re-establish their session/context. There for it will keep the context information until ?
April 09, 2003 - 10:42 am UTC
The context's remain.
Typically this is used in Ntier situations -- so the contexts are "owned" by that single magic user (this is where they make most sense). That single magic user however can clear them out as they "expire"
9.2 app context clear identifier
RAY, April 09, 2003 - 12:24 pm UTC
1. If the contexts are created by 'ONEBIGUSER' , then ONEBIGUSER should be able to set_identifier(N), clear_identifier for any existing Context entries correct?
2. Ntier where N > 2 I suppose. We just switched from 8.1.7 to 9.2. No middle tier. The app was using a session_table which held the app context data by internal session id. As part of the switch my intention was to use the accessed globally option of the create context. I thought this would allow me to avoid the app session table updates. If I do a select from v$globalcontext I can see trouble brewing if I can't clean these out some how. With my own table I can just use a dbms_job to remove Old/inactive sessions. I would like to do the same with the Context entries.
Can this be done? can you please give me a clue how?
WOuld you advise using context accessed globally for browser - http(mod_plsql) db server only solutions
thanks for your help
April 09, 2003 - 2:35 pm UTC
1) yes.
2) no middle tier implies client server -- why wouldn't you just clear it on exit? (or in an on logoff trigger)
9.2 app context clear identifier
Ray, April 10, 2003 - 8:54 am UTC
why wouldn't I clear them off in a log off trigger?
This is a web app. Log in to the database is via ONEBIGAPPUSER using mod_plsql. The user signs into the application. Application context is set. The user closes the browser. No logout occurs. The context remains.
The app does have a logout which does the set/clear but no guarantee the user will use it.
I am having trouble getting rid of application context entries.
I can set the identifier, and see the context variables. but the clear_identifier isn't deleting the context entry.
Is a commit required?
April 10, 2003 - 9:27 am UTC
Now you are confusing me.
1) said i'm one big user
2) said i'm a client server application
I thought we were talking about two things.
for case #1, no worries, you are onebiguser and onebiguser can clear them at will. Onebiguser can clear out expired sessions whenever onebiguser wants to.
9.2 app context clear identifier
A reader, April 10, 2003 - 10:26 am UTC
Sorry for the confusion, it apparently comes from me, because I am really confused on this especially.
This is what I am trying to do.
1. create context accessed globally.
2. mod_plsql auto logs into database as ONEBIGUSEr
3. Each user invoking the web app logs into the app not the database.
4. The app gens a session id and timestamp encrypts and writes a cookie
5. the app sets context variables with info about the user using the session id as the client identifier.
6. For each subsequent page the app
-reads the cookie.
-sets the identifier to the session id from the cookie reestablishing the context... no problem.
- resets the cookie with new timestamp .....
7. the user then closes the browser ending his session.
the application context remains.
select * from v$globalcontext
shows many context vars for many sessions
8. Logging in as ONEBIGUSER to sqlplus
I execute
for i in 2250..2600 loop
dbms_output.put_line (to_char(i) || ':' || sys_context('MYCONTEXT','MYVAR');
end loop;
I can see the context var, but the clear_identifier
does not remove the context.
no errors ...
April 10, 2003 - 7:21 pm UTC
apparently, I have some "product issues" to file.... it doesn't clear them out from the sga apparently. bummer -- thanks for pushing the issue, i'll look into it.
Clearing context entries
Ray, April 10, 2003 - 6:11 pm UTC
Ok I got rid of them by using clear_context on each of the
session id, attribute name pairs individually.
I followed this up with a clear_identifier
Clear_identifier alone did not remove the context entries for that identifier. Still not sure if it's supposed to or not.
After this I RTFM and it said that clear_context without specifying an attribute name, will clear all the attributes for the specified session.
Clearing Global Contexts
Ray, April 11, 2003 - 8:04 am UTC
Not sure if you want toi investigate this or not.
In my effort to clear the context entries. I believe that I founf that USER A can clear USER B's context entries as long as USER A had execute rights on the trusted package. I did not retest this.
Anything new yet on clearing identifiers from SGA?
Bill Schwartz, December 23, 2003 - 11:21 am UTC
Was ever so happy to find your site. I am a newbie to Oracle db management, and have been researching use of app. context w/FGAC in a web environment. Looking for pitfalls to avoid, I have been scanning metalink forums, etc. Came across this post and was curious if anything ever came out of your last followup msg. Thanks so much for sharing your vast store of Oracle knowledge with the rest of us!
December 23, 2003 - 12:07 pm UTC
the two messages below (the prior two to these) discuss how to clear them.
package used in application context
Laly, December 31, 2003 - 9:16 am UTC
Dear Tom,
I have a question concerning the package used in the create context : do the specification of the package have to be always the same :
procedure set_session_id( p_session_id in number );
procedure set_ctx( p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2 );
procedure close_session( p_session_id in number );
I cannot understand otherwise how Oracle knows how to use the provided package when activating the context. However, i cannot find any documentation related to this point.
Thanks in advance,
December 31, 2003 - 10:11 am UTC
YOU "activate" the context
your procedure/function names can be whatever please you.
the package could be:
create package demo_pkg
procedure foo;
for all we care. if you:
create context my_ctx using demo_pkg;
that just means that any procedure/function in demo_pkg will be successful in using dbms_session.set_context to 'activate' it.
Unless you set it, it isn't "there", this just controls the name of the schema object that is permitted to set it.
keeping password in somewhere for a session
rd, April 18, 2004 - 5:19 pm UTC
Pls help me out with my problem.
So much stuff out there in various posts and so much confusion for me.
My situation:
We have a PSP page for call center (Intranet only).
Before users can access it they are asked for userid and password.Userid is same as his oracle userid.
By clicks on page user can make transactions in Main Frame system(through an intermediate system) where user has an account and the password they supply is for this account. For every click user's password is to be sent to intermediate system which inturn accesses main frame.
My problem is where to hold the password for the user session.
Writing into cookie is one option. But management wants to avoid it if possible.
So i am wondering if i can use "GLOBAL APPLICATION context" explained in here! ( ours is 9i). I mean every click will retrieve passwd by sys_context and sends across.
I dont know if my understanding is making any sense.
Am first time looking at security issues.
1) Pls suggest me a solution for my situation.
2)If "GLOBAL APPLICATION context" is a choice then can userid be used as sessionid ? Do i have to encrypt the password !!
3) One of the followups says:
just setup a job (dbms_job) to periodically clean up "expired" sessions (keeping
a table of session ids in the database is useful for this -- just have a session
state variable "expires" and close out any session that expired. Have the app
of course update the "expires" state variable on each page access
Can you elaborate this "have a session state variable " ?
4) In the context of above quoted followup, the purpose of it is to exipre inactive sessions after a while ?
If dont want this expiry thing ,when browser is closed its the end of the session.. and no more clearing ?
April 18, 2004 - 7:06 pm UTC
1) a global application context would work, if you are willing to trust the DBA's with possible access to the passwords (well, they have that access now really too, you have to trust someone -- you can go as far as you want to make it hard)
2) userid can be used so that ONLY that user can access their context. the context may either be secured by USER (eg: when setting the context, send the user in and only that USER account may access it), by some sessionid you make up and take care of, or by both.
do you have to encrypt the password? only if you want it stored in the SGA in a manner that would not make it visible to people who can dump the SGA.
3) a session state variable is exactly what you are trying to get -- your password is a session state variable.
4) unless you put a "logout" button in your app AND the user actually uses it you have NO CLUE when the browser executes (the web is stateless, you cannot tell when the browser exits). Hence you usually need to clean up expired sessions.
keeping password in somewhere for a session
rd, April 19, 2004 - 5:59 am UTC
Thanks a ton TOM.
Just a couple of more doubts bugging me.
<With respect to my earliers post's Followup:>
1) Using cookie is alternative to "global application context " and it does not leave pwd open to DBA. Pls correct me if wrong. By not going for Cookie am i missing any thing here ?
4)User is authenticated through DAD before getting to the page. Doesnt it mean he is opening a session with database and this session will expire when browser is closed !! If its not a session in real sense then cleaning expired sessions is to be done by having a table with expiration time for each session ?
</With respect to my earliers post's Followup:>
<new Doubt>
May be it is silly to ask at this point.. but now i think i dont need to do anything much.
Is it not OK if i set global variables for userid and password !! Only one package handles the entire interface and global variable would be available to all procedures/functions . Pls correct me if i am thinking wrong.
</new Doubt>
April 19, 2004 - 7:01 am UTC
1) well, it leaves it open for the SA's then (and the DBA's if you set the cookie using plsql -- a smart dba can see whatever they want in the database).
You would have to use SSL to encrypt the entire conversation -- else someone can sniff the headers, get the encrypted password and headers -- which is all they need to spoof you. the encrypted password would be as good as the real one with that info. SSL would protect you there.
4) no, it means with each page request they are reauthenticated to the database. there is NO session by default (there is a mode where there could be but i highly recommend against using it --- it reduces the best feature of the web, scalability, back to that of client server)
keeping password in somewhere for a session
rd, April 19, 2004 - 8:05 am UTC
My dilemma in the last part of my last post is not addressed . Probably its very lame ... i cant help it because i am under time pressure and not able to imagine how this is all going to work for me.
Pls say somthing about "using global variables for userid/password".
As i said entire interface is managed by same package and there will not be any need to pass them as arguments.
April 19, 2004 - 9:35 am UTC
my response is -- by default the mod_plsql stuff is 100% stateless. Your package variables do not survive from page to page AND you might well have more than one session going for a single user! (think "frames", think "open link in new window" done twice -- you may have dozens of sessions for a single user)
Anne, April 21, 2004 - 1:06 am UTC
Dear Tom,
Can a table's data be set as a context entry and access that entry using a packaged procedure or function?Is this functionality possible?
Please do reply.
April 21, 2004 - 7:48 pm UTC
can you elaborate on that a bit more, not sure what you mean?
Anne, April 21, 2004 - 11:22 pm UTC
Hello Tom,
I meant "Can we set the rows of a Table as a context entry
and access that values using a packaged procedure or function"?
I hope this is clear to you.
April 22, 2004 - 7:28 am UTC
the entire set of rows?
no, a context entry is a single, scalar, varchar2(4000)
accessed globally context
Alexander Semenov, August 17, 2004 - 9:16 am UTC
Hi, Tom!
Everything looks fine in global context arrangements, but there is an optional attribute "username" in dbms_session.set_context() function.
I can't understand what it means or rather how it could be used.
Could you show me its usability?
