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Question and Answer

Tom Kyte

Thanks for the question, A.

Asked: March 29, 2002 - 12:39 am UTC

Last updated: January 06, 2011 - 8:21 am UTC

Version: 8.1.6

Viewed 1000+ times

You Asked

How can I find the Vacant Key in the column?
Say I have table Customer{Key,Name}
Now in the above list I should get the 3 as the Vacant Key(min).
So, If a new customer comes I can assign that key.

How can we do in the SQL Query.. Not using PL/SQL.

Extending my Question,

I.Suppose I have customers with Keys(System generated)
Key Name
1 Jones
2 Smith
3 Walton
4 Jane
5 Coddington
6 Stone

II.Now The Customers 3,5 are deleted. Now the New Data would be.

Key Name
1 Jones
2 Smith

4 Jane

6 Stone

III. If any new customer comes. Then Instead of assigning 7, I want to assign a number 3 to that customer. So, To identify the vacant key, I have written a Code in java already. But I need it to be done in SQL Query.

Actually why I need it because keep holding the old data which never need to be used, degrades the performance enhancing the bulk data. To do avoid such things we need to fill the vacant positions. Besides this, the column Key will be defined to some Intergral value say
Key Number(8). So, If keep on adding and deleting with out the technique of Vacant key generation, increments the Key value and excceds the limit at some point.

That is the main reason why I need the Vacant Key.

Hope u can understand my explanation.

and Tom said...

That would be a truly terrible requirement in a relational database -- it would really really be a TERRIBLE idea.

I hesitate to tell you how as it would be such a performance drain (eg: you must LOCK the table in exclusive mode to generate a key -- only one person at a time, also it is computationally expensive).

Gap free sequences just aren't a good idea. Why do you want to assign the number 3 to someone?

I don't see what " why I need it because keep holding the old data which never need to be used, degrades the performance enhancing the bulk data." means at all.

You also realize that you would have to generate 114 new customers every hour of every day for one hundred years in order to exceed your maximum....

Anyway -- It is a really BAD idea but here you go:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select * from t;


8 rows selected.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select x+1
2 from t
3 where NOT EXISTS ( select null
4 from t t2
5 where t2.x = t.x+1 )
6 /


ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select x+1
2 from t
3 where NOT EXISTS ( select null
4 from t t2
5 where t2.x = t.x+1 )
6 and rownum = 1
7 for update
8 /



*bad idea* all together for sure though.


  (27 ratings)

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Another approach

Dave, April 01, 2002 - 10:32 am UTC

Since one of the virtues of a good programmer is laziness, I ripped off some of Tom's own code to produce a little routine which provides you with a list of numbers ...

create type tab_Integer as table of Number(30);

create or replace function FromToIncr_2_Table
p_start in number,
p_end in number,
p_incr in number
return tab_Integer
l_element number;
l_table tab_Integer := tab_Integer();
l_element := p_start;
exit when l_element > p_end;
l_table(l_table.count) := l_element;
l_element := l_element+p_incr;
end loop;
return l_table;

select * from table(cast(FromToIncr_2_Table(1,7,1) as tab_Integer));


7 rows selected.

create table customer (key number,name varchar2(32));
insert into customer values (1,'Smith');
insert into customer values (3,'Jones');
insert into customer values (5,'Willy Wonka');

select * from customer;

---------- --------------------------------
1 Smith
3 Jones
5 Willy Wonka

select t1.key
from customer c,
(select column_value key
from table(cast(FromToIncr_2_Table(1,5,1) as tab_Integer))) t1
where t1.key = c.key(+)
and c.key is null


Hey, it's not perfect, and you'd have to do something about working out the upper and lower limits (it could be done in the function itself) but it's an approach that might be flexible enough to extend to other problem types. Although it uses PL/SQL it does sort-of hide the fact.

Note the clever lack of any error handling in the function as well. You might like to do something about that to avoid infinite result sets etc.

Oh, and thanks for the code Tom.

