The Oracle Magazine Archive

A selection of database related articles

The Oracle Magazine was originally a hardcopy publication that was distributed every few months to anyone that wanted a subscription. Eventually the magazine went online, and articles became available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

But of course, as the database technology changes so rapidly, the content of the magazine articles can become out of date, less applicable to the current versions of the database, or just plain wrong! However, rather than erase that historical content, we've captured a selection of articles here on this page, because they still provide excellent technical content on the database versions of the time, and many of the principles covered are still equally relevant today.

We merely ask that you take this into consideration when reading the articles. Any recommendations you see in them should be carefully considered and tested before implementing in your own applications. It is quite possible that better options exist in more recent versions of the database. With that caveat covered, please enjoy the articles below.