August 17, 2004 - 9:59 am UTC
and now the package body. The set session id calls set_identifer,
set_ctx sets the context value *for our session id and user only*,
close session deallocates the context
meaning only that user logged in with that username can access it -- even if you know my sessionid, you still cannot see my values -- unless you have my username associated with your session.
accessed globally context
Alexander Semenov, August 18, 2004 - 3:52 am UTC
Correct. After logging in by USR2 and setting the same identifer as USR1 I can't see anything that was set by USR1 using SYS_CONTEXT command.
But I still able to see everything using SELECT * FROM GLOBAL_CONTEXT
August 18, 2004 - 8:17 am UTC
you only see context values that either
a) do not have a session id (client_identifier) set on them
b) have your client_identifier set (your session id)
Application Context Design question
Suhail, October 16, 2004 - 7:54 am UTC
I am new and started learning the Application context because there is a need to build FGAC in one of our new application. We have tables like follows:
Regions have Counties (one to many )
Counties have compartments (one to many)
Compartments have Forest (one to many), In Forest table we store forest inventory data. In this application, our application context could be either region_id, county_id and a group_id. Group_id is an attribute stored in user's entry in Oracle Directory. Every user belongs to a group.
We want to implement FGAC based on any of these combination. Here are my question about How to setup my context:
1) Sometime I would like to retreive rows from the forest table based on Region_id and since our table is normalised there is no region_id in the Forest table.
2) Secondly our context can be based on County_id or combination of Region_id and County_id. How would I set context based on two attributes?
3) How would I set the context based on group_id stored in LDAP server(OID)?
4) Application are being developed by a consulting companies and they are writing code directly on the tables. How would application context work when in the front end, code is based on tables and not a view. Do we have to create views based on Region, County, Compartment and Forest table to build the application?
Thanks a lot.
October 16, 2004 - 10:54 am UTC
1) you'll be returing a subquery in the predicate.
write a query that given a region as input, returns a list of "forests".
that is your subquery.
2) say you were writing a report based on the same -- what queries would you write? those are your subqueries used to filter forest then.
3) you would make a call out to ldap using whatever technique you wanted (eg: middle tier could do it, dbms_ldap could do it) to query that repository and set values.
4) You have to get the context set up -- application can call a procedure, a login trigger can do it, whatever. After that, any query hitting a table (or view) will have a predicate silently added to it.
You might be interested in Effective Oracle Security by Design (oraclepress, david knox), or I have a lengthly chapter on it in Expert one on one Oracle, or
</code> <code>
A reader, October 16, 2004 - 1:43 pm UTC
Thanks for the explaination. Your answer #4 ckears my doubt. Thanks for the recommendation about th books. I do have book written by Knox and yoour( Effective Oracle by Design).
How to set a context for OID user
Suhail, October 26, 2004 - 4:11 pm UTC
I have a context value in the table which I want to set when Enterprise user logon to database. The problem what I am facing is that the enterprise users are mapped to a shared schema and they are connected to database using the shared schema. To get the context from a table I basically use in my package
SELECT office_id
INTO l_office_id
FROM lookup_office
WHERE UPPER(username)=UPPER(sys_context('userenv','session_user'));
and then set the context
namespace => Ctx_Trusted_Sfid.namespace ,
attribute => Ctx_Trusted_Sfid.office_id,
value => l_office_id);
I store the user's CN to username column in the lookup_office table. Since, OID's user are connected through a mapped schem, my SELECT does not retreive any row from the table and it does not set any context.
SQL> conn ssahmad/welcome1@apptest
SQL> show user
username column does not hold any record for "DB_SUBTREE" which is a global schema. It holds data for "ssahmad" which is a OID user.
I cannot retreive the value from context from the LDAP because its only available in the table. Is there a way to solve this problem? I donot see any example to solve these kind of problem in David Knox's book.
Thanks a lot.
I got the answer
Suhail, October 26, 2004 - 4:36 pm UTC
Infact I got the answer from your site itself. David Knox's reply on this thread, helped me . I have written following function
FUNCTION Application_Username (p_external_name IN VARCHAR2
RETURN UPPER(SUBSTR(p_external_name,4,INSTR(p_external_name,',')-4));
and now I am calling this fuhctionin my WHERE calause ie
SELECT office_id
INTO l_office_id
FROM lookup_office
WHERE UPPER(username)=UPPER(Application_Username) ;
And , now here is the result:
SQL> conn ssahmad/welcome1@apptest
SQL> select sys_context('ctx_sfid','OFFICE_ID') Office from dual;
Globally accessible variables
mohini, December 02, 2004 - 12:14 pm UTC
There are a few variables..2 or 3 (inside a always changing values) that
I want to access globally.
I need to use them in some other procedures (different package) to update success or failure.
So, these variables won't have any thing to do with the processing of other procedures...and this is why I don't want
to add extra parameters to bunch of procedures...but find a way to set the values globally..and access it where I need to.
I have read it on your site that global variables are not
a preferred way to go.
So, can this be accomplished by global application contexts?
If yes...can you provide an example..please..
December 02, 2004 - 12:29 pm UTC
"global" variables are not a preferred PROGRAMMING technique -- it is dangerous as a programming technique. globals, global application contexts, whatever -- globals are dangerous.
I'd look long and hard before sticking globals in to communicate important information. It is a decision you'll have to live with for a long long long time.
you don't need a global application context, you just need be very judicious in your use of globals -- as a programmer, in any language.
application context
Suhail, December 15, 2004 - 9:21 am UTC
My question is related to your original reply. I have two separte databases instances OID and TEST on seperate machines. I have created my trusted package to be used to create application context in a schema called sec_admin in OID database. This package set and reset the application context.
I have a public database link ( oid_security) on my test database and it works OK , ie I can describes the package which exist in OID database from a db user on test ie
SQL> desc sec_admin.ctx_trusted_sfid@oid_security;
However, I cannot create an application context on test database using the package which exist on OID database. ie;
SQL> create or replace context ctx_sfid using sec_admin.ctx_trusted_sfid@oid_security;
create or replace context ctx_sfid using sec_admin.ctx_trusted_sfid@oid_security
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
Why am I getting this error? I have appropriate CREATE ANY CONTEXT privilege assigned to user "test100". Also sec_admin on OID instance has EXECUTE on DBMS_SESSION.
Is this a right design?
December 15, 2004 - 2:17 pm UTC
anything that uses a database link in an operational system (eg: database link will be used for more than moving data from A to B periodically) is in my opion "a not-right design"
it would mean both systems must both be up in order for either system to be up.
it means both systems probably should have been one system from day 1
but in any case, you'll find application contexts (pga things, process memory things) not to be very dblink friendly....
so, no, do not do this.
enhanced security of application context
A reader, December 17, 2004 - 1:43 pm UTC
dear tom,
i read several times that an application context will enhance security. i don't understand this?
let's assume:
create context my_ctx using my_pkg;
grant execute on my_pkg to scott;
scott is allowed to manipulate the context via package my_pkg now. if someone breaks into scott's account he can also manipulate the context using this package. so, all depends on the username + password authentication. i can't see enhanced security here?
pls, clarify.
December 17, 2004 - 3:14 pm UTC
if someone breaks into scott's account
if someone does that -- your problem lies way back before application context doesn't it.
lets put it this way:
"if someone breaks into root"
Ok, so in light of that, why have passwords on anyones accounts? cause if they break into root, they can just su? how do passwords enhance security?
or, why have permissions on files? cause if they break into root they can just change the owner/perms at will?
or why have sysdba for oracle, cause if they break into root, they can just su to oracle and be in, so how does sysdba ehance security?
sense of application context
A reader, December 20, 2004 - 7:05 am UTC
you are right, of course. so, the application context is only there for setting user session context variables in a more secure way (as we also can create some check routines within it). no more, no less. right?
December 20, 2004 - 8:35 am UTC
Proceed with caution....
Adrian Billington, January 27, 2005 - 5:09 am UTC
>> "global" variables are not a preferred PROGRAMMING technique -- it is dangerous as a programming technique. globals, global application contexts, whatever --
globals are dangerous.
I'd second this. I think application contexts are great, but I'd be very wary of unleashing globals on the system without thinking very carefully. Take a look at the following output which shows what can happen to running queries when they access a global application context that is being "messed with". Interesting, but scary.
********** USER1 sets up a global context and procedure ***********
USER1> create context global_ctx using global_prc accessed globally;
Context created.
USER1> create procedure global_prc ( p in varchar2 ) as
2 begin
3 dbms_session.set_context( 'global_ctx', 'attr', p );
4 end;
5 /
Procedure created.
********** USER2 sets up a table and couple of functions ***********
USER2> create table t
2 as
3 select case when rownum <= 5 then 'USER1' else 'USER2' end as owner
4 from all_source
5 where rownum <= 10;
Table created.
USER2> create function time return varchar2 as
2 begin
3 return to_char(sysdate, 'hh24:mi:ss');
4 end time;
5 /
Function created.
USER2> create function fff return varchar2 is
2 begin
3 dbms_lock.sleep( 2 );
4 justa.counter := justa.counter + 1;
5 return sys_context( 'global_ctx', 'attr' );
6 end fff;
7 /
Function created.
********** USER1 sets a value for the global context, pauses ***********
********** while USER2 kicks off a query and then sets a new value ***********
USER1> set time on
09:38:59 USER1>
09:38:59 USER1> exec global_prc( 'USER1' );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
09:38:59 USER1>
09:38:59 USER1> pause
09:39:13 USER1>
09:39:13 USER1> exec global_prc( 'USER2' ); <======== NOTE THE TIME
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
********** USER2 kicks off a query that evaluates against ********
********** the global value. ********
USER2> set time on arrays 1
09:39:06 USER2> select sys_context( 'global_ctx', 'attr' ) from dual;
09:39:06 USER2>
09:39:06 USER2> select owner, fff, time
09:39:06 2 from t
09:39:06 3 where owner = fff;
---------- ---------- ----------
USER1 USER1 09:39:10
USER1 USER2 09:39:14 <========= LOOK WHAT HAPPENS HERE
USER2 USER2 09:39:24
USER2 USER2 09:39:28
USER2 USER2 09:39:33
USER2 USER2 09:39:37
USER2 USER2 09:39:41
7 rows selected.
09:39:41 USER2>
09:39:41 USER2> pause
********** Back to USER1 - we are going to repeat the test ********
********** but against a dictionary view. ********
09:39:13 USER1>
09:39:13 USER1> pause
09:39:47 USER1>
09:39:47 USER1> exec global_prc( 'USER1' );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
09:39:47 USER1>
09:39:47 USER1> pause
09:39:55 USER1>
09:39:55 USER1> exec global_prc( 'USER2' ); <=========== NOTE THE TIME
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
********** USER2 again trying to run a query while USER1 **********
********** messes with the global application context. **********
09:39:50 USER2>
09:39:50 USER2> select owner, fff, time
09:39:50 2 from all_source
09:39:50 3 where owner = fff;
---------- ---------- ----------
USER1 USER1 09:39:54
USER1 USER2 09:39:58
USER1 USER2 09:40:00
I can think of a good reason to use global appctxs, such as to hold "debug/don't debug" flags for packages in a connection-pool application etc, but never where they could influence a query.