Dave's approach better...

malcolm, April 01, 2002 - 4:03 pm UTC

...because it will work for gaps in the key greater than one.


SQL> select * from test;


SQL> select x+1
  2   from test t
  3  where NOT EXISTS ( select null
  4                       from test t2
  5                      where t2.x = t.x+1 )
SQL> /


No 7! 

Tom Kyte
April 01, 2002 - 8:40 pm UTC

so -- you get a key at a time don't you. If you get 6, you'll use 6 and the very next time you ask -- you'll get 7.

Don't over complicate I say -- the query is what you want, the procedural code -- while interesting -- is overdone (IMO).

Well, anyway, this whole discussion is overdone. I'm pretty sure everyone can tell my opinion on this "gap free" sequence concept.

(one of the constraints given also was "thou shalt not use plsql")...

Dave again, April 01, 2002 - 10:50 pm UTC

I agree that a gapless sequence is a purposeless thing as far as relational databases are concerned, but searching for gaps in sequences would be a routine run by auditors to find missing invoice numbers etc., so there is often a functional need for these.

The restriction on not using PL/SQL is pretty common when you find yourself lumbered with a COTS reporting package, for example, but the prohibition is generally based just on the need for a SQL method of accessing the data. I think it's important to expose people to a technique like this just in case is drops right into place for their purposes. Of course if it's just a foundless prejudice against PL/SQL then "suck it up" buddy, and get coding.

Anyway, it seems like no schema is complete without a handy IOT of integers from 1 to a few million just for doing handy outer-joins in cases like this.

Tom Kyte
April 02, 2002 - 7:56 am UTC

For auditors, I would just do this if they really really made me:

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> create table t ( x int );

Table created.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> insert into t select rownum from all_users where rownum <= 20;

20 rows created.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> delete from t where x in ( 3, 4, 5, 15, 16 );

5 rows deleted.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> commit;

Commit complete.

ops$tkyte@ORA817DEV.US.ORACLE.COM> select 'missing ' || (x+1) || '..' || (next_x-1)
  2    from ( select x, lead(x) over ( order by x ) next_x
  3             from t
  4             )
  5   where x+1 <> next_x
  6  /

missing 3..5
missing 15..16


Agreed, I keep a dummy table around with lots of numbers in it -- but tend to use all_objects for most cases. 

Dave, April 02, 2002 - 8:49 am UTC

That's a very nice solution for a readable report. Imight just add an ORDER BY x at the end.

Gap free

A reader, April 02, 2002 - 10:17 am UTC


Suppose those idoit "boss" or system want a gap free
invoice number, what is the solution beside keeping
a "unique" number table? Or what we should told
that "boss" without quit the job?

I know you can do anything you want in ORACLE.


Tom Kyte
April 02, 2002 - 10:39 am UTC

You can do this "gap free" thing -- it'll have these side effects:

o your system will serialize. one person at a time.

o you will end up with gaps if you ever delete and will have to use ugly queries or logic like the above to achieve your goal

Me -- I question the business logic behind the supposed "requirement". But then again, I question lots of stuff.

will this help

Venkatesa Prasad. N, April 05, 2002 - 12:15 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
To get a generalised query for missing numbers, we use the following query.

SELECT a.field + (b.val - 1)
FROM (SELECT MIN (inv_no) inv_no
FROM tab
WHERE <condition>
) a,
FROM tab
WHERE ROWNUM <= (SELECT MAX (field) - MIN (field) + 1
FROM tab
WHERE <condition>
) b
SELECT field
FROM tab
WHERE <condition>

update the missing numbers

Tanmoy Datta Choudhury, April 18, 2003 - 8:54 am UTC

now here goes another query..though the topic mention in this question finding the missing number is unnecessary its a puzzle and a really really good one ....and thanks TOM once again for a great answer ...

i have another with me trying to crack it it goes ..

table t having two column a and b and their values r like this ...

rows a b

1 2
2 3 3
3 4
5 2 9
rows just to mention the row numbers in table t...
so we see 4 number rows having NULL for both a and b ...

now the requirment is to update the NULL columns of a and b and replace with some number say 1 in a update statement without writting a pl/sql or replace func ...possible????

tom any suggesstion ??

