Very Good way of implementing the security at the appicatiion level
Senthil, June 13, 2001 - 9:54 am UTC
I am looking for this solution. If the password of the role
is stored in a table in an encrypted way and retrived ,it will be more secured.
Good one
Gururaj, June 14, 2001 - 10:59 am UTC
A reader, June 18, 2002 - 6:47 am UTC
June 18, 2002 - 7:14 am UTC
perhaps I wasn't 100% explicit, but my point was to hide the password in the database (say in a table).
Also, it is quite trivial to hide the password in wrapped code. Think of what you can do with some substrs, translates, replaces, use of multiple variables, concatenation, etc.
If you just code;
hey_look_at_this_password varchar2(20) default 'abcdefg';
you are right, if you do it obscured, no.
Nice stuff there.
Godwin, June 18, 2002 - 10:53 am UTC
Tom u are doing great job there. In fact you are a role model to some of us which even ginger me to develop such love for Oracle.
But Tom may be i seem to be troublesome by my questions but i think it is because am naive in the oracle platform.
Please look at this issue for me. After i have developed an application to keep track on Accommodation for University staff i decided to restrict users to specific task to be performed.I am therefore deciding to implement these actions and i found answer to the already answered question as very useful. But besides that can i make use of the ff to acheive what am trying to arrive at?
eg 1. create synonym public syn_table1 on table1;
grant select,update on syn_table1 to user1;
2. grant insert,update,select on table1 to role1;
grant role1 to user1;
Now the problem is when i connect to sqlplus as user1 and issue the statement as "select * from syn_table1" it works alright but if i log on to my application through Forms 6 to retrieve data from that particular table i don't get any record. What is the cause of this?
Now with the example 2 can you please throw some light on how it is used and for what it is used for.
June 18, 2002 - 11:16 am UTC
I will hazzard a guess (I've been right on this guess 100% of the time so far, with almost exactly the same question)
you are using a different userid in forms then in sqlplus. that different userid sees a different synonym.
I'm not sure what you mean by your request for #2 there. You are giving some privs to a role. You grant the role to a user. The user now has those privs. If you grant/revoke privs to/from that role -- that user (and in fact, all users that have that role) will have those changes as well. It is a way to manage privs for thousands of users and thousands of objects with less typing/overhead.
Could you please elaborate a bit more?
gs, December 11, 2003 - 5:59 pm UTC
You said
"I myself prefer to put the application into the database (write all of the logic in PLSQL) in that way -- I never need to worry about it because my application is the ONLY way to get access to the data. I don't care if you call my
application from sqplus or from the pretty GUI i created. In that way, the roles are enabled by default."
Now, to invoke that application, you have to connect to the database. To connect you need password.
Suppose, I have a web application.
How does one achive the same, without hardcoding (it could be some encrypted value wihc the web application decrypt before connecting) the password?
Could you please give the steps (algorithm) how you will achieve this?
What about if the web application (php lang) has many queries scattered throughout the application (not calls to server side procedures)
Create user x and ggrant only create session
Create role y and grant required object priv
December 11, 2003 - 6:31 pm UTC
depends on the tool you use.
with mod_plsql - just choose to not store the password with the DAD. then the browser uses basic authentication to ask you and sends it to the server.
Thanks Tom!
gs, December 11, 2003 - 6:40 pm UTC
I have Apache/PHP/Oracle. No mod_plsql. The application logs in with a fixed userid (say appuser) with privileges to do certain operation such as insert, update, irrespective of who the web user is.
The application reads the encrypted password from a file and decrypts before connecting to the db.
What is the best wasy to achieve the connection without compromising the security?
December 13, 2003 - 10:20 am UTC
If you have Oracle -- you got mod_plsql. But, anyway.
You've already pretty much compromised security by using a common userid ;) The database isn't part of your security infrastructure anymore, you've written us out of the equation.
Don't know exactly what you are looking for from me? What are you trying to secure against?
authenticating client
Sudhir, December 11, 2003 - 10:17 pm UTC
Hi Tom,
one suggestion on that subject,
lets say myapp.exe has a routine which calls
-os function call to get binary size(s) of the client(s)
-calls database to get connection time
-jumbles the size with time in some manner
-call a procedure on the database with jumbled number as
on the database side for every release we have provided
to customers, we keep track of various byte sizes. we
already know the algorithm used for creating jumble, thus
we unjumble it, check if the login time matches, check the
byte size matches to our repository. then we enable the role.
So even if you run level 16 trace on client, you can't do much because the jumbled number will be different each time you login and its not going to work from sqlplus or other clients as there is slim chance the sizes will match (you can add size of couple of delivered products to make this even more complicated and secure) and parameters will be messed up.
what do you think?
Thanks as usual
December 13, 2003 - 10:32 am UTC
seems plausible if you use secure application roles in 9i (roles that can only be enabled by running a stored procedure to enable them)
wrapped procedure
Sudhir, December 11, 2003 - 10:22 pm UTC
" perhaps I wasn't 100% explicit, but my point was to hide the password in the
database (say in a table).
Also, it is quite trivial to hide the password in wrapped code. Think of what
you can do with some substrs, translates, replaces, use of multiple variables,
concatenation, etc.
If you just code;
hey_look_at_this_password varchar2(20) default 'abcdefg';
you are right, if you do it obscured, no.
I thought if you develop a pl/sql package. then wrap it. then drop original package and load wrapped package. Then it should not be readable to even dba, correct? you pretty much need the code or sccs to get access to password, correct? what am i missing here? I thought this make wrap pretty good solution ..
Thanks again,
December 13, 2003 - 10:35 am UTC
see the comment below....
in 10g, it does work differently:
[tkyte@megan tkyte]$ cat > test.sql
create or replace procedure test_warp is
key_str1 varchar2(30) default 'Visibleeeiii' ;
key_str2 varchar2(30) default
end test_warp ;
[tkyte@megan tkyte]$ wrap iname=test.sql
PL/SQL Wrapper: Release Beta on Sat Dec 13 10:43:56 2003
Copyright (c) 1993, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Processing test.sql to test.plb
[tkyte@megan tkyte]$ cat test.plb
create or replace procedure test_warp wrapped
110 df
Followup to Sudhir's comments
gs, December 12, 2003 - 1:23 pm UTC
When you wrap the code the variables and the values still are visible unless you do something similar to tom has suggested. It is better, the key string to have repetitive charactes.
It looks like warp is kind of compress + some kind of crypting. Tom, can you please verify this?
When the key has repettitive characters they are displayed once.
create or replace procedure test_warp is
key_str1 varchar2(30) default 'Visibleeeiii' ;
key_str2 varchar2(30) default chr(86)||chr(105)||chr(115)||chr(105)||chr(98)||chr(108)||chr(101)||chr(101)||chr(101)||chr(105)||chr(105)||chr(105);
end test_warp ;
part of wraped code:
Thnaks to you and a reader for the clarification. EOM
Sudhir, December 13, 2003 - 10:09 pm UTC