January 27, 2005 - 9:06 am UTC
well, they can be used for a query (they are designed to be used that way) -- but you must be careful how you use them.
Their designed, intended use goes like this:
a) user logs into application server, gets a sessionid
b) during this login, something that takes a "long time" (long being relative) takes place -- like a LDAP lookup to get information
c) rather than lookup this data over and over -- you put it into a global context identified by that sessionid (which should be unique to that user)
d) it remains "read only" for the rest of the session
e) when the session expires, you clean it out
used that way, they are safe.
Like I said...
Adrian, January 28, 2005 - 3:19 am UTC
...I think application contexts are great and I'd have no qualms about using them in queries. In fact, I have used them a lot: to parameterise views, control "env" information for aplications etc. I just thought that a "sessionid-less" global appctx was a bit dangerous, that's all. As demonstrated in my example where they can make it appear like read consistency is being messed with.
I think we are agreeing on this...
Client gets "Insufficient Privileges" error
A reader, July 08, 2005 - 9:04 am UTC
I have a package that uses application context (accessed locally). From PL/SQL i can execute this package without any problems. But when i try to call this package form Client (.NET front end), i get "Insufficient Privileges" Error on this context.
Did you ever see problem like this before? Where could be the problem?
I am not sure if you need more information to explain me what's going on. please let me know. It's killing me , as i could prove there is nothing wrong from the package, but client when calls, gets error????
July 08, 2005 - 9:55 am UTC
insufficient details.
I don't see how you created the context or anything.
basically, it sounds like you are trying to set the context directly from the client, but a context is bound to a package or procedure and can only be modified by calling that package or procedure.
so, are you calling dbms_session.set_context from your client OR are you calling the only procedure/package that is allowed to set the context.
Insufficient privileges
A reader, July 08, 2005 - 10:09 am UTC
I have created context from sqlplus "Create context context_name using my_pkg";
I'm using this context in "my_pkg". And like i mentioned , from sqlplus, i could run the package . But when client calls the same package, it gives Insufficient privileges error?
I'm not sure what's happening behind the scenes
July 08, 2005 - 12:49 pm UTC
is the "client" logged in as the same user you are in sqlplus?
is the problem running MY_PKG or the context call.
we cannot tell the difference between "sqlplus" and "client x", they are all clients.
Make sure
o same user
o same database
o be more clear as to exact error, what is the entire error stack
More info..
A reader, July 08, 2005 - 10:11 am UTC
BTW, I am calling package directly, from client and not dbms_session.set_context (it's set in package)
Different User
A reader, July 11, 2005 - 9:59 am UTC
Tom, After much research over the weekend, we found that, this particular client was using a different schema , and corrected that. But how do i get this working if they want to use different schema? Our packages are written in "Dev" Schema and clients might use "Test" Schema in future. Do i have to create another set of context's for this test schema to be able to execute those procedures (written in "dev" schema and given execute permissions to "test" schema)?
Thanks for all your help
July 11, 2005 - 11:37 am UTC
insufficient data here.
but an application context is GLOBAL in nature, they do not have schemas.
Same Reader from above
A reader, July 11, 2005 - 12:01 pm UTC
Sorry for not being clear enough. I had above problem where client was not able to access or execute packages with context in it. (they were getting insufficient privileges, and we thought client was using same username as i am doing, using sqlplus) But client was logging in as a different user. So that part was solved.
Now the problem comes when we use different schema to access this context.
I 've created context locally,
1)so do i have to change them "Globally Accessed" to make it work?
2)if that's the case , if we set a value in one schema, and set another value in another schema for this context, will it affect other schema values or values are for a particular schema?
--> Please see above 3 or 4 questions (from "Client gets Insufficient Privileges" ) for more information on how i have created these contexts
July 11, 2005 - 12:38 pm UTC
a context is GLOBAL in scope in the database.
a context is always owned by PUBLIC -- they have no schema.
you can have ONE context of a given name and it will be associated with ONE package in a database.
globally accessed just says whether the same context values can be accessed by multiple sessions.
You will have ONE schema that may set this single context in a given database.
dba_context shows context has schema
A reader, July 11, 2005 - 12:45 pm UTC
Tom, But when i looked in dba_context table, it has a schema associated with context i've created and only that schema is letting me execute the packages. If i change the schema (still in same database), i get insufficient privileges ..This is in Oracle10g.
When i changed context to "Accessed Globally" it let me execute package from other schema.
July 11, 2005 - 2:48 pm UTC
the schema you are seeing in there is the schema associated with the PACKAGE that is allowed to set it, NOT the schema that "owns the context"
You'll have to demonstrate what you mean about the global context, for the simple reason that they are "global" too -- what you say is not computing.
ops$tkyte@ORA10G> grant dba to a identified by a;
Grant succeeded.
ops$tkyte@ORA10G> grant dba to b identified by b;
Grant succeeded.
ops$tkyte@ORA10G> @connect a/a
ops$tkyte@ORA10G> set termout off
a@ORA10G> @login
a@ORA10G> set termout off
a@ORA10G> set termout on
a@ORA10G> create or replace procedure the_procedure
2 as
3 begin
4 dbms_session.set_context( 'the_context', 'test', 'hello' );
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
a@ORA10G> create or replace context the_context using the_procedure accessed globally
2 /
Context created.
a@ORA10G> exec the_procedure;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
a@ORA10G> select * from dba_context where namespace = 'THE_CONTEXT';
------------------------------ ------------------------------
------------------------------ ----------------------
a@ORA10G> @connect b/b
a@ORA10G> set termout off
b@ORA10G> @login
b@ORA10G> set termout off
b@ORA10G> set termout on
b@ORA10G> create or replace procedure the_procedure
2 as
3 begin
4 dbms_session.set_context( 'the_context', 'test', 'hello' );
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
b@ORA10G> create or replace context the_context using the_procedure
2 /
Context created.
b@ORA10G> exec the_procedure;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
b@ORA10G> select * from dba_context where namespace = 'THE_CONTEXT';
------------------------------ ------------------------------
------------------------------ ----------------------
There can only be one "the_context" and the schema is the OWNER of the procedure/package that can set it, not the owner of the context.
Why encryptions?
A reader, July 11, 2005 - 2:29 pm UTC
From your answer:
We would of course want to encrypt the session id, perhaps using dbms_obfuscation_toolkit and set it as a cookie to it is available in all of the subsequent pages after logon.
Why you want to encrypt the session id?
July 11, 2005 - 2:57 pm UTC
if I know your session id, I can likely attach to your context.
b) rejoin this context from any other DATABASE session that user account uses by
providing the session id
encrypting session id..
A reader, July 14, 2005 - 2:10 pm UTC
continue above question...
If you know my cookie (i.e. the _encrypted_ session id), you can fool the web application and hijack my session too..
https is the solution, not dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.
July 14, 2005 - 2:55 pm UTC
depends on what you encrypted the cookie with but yes, agreed, https is very good for this (as we don't have to think about it).
Just having the cookie may not be enough, you might need a certificate, you might need an ip address (yes, that can be gotten around)
Identifier too Long
A reader, August 08, 2005 - 3:22 pm UTC
What is the max. length of the Context Name i can use[in Oracle 10g]? Sometimes even for 30 characters, i get identifier too long error.
I couldn't find anywhere , what's the limit on context name.
August 08, 2005 - 8:32 pm UTC
show me a 30 character one failing (and also say if you are using multi-byte when you do so, that could be relevant)
the sql reference guide states "namespace follows rules for schema objects", 30 characters
It's 33 characters
A reader, August 09, 2005 - 10:59 am UTC
Tom, This is the one i'm trying to create and it's mroe than 30 characters (33) and not 30 as i mentioned before.
test@testDB10g> create or replace context cms_AssignedBudgetunit_Search_ctx using budgetUnit;
create or replace context cms_AssignedBudgetunit_Search_ctx using budgetUnit
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00972: identifier is too long
test@testDB10g> create or replace context AssignedBudgetunit_Search_ctx using budgetUnit;
Context created.
So, I can use only 30 characters and not more than that.
Is that right?
Thanks for your help
August 09, 2005 - 11:19 am UTC
that is correct, 30 characters.
Context Sessions from WEB Application
Mary, August 12, 2005 - 2:19 pm UTC
We are using Application Context (accessed locally) in our procedures. These procedures /packages are being called from .NET front end (Web App).
Users are connected to Oracle database using common login id and password and we are using Connection Pooling.
So, my question is when 10 users are trying to run the same package with different parameter values, how does set_context handles them?
eg: we have set a context for empno to get all empno details.
user 1 passed in empno=1234;
and procedure has a set_context that sets empno=1234;
user 2 passed in empno =2345;
and procedure has a set_context that sets empno=1234;
and so on..
So does empno gets effected from each setting or it considers user1 and user2 as seperate sessions(eventhough they are connected using same database login)?
Hope i am not confusing you :-)
August 13, 2005 - 9:41 am UTC
the context values are session specific. Each SESSION can only see their context values.
Just like global variables in the packages.
Can you clarify more..
A reader, August 13, 2005 - 7:26 pm UTC
Tom, When you say SESSION, you mean All users connecting to database with same login are in same SESSION? If so, how can contexts handle different input values for same parameters?
From my example above, if empno=1234 by one user and empno=2345 by another user at the same time, does that mean,empno no is reset to new value and first user will see out put for 2345 insetead of 1234?
I am not handling contexts by any session id's. and I'm using context's accessed Locally
Thanks for your reply.
August 13, 2005 - 8:17 pm UTC
when I say session I mean a session, a thing you see in v$session.
every session is separate and distinct and doesn't share anything.
You as an individual may have 0, 1, or N sessions going on.
As long as you grab a connection from the pool...
Set the context....
Use the context....
Then give the connection back to the pool
you will have had your own unique session. Usernames are not sessions, they are used for identification and authorization.
How to find out Global Context Values in Other Sessions
Arup Nanda, September 26, 2005 - 6:04 pm UTC
Great discussion, as always.
One of the applications I support uses global application contexts. From time to time they complain that they are not seeing a value in the app context, which has been set earlier. When they disconnect and reconnect, they see that context.
Question - is there any way I can see the global context values set in "other" sessions, not my own? Being global, I assume they are in SGA and are somehow exposed. Ideally when a global context is set once, any session which issues SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('CTXNAME','ATTRIB') FROM DUAL should see the value set, always. But in some cases they are not and that's where I want to catch them.