Tom Kyte
April 18, 2003 - 12:20 pm UTC

update t set a = decode( a, null, 1, a ), b = decode( b, null, 1, b );

update the missing numbers

Tanmoy Datta Choudhury, April 18, 2003 - 8:54 am UTC

now here goes another query..though the topic mention in this question finding the missing number is unnecessary its a puzzle and a really really good one ....and thanks TOM once again for a great answer ...

i have another with me trying to crack it it goes ..

table t having two column a and b and their values r like this ...

rows a b

1 2
2 3 3
3 4
5 2 9
rows just to mention the row numbers in table t...
so we see 4 number rows having NULL for both a and b ...

now the requirment is to update the NULL columns of a and b and replace with some number say 1 in a update statement without writting a pl/sql or replace func ...possible????

tom any suggesstion ??

How about NVL instead of DECODE

A reader, April 18, 2003 - 4:28 pm UTC


How about

update t set a = nvl(a, 1), b = nvl(b,1);

instead of

update t set a = decode( a, null, 1, a ), b = decode( b, null, 1, b );

Is there any reason you used DECODE instead of NVL?

Tom Kyte
April 18, 2003 - 4:31 pm UTC

sure, or case or <probably infinite number of ways> .....

don't know why but I rarely use NVL(), I think I find decode more "expressive"

missing mumbers

bhavin, May 19, 2003 - 10:26 am UTC

the reply was great. it solved my problem. thanks a lot.

not working accurate

omer, January 15, 2004 - 2:46 am UTC

I agree with ur comments about gaps, but i m also facing the same problem.
In Human resource system I have to find absents day of employee in a month e.g.
Attendance of ali

and so on
He has not come on 1st and 2nd december.
Ur last query does not work in this criteria
if u plz help in this problem? I can use pl/sql.

Tom Kyte
January 15, 2004 - 3:28 am UTC

wow -- your keyboard is failing in a horrible way, very important letters (mostly vowels it seems) are not getting from your keyboard into your computer.  might want to check that out.

just outer join that hr set of records to a set of records that have the dates of interest to you.  consider (you can generate the set of dates - my "X" subquery - using any table with 31 or more records of course)

ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create table t ( empno number, dt date );
Table created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> insert into t values ( 1234, '03-dec-2003' );
1 row created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> insert into t values ( 1234, '04-dec-2003' );
1 row created.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> variable x refcursor
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> declare
  2      l_date date := to_date( '01-dec-2003', 'dd-mon-yyyy' );
  3      l_empno number := 1234;
  4  begin
  5      open :x for
  7      select l_empno, decode( t.dt, null, 'Absent' ), x.dt
  8        from ( select l_date+rownum-1 dt
  9                 from (select 1
 10                         from dual
 11                        group by cube(1,2,3,4,5) )
 12                where rownum <= to_char(last_day(l_date),'dd') ) x,
 13             ( select *
 14                 from t
 15                where empno = l_empno ) t
 16       where x.dt = t.dt (+)
 17        ;
 18  end;
 19  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> print x
       :B1 DECODE DT
---------- ------ ---------
      1234 Absent 01-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 02-DEC-03
      1234        03-DEC-03
      1234        04-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 05-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 06-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 07-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 08-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 09-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 10-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 11-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 12-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 13-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 14-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 15-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 16-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 17-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 18-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 19-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 20-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 21-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 22-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 23-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 24-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 25-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 26-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 27-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 28-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 29-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 30-DEC-03
      1234 Absent 31-DEC-03
31 rows selected.


A reader, January 15, 2004 - 6:34 am UTC

If those missing keys are so important, why not insert them in another table IF you delete/change them. Next time you want to use a new one pick smallest from that table and delete it, if none generate next.

just another thought

terrible requirement for sure ... but

Gabriel, January 15, 2004 - 1:03 pm UTC

Talking about solutions ...