Also, is there any case where global app contexts are not visible, i.e. set to NULL? I have a feeling the app is doing a clear_context; but I can't really prove that.
September 27, 2005 - 10:03 am UTC
You'd need the session identifier associated with it and if needed, the ability to log into that account.
If the session hasn't been "reattached" or you are logged in as the wrong user - it won't be visible - the context will appear null (security there - the global application contexts are bound to a sessionid AND optionally a user account)
Cost of parsing when using sys_context
Mathew Butler, October 03, 2005 - 2:08 pm UTC
I've been toying with a parameterised view - ie: a view whose filter conditions can be modified according to the value of a paramter stored in an application context.
I was curious as to what the parsing cost of this might be. As far as I can tell, each successive query carried out without changing the context requires two soft parses. THat is the session stats for "parse count (total)" increase by a count of two and "parse count (hard)" remains the same.
Is there any way to reduce the parse cost further?
Best Regards,
October 03, 2005 - 8:54 pm UTC
I don't know what you mean, can you demonstrate, the following shows ZERO extra parses - parse once, execute over and over and over....
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create or replace context myctx using p
2 /
Context created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create or replace procedure p( p_name in varchar2, p_val in varchar2 )
2 as
3 begin
4 dbms_session.set_context( 'myctx', p_name, p_val );
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create or replace view v
2 as
3 select * from dual where dummy = sys_context( 'myctx', 'x' );
View created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create or replace procedure proc
2 as
3 begin
4 for x in ( select * from v )
5 loop
6 null;
7 end loop;
8 end;
9 /
Procedure created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> alter session set sql_trace=true;
Session altered.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> exec proc
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> exec proc
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> exec proc
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 3 0.00 0.00 0 9 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 7 0.00 0.00 0 9 0 0
Parse cost of sys_context
Mathew Butler, October 04, 2005 - 5:29 am UTC
I agree with your test. I re-ran and tied the v$mystat entries to the raw trace file for the test below. <b>There is a question below (IN BOLD)</b>
The trace shows the same behaviour you demonstrated. I was doing a quick and dirty test and looking at snapshots of v$mystat (included these below). I wasn't properly accounting for recursive SQL.
Looking at v$mystat there appear to be two hard parses of some statements in the test (reprodicible in multiple runs). These appear to be attributed to the the first time the following statements are run in a session:
* BEGIN proc; END;
<b>Question: Why are these always hard parsed? Must they always be re-parsed for each new session?</b>
There also appear to be a total of 7 additional parses between the snapshots.
* (the first time this is executed only)
select, b.value
from v$statname a, v$mystat b
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and lower( like '%' || lower('parse')||'%'
* BEGIN proc; END;
* select user# from sys.user$ where name = 'OUTLN'
* select text from view$ where rowid=:1
* BEGIN proc; END;
* BEGIN proc; END;
Wasn't it JL who said that when you get the same answer from more than one direction you can have some confidence that your results are correct? I should have verified this with a trace originally.
Here is the test --->
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
SQL> create or replace context myctx using p
2 /
Context created.
SQL> create or replace procedure p( p_name in varchar2, p_val in varchar2 )
2 as
3 begin
4 dbms_session.set_context( 'myctx', p_name, p_val );
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
SQL> create or replace view v
2 as
3 select * from dual where dummy = sys_context( 'myctx', 'x' );
View created.
SQL> create or replace procedure proc
2 as
3 begin
4 for x in ( select * from v )
5 loop
6 null;
7 end loop;
8 end;
9 /
Procedure created.
SQL> alter session set sql_trace=true;
Session altered.
SQL> select, b.value
2 from v$statname a, v$mystat b
3 where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
4 and lower( like '%' || lower('parse')||'%'
5 /
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
parse time cpu 10
parse time elapsed 138
parse count (total) 190
parse count (hard) 18
parse count (failures) 0
SQL> exec proc
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec proc
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec proc
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select, b.value
2 from v$statname a, v$mystat b
3 where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
4 and lower( like '%' || lower('parse')||'%'
5 /
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
parse time cpu 10
parse time elapsed 138
parse count (total) 197
parse count (hard) 20
parse count (failures) 0
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 3 0.00 0.00 0 9 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 7 0.00 0.00 0 9 0 0
October 04, 2005 - 3:50 pm UTC
but that only shows 2 hard parses -- with 5 statements having been executed???
the tkprof would show you "misses in library cache" - that is, it shows you the total number of times it was hard parsed.
Here the tkprof shows a SINGLE parse -- meaning it could not have been hard parsed 3 times
Mathew Butler, October 05, 2005 - 4:57 am UTC
To clarify:
* I agree - the query with the sys_context is parsed once only.
As a second, seperate but related followup question;
I ran this test a few times (within a new session each time) and for each test I analysed the raw trace to confirm that the output of the v$ views tallies with the trace output. The parse counts do indeed tally. However, in each test I always see a single hard parse for two statements, the first time these are used. These are;
2) BEGIN proc; END;
My question is, why does Oracle need to hard parse these queries for each test run ?
My expectation was that these statements would be in the library cache from the previous test run. Indeed I don't see any reason why they might not be.
Here is one of the tkprof reports:
TKPROF: Release - Production on Wed Oct 5 09:37:10 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Trace file: mig1_ora_2136.trc
Sort options: default
count = number of times OCI procedure was executed
cpu = cpu time in seconds executing
elapsed = elapsed time in seconds executing
disk = number of physical reads of buffers from disk
query = number of buffers gotten for consistent read
current = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)
rows = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call
alter session set sql_trace=true
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Misses in library cache during parse: 0
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: 90
select, b.value
from v$statname a, v$mystat b
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and lower( like '%' || lower('parse')||'%'
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 4 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 10
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 8 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 10
Misses in library cache during parse: 0
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: 90
Rows Row Source Operation
------- ---------------------------------------------------
BEGIN proc; END;
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 3 0.00 0.12 0 0 0 3
Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 6 0.00 0.13 0 0 0 3
Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: 90
select user#
sys.user$ where name = 'OUTLN'
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 0 2 0 1
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 3 0.00 0.00 0 2 0 1
Misses in library cache during parse: 0
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)
Rows Row Source Operation
------- ---------------------------------------------------
1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_USER1 (object id 44)
select text
view$ where rowid=:1
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 0 2 0 1
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 3 0.00 0.00 0 2 0 1
Misses in library cache during parse: 0
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)
Rows Row Source Operation
------- ---------------------------------------------------
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 1 0.01 0.18 0 0 0 0
Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 3 0.00 0.00 0 9 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 7 0.01 0.18 0 9 0 0
Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: 90 (recursive depth: 1)
Rows Row Source Operation
------- ---------------------------------------------------
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 5 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 6 0.00 0.12 0 0 0 3
Fetch 4 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 10
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 15 0.00 0.13 0 0 0 13
Misses in library cache during parse: 1
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse 3 0.01 0.18 0 0 0 0
Execute 5 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 5 0.00 0.00 0 13 0 2
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 13 0.01 0.18 0 13 0 2
Misses in library cache during parse: 1
7 user SQL statements in session.
2 internal SQL statements in session.
9 SQL statements in session.
Trace file: mig1_ora_2136.trc
Trace file compatibility: 9.02.00
Sort options: default
1 session in tracefile.
7 user SQL statements in trace file.
2 internal SQL statements in trace file.
9 SQL statements in trace file.
6 unique SQL statements in trace file.
109 lines in trace file.
October 05, 2005 - 7:39 am UTC
so? It has to be HARD PARSED at least ONCE in its life.
You created every thing "fresh" and "new", so yes, of course it was hard parsed the first time.
Log out, log in, run test AGAIN without dropping and creating everything and since it was hard parsed before, it'll be soft this time around.
Mathew Butler, October 06, 2005 - 11:35 am UTC
I see. I think the problem lies between the keyboard and chair :o).
October 06, 2005 - 12:15 pm UTC
I love that site, laugh out loud at some of the stories there.
Using application context for data selection
Serge Shmygelsky, November 02, 2005 - 4:12 pm UTC
Hello Tom,
we're creating a web application where a user can log in using his phone number. When the customer is authenticated to the application, we get unique customer ID and contract ID associated with his phone from the database and put these values into context variables. After that we're using this variables in all the stored procedures we've created to get the data we need. The reason for doing that is simplicity - we don't need to provide any parameters to the procedures and security - it is impossible to change context after the authentication. What is your opinion on this approach in general? Are we using context in the right way? I noticed once on your site (don't remember exactly where) you mentioned that application context was good in SQL not in PL/SQL. Will it have any impact on performance?
And one more question on performance. We didn't took into consideration that all the context variables are in fact VARCHAR2(4000). While we were using this procedures in our Oracle 9i, performance was excellent. But as soon as we started getting data over the link from the same tables in Oracle 8i, our application just crashed. Oracle was using FS all the time. No indexes at all. After 6 hours of trying to find out the reason we've changed the following code:
SELECT custcode
INTO v_custcode
FROM customer_all@db1
WHERE customer_id = SYS_CONTEXT( 'our_context', 'customer_id' )
where customer_id is NUMBER and PK for CUSTOMER_ALL
v_customer_id NUMBER;
SELECT SYS_CONTEXT( 'our_context', 'customer_id' )
INTO v_customer_id
SELECT custcode
INTO v_custcode
FROM customer_all@db1
WHERE customer_id = v_customer_id
and after that the plan became correct.
Is this a normal behaviour and what we should do to avoid probems like this in the future? Do we need to always convert context variables into the datatype they actually represent? Why was it working normally in a single database and crashed (performance-wise) over dblink?
Thanks in advance.
November 03, 2005 - 6:46 am UTC
i would do what you did over dblinks - yes, the sys context function is evaluated locally, not remotely.
if you use sys_context in SQL - great.
if you are using it in PLSQL (eg:
if sys_context(a,b) = c
I would suggest you use a PACKAGE with getter/setter functions instead (just as unchangeable - the setter functions can be private to the package body - the getter functions are visible to all)
Using application context for data selection - ctd
Serge Shmygelsky, November 03, 2005 - 10:35 am UTC
Hello Tom,
Thanks for the answer. But as I understand, if we're using package variables, we lose them when we log in/log out. And this is our case as we have connection pool and sessions will be re-used. That's why we're going to use session identifiers which will prevent us from losing data in variables even if the session was terminated. For sure, we can store user's password somewhere in middle tier and re-authenticate him each time we need to re-connect the session. But it looks quite, I'd say, ugly. What is your opinion on that?
Thanks in advance.
November 04, 2005 - 2:36 am UTC
I don't get it - because in a connection pool you don't get your same session back - or are you using GLOBAL application contexts?
Using application context for data selection - ctd
Serge Shmygelsky, November 04, 2005 - 2:46 am UTC
Sorry for the mess. Of course, it is a global context.
November 04, 2005 - 3:40 am UTC
then I would suggest you look to see if you peek at a context value over and over, eg:
for x in ( select ... )
if ( x.col = sys_context( .... ) )
and optimize that by setting a local variable equal to the context value and referencing the local variable over and over instead of calling sys_context over and over (eg: remove redundant unnecessary function calls when or if possible)
Using application context for data selection - ctd
Serge Shmygelsky, November 04, 2005 - 5:46 am UTC
Thanks. That's exactly the solution we finally came to. There is one more issue I'd like to ask you about context:
STROM@JOHN> select sys_context('csc_context', 'customer_id' ) from dual;
STROM@JOHN> select customer_id from customer_all@bscs where customer_id = sys_context('csc_context', 'customer_id');
STROM@JOHN> select customer_id from customer_all@bscs where customer_id = to_number(sys_context('csc_context', 'customer_id'));
STROM@JOHN> select customer_id from customer_all@bscs where customer_id = (select sys_context('csc_context', 'customer_id') from dual);
Is it a bug or what?
We have
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Database on the opposite end of the link is Oracle 8.1.7
November 04, 2005 - 8:48 am UTC
not a bug, it is the resolution of where the sys_context function is being called. I would bind over a database link (you are using the remote context - it is empty)
Using application context for data selection - ctd
Serge Shmygelsky, November 04, 2005 - 9:15 am UTC
Thanks. So if I understand you right, entire query is parsed on the opposite side of the DB link (in our case - 'bscs' database) and context is supposed to be queried in the same database (again 'bscs') - not in the calling database. Right?
November 04, 2005 - 5:05 pm UTC
since you were referencing all remote tables in that context and the sys_context function is 'over there', yes.
I would use binds in all distributed queries in this case. (any mixed remote/local table or remote table query)
Cleaning up global application context
Serge Shmygelsky, December 23, 2005 - 8:31 am UTC
Hello Tom,
I'm back with my questions :). I've read the entire thread and anyway I cannot understand quite clear how long the context will survive. If we never clean it up, it can happen that in some time we can have Oracle memory filled up with all these things form the context. Or it can't? What should we do to get rid of all the context variables in the memory except creating a job to check for expiration date in the context? Is there any built-in utility to do that?
Thanks in advance
December 23, 2005 - 12:39 pm UTC
there is no built in utility to do that for you are the only one that knows when the global application context is not "necessary" anymore - we sure don't.
Cleaning the context -ctd
Serge Shmygelsky, December 27, 2005 - 4:09 am UTC
Hello Tom,
Sorry for bothering you, but I still can't get what's going to happen if we never clean the context up. Will it survive, say, for a year if the database is up and running this entire year? If not - what exact application will remove it from the database and under which circumstances?
P.S. I'd like to thank you for all what you're doing and wish you Happy New Year :)
December 27, 2005 - 9:50 am UTC
it'll just stick in there until you restart. Unless and until you do something about it, we are compelled to keep it for you.
clear context with dbms_session
pasko, December 27, 2005 - 10:55 am UTC
Hi Serge ,
may be this could be of some Help:
SQL> create or replace package p
2 as
3 procedure p( p_name in varchar2, p_val in varchar2 ) ;
4 procedure clear_ctx ;
5 procedure clear_ctx_param (p_param varchar2) ;
6 end ;
7 /
Paket wurde erstellt.
SQL> create or replace package body p
2 as
3 procedure p( p_name in varchar2, p_val in varchar2 )
4 as
5 begin
6 dbms_session.set_context( 'MY_G_CTX', p_name, p_val );
7 end;
9 procedure clear_ctx
10 is
11 begin
12 dbms_session.clear_all_context( 'MY_G_CTX') ;
13 end ;
15 procedure clear_ctx_param (p_param varchar2 )
16 is
17 begin
18 dbms_session.clear_context(namespace =>'MY_G_CTX', attribute => p_param ) ;
19 end ;
21 end p ;
22 /
Paketrumpf wurde erstellt.
SQL> exec p.p('param1','val1') ;
PL/SQL-Prozedur wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
SQL> exec p.p('param2','val2') ;
PL/SQL-Prozedur wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
SQL> select namespace , attribute , value from global_context ;
------------------------------- ------------------------------
SQL> exec p.clear_ctx_param('PARAM1') ;
PL/SQL-Prozedur wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
SQL> select namespace , attribute , value from global_context ;
------------------------------- -------------------------------
SQL> exec p.clear_ctx ;
PL/SQL-Prozedur wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
SQL> select namespace , attribute , value from global_context ;
Es wurden keine Zeilen ausgewõhlt
Context Usage
Sujith Wimalasooriya, February 08, 2006 - 3:06 pm UTC
Hi Tom,
I am trying to use Application Context to store some session parameters and
I am getting the below error(At the end of the script).
Here is what I do,
--Logon as sys and run
grant execute on dbms_session to scott;
grant create any context to scott;
--Create the procedure as scott
create or replace procedure set_bom_ctx(component_level_ in number, bom_id_ in number)
dbms_session.set_context('BOM_ID', component_level_, bom_id_);
--Logon as scott and run
create context bom_ctx using set_bom_ctx accessed globally;
When I try to set the context using,(Still Logged on as SCOTT)
exec set_bom_ctx(0, 500);
I get this error..
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SESSION", line 90
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.SET_BOM_CTX", line 4
ORA-06512: at line 1
What else I am missing here??
Thanks and Appreciate your help..
February 09, 2006 - 4:56 am UTC
you created BOM_CTX
you are trying to set BOM_ID
BOM_ID should be BOM_CTX
Context Usage
Sujith Wimalasooriya, February 09, 2006 - 11:46 am UTC
Thanks a lot...
No words to appreciate your help...
Putting it together
RP, March 14, 2006 - 1:59 pm UTC
Hi Tom,
in my typical 3-tier web app i want to audit the user logged on. I have decided to go against general convention and follow your advice. I have REAL DB ACCCOUNTS!! This is so i can take advantage of vpd later.
My question is that i need to get the ip address of the browser. By default, SYS_CONTEXT('userenv','ip_address') is only going to give me the ip address of the java middle tier machine. Fortunately, I have access to the browser ip in java and was trying to work out how i can pass it to a db procedure that reads it and sets the application context with it.
Also, not sure if i should create my own application context namespace or use userenv.
DO you have an example showing how i can pass it in securely? I am using 9i.
March 15, 2006 - 9:23 am UTC
your middle tier is going to have to pass that along.
You could pass it along "securely" using ntier proxy authentication. you might search for that term here to read a bit about that.
RP, March 16, 2006 - 2:52 am UTC
Let me give you some more info on my current design:
1. Java web app asks for username/password.
2. These credentials are used to create a database connection and (if successful) a stored proc is called returning a list of roles this user has.
3. The connection is then closed (but i use OCI connection pooling so its not an issue perfromance wise).
4. The java client uses the list of roles to create an authentication object which can be used by the java layer for security control.
5. When the user (say) calls 'Add Account' the authentication object is queried for the username/password, a connection to the db is established and the relevent proc called. On successful completion, the connection is closed.
I think this model is a good compromise between java and db. No more 'one big app user' and reinvention of security wheels.
Just need to be able to pass the users ip address to the db (other than by adding it to every proc call) becuase i have some hairy security policies to implement based on who and where (more on that later!).
All the examples, I have seen using an app context to set values use a proc with no parameters. I guess thats becuase the proc is called for you so you don't get the chance to pass in values.
How can i set values in the app context (perhaps i can do this in my authentication proc?) with/without proxy authentication?
Examples were a bit thin on the ground....
March 16, 2006 - 11:38 am UTC
3) how so? you created a connection using their credentials - those credentials were not associated with the connect before.
what examples have you ever seen that use a procedure with "no parameters"? Most all of the ones I've done myself have them - but anyway - you know how to pass parameters from CLIENT (app server) to DATABASE - just do that.
Usage of NULL client identifier
Jose, October 26, 2006 - 10:34 am UTC
Hi TOM, in our application we have certain information that is private to the middle-tier user (client-identifier) but we also have information that needs to be available to all middle-tier users. However we do not want this really global information to be available on full backups or after bouncing the DB, so regular tables are not really an option.
I am confuse whether it is possible to use a client-identifier value of NULL when setting a value in a global context to make the value visible irrespective of the client-identifier when calling set_context().
I have also seen code that queries directly the globalContext view in SYS. Does this violates in any way the CONTEXT visibility rules?
Are there any differences in behaviour between 9i and 10g on this respect?
October 26, 2006 - 12:14 pm UTC
you would use a global application context and just not set the user (unless all mid tier sessions use the same user)
not sure what you mean by "violated" the context visibility rules? If you are allowed to see the context values, you are allowed, if not, you won't see it (eg: if you think something is being done wrong, by all means set up a test case and show us)
End-to-End Metrics
John Bossert, May 29, 2007 - 4:18 pm UTC
May 30, 2007 - 11:08 am UTC
1) not sure you can compare apples and toaster ovens. I don't see how to compare these two concepts??? they achieve very different things.
2) depends on how you write the code. anywhere from one total to N round trips.
Solomon, January 15, 2008 - 11:41 am UTC
Tom, thanks a lot for this site.
My issue is that the context (not global) I created is getting dropped/disables internittantly. Every now and then I have to recreate this context using the CREATE or REPLACE statement.
Could you please tell me when this might happen.
January 15, 2008 - 3:35 pm UTC
because someone is dropping it.
Enable auditing
Using global context as application parameters
Louis, January 16, 2008 - 10:22 am UTC
In our applications, we have a 1 row table containing various parameters. Some of them are widely used (millions of times a day) so there is contention on that table. These parameters are only updated 3 times a year. I am thinking of setting a globally accessed context (accessible to all users) that would be initialized at database startup and updated in a trigger on the table. That way, users would "select sys_context ..." instead of "select x, y from param_table".
Do you think it would be a good use of context ?
January 16, 2008 - 4:01 pm UTC
and hopefully they would select this only once in a long while (eg: package up the parameters into a bit of code, and don't query them out everytime). but yes (heck, before going to the context, just try implementing this idea - wrap em in a nice getter routine that doesn't require constant requery)
note: in 11g, you'll use the client result cache and it'll save the results in the client and not re-query them over and over (eg: solves the problem) and ensure that the current values are used (database notifies client of changes so client re-queries them next time)
Using global context as application parameters
Louis, January 17, 2008 - 10:26 am UTC
Hi Tom,
Do I understand well if I say that:
- it costs less to access a context than to access a
table (more scalable)
- it's even better to access a package variable
With that in mind, I have to tell you that the application is a web application (mod_plsql with AS10g). Each time a user access a page (100000s of times a day), I have to make sure that we have the current value of the parameter. So the scenario could be:
- In AS, there's a "before execute procedure" defined in the DAD. In that procedure, I would access the context to set a package variable with the current value of the parameter. Then, the application would access the package variable.