Dave's pl/sql approach, for the mentioned NUMBER(8) column, would use rather too much memory to load that integer array + local array ==> re-loaded with every single call + multiple sessions ==> even more memory. It will bring all the missing keys for sure ... but, is there a need for more than a handful? The mentioned IOT would help ... although at 99,999,999 rows ... rather large.

Assuming the range [1-100] ... Tom's SQL ...

select t1.x+1
from (select x from t) t1
where NOT EXISTS ( select null
from (select x from t) t2
where t2.x = t1.x+1 )

should probably be expanded a bit to ...

select t1.x+1
from (select x from t union select 0 x from dual) t1
where NOT EXISTS ( select null
from (select x from t union select 0 x from dual) t2
where t2.x = t1.x+1 )
and t1.x < 100

in order to ensure:
1. a return value when t is empty
2. when mising, the lowest value in the range is also returned
3. a value greater than the highest value in the range is not returned

Similar considerations for the analytic query ...

select 'missing '||to_char(x+1)||'..'||to_char(next_x-1)
from ( select x, lead(x) over ( order by x ) next_x from t )
where x+1 <> next_x

tiny enhancement ...

select 'missing '||to_char(x+1)||'..'||to_char(next_x-1)
from ( select x, lead(x) over ( order by x ) next_x
from (select x from t union select 0 x from dual union select 100 x from dual)
where x+1 <> next_x


0 for No rows in EMP Table

Rajashekhar GANGA, April 05, 2004 - 5:44 am UTC

Dear Tom

we have a martrix report with Dept and Job Title as rows and columns

for Dept which does not have a specfic job title emp. there
should be a 0 in the cell.


Research Dept has no Sales Persons so, that cell should show 0.

i have come with the following solution,
can please suggest a better one than this

select b.deptno||'-'||dname dept,a.job,
(select count(x.empno) from emp x where
deptno=b.deptno and job=a.job) no_of_emp
(select distinct job from emp ) a,dept b

Thanks for Reading my Problem.

Tom Kyte
April 05, 2004 - 9:42 am UTC

well, you cannot dynamically "make up the columns" so joining to the distinct jobs doesn't make sense.

you can QUERY up the distinct jobs in a query and then dynamically build a sql statement that looks like this:

select deptno,
count( decode( job, 'JOB1', empno ) ) JOB1,
count( decode( job, 'JOB2', empno ) ) JOB2,
count( decode( job, 'JOBn', empno ) ) JOBn
from emp
group by deptno;

where JOB1, JOB2, ... JOBn are the names of your jobs.

group by cube()

A reader, September 20, 2004 - 4:55 pm UTC

9 from (select 1
10 from dual
11 group by cube(1,2,3,4,5))

What is the significance of using the cube extension to group by in your query above?

Isnt the above just the same as

select 1 from all_objects where rownum<=25


Tom Kyte
September 20, 2004 - 7:12 pm UTC

it automagically makes as many rows as you care to make is all.

there are many ways to do that. from the model clause in 10g, to all_objects (which is limited in the number of rows you return, unless you start to cartesian product it), to a pipelined function, to this.

Its missing for a reason...

Bob B, September 20, 2004 - 8:27 pm UTC

A couple other points


1) Its probably missing for a reason. Lets assume its a sequence of invoices. Invoices 1, 2, and 3 are inserted. Invoice 2 is deleted. A new invoice is inserted as invoice 2. Any references to invoice 2 that were not enforced by FKEY (which is bad design anyway) will now be associated with invoice 2. If later on, the user decides that deleting invoice 2 was a mistake and that they want it back as invoice 2, what do you do? Do you move the current invoice 2 elsewhere and put the old invoice 2 back. Do you put the old invoice 2 in the next location. Either way, you'd probably end up needing some sort of weird mapping table (ick).