Does it make sense ?
January 17, 2008 - 11:24 am UTC
a) you'll still be accessing a table - dual or fast dual
b) absolutely NOT, it is entirely different. if you can use a package variable - USE IT. do not use a context in place of that.
I like the last paragraph, that would be a good idea.
Clearing context
David, June 27, 2008 - 7:56 am UTC
Hi Tom,
First of all, thanks for your efforts.
I'm using your approach but I have a doubt, I want to get all the client ids in my context in order to clear some of them.
I can do that by querying v$globalcontext, but I can´t do it from a stored procedure, it doesn't compile.
What can I do to remove the contents for some client ids?
Thanks tom
June 27, 2008 - 9:24 am UTC
application context
A reader, May 15, 2009 - 4:35 pm UTC
This is my only question this week.
Can this problem be resolved by using an application context or not?
I have an after update or delete trigger for auditing several changes in several production tables.
Audit data is saved into this table.
( seq number(10),
aud_date date,
aud_time varchar2(12),
who varchar2(30),
ip_address varchar2(30),
terminal varchar2(30),
op varchar(6),
pkey varchar2(30),
tname varchar2(30),
cname varchar2(30),
old varchar2(2000),
new varchar2(2000)
The tables that are audited are begin updated/deleted in 3 ways:
1. Using web application (mod_plsq) using aplication user accounts
2. using TOAD, WINSQL, SQL NAVIGATOR, etc. using a database account
3. Using a power builder client/serve application that uses application user accounts
My question to you is how to best capture the "WHO" or "userid" for person who did the DML in the three cases.
Some table do have "last_modified_by" and some do not. Trigger can only access the OLD and NEW values of the ROW. If the column is not getting updated or table does not have it i can't get it. Also on deletes the "OLD.USERID" would not have the userid that deleted the record.
I was looking into DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO but that saves the client identifier in V$SESSION. IT will only work for client server application where SESSION ID does not change.
When i tested the Stored procedure on the web, every call was giving me a different session id so if i am correct I cant set it after user log in and read it back when the update (diff stored procedure) occurs.
For ip address tracking i did this. Do you think i can capture the application userid in similar fashion.
IF owa.num_cgi_vars > 0 THEN
lvIPAddress := owa_util.get_cgi_env(param_name => 'REMOTE_ADDR');
May 23, 2009 - 10:44 am UTC
do you understand what REMOTE_ADDR is?
do you understand that I can make it be whatever I want?
if you understand that REMOTE_ADDR is easily set by any client, that the user of a proxy server would affect it's value, that anyone with 30 seconds and access to google could figure out how to change it....
then you can certainly use it - just be aware it is not very useful, that is all.
IF your application does not identify the client to the database
your database will have no clue whatsoever whom the client is
END /* the truth, nothing but the truth */
Can you use cookies or a hidden field you pass from screen to screen to identify YOUR concept of a session? Yes (use SSL or the answer becomes "of course not")
Would you be able to tell WHO was using the session? Of course not, not unless and until the application thinks you are important enough to know that.
A reader, May 24, 2009 - 7:09 pm UTC
Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your vacation last week.
Yes i know that REMOTE_ADDR is the gateway/proxy server that was sent with the http header.
And yes i know you can change that. However, the average user does not do that.
You can capture it -- using oracle environment setting but it does not mean it is 100% reliable.
also, you can tamper with cookies. But why use cookies (store a text file on client with user info) instead of using application context (data for session./user stored in oracle memory).
to me these 3 things sound to do the same function:
1) application context (setting for user info in memory)
2) cookies (text file on client for user info)
3) database table (table to store user info)
My question is on HOW best to have the trigger capture the userid that deleted or updated the record?
(application context, session context, pass variable to trigger, etc.)
I did manage to pass the userid to the UPDATE_EMP procedure and then passed the (p_userid) to a trigger using this concept. is there an issue with this
newRows tmpArray;
empty tmpArray;
This creates the package tmp_pk with TYPE table which stores the variable value that will be retrive from the trigger
emp_id NUMBER(6),
emp_name VARCHAR2(32),
salary NUMBER(8),
CONSTRAINT emp_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (emp_id)
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1, 'JOHN', '15000');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (2, 'JAMES', '12000');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (3, 'KING', '14000');
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (4, 'KATE', '18000');
log_id NUMBER(6),
updated_date DATE,
previous_value VARCHAR2(32),
new_value VARCHAR2(32),
updated_by VARCHAR2(32),
CONSTRAINT log_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (log_id)
v_log_id NUMBER(6);
SELECT NVL(MAX(log_id), 0)+1
INTO v_log_id
VALUES (v_log_id, SYSDATE, :OLD.salary, :NEW.salary, tmp_pkg.newRows(1));
tmp_pkg.newrows := tmp_pkg.empty;
tmp_pkg.newRows(1) := updated_by;
SET salary = sal
WHERE emp_id = eid;
SQL> EXEC update_emp(1, 18000, 'SMITH');
PL/SQL PROCEDURE successfully completed.
---------- --------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------
1 03-APR-07 15000 18000 SMITH
May 26, 2009 - 8:54 am UTC
vacation? not really. I was giving a seminar and customer visits all week.
... However, the average user does not do that.
I am never worried about the average user, why even bother auditing if you only have average users, if you have just average users - why even bother having any semblance of security.
Sam - you ask the same things of me over and over and I keep saying the same things over and over.
... also, you can tamper with cookies. But why use cookies (store a text file on
client with user info) instead of using application context (data for
session./user stored in oracle memory).
cookies used in this fashion would not be stored on the client - who said to do that? where do you see that? You do know about cookies and how they can work right???
Tell me sam - this magic application context - ummm, how do you associate it with a browser session?????? (hint: cookie, hint 2: hidden data in a form)
environments like APEX automate this for you AND provide the ability to make the cookie/hidden data tamper proof (hint: it takes a little thought, a little design, but - could you not think of a way to encode data such that it is tamper proof - eg: the cookie itself is encrypted for example. If you tamper with it - well - ummm - ok, so what? you cannot send me correctly encrypted data, you do not know my key)
to me these 3 things sound to do the same function:
1) application context (setting for user info in memory)
2) cookies (text file on client for user info)
3) database table (table to store user info)
you do not understand them then.
first, a cookie is not at all what you describe - could it be stored permanently? sure. Would you even consider using that sort of cookie to identify a session? Never, nope, not a chance.
You need to have the web browser send something back and forth between itself and the application server - so that the application server can identify WHO the client is (remote_addr - YOU CANNOT USE IT - PERIOD. I use a proxy server, others use the same proxy server - we'd all look to be the SAME EXACT PERSON)
To answer your question:
My question is on HOW best to have the trigger capture the userid that deleted
or updated the record?
(which I've actually done before, on other pages, saying pretty much the same thing - you've been working on this for like a year now....)
You need to
a) be able to identify the 'session' of the user from page to page reliably in your database code AND have the application initiate this 'session' (so you KNOW who the user is)
b) be able to have the application PUSH the client identity down into the database with each and every page, each and every time. The application would need to therefore do (a) as well.
Sam - I suggest you just use APEX, it automates all of this for you. It'll give you a session state and the ability to reliably identify the user - without you having to guess as to how things might work
applicatin context
A reader, May 29, 2009 - 7:12 pm UTC
This is an old application that i cant just rewrite into apex (alo do not have it yet).
I do both what you said.
Create a session id (unique identifier) and pass it from page to page for session management.
But still this does not push it to the trigger since you cant pass variables. I used the method above using temporary array. Is this acceptable?
Also why do you say tha session cookies cant be used to identify the user?
Session management can be done using either method:
1. db table
2. application context
3. session cookie
4. passing session id from page to page.
After a user logs in you create a session cookie (sessionid, username, etc) and everytime a user submits a page it is read instead of passing his name from page to page.
I assume the application context = session cookie. You set an application context for session id and username and read the information from it on other pages using session id.
June 01, 2009 - 7:41 pm UTC
... But still this does not push it to the trigger since you cant pass variables. I ...
SMK - Sam - whatever you want to call yourself. After a long long time of using Oracle, you still do not "get Oracle"
do me a favor - read your subject, just read the subject of this review. Read it - and say it out loud. Might you - after saying it out loud, figure out AT LEAST one way to get a variable to a trigger? (I can think of a couple of others - but after you read your own subject - might you find at least ONE way???)
... Also why do you say tha session cookies cant be used to identify the user? ...
where did I EVER SAY THAT. I've been saying - well - EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. Give me a break (please)
turned around to you - you tell US why an encrypted cookie passed over SSL could not be. You tell US. We've told you how to identify a session, you don't believe it - so tell us where the flaw in our plan is.
a) you generate a unique, unguessable id for the session (eg: sys_guid() would do that)
b) you encrypt the id
c) you send it back and forth over SSL to the client via a cookie or hidden field.
... I assume the application context = session cookie. ...
that shows you do not have the knowledge to update the application you are working on - please - get some help where you are.
A reader, June 01, 2009 - 10:08 pm UTC
sorry, I think you are missing my point.
This is where I interpreted you saying a cookie cant be used to identify a user.
<<first, a cookie is not at all what you describe - could it be stored permanently? sure. Would you even consider using that sort of cookie to identify a session? Never, nope, not a chance. >>
What i meant to say is that these 3 different implementations can be used to identify the user:
1) session cookie (session id, user name, etc)
2) application context (session id, user name ,etc)
3) database table (Session id, user name ,etc)
I did not mean to say that application context is same as session cookie. One uses a text file to store data and another uses an area in oracle memory.
June 02, 2009 - 7:26 am UTC
first, I'm not missing your point, you are saying things that are not true at all - you have misconceptions about things and how they work - that is your point.
How - HOW could you interpret a factual description of a cookie as meaning "cookies cannot be used to identify people"???!?!?!?!?!?!? How could you ? Give me the logic behind that.
cookies may be either
a) session based, they live for the life of the browser session, they NEVER EVER MAKE IT INTO A FILE on the client
b) persistent, they live until they expire or forever. The browser saves them in a file on the client and reads that file to load them up every time the browser starts.
Now, would you use (b) to identify a session???? NO, you would not, it would not be "smart"
does saying you would not use (b) to identify a session imply, infer - even remotely (I cannot find any way to read that sentence and come to the 'conclusion' you did) that you cannot use a cookie to identify a session???????? NO, it does not.
please - tell us how (2) and (3) in your list above could be used to identify a session.
... I did not mean to say that application context is same as session cookie. One
uses a text file to store data and another uses an area in oracle memory. ...
a) why did you say it?
b) cookies do not have to use files, they can, but they do not have to and you would never use a cookie that persists like that in a file to identify something as transient as a session.
Tell me please - how can an application context by itself (or a database table by itself, or even an application context PLUS a database table together) identify a session
just answer that - don't say anything else - just tell use how an application context can identify a session - no cookies, no hidden fields, just an application context.
Problem with 10g XE and sys_context?
chandini paterson, June 10, 2009 - 5:37 am UTC
I was trying out your example and I seem to have hit a problem. Please see below
SQL> connect chand/chand
SQL> create or replace package mypkg
2 as
3 procedure set_session_id(p_session_id in number);
4 procedure set_context(p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2);
5 procedure close_session(p_session_id in number);
6 end;
7 /
Package created.
SQL> create or replace package body mypkg
2 as
3 g_session_id number;
5 procedure set_session_id(p_session_id in number)
6 is
7 begin
8 g_session_id := p_session_id;
9 dbms_session.set_identifier(p_session_id);
10 end;
12 procedure set_context(p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2)
13 is
14 begin
15 dbms_session.set_context('myctx', p_name, p_value);
16 end;
19 procedure close_session(p_session_id in number)
20 is
21 begin
22 dbms_session.set_identifier(p_session_id);
23 dbms_session.clear_identifier;
24 end ;
25 end;
26 /
Package body created.
SQL> create context myctx using mypkg accessed globally;
Context created.
SQL> exec mypkg.set_session_id(1234);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec mypkg.set_context('var1', 'session1');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec mypkg.set_context('var2', 'session1');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> column namespace format a10
SQL> column attribute format a10
SQL> column value format a10
SQL> select substr(namespace, 1, 6) namespace,
2 substr(attribute, 1, 6) attribute,
3 substr(value,1, 10) value
4 from global_context;
---------- ---------- ----------
MYCTX VAR1 session1
MYCTX VAR2 session1
SQL> select sys_context('myctx', 'var1') from dual;
SQL> disconnect
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Produ
SQL> connect chand/chand
SQL> l
1 select substr(namespace, 1, 6) namespace,
2 substr(attribute, 1, 6) attribute,
3 substr(value,1, 10) value
4* from global_context
SQL> /
---------- ---------- ----------
MYCTX VAR1 session1
MYCTX VAR2 session1
SQL> select sys_context('myctx', 'var1') from dual;
The user who initially created the session can't see the values on calling sys_context. But when I reconnect I can then see the value. Do you know what could be happening here?
thank you ,
June 10, 2009 - 12:54 pm UTC
your code is very very different from my code, please review - you are missing a couple of parameters in the set context call.
chandini, June 11, 2009 - 1:03 am UTC
My bad. Sorry for wasting your precious time. Jeez, next time I review what I do properly, before I jump in!
thank you,
Getting inconsistent results using global app ctx
Ralph, September 17, 2010 - 9:31 am UTC
I am writing a web application. One of the features is that theÂ
transactions of one user can cause an alert to be raised to another connectedÂ
This other user's session is polling the database every n seconds toÂ
see whether or not there is an alert for them.Â
The application makes use of global application contexts to storeÂ
information relevent to a users session.Â
Included in this context is a flag which denotes whether or not thereÂ
is an alert for that user (which makes the polling calls extremelyÂ
light weight)Â
In order to set that flag the user causing the alert spoofs into theÂ
other users context and sets the flag. This works a treat.Â
The problem I have comes with the polling routine clearing the alertÂ
flag once it has been set and read as such.Â
The check alert function looks like this...Â
     FUNCTION check_alert return varchar2Â
         i_am constant varchar2(128) := 'fe.check_alert';Â
       ret_val varchar2(1);Â
         ret_val := nvl(sysadmin_ctx.ctx_pkg.get_ctx(p_attr => 'alert_flag'),'N');Â
         if ret_val = 'Y' thenÂ
             -- clear alert flagÂ
             sys_utl.log(p_level => 'DEBUG', p_module => i_am, p_message => 'Alert flag was Y. Clearing flag.');Â
             sysadmin_ctx.ctx_pkg.set_ctx(p_attr => 'alert_flag',  p_value => 'N');Â
             sys_utl.log(p_level => 'DEBUG', p_module => i_am, p_message =>Â
'Cleared flag. value now :'||nvl(sysadmin_ctx.ctx_pkg.get_ctx(p_attrÂ
=> 'alert_flag'),'N'));Â
         end if;Â
         return ret_val;Â
             when OTHERS thenÂ
                 sys_utl.err_and_stop (p_module => i_am ,p_sqlcode => sqlcode,Â
p_errstack => dbms_utility.format_error_stack, p_backtrace =>Â
     END check_alert;
The relevent parts of the ctx_pkg are standard and look like this.
         PROCEDURE set_ctx(p_attr IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2)Â
           namespace  => 'custom_ctx',Â
           attribute  => p_attr,Â
           value    => p_value,Â
           username  => USER, -- Retrieves the session user, will alwaysÂ
be same for web usersÂ
           client_id  => session_id_global);Â
          END set_ctx;Â
          FUNCTION get_ctx (p_attr varchar2) return varchar2Â
          end get_ctx;
Now what is interesting is the resulting debug messages. They lookÂ
like this...most of the time...Â
15-SEP-2010 14:02:21 22    fe.check_alert          DEBUGÂ
Alert flag was Y. Clearing flag.Â
15-SEP-2010 14:02:21 22    fe.check_alert          DEBUGÂ
Cleared flag. value now :Y
Occasionally it works and they look like this...which is what i'dÂ
15-SEP-2010 13:37:11 22    fe.check_alert          DEBUGÂ
Alert flag was Y. Clearing flag.Â
15-SEP-2010 13:37:11 22    fe.check_alert          DEBUGÂ
Cleared flag. value now :N
Now I am stumped as to what is going on. Though you do mention in one response that context variables were really intended to be set once and read often...and wonder if I am falling foul of this...Â
September 17, 2010 - 12:58 pm UTC
... This other user's session is polling the database every n seconds to
see whether or not there is an alert for them.
why aren't you use dbms_alert?
You don't seem to be setting your session_id as far as I can see, your sys_context call would use your last setting - where as you dbms_session.set_context would be setting in it SOME SPECIFIC session.
give a FULL example that is TINY - teeny teeny tiny - fits on the screen here. Probably - by doing that - you'll find your issue.
Application Context in Triggers
Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal, December 08, 2010 - 2:24 am UTC
rajesh@10GR2> create table t(x number);
Table created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
rajesh@10GR2> create table t_aud(x number,y varchar2(10));
Table created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
rajesh@10GR2> create or replace context cms_context using prc_test;
Context created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
rajesh@10GR2> create or replace procedure prc_test(p_user in varchar2 default user)
2 as
3 begin
4 dbms_session.set_context('cms_context','cms_user',p_user);
5 insert into t values (1);
6 commit;
7 dbms_session.set_context('cms_context','cms_user',NULL);
8 end;
9 /
Procedure created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.17
rajesh@10GR2> create or replace trigger t_trig
2 before insert or update on T
3 for each row
4 begin
5 insert into t_aud(x,y) values (:new.x,sys_context('cms_context','cms_user'));
6 end;
7 /
Trigger created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
rajesh@10GR2> exec prc_test('TEST_USER');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
rajesh@10GR2> select * from t;
Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
rajesh@10GR2> select * from t_aud;
---------- ----------
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
I have a requirement where the value of a Input parameters from Stored Procedure has to be Placed in a column available in an Audit table, which is inserted by a Trigger. Does the code highlighted above is a Best approach or We have any specific feature in Oracle 10g database to handle this?
December 08, 2010 - 9:38 am UTC
(i've mentioned this before, posting a ton of code followed by a question - that doesn't really even need the code - is something you should avoid.)
Your approach works, yes, it is fine.
consistency of global context
A reader, November 28, 2011 - 3:59 pm UTC
hi tom, we are using gc in our app to get the where predicate of a table (through policy) for specific client_id, a row in gv$globalcontext is : GC_NAME, TABLE_NAME, SOME_WHERE_PREDICATE , NULL (username), client_id. when the user select a table we return in the policy function the where that return from sys_context(GC_NAME,TABLE_NAME).
In the middle of the day some predicate for some users could change so we decide that every hour we run a job that would refresh the gc for users that are stale for more than 3 hour (we have attribute of the last refresh in the gc) so the job would select the updated predicate from specific table that has them and then update the gc for the specific client_id.
my problem : i run dbms_session.clear_context for the client_id before i would refresh the gc predicates, so there is a small period when there is nothing in the gc for a specific client_id and when he would the select the table he would see all of it, how would i solve it? (there is no transaction in updating the gc)
November 29, 2011 - 7:54 am UTC
in your policy function, have it check for a null policy and loop (with a small sleep) until it gets a non-null policy.
or - just don't clear the predicate, just set the new one in there - so there is always a predicate.
reply for the above answer
A reader, November 29, 2011 - 11:53 am UTC
thanks for the answer but you're 2 proposals still don't solve my issue completely because:
proposal 1 - a) we change our policy from dynamic to context_sensitive policy because we have performance problems, so loop would only help in the first time.
b) we have several tables in the gc which should have policy and not all the users have where predicate in all the tables, some can have 1 or 2 table without a where, so comparing to null don't necessarily indicate that a refresh in going on.
proposal 2 - i have to clear the other tables predicates before i calculate the new predicate again because it can be that a user has where predicate for table "emp" and then we decide that from now he will not has a where predicate and can see all the table data.
i have dedicated many time on thinking of how to solve this issue, i would very appreciate your help.
November 30, 2011 - 7:05 am UTC
both proposals solved the stated problem, if you don't state something....
Sounds like you might have to use dbms_lock to create a critical section.
All of the policy 'getters' would
a) get a named lock in shared mode
b) access the context
c) release the named lock
Any policy setter would
a) get that named lock in exclusive mode
b) set the context
c) release the named lock
A reader, November 30, 2011 - 4:32 pm UTC
just what i needed:)
Just to enrich my knowledge, workspace feature would also be the answer to this problem?
(i could to my changes in specific workspace and then merge the changes)
December 01, 2011 - 7:47 am UTC
what problem? I'm not sure what you are talking about?
what problem
A reader, December 01, 2011 - 12:38 pm UTC
i'm talking about the problem of the "reader" with the title "consistency of global context", 3 reviews backward from this.