2) I think the serialization is even worse than Tom first mentioned. I don't know if any inserts on this table do more than one row at a time, but if they do, you'll probably need to write your own serialization device. You'll have to do something like: lock table -> get next n ids (vacant keys first, if available) -> insert next n ids -> unlock table. Other than the table lock, this would be code that you'd have to write and maintain in order for things to work properly

3) After all this work, you will STILL have gaps. The only way to ensure no gaps would occur is to actually renumber the ids each time a row is deleted. That's kind of like if the US said that each time someone died, they have to reassign each person's SSN and that no one could die or be born until the reassignment was done.

I wrote this little script up so you could see how well this approach can scale. Mind you, there is no real serialization to lock the table while its getting the next id in this example. Then again, that doesn't matter since its a single user test.


v_max_idx BINARY_INTEGER := 10000;
FOR c_indx IN 1 .. v_max_idx LOOP
INTO v_next_id
WHERE t2.ID = t1.ID+1
IF MOD( c_indx, 10 ) = 0 THEN
v_next_id := MOD( ABS( DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM() ), c_indx ) + 1;
WHERE t1.ID = v_next_id;


- BB

Tom Kyte
September 20, 2004 - 8:57 pm UTC

thanks :)

in clause query

devarshi, September 22, 2004 - 4:23 am UTC

I have table t like this

select * from t;

empname deptno
aa 10
ab 10
bb 20
bc 20
cc 30
da 50
db 50

i submit a query like this
select count(*),deptno from t where deptno in (10,20,40)
group by dept no;

The result set i want is

2 10
2 20

the result i get is

2 10
2 20

is there a way to create a null line for non existent deptno


Tom Kyte
September 22, 2004 - 8:14 am UTC

I would say "you are missing a table". You need to join here -- there must be a parent table DEPT somewhere.

Here are various implementations with and without this parent table (but the parent table is perhaps the 'correct' answer)

scott@ORA9IR2> select dept.deptno, count( emp.deptno )
2 from dept, emp
3 where dept.deptno in ( 10, 20, 40 )
4 and dept.deptno = emp.deptno(+)
5 group by dept.deptno;

---------- -----------------
10 3
20 5
40 0

scott@ORA9IR2> select deptno, (select count(*) from emp where emp.deptno = dept.deptno)
2 from dept
3 where deptno in ( 10, 20, 40 );

---------- --------------------------------------------------
10 3
20 5
40 0

scott@ORA9IR2> create or replace type myArray as table of number
2 /

Type created.

scott@ORA9IR2> select x.column_value, count(emp.deptno)
2 from TABLE( myArray(10,20,40) ) x, emp
3 where x.column_value = emp.deptno(+)
4 group by x.column_value;

------------ -----------------
10 3
20 5
40 0

scott@ORA9IR2> select x.deptno, count(emp.deptno)
2 from (select 10 deptno from dual union all select 20 deptno from dual union all select 40 deptno from dual )x,
3 emp
4 where x.deptno = emp.deptno(+)
5 group by x.deptno;

---------- -----------------
10 3
20 5
40 0

millions of fingers, millions of thumbs...

Scott Martin, September 23, 2004 - 1:03 am UTC

While we are showing off the generation of ordinals, I wanted to submit my entry.

create table ot (c1 number);
insert into ot values(0);
insert into ot values(1);

create or replace view o4 as
select o0.c1 + o1.c1 * 2 c1 from ot o0, ot o1;
create or replace view o16 as
select o0.c1 + o1.c1 * 4 c1 from o4 o0, o4 o1;
create or replace view o256 as
select o0.c1 + o1.c1 * 16 c1 from o16 o0, o16 o1;
create or replace view o65536 as
select o0.c1 + o1.c1 * 256 c1 from o256 o0, o256 o1;
create or replace view o4T as
select o0.c1 + o1.c1 * 65536 c1 from o65536 o0, o65536 o1;

That will get ya the ordinals from 0 to 4,294,967,295 pretty succinctly. Of course you would want to populate an IOT with however many you needed. One surely would not want to scan all 4 trillion numbers looking for those between, say, 100 and 110. I'm not saying this is any better than

select rownum from all_objects o1, all_objects o2;

Just different. Besides, it's fun to put Oracle in a 32 way self join.


in clause

devarshi, September 23, 2004 - 9:00 am UTC

thanks a lot . I was wondering if we could do it without a table ,now i know we cannot thanks

Little addition to query

Madhuri, June 13, 2005 - 6:26 am UTC

select t5.x as l_range, min(t6.x)-1 as u_range from
(select x+1 as x
from t t1
where NOT EXISTS (select null
from t t2
where t2.x = t1.x+1)
) t5
, t t6
where t6.x > t5.x
group by t5.x

Fill in the gaps 10g

Alex, March 28, 2006 - 1:59 pm UTC

another way, to extend the possible solutions with
the dual-level trick found elsewhere here in asktom.

SQL> SELECT   l employee_id, NVL (e.last_name, 'deleted') last_name
  2      FROM EMPLOYEES e,
  3           (SELECT *
  4              FROM (SELECT     LEVEL l
  5                          FROM DUAL
  6                    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (SELECT MAX (employee_id)
  7                                           FROM EMPLOYEES))
  8             WHERE l >= (SELECT MIN (employee_id)
  9                           FROM EMPLOYEES)) l
 10     WHERE e.employee_id(+) = l.l
 11  ORDER BY l;

----------- -------------------------
        100 King
        101 Kochhar
        102 De Haan
        103 Hunold
        104 Ernst
        105 deleted
        106 deleted
        107 Lorentz
        108 deleted
        109 deleted
        110 deleted

Finding Gaps in million record table

Tarun, December 09, 2009 - 4:07 am UTC

Hi Tom,

How to find gaps in column if my table have millions of records.

for e.g. i have CUSTOMER table which contain customers data(INVOICE_NO) in different store(STORE_NO) and have millions of records and it is partition into 10 different partitions and each store can be in any of the partition.

I need to find all missing INVOICE_NO in a particular store.

1 1
1 1000
2 50
2 5000

output should be
1 2 999
2 1 49
2 51 4999

The solution can be in sql or in pl/sql.

Thanks!! in advance for your help!!!

Tom Kyte
December 10, 2009 - 1:35 pm UTC

this was a 3.4 million row table whereby MOST of the things had gaps

ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> select store_no, invoice_no, next_invoice_no,
  2         invoice_no+1 missing_from, next_invoice_no-1 missing_to
  3    from (
  4  select owner store_no,
  5         id invoice_no,
  6             lead(id) over (partition by owner order by object_id) next_invoice_no
  7    from big_table.big_table
  8         )
  9   where invoice_no <> next_invoice_no+1
 10  /

3499607 rows selected.

Muliple values are missing in serial

Girish, December 22, 2009 - 10:39 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
This works fine if there is only one missing values
for example 1,2,4,6 only 3,5 are missing.
But when I executed this query when multiple values are missing it was not showing few values missing
for example 1,2,5,8 here 3,4 are missing between 2 and 5.similarly 6,7 are missing between 5 and 8.

How to display these missing key values

Regards & Thanks,
Tom Kyte
December 31, 2009 - 11:48 am UTC

it shows you the value that is not followed by a value one greater, that is what it was designed to do.

the query RIGHT above your comment show you how to get those ranges - did you look at it?

find ranges

sagi, December 28, 2010 - 12:40 pm UTC

Hi Tom,
I would like to get ranges
the data is


I would like to get


Tom Kyte
December 28, 2010 - 3:21 pm UTC

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> create table t ( x int  primary key );

Table created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> insert into t
  2  select 2 from dual union all
  3  select 3 from dual union all
  4  select 5 from dual union all
  5  select 6 from dual union all
  6  select 7 from dual union all
  7  select 10 from dual
  8  /