December 06, 2011 - 10:44 am UTC
no, it would not apply at all. How did you see it fitting in? they are talking about a global application context being used to set a predicate on a set of queries - not updating any data in any table.
and in the future, state the problem as if it were your own - build the context around the question - make it clear what you are asking. Most of the pages here are "big", with lots of random thoughts.
Can't get it to work with username parameter
Dhruva, March 01, 2012 - 1:53 pm UTC
Hi Tom, we have a web application running on a weblogic server which connects to the database using a single user. Front end usernames are real database users which are then proxy authenticated when performing transactions in the database.
We want to build a facility where a user ticks a checkbox on the front end, which will set a debug flag on the database for the specific user. Any subsequent calls to the database by that user (which may all be in different sessions) will then use this flag to determine whether to log debug messages or not.
I tried out this, firstly without proxy connection, for ease of understanding.
Here is the code, I have only included the output from the last few relevant lines, but I am can't get to set application context values specific to a user.
Is my understanding incorrect? Can I not set application contexts by a user across their multiple sessions if I provide the username parameter in dbms_session.set_context? According to David Knox, "In the next example, the username parameter is passed to the SET_CONTEXT procedure. The desired effect is to make the attribute value sharable across all sessions for the same schema."
Any help much appreciated.
--This is the main application user
CONNECT appuser/appuser
namespace => 'debug_context',
attribute => 'debug_yn',
value => p_debug, --incoming parameter
username => USER);
--Creating a real database user
GRANT EXECUTE ON set_debug TO user1;
--Creating one more real database user
GRANT EXECUTE ON set_debug TO user2;
COL debug_yn FORMAT A10
CONN user1/user1
--Checking if debug has been set to Y for user1
SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context','debug_yn') debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
--It has
--Connecting as user2 and setting debug to N
CONN user2/user2
--Checking if debug has been set to N for user2
SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context','debug_yn') debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
--It has
CONN user1/user1
--Checking if debug is still Y for user1
SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context','debug_yn') debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
--It is not!
CONN user2/user2
--Checking if debug is still N for user2
SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context','debug_yn') debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
--It is
March 01, 2012 - 2:33 pm UTC
the global application context will be only visible to one user at a time using this technique.
here is an approach you can use instead
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE set_debug (p_debug VARCHAR2) AS
4 namespace => 'debug_context',
5 attribute => user,
6 value => p_debug );
7 END;
8 /
Procedure created.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> CREATE or replace CONTEXT debug_context USING set_debug ACCESSED GLOBALLY;
Context created.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> CREATE USER user1 IDENTIFIED BY user1;
User created.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> GRANT CREATE SESSION TO user1;
Grant succeeded.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> GRANT EXECUTE ON set_debug TO user1;
Grant succeeded.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> CREATE USER user2 IDENTIFIED BY user2;
User created.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> GRANT CREATE SESSION TO user2;
Grant succeeded.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> GRANT EXECUTE ON set_debug TO user2;
Grant succeeded.
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> CONN user1/user1
user1%ORA11GR2> exec ops$tkyte.set_debug('Y');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
user1%ORA11GR2> SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context',user) debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
user1%ORA11GR2> CONN user2/user2
user2%ORA11GR2> exec ops$tkyte.set_debug('N');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
user2%ORA11GR2> SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context',user) debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
user2%ORA11GR2> CONN user1/user1
user1%ORA11GR2> SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context',user) debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
user1%ORA11GR2> CONN user2/user2
user2%ORA11GR2> SELECT USER, SYS_CONTEXT('debug_context',user) debug_yn FROM DUAL;
---------- ----------
Dhruva, March 01, 2012 - 4:22 pm UTC
Ah, I see what you've done, you have created a unique attribute for each user which only they can set/get.
It works fine with proxy authenticated users as well, but with the caveat that I can only create one attribute.
So if I have to, let's say, switch debug on/off and also set the level of debug (detailed/summary,etc.), then I'll probably need to concatenate the values with a delimiter, unless Mr Tom can come up with a clever idea (as he usually always does)!
March 02, 2012 - 5:32 am UTC
ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE set_something( p_what in varchar2, p_val in varchar2 ) AS
4 namespace => 'debug_context',
5 attribute => user || '_' || p_what,
6 value => p_val );
7 END;
8 /
Sokrates, March 02, 2012 - 7:21 am UTC
when you have users with '_' in there name ( not forbidden )
better than
5 attribute => user || '_' || p_what,
would probably be
5 attribute => user || chr(0) || p_what,
5 attribute => user || '"' || p_what,
because it is not allowed that \0 or " is part of a username:
.. neither quoted nor nonquoted identifiers can contain double quotation marks or the null character (\0).
March 02, 2012 - 8:13 am UTC
good point.
use " - chr(0) would be a bad idea, it can drive some programming languages nuts.
global context and policy context sensitive
yair, March 27, 2012 - 4:45 am UTC
hi tom, we are using gc in our app to get the where predicate of a table (through policy) for
specific client_id, a row in gv$globalcontext is : GC_NAME, TABLE_NAME, SOME_WHERE_PREDICATE , NULL (username), client_id. when the user select a table we return in the policy function the where that return from sys_context(GC_NAME,TABLE_NAME).
the policy is context sensitive.
My problem:
when a conn is pooled we set the client_id, that way it has specific where predicate(for the curr client_id) of table in
then the session exec proc_a which has select from tab_a (which has policy predicate on it)
until here everything is ok.
next we change the client_id to null so the session wouldn't has policy's predicate.
the session exec proc_a and the select fails (because the policy didn't invoke),
you know why the policy didn't invoke?
when i change session_cursor_cache to 0 before setting the client_id to null the policy was executed and the problem was solved.
how can i solve this problem in more elegant way?
tell me if this info isn't enough.
March 27, 2012 - 8:17 am UTC
look at the other place you posted this same exact thing.
no example
no look
yair, March 27, 2012 - 10:24 am UTC
sorry, you're right
here is my example :
drop user dubi cascade;
grant dba to dubi;
create table dubi.emp (id number);
insert into dubi.emp values(2);
insert into dubi.emp values(1);
CREATE or replace PACKAGE dubi.shubi
FUNCTION policy_func (object_schema IN VARCHAR2, object_name VARCHAR2) RETURN varchar2;
PROCEDURE set_cid(c varchar2);
END shubi;
FUNCTION policy_func (object_schema IN VARCHAR2, object_name VARCHAR2)
RETURN varchar2 IS
return sys_context('G_C','EMP');
PROCEDURE set_cid(c varchar2)
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'EMP',
value => 'id = sys_context(''G_C'',''ID1'')',
client_id => '1');
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'ID1',
value => '1',
client_id => '1');
END shubi;
END mosh;
l_id number;
select id
into l_id
from emp
where rownum=1;
END mosh;
grant execute on dbms_session to dubi;
drop context g_c;
create context g_c using dubi.shubi accessed globally;
dbms_rls.add_policy(object_schema => 'dubi',
object_name => 'emp',
policy_name => 'emp_policy',
function_schema =>'dubi',
policy_function => 'shubi.policy_func',
policy_type => dbms_rls.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE);
conn dubi/abcd
exec mosh.sel;
exec mosh.sel;
here i got an error and i shouldn't, because i have no value in "SYS_CONTEXT('G_C','EMP')" for client_id=null
so i need to see all the table.
March 27, 2012 - 11:38 am UTC
where did you change a context value?
set_cid changes the sessions identifier, but I don't see a context being touched?
you call init, changed context
you call set_cid - does NOT touch the context
you call sel - get parsed
you call set_cid - does NOT touch the context
you call sel - no need to reparse, no context has been touched.
maybe you mean for set_cid to modify a context in addition to changing the session id?
change context
yair, March 28, 2012 - 4:48 am UTC
hi tom,
if as yuo say, how do explain that when i run this code
it's working:
conn dubi/abcd
select * from emp;
select * from emp;
why in pl\sql it's not working.
and even if change context in set_cid i get the same error,
here is the cahnge in the package body:
FUNCTION policy_func (object_schema IN VARCHAR2, object_name VARCHAR2)
RETURN varchar2 IS
return sys_context('G_C','EMP');
PROCEDURE set_cid(c varchar2)
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'TODAY',
value => sysdate,
client_id => c);
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'EMP',
value => 'id = sys_context(''G_C'',''ID1'')',
client_id => '1');
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'ID1',
value => '1',
client_id => '1');
END shubi;
exec mosh.sel;
exec mosh.sel;
get the same error..
March 28, 2012 - 9:11 am UTC
because plsql is caching cursors open and sqlplus does not. sqlplus always parses.
please, think about this, you asked the policy to be context sensitive and you are wondering why it isn't changing the policy of a cached cursor - when you never change the context????
you have to change the context for a context sensitive policy to invalidate cached cursors that are relying on the context!
how can i change the context?
yair, March 28, 2012 - 9:52 am UTC
i put this code (in the proc set_cid):
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'TODAY',
value => sysdate,
client_id => c);
and it still didn't help..
so what should i do to tell oracle that i change the context?
March 28, 2012 - 10:35 am UTC
I think you'll have to make your policy the default - dynamic - you aren't changing the context that your policy is using.
use dynamic and that'll cause it to evaluate your policy function for each executing.
change context
yair, March 28, 2012 - 11:46 am UTC
we change it from dynamic to sensitive because we have performance problems.. we don't won't to go back.
why do you say "you aren't changing the context that your policy is using"?
this is my policy and my context:
create context g_c using dubi.shubi accessed globally;
dbms_rls.add_policy(object_schema => 'dubi',
object_name => 'emp',
policy_name => 'emp_policy',
function_schema =>'dubi',
policy_function => 'shubi.policy_func',
policy_type => dbms_rls.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE);
and i exec (in set_cid) :
namespace => 'G_C',
attribute => 'TODAY',
value => sysdate,
client_id => c);
and my function policy return:
so i am changing the context that my policy is using...
March 28, 2012 - 12:13 pm UTC
you didn't change any attributes relevant to the problem. but regardless - you need the policy function to get involved for each execution since the predicate can and will change from execution to execution. the context_sensitive will just cache the where clause returned by the function, but you need to get the function involved.
dynamic is going to be what you need in this case.
or you need to reset your session state upon making your change, that'll unload all plsql packages, session state, close all cursors, etc.
if your policy function was just a "return this string", what sort of overhead are you seeing?
yair, March 29, 2012 - 3:01 am UTC
the policy is on 3 main tables in our system.
so when it was dynamic we have 3 million execution
and when it was sensitive we have 1/2 million,
thus the parsing process was longer then with context sensitive.
what attribute should change to tell oracle to exec the policy func again? i have tried everything and didn't find something that will cause the policy func to exec again.
March 29, 2012 - 7:00 am UTC
it'll have to be dynamic, as stated.
the way to get the policy function executed again is... to make the statement parse again.