6 rows created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select min(x), max(x)
  2    from (
  3  select x, last_value(grp ignore nulls) over (order by x) new_grp
  4    from (
  5  select x,
  6         decode( nvl(lag(x) over (order by x),x), x-1, to_number(null), row_number() over (order by x) ) grp
  7    from t
  8         )
  9             )
 10   group by new_grp
 11   order by new_grp
 12  /

    MIN(X)     MAX(X)
---------- ----------
         2          3
         5          7
        10         10

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> insert into t values ( 11 );

1 row created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> insert into t values ( 0 );

1 row created.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select min(x), max(x)
  2    from (
  3  select x, last_value(grp ignore nulls) over (order by x) new_grp
  4    from (
  5  select x,
  6         decode( nvl(lag(x) over (order by x),x), x-1, to_number(null), row_number() over (order by x) ) grp
  7    from t
  8         )
  9             )
 10   group by new_grp
 11   order by new_grp
 12  /

    MIN(X)     MAX(X)
---------- ----------
         0          0
         2          3
         5          7
        10         11

assumes X is unique, if not DISTINCT it first.

The sql does not work if some consecutive numbers are missing

Aveek, December 29, 2010 - 3:50 am UTC

Hi Tom,
This query does not work if some consecutive numbers are missing, how to get over this problem with only sql

Tom Kyte
December 30, 2010 - 1:15 pm UTC

explain what you mean - the example as posted has consecutive missing numbers as pointed out below.


Sokrates, December 30, 2010 - 1:44 am UTC

8 and 9 are missing, but it works, so

group by cube

Praveen Ray, January 06, 2011 - 4:52 am UTC

Hi Tom,

Please, help me understand how the following code is working.

select null from dual group by cube(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

I need an explanation in your style so that I can guess what happens if I provide not null values for COLUMN2 and COLUMN5. And, what if different different values, and ...

Tom Kyte
January 06, 2011 - 8:21 am UTC

easiest to understand with some real data:

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select l1, l2, count(*),
  2         grouping(l1), grouping(l2)
  3    from (select 1 l1, 2 l2, 3 l3, 4 l4, 5 l5 from dual)
  4   group by cube(l1,l2)
  5  /

        L1         L2   COUNT(*) GROUPING(L1) GROUPING(L2)
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------
                               1            1            1
                    2          1            1            0
         1                     1            0            1
         1          2          1            0            0

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select l1, l2, l3, count(*),
  2         grouping(l1), grouping(l2), grouping(l3)
  3    from (select 1 l1, 2 l2, 3 l3, 4 l4, 5 l5 from dual)
  4   group by cube(l1,l2,l3)
  5  /

        L1         L2         L3   COUNT(*) GROUPING(L1) GROUPING(L2) GROUPING(L3)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------
                                          1            1            1            1
                               3          1            1            1            0
                    2                     1            1            0            1
                    2          3          1            1            0            0
         1                                1            0            1            1
         1                     3          1            0            1            0
         1          2                     1            0            0            1
         1          2          3          1            0            0            0

8 rows selected.

the group by cube creates all possible rollups. The first row of the first result set is the "super total" - we aggregated over ALL values of L1, L2. That would be the same as:

select null, null, count(*) from t /* NO GROUP BY AT ALL */

The second row is the aggregate over L1 by L2 - it would be equivalent to

select null, l2, count(*) from t group by l2;

the third row is

select l1, null, count(*) from t group by l1;

and the fourth is

select l1, l2, count(*) from t group by l1,l2;

In the second query - we get 8 rows because if you have 3 columns - each with one value - you have 2^3 outcomes.

If you did 4 columns - you would get 16 rows - 2^4.

You should note that group by cube(1,2,3,4,5) is not asking the database to group by the 1st column, then the 2nd column and so on - group by doesn't use ordinal column numbers like order by does. It is grouping by the CONSTANT 1, the CONSTANT 2 and so on.

ops$tkyte%ORA11GR2> select null from dual group by cube( 'hello world', sysdate, 42 );


8 rows